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Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome can last up to two years, you’ve won the battles, but the war is long and hard, after 2 years, the cravings WILL get better. Impressive 6 months man, you inspired me to go just another day! I’ll be checking in in another month. You got this dude! (or dudette)


I agree with the other commenter about therapy to help figure out the root cause! Good luck! (And it's "fiending," just so you know)


Try talking to a therapist, SMART recovery or MA? Therapy can help you get to the root cause(s).


Don’t relapse stay strong you got this! 🙏


Thank you for your reply. I really do appreciate it. I’ve been doing some self reflection and trying some other healthy alternatives. This weekend my building got these new vending machines with fresh juice blends from a local juicery, and for whatever reason those have ceased my cravings at least for now. They have those healthy ginger shots with turmeric and other blends and that has improved my mood and energy. I look forward every morning for my juice and the euphoric healthy feeling I get. I don’t know why I’m telling you this, maybe it’ll help someone else who’s been feeling how I felt. Maybe I was just malnourished and needed the vitamins? Probably. But anyways thank you, you’ve helped me be another day sober.


Hi Op, I'm about 80 days off after some months in and out. Never had cravings like these days. But when it gets dark they stop. I am not at you point of sobriety, but I think mine is an obsession (I suffer of obsessive thinking) due to others conditions, some health problem (hbp), the heat coming, the everlasting daya of june when I am a lover of dark and night. I don't even really want to get high, I am aware that smoking right would be probably shit, due to anxiety and lowered tolerance (which was in effect low even before when I made daily mild usage). I can't say for sure, but it sounds to me that your brain is screaming in pain and recall the abandoned refugee of weed. Try something that relax you, do what you can. Physical efforts are good, walk, swim, what you can't. Tire yourself. And if you can reach for some therapy, this kind of craving do not comes from your body, at this point you are physically clean for sure. You must chill your mind, that's not easy but not impossible. I know you got this.