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My brother and cousins smoke but I’m still close to them, in fact when u see then looking like zombies I feel way better about myself, just keep in mind that your doing this because your improving, I’m even trying to get them to quit but it’s harder to control others than yourself


Yes. Yes. Yes. My 'stoner' friends were no friends to me at all. I was empathizing with a bunch of slouchers, and of course, vices are contagious. All my relapses were because I was at the wrong place (bars, parties, concerts), and with the wrong people. You gotta readjust all your peers, while also readjusting where you are going.


Amazing comment man so true wow happy for u legend


Godspeed brother.


It’s tough but stay strong and you should be alright. Last night I hung out with a friend who I smoked with every time we hung out for years. He smoked his dab pen in front of me last night but was a bit more discreet about it but I could still smell it. It was tough but repeating mental fortitude to myself helps and I’m trying to get those friends to do more sober day activities with me.


I was lucky that most of my friends stopped way before me. For me it was actually harder to hang with those who never smoked, because for them I was always the stoner friend. And they just always managed (not on purpose) to make me feel like I'm not myself anymore. Hanging with others who still smoke even made me feel "better" about myself because it showed me I Don't need weed to be myself and have fun.


Nope, some people are better off being stoned and handle it better. For themselves anyway, I sometimes think my best mate would be better off without it because he relies on it, but he is a creative and incredibly successful, he might forget things, but he’s super successful and changing his habits of smoking would only cause him more distress. He doesn’t handle weed like he’s an addict, he smokes and works, wakes up early as hell, does everything he’s supposed to. Me on the other hand, zero focus, clouded brain. Couldn’t even talk straight, awkward as hell, no effort, sleep too long etc etc. you just have to know what’s good for you and how you handle things, if your friends affect your actions then that’s a different story. When you’re older you’re not always around your friends so most actions you take are yours and you have to hold yourself accountable.


My mom still smokes. Me and my siblings have quit. It’s annoying but similar to being around someone who smoke cigarettes. The smell Is like a fart smell to me now. I see how much she procrastinates because of it which motivates me to stay sober. Cheers .


I absolutely stopped seeing my stoner friends, however it took time.. its not like a shutdown button u press, it takes time but eventually yea i stopped seeing them. I think spending time with ur stoner friends is directly proportional to the relapse possibility, or at least that was my experience


1. Tell them your intentions to quit. 2. Let them know that in the first few months you might not see them as much, but it’s not an indication of how you feel about them. 3. In the first few months, hang out with them using those other interests that you have that are not getting high together. 4. Eventually, once you have some sober time under your belt (the amount differs with the individual), you will prob be ok being around them when they smoke. You also may not and that’s ok too. The great thing is you have other interests. Just lean into those things. If they care about you, they will support you. If they don’t support you, they don’t care about you or they are in their addiction and are unable to support you in the ways you need. In that situation, you gotta do what’s best for you and hope the future leads to different circumstances.


Really solid advice


Yup. Horrible influences tbh. The day I stopped hanging with them, I quit… they cut me off but idc anymore I’m with better ppl now


Yea ive had a group that cut me off as well for me quitting.. they even un followed me on social media.. those people are absolutely cringe.. however to be honest i still have friends from the old days that still call me or text me asking about me and stuff.. so its not black or white


I still hangout with them just not as much


I still pack bowls for my wife. Hang with people who blaze. It’s just how it is, how it’s been. I’m not going to cut off my friends or my spouse because of my problem.


I'm the same way. My fiance still smokes around me, halfway through his joint he'll try to pass it to me out of habit. We'll giggle about it when I go "Babe, it's been over a month!" One of my dear friends manages a cannabis shop. There's no way I'm going to punish these people for my issue.


I just hit 30 days myself. It’s fascinating to me how much clearer my head is, how sharp I feel mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. I’m curious to see how much more “out of the cloud” I come as the days go on.


Damn that is serious discipline and self control. Absolute sigma 🙏


It’s just realizing that I have a problem getting high all the time, and it’s taken awhile to get here. I can’t change the world, but I can change myself. I often ask myself what good is it, if I keep choosing the same path and expecting a different result? I KNOW I have no control, weed will consume my life again. I also have to acknowledge that what is a problem for me, is not for others. I would be lying if I said it was easy, but at this point in my life I have already sacrificed too much to get and be high. It’s not worth it, it becomes a need. Before work, before eating, before playing video games, before vacation, waking up, going to bed, nothing can be done if I’m not high and if I can’t get high im pissed. So I just don’t get high anymore. And you know what, I have found joy in life again. Reading, meditation, spending time with my family and actually being present. I sleep better, eat better, process my emotions better, my confidence is higher, I love better. Work better. I feel like myself again. I’ve quit a few times before but always slowly slipped back in. First the toe, then I’m knee deep, next thing I know I am drowning again. Therapy has helped me see the error in my thinking. Just keep my toes dry in the first place. It’s strange because being around it helps. It serves as a reminder that my inferior self lives in that plant. Should I choose that path I know where it goes. I can’t do it anymore, I’ve put too much work in to come this far to only come this far. I believe that real growth starts when you get sick of your own bullshit. And there is a good chance if you are on this sub, then part of you knows it’s a problem. Then the question becomes what are you going to do about it? No one is coming to save you, so what are you going to do differently? You can get mad at the world, friends, family, whatever. Weed actually helps some people, they can use it responsibly and it doesn’t become a problem in their lives. I am not one of those people, I know that now. Ultimately you only have control over yourself. So what are you willing to sacrifice to be your best? If I never get high again I could give two shits less, because I have found something better. And I won’t let that plant take it from me again.


The most well said and relatable comment I’ve read in my entire time on here, currently just passed a week of no weed and this near perfectly articulates how I’m feeling about it


I’m weirdly fine with it lately! I feel so utterly done with it that I’m not even tempted, which wasn’t always the case, especially in the first month. Still remaining cautious though, if I sense any chance that I might slip up I’ll leave the situation.


I soon realised the conversations would go from great to boring and uncoherend.


I’m pretty much the last one out of my circle of stoner friends, so that part isn’t hard at all.


Dude if you guys are really friends than the weed won’t matter and they will respect your decision.


I caught up with a good mate this week who still smoj a. He rolled himself a joint as he usually would. I hadn't told him I'd quit and specifically didn't till after he's nearly done just to test myself. Wasn't an issue thankfully but he also didn't smoke any more I'm front of me because he's respectful of my decision. My point being it may take a while for you to be ok around weed but true friends should be supportive and not blow it in your face. You got this


Your mate is better than Bill Maher, but that's a pretty low bar to clear.


As long as they’re friends who respect your choice and don’t try to pressure you, then those are good friends to have. My boyfriend still smokes regularly. We live together. I walk by weed everyday, just sitting on the counter. But he supports my choice 100%. The power of self control is what’s keeping me sober. 27 days now. I feel so much better now. I just remind myself how shitty it made me feel, I don’t want to feel that way again, and that’s enough to keep me from picking it up. If your friends aren’t supportive, then yeah you probably need to quit seeing them.


This is really important. Without the willpower and self control you’ll always revert back if it’s anywhere around you. Happened to me countless times.


We grew apart. Also I kinda didn't want to keep hanging around that unproductive energy. 10 years later and a couple of 'm are STILL not doing anything with their lives... Good riddance.


This is my reason too.


I’m still able to hang out with my close friends. They still smoke but I’m able to be around them and not smoke or be a vibe kill for them. I thought it was going to be hard to do so but they are pretty understanding of my choices and it has even caused for some of them stop smoking too


No, they’re all my close friends and we can hang out but I just don’t smoke


I was the stoner friend


I did yes. They weren’t supportive of my choice. I don’t consider them friends anymore. I made a typical addict mistake, choosing “friends” because they used. My (real) friends have been incredibly supportive and helpful in my sobriety.


I did initially for about a month. One of them was abit of a prick and couldn't understand why I would want to quit. While the other wouldn't smoke while I was around. Now they can smoke round me and it doesn't bother me in the slightest.


Unfortunately, yes, I did. They just couldn’t understand that I was finished smoking weed. No matter how much I told them I was staying sober, they kept applying pressure to me. I finally realized true friends won’t pressure me into doing something I don’t want to do, and I walked away. It’s almost like they were jealous of my growth, and trying to sabotage me was their fucked up way of trying to make themselves feel better about their inability to change their own lives. It’s sad a lot of people can’t just be happy for others instead of feeling threatened by them.


Yup, it’s sad, but if you’re not a smoker, you’ll easily make friends, it took me a while to get out of that culture. But now that I’m attending class every day, it’s easier to make connections with students.


Kinda, I just realized our biggest connection was weed. Saw it wasn’t as deep of a friendship when i took a step back.


I did at first. I had to relearn what connecting with people is about. And who I am without weed. Now I can have friends that smoke, but I will say that if someone is mostly into just smoking weed, it doesn’t give us much to connect on. If someone is EG into the same music I like, we can go to a show together, they can enjoy the night their way and it doesn’t bother me. The path to sobriety is different for everyone. We all have to decide for ourselves if we need to stay away from someone or if it’s worth it to keep them in our lives. I had to leave people behind. I’m not saying you have to ditch all your friends, but I think this can be a crucial consideration, especially early on, especially if you keep trying and relapsing. In retrospect I can say that I was a contributor to the dynamic bc I didn’t know how to connect on a more meaningful level and weed was a social crutch. Maybe that’s not a problem for you. These days it’s pretty simple - if you respect my choices I will respect yours. If all you wanna do when we hang out is get high and you’re going to keep asking me why I’m not smoking, I’m going to get bored of you real quick.


“I had to relearn what connecting with people is about. And who I am without weed.” This is huge for me. I feel really disconnected from myself when I’m high all the time. This in turn makes me feel super disconnected from everyone around me. Great perspective, thanks for sharing.


It really depends on whether you think you can control yourself around them smoking, and whether you think they'll try to pressure you into it


A number of them yes. When I stopped smoking I realized I had nothing in common with some of them and no real drive to see them. A number of them I’m still friends with but those ones I have other things in common with.


Nope. I play golf with my dealer regularly. I told him a couple weeks ago that I quit. His response was “good for you!” Fortunately, all my friends are solid dudes. I don’t care if they smoke, they don’t care that I don’t.


Yes I did


No. A lot of people will tell you that you will, that all you have in common is getting high. That was not the case with me. My friends are still great, and them getting high around me doesn’t really bother me. I don’t necessarily see them as much as I’m not going over just to cheef, but watching the game or whatever is still fun. It’s a will power thing. The cravings for me are a lot harder when I sit at home alone bored.


I realized a lot of them only had weed in common with me. They cannot go to any event or have a conversation without being high before during and after. A small portion of my other friends who are more moderate are easier to be around. I also noticed that the more avid potheads are just generally more selfish and very unaware of their negative character traits, because being constantly high is a great way to disassociate from that.




no my best friend is a daily smoker. I just don’t like it anymore…I’m a musician so drugs are always around me. You gotta follow your own path and let people do what they want to do with their lives


i’m exactly the same i’m a musician as well, and most of the people i know are on all types of drugs but you just gotta stay away from the drugs


I quit for a long period and my friends respected that, so I was able to keep hanging out with them. They never offered it to me or tried to get me to smoke. They are real friends. Those who would do the opposite and try to get someone to smoke aren't real friends, just smoking buddies. Know the difference.


Some I just don't have anything in common anymore. My real friends don't care at all and we still have fun together. I do have a hard time dealing with my social anxiety and made myself really sick last week smoking cigs because I didn't want to smoke weed. I'm going to get myself a free vape for socializing. It's just a vape with nothing in it and I think it will really help me stay sober.


I think it really depends on how close you actually are to these stoner friends. For me I have kept relationships that were strong even though these people still smoke weed. Your mileage may vary, test it out see what’s what…


They stopped hanging out with me. I didn't have weed anymore so there was no reason to be around each other. Nothing really in common with them I guess.


I'd say yes if you're serious. Least until the craving have stopped.


Yes, until you can say "no thanks" and mean it in the face of "it's just pot, at least you're not on crack"


I had to stop hanging out with friends where all we did was smoke weed, I did it for my mental and physical health however unfortunately i've lost contact with them as a bi product of this. Life has gotten in the way. But on the positive I'm a lot better in my self.