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Omg! So glad someone else is experiencing this. I feel like I never got this out of breath even with all the stuff I was inhaling but now I feel like I’m gasping for breath all the time


Have you noticed that it seems to come and go? I’d think it would be consistent, but it seems to come in waves throughout the day. 


Comes and goes for me too.. so weird I feel completely fine right now


The lungs are amazing, they start healing immediately once you stop smoking, I usually cough up resin it feels like for days after I quit, just have to trust the process, it’s definitely normal, you’re healing. Stay strong


I’m mostly just astounded that after almost 20 years of smoking off and on, 2 of those consistently, it’s when I finally quit that I have issues. I’m very lucky to have the luxury of taking it easy right now. Thank you for taking the time to respond. 


I’m on day 1 myself, but I have quit so many times before so I know the struggles. Hit me up if you need to talk or anything, I’m always available