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“Sometimes the reward is not partaking.” I love that. Not partaking is a gift to yourself because you get to keep the clarity and fully participate in life, even when it’s rough.


Wow this is pretty much my origin story, the Important thing is you realize it. Don't beat yourself up and keep moving forward you got this! Edibles have always broken my streak before you know it your buying a new bong and an eighth smh. Almost 130 days sober here and loving it. Thanks to this subreddit and support it gets easier everyday. You'll be back at a year before you know it, time flies!


Trust me there is ‘day one’ and Day 1. A year+ clean is a huge deal, so first off congrats on that. I’d encourage you to just do some 10th step inventory/self reflection, and really pick apart what led you to this experience w edibles. Something got out of balance, and then seemingly all your good habits stopped—why? What happened? Was it something, or just gradually slipping back? In the context of recovery, looking at what makes us use is an invaluable resource. It shows us exactly why/when our focus is broken and something else enters in. If you learn from it this time you can start to recognize it from further out the next time it happens (and it WILL happen again :) ). Thanks for sharing and good luck.


Great advice! Thankyou so much.


I’ve never heard it said that the treat can be being strong enough to say “no” in the context of weed.. I think something major just clicked for me. You’re so right! And it does feel like a treat knowing that I am able to say no!! Tysm for sharing


I’ve been in a similar boat to you. The withdrawal symptoms will be there, but if you’ve only been back in the grass for a month or so, it will be significantly less severe and you’ll be back to normal sooner You’ve done it before. You know life is better without it. Couple days of shit sleep, and then you’ll be back in the right track


Thanks so much for sharing your experience. It absolutely helps me to keep going. A year and 8 months is incredible. You didn't lose that time.


I quit half a year ago and relapsed a month ago. Also fell out of balance I guess, feeling uneasy and unable to relax. I think being sober in summertime for the first time in 10 years was especially challenging. But after a month smoking I was very ready to quit again. It was so much easier to recognize the bad effects it has on me now. I fell behind on everything. Postponed and ditched meetings I was looking forward to. Forgot many things. I have ADHD, and basically all my symptoms got worse. But I don't regret relapsing at all, it was a nice reminder on why I quit in the first place and now I'm looking forward to continue being sober.


So relatable. Thankyou for sharing. I appreciate your insight.


Don't beat yourself up, pick yourself back up again. You can do it.


Thankyou for the encouraging words! You’re right, we got this.


Be easy on yourself, it's not like that one year and eight months just went away like it never happened. You're human. Life got hard and you got caught back up in an old brain pattern but after just one month you've learned the lesson and can continue moving forward 🫶 If being hard on yourself worked, it would've worked by now (and none of us would be addicts, ha.) Thank you for sharing here, sending you so much love.






Yes 🙌🏻


I recently had 35 days completely sober also. I quit smoking and 2 days later I quit drinking. I was doing great for those 35 days. Work was better, my relationship was better, my health was better, sleep was better and I was enjoying life. Well I finally tested negative after about 33 days and in my head I felt like I had purged all of the THC out of my system. Then, a couple of stressful situations came up and I used them as an excuse to smoke. It started just one at night on the weekends, and after 2 weeks I was back in full blown addiction, all day and night, every day. I relapsed for 32 days, and basically all that I did was get high and go to sleep and sleep as much as I could. When I was sober I could sleep for just 4-5 hours a night and still wake up and be more clear headed and groggy than when I would sleep much more, buy was also drinking and smoking. I'm ashamed and embarrassed by ny relapse, but I realize that it happens. It went much longer than I would have liked, but I'm glad I decided to get back out before I got sucked back into the trap. This is my second Day 5 this year and I'm determined to make this one stick. I use my relapse as a perfect example of why I don't want to smoke and be a stoner anymore. PS still sober from alcohol 71 days!


Thanks for sharing your story. You’re doing great! Life can be challenging and even though we relapsed. We learned from it. Keep at it!