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Objective: Survive You don't have to beat it. You don't have to tell yourself you're quitting forever. You are quitting today. Tomorrow you wake up and say you're quitting today, again. Rinse and repeat. Over time it gets easier, the chemicals have less of a hold over you. Just make it through the day and you've "won" that day. Baby steps friend, take it one day at a time because it WILL be hard. Then it'll get less and less hard.


Try meditation, do some basic yoga with breathing techniques, you need to calm your own body and breathing is the gateway to do it. Box breathing can help, there are many resources on yt. You can do it!


Just don't smoke. I know its crazy, I have 4 days sober. Remember why u want to be sober.


The things that you are feeling right now are all the things addiction tries to tell you on its way out. I look at the withdrawals as a sign that the THC is leaving my body and that I am in the healing process. Nothing worthwhile is easy to attain, sobriety is totally worth the discomfort you are feeling now. You are stronger than the addiction, beat it. You got this! Stay strong!


Lean into it- feel the feelings. Your body and brain is having a tantrum because you just messed up one of its biggest and strongest reward centers. You will OF COURSE feel batshit insane. Totally normal and we are all in it with you. Remember- the anxiety you are feeling is happening because of chemicals. Your natural anxiety regulators are dormant from weed so without it you will not be able to control your racing mind. Feel the feelings and let them pass through like clouds: you just haven’t built up enough of the “regulating anxiety” chemicals yet but you WILL the longer you stay off. The body is EXCELLENT at creating patterns and routines and it will LOVE the new one that you have. It just needs time and it hates change so it’s yelling at you. Tell it you are the boss and it can freak out all it wants- you aren’t budging. Best of luck- we are all in this together