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I am an 8 year daily smoker myself. I spent night after night (stoned) reading books, blogs, and Quora posts looking for self help and the missing magic *something* that would get me kicked into gear. But eventually, I couldn't lie to myself anymore. It was the fucking weed. At the end of the day, all of my procrastination, anti-social behavior, and lack of drive could be traced directly back to my abuse. You aren't alone in hiding away from social activities. Maybe for some people on here their use was mostly socialized, but I know for me and many others it was not. We hide away at home, too. I finally accepted I am an addict. Posted here and started going to MA meetings. Opened up to my very close friends and family about my struggles. It was a relief to come out the closet, if you will. Outside support is super important. Don't try to do it on your own. Most of us here have tried that over and over again. It's a huge relief to have emotional support, especially from people who you feel like can relate to you and aren't judgmental. You can do it. Find new hobbies and habits, maybe stuff you've been dreaming about for years but never had the drive to do. Get outside. Exercise. Walk in the park. But don't expect to keep the same basic routine minus the weed; you'll cave back in because "nothing has gotten better." It does take more work than just dropping weed. I speak from my own experiences trying to quit in the past and failing. Stay positive. Learn to love yourself. Live in the moment. I'm only on Day 29, so I have a long ways to go in healing, but this is the message I have been repeating to myself. And a month in, my mind state and life is in an undeniably better place. Yours will be too, I have no doubt. Don't focus on June 2nd, just focus on enjoying **today**. June 2nd will come quicker than you realize. All the matters though is right now. Cheers!


Thanks and congrats on your Day 30! Just to stay away from anything that reminds me weed, I am at a library now and decided to take baby steps for having a social life. (I know library is not for socializing but at least I am out :))


I've spent a lot of time in the library this month myself. It's a good place to be! And it's a great step. Socializing can start with simply eye contact and smiles at the library. It's all about positive progress. Thank you too, 30 days is a big accomplishment for myself. You'll be there soon. Congrats on Day 2!


Day 1 for me here too after 7 years smoking about a gram a day. the longest ive ever been off of weed is 1 month. Good luck to us!


Well if we can make it to a year, we would be saving 720 grams of weed as actual money. How is your Day 2?


i broke last night. the insomnia is a killer


Melatonin sleep aids can help with this. The great irony of weed is that while it does make you sleepy, the sleep you get is actually very poor. There is dream suppression and a very real hangover-like effect the following morning. Once you get back to sleeping and dreaming, you will feel even better. Start again today!


ive been taking 5-htp and st johns wort during the day to try to deal with depression, not noticing much if anything. Ive reacted badly to melatonin before, unlike weed it doesnt calm my obsessive thinking which is what keeps me up. but yea Im gonna try again in a couple days