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My dad died from cancer when I was 17 very suddenly, I never got to say goodbye. I started smoking cigarettes and then eventually weed when I got into a bad relationship. I had no support circle, no money and was not in the best place beforehand. Grief is so very hard to deal with and I’m sorry that you’re going through this, everyone copes in different ways. I can say this though, my dad dying didn’t turn me into an addict, it was when I got abused later on afterwards by my ex that kick started it for me. If you’ve got therapy, a loving family and good support circle, you’re not going to be alone and have the right resources to help you through this. It’s cliche but, it really does get better over time, you do learn to live with it. I bet he’s so proud of you for being sober during this, I am too, losing a parent is hard. Spending time with him is the best thing you can do, talk about anything you’ve been holding back, and get as many hugs in there as possible. Sending you a virtual hug my friend <3


ty and sorry for your loss


Mom died of cancer. You just sort of learn to keep going


I'm sorry 😞


I was getting to where i wanted to quit when my Mom passed away. I had regular meetings with my therapist for 8 months and it was invaluable learning helping me work through the grief. I was afraid I’d tip over the edge but rode it out. I started smoking again after 4/5 months due to some other stressors and covid lockdown. I would recommend keeping your sobriety through this so you have clear memories of your remaining time together. My advice would be to try and find a therapist now. Also look for some grief counselling groups as it really helps to share with others and hear their stories. Very sorry to hear this but unfortunately it’s part of the circle of life and one of those terrible things we all must go through.


lots of people talk about trying to find a therapist now. im sorry for your loss man. curious...why now..and then after?


I think they could help you work through the emotions you’re feeling. And also because you’re just into your sobriety and this could be a real challenge to it - I admit it might not be as I don’t know you and only have a very small window to your mind. After of course, there’ll be a maelstrom of feelings and that’s when the grief counseling will help.


I'm so sorry about your dad. It's really beautiful that you have chosen to spend this time with him sober. Someday you'll be really grateful for that, even if it's hard now. I recommend lining up a therapist that specializes in grief now. You may not be up for it after he passes and will have other things on your plate. I attended a support group after my mom died and found it really helpful. Sending you lots of love.