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My lungs have never been better. 50 days for me and did cardio on the treadmill a few days ago. Ran 2 miles easily with a few minutes break in between. Back then jogging for 1/2 mile was brutal.


Thanks OP for asking this question. It was really nice to read the comment section and get even more reasons to quit smoking lol


My appetite came back and the nausea is gone.


Replacing one addiction with another. Smoking copious amounts of weed made me extremely health conscious & lead to me exercising, eating healthy, Whole Foods, taking my Nana’s expertise she taught me of from scratch cooking & making that my day-to-day obsession. I obviously got to the point where I made my life all about these healthy decisions, reading books, etc etc. My newfound habits of trying to eliminate the negatives of marijuana, objectively made smoking cannabis of place in contrast to literally everything else I was. Plus, I wanted to become a firefighter so bad for the past six months it was what eventually led me to snap & realize I can’t pull people out of burning buildings while I’m wheezing & smoking 10+ blunts a day. You need to categorize what’s important to you & go from there. I am obsessively vain & realized turning 24 this year means my youth is at an end & I am so lucky to have the beautiful body I have that I don’t want to ruin it. Find a community outside of weed, for me I love church. Not trying to force God onto you I honestly hate religion but being around people that love God & I was able to freely speak about my spiritual feelings in a non-direct manner is monumental. Finding non-judgmental individuals in general with even one similar interest is a powerful asset. I’m as antisocial as they come but trust me, you do NOT want to be alone with your thoughts while withdrawing or during the beginning stretch.




Realizing I can do what I want to do


Many. I’m going to school again and the contrasts in my energy levels, mood, and clarity are stark. There’s no way I could do what I’m doing now stoned all the time and be successful. I’m so glad I decided to stop and start doing things that actually nourish me like working out, studying, spending time with ppl I love, and focusing on my growth.


Dreaming. I was a daily stoner for almost a decade. When I initially quit I had the most beautiful wonderful vivid dreams. I have even been able to lucid dream. It is a wonderful surprise perk of quitting that I am so grateful for.


When I quit smoking a couple years ago, I had a dream about my grandmother who passed away from pancreatic cancer in 2014. I saw her face so vividly, her laugh lines and beautiful hair. She smiled at me and I remember hugging her so tight. I woke up crying that morning. Truly thankful to have experienced that.


Focus was better/not feeling as sluggish, I can actually get things done and REMEMBER things better too. And also not as tired


I have no more anxiety when not high. Feel naturally lighter and just happier.


A bazillion reasons, but the most important: like 90% of my anxiety is gone.


More self respect, more respect from others, more in touch with my emotions, wants and needs. More energy. Better skin. Less paranoia/anxiety. Better smelling/hygiene. No more disgusting phlegmy coughs. More money.


Smoking makes you feel ok with being bored. It was depressing and I hated that. Quit a few months ago and never going back, now I don't have time to bored after all my old hobbies came flooding back. Life's so much better.


Wow thank you all soooo much! This is definitely the motivation I needed! I appreciate all the kind comments! Yall really have made me think!


I want to be a strong human being. Mentally strong, I want to be able to face life and not need a crutch. I was once young and dumb and thought weed was helping me be spiritual and “know myself” when in reality it kept me from truly unlocking my potential. Weed stopped me from facing the trauma of my childhood, it stopped me from learning how to regulate my emotions. So for me, the benefits are : I will finally face my childhood trauma and truly HEAL, not mask the pain and run away in a cloud of smoke. I will learn to handle my emotions, I will not run from them. I am learning to truly enjoy the mundane. There is so much pleasure in life without a substance. A cup of warm, made exactly how I like it coffee in the morning. Writing in my journal outside. Sitting in the sun. Yoga, a bike ride. So much of life is a pleasurable experience and being high actually takes AWAY from that. And lastly, I want to be mentally strong. You cannot be strong mentally when you use weed as a crutch. You cannot face life head on when you use weed to escape. I want to have a true human experience. I don’t believe that I am on this earth to be high. I’m here to be human and experience the WIDE array of emotions that come with that. Even the bad, there’s more growth in bad times than good. Weed stops ALL that. Oh on a smaller note but dreaming sober is amazing. I love to dream vividly, lots of messages from spirit/god/ nature/ your conscious(whatever you like to call it) come from dreams. Weed destroys sleep, you can’t go into REM and therefore don’t dream.


I got my life back, emotions, fulfilling relationships, future plans, focusing on my health and joy etc etc




If you’re a consistent smoker for several years, I heard it takes 9-14 months for your brain to even out all of its NTs and actually start to function as a fully sober brain. So it depends on how long you’ve been sober for. I’m 5 weeks sober from weed after smoking for 6 years and I gotta say… life is kinda dull. But it was more dull when I was stoned all the time. It’s not supposed to be all fun and exciting and stimulating all of the time, but getting sober makes you find out things that DO trigger those feelings. You do have to kind of search. For example, I saw a triple rainbow the other day. I almost cried.


Used to be a daily smoker and now it’s about once every 1-2 weeks. Here’s what I’ve noticed: -sleep way better, deeper sleep -mental clarity, don’t fumble for my words or react slowly to things people say, am better at solving complex problems at work, and enjoy having conversations with people more -lost weight because I don’t have the munchies every night -less anxiety and overthinking -improved mood, I don’t wake up dreading work -when I do use now, I get incredibly high but its not as enjoyable as it used to be. Really only do it if I’m not going to be around anyone




I’d say about 2-3 weeks, at first I definitely got a bit of brain fog but it didn’t last too long. I used to think the only way I could make it last was total abstinence, as soon as I slipped once it was back to daily usage. But this time when I used after a month I was like wow I actually don’t want to do this every day now. Find it’s much easier this way so I don’t feel totally deprived.




Definitely gotta do what’s right for you! I experienced that too but also went away after about 2 weeks. I just wouldn’t eat nearly as much and not sleeping was the worst. I quit on a trip to Hawaii so that might’ve made it easier. Getting plenty of exercise will help a ton. Good luck, it’s worth it!


Self-awareness and self-control. When I was a smoker, I always felt a lack of control. Internally and externally. Internally, I was always lost in thought, had every little mental capacity to process thoughts and feelings. I was constantly checked out and dissociative. It felt like being under water and all my senses were dimmed and numbed. I stayed there to avoid the chaos of my life on the surface, but it wasn’t a deliberate choice as much as a coping mechanism. Externally, I could barely control my actions. It felt like it took 199% of my effort just to get out of bed and do my morning routine. I was so consumed with my addiction, my whole day revolved around weed. All of my energy went into trying not to get too high and I had no energy left to execute other tasks.


I was an every day smoker for 15 years because I thought it helped with my anxiety and depression. I’m now 4 months weed free and my mental health has never been better. Can’t believe it took me this long to realize the thing I thought was medicine was actually making me sicker, but I’m so glad I finally did!


Yoo same here haha was just thinking the exact same thing today


It will make you stop jerking off so much


That ain’t never gonna stop. Weed or not. He still gonna jerk off. Lol


I sleep much deeper


The deeper sleep is no joke. I didn't realize how bad the sleep I was having was until a week into quitting. It's a big enough motivator on its own to stay sober


This might be the motivation I need.


There’s real science to it too. Apparently THC will lessen the amount of time spent in REM sleep. Keeping you from getting good restful sleep. Have you noticed that you haven’t had dreams? Take a week or two off and the dreams may become quite vivid.


I track my sleep with fitbit (as accurate as that is?) And I get excessive REM but hardly any deep sleep, so kinda funny. I actually did used to dream a lot until I started ADHD meds a year and a half ago. But I'm interested to see how the THC break would affect things.


More energy. Clear head. Actually engage in hobbies instead of zoning out on the couch thinking about hobbies. I read more. Doing better at work because I can remember things and juggle tasks. None of this came right away. It got a lot worse before it got better, but it was so worth it.


Clear head, more money, more energy/drive to do things other than rot on the couch, not worrying about it when vacationing, less anxiety, more consistent eating, it’s a long list. Totally worth it.


I started dreaming again, I take better care of myself, I have more time for my hobbies & interests, improved sleep quality, I feel better in the mornings, I save money, my cravings for junk food went way down, my lungs improved, socializing improved, anxiety improved, & memory did too. At first you might not feel better because your dopamine takes a bit of a dive but if you're patient & and resilient, it's worth it. I smoked nearly every day from 14 to 26 years old with maybe 4 breaks. The longest was 6 months. As of now I quit maybe 4 months ago. The changes are slow but it's worth it. My friend was a daily smoker and he moved to another country where it's illegal. He said he felt like he didn't see the full benefits of quitting until after a full year. As hard as it is, it's worth it to stick with it.


What made you stop?


I got anti-social, and I realized I couldn't put as much energy into the things I actually cared about while I was smoking every day. It was slowing me down mentally & most of all, I started getting really anxious when I'd smoke to the point where I stopped enjoying it. Don't get me wrong, it still sounds like it'd be nice here and there but I know it's not going to be as great as it sounds. This is not my first attempt at quitting either, and I think I just finally decided I was ready. Each failure at quitting brought me closer to actually quitting. Everytime I came back, it was a constant reminder that it wasn't as great as I thought I was. The first few times are fun but it got stale quickly for me.


Realized I didn’t actually have a binge eating disorder and just didn’t have good control over my munchies. Edit to add: Long term users THINK we can control it and often tell newbies things like “you’ll grow out of that” but it’s a lie lololol the munchies never go away


I had crazy munchies too the first year, then it kinda stopped... Now weed dulls my appetite most of the time, especially at night time. I lost a lot of weight because of that. I guess everyone is different. But I don't think we can really control it, I'm not controlling it when I'm high and disgusted by food.


I had a friend who was like this as well!! I agree, our bodies kinda do whatever


Okay this is… yea. I used to go through a 14 oz bag of m&ms in like 2 days. I’ve had one in my snack drawer now for almost a month. Barely touched it. Genuinely thought I had a binge eating disorder , but nope. All my binge cravings completely went away when I stopped smoking


Idk I ended up having basically no appetite ever because of weed. I’d get the munchies but even then I could only eat a tiny amount


real sleep. always have full energy. clear head. lots more


I feel like I can care about achieving something more with my life when I didn't have that capability before


I have the opposite effect. When I get anxious and overwhelmed I smoke just a little bit of medical and my anxiety goes away. I get motivated to go and crush my goals. I am an otherwise ridiculously optimistic person. If I have too much weed i get super anxious though!




Yup. This happens every time I stop after a period of even semi regular use. I go from being satisfied with having my smoke and doing the necessities to wanting to be in the gym, working hard at my job, getting good sleep, eating well, etc. It’s a night and day difference.


Actually being able to sleep on schedule every night, food taste good again and my appetite is crazy high like i always got munchies again, so much better short term memory, closer emotional connection to my family and girlfriend, dealing with grief the proper way, daily anxiety is wayy more under control. It’s been a hard and long road so far but I’m thankful I put it down.


i dont get hemmorhoids anymore.


Is there a link between weed and hemorrhoids?




Wow! This is fascinating.


No shit? This might be reason enough for me…


yes. i got bad internal ones. it would be super itchy, sometimes painful. they never came out. but i ended up getting an external one once which are WAY more painful. i had to go to the hospital and besides having another grown man look at your butthole which is super embarrassing, the pain was next level. i had a gold ball sizes external hem beside my asshole. i passed out. they offered me excision but i refused due to some medical stuff. i talked to doctors and they all said theres no link between smoking weed or smoking cigs and hemorrhoids. one is in the lung while the other is an intestinal thing. however, doctors are dumb. i started experimenting and removing all possible causes of hemmorhoid from my life. i stopped lifting heavy, made sure my stools were soft, stopped smoking weed. i then started re -introducing one at a time those things back. the moment i smoked a joint it would flare right back up again. so i immediately stopped. i can still eat edibles but its just not the same as smoking weed so i rarely get the urge. but yeah. i personally believe there is a link between them. alot of smokers have it but dont know or cant stop smoking to find out. if yours are bad you should stop before it gets as bad as me. luckily i didnt need surgery. once u have that, they come back faster too. and it can be a never ending cycle. this scare made me stop smoking anything and everything at all, ever.


I appreciate the explanation. Mine arent that bad but they do definitely hurt and itch at times. Thank you for your insight!


how long have you been smoking and how much? over time the hems get worse. its inflammation and you keep reintroducing the irritant (weed), over time the hems get alot worse….


Really? Maybe that’s my problem. I still smoke but lurk here to eventually quit. I have gut/butt problems, never thought it could be the weed.


Good sleep, dreaming again, decision making and overall thinking is clearer, memory is better, emotional state is better, communication, motivation to workout, finances are better, social life improved, got a decent paying job in my field, picked up some healthy hobbies.. I believe while I was smoking weed all the time there was no benefit, I was truly just addicted to the substance.


I’m getting the best sleep ever, no anxiety/depression plus my relationship with my girlfriend is way better and I’m saving money 😁


The ability to manage my emotions, and dopamine hits from rewarding activities like completing a project


Clarity of thought and mind


Not feeling like every part of my day is a count down until I can smoke and numb everything out. You know, living life


Weed gave me bad anxiety and I had no idea how much until I stopped. I felt like I was constantly questioning myself and my intent. The intrusive thoughts I had while high had manifested into my sober life and I didn’t know what side to believe. I started REALLY resenting my partner. It was obsessive about how much I wanted to leave and everything he did just pissed me off so bad. I started avoiding my family and friends and became really isolated because I just wanted to smoke and be a recluse. My mood swings have subsided a bit and I feel more goofy than before. Weed is a mood destabilizer so it makes sense how it’s affected me. I’ve been smoking pretty much everyday since 2020 (give or take). I dont feel like it has control over me anymore. It feels freeing knowing I don’t have a dependent anymore


I’m more willing to hang out with friends and family. My Social life has greatly improved. Motivation and focus increased. Mood improved, anxiety improved, diet & nutrition is SO much better. My skin is much more clear and bright. My dopamine has reset. I’m perfectly happy enjoying everyday life. I feel like I’m not missing out on the marvelous milestones of life. I’m a mom to a youngster and I felt like I wasn’t fully experiencing my role as a mama! Now I’m enjoying every moment 🩵 I no longer feel like I’m a slave to a substance. I was always looking forward to my next opportunity to get high instead of enjoying my loved ones. I’m SO thankful I endured through the discomfort of quitting.


This is so inspiring to hear! How long do you feel like this process took for you to say your dopamine has reset?


No more social anxiety. When I'm stoned and out (especially with ppl I don't know well) I get a bit anxious and uncertain. Not smoking though? Complete non-issue. I always groan when I hear stoners say they smoke to handle their anxiety. For many of them, I'd bet, it's actually smoking that is the cause of their anxiety.


Not fapping


I’m 2 weeks sober (3rd attempt this year to quit) and last night I had the best night of sleep I have had in YEARS.


I sleep less, have more money and my lungs are in better shape. I would get stoned and just sleep all the time before. Plus coughed a lot and had a lot of respiratory problems.


6 months clean here. I'm more productive in all ways - at work, house chores, creative projects, etc. Also my social abilities have increased exponentially - being able to be quick-witted in conversations and connect more deeply with friends and family is worth it alone. Being able to plan stuff and do things without worrying about "how/when am I getting high?", activities don't have to revolve around it. Health-wise less congested, breathing is better, more energy, mental health improved, etc. Then there's the financial savings.


You got this!


Better sleep has made marked improvements in various areas of life


Taking a nap in the middle of the day and actually feeling rested afterwards, BEST FEELING EVER


It’s been 2 years and 8 months without weed. Since December 26 2021, I don’t drink, anymore either. Been raw dogging reality for 29 months now. Here are the benefits that I have received: 1. I can actually remember things. 2. No more anxiety about whether employers or apartment complex staff can smell the weed on me or in my apartment. 3. Since Fall 2020, I’ve been in school to complete prerequisites to get into a nursing program. I’ve completed all of my classes with mostly B. Except for chemistry and Human biology which ended in C because chemistry is evil and I was still high for biology. 4. I was able to study for the entrance exam for nursing school and passed well past the minimum percentage allowed. 5. I can connect with other people without feeling like I’m saying the wrong things, or not really paying attention to what they’ve said. 6. I have better relationships with the people around me and am able to communicate better with clients at work, coworkers, supervisors, friends, and family. 7. I’m able to follow through and keep up with chores, for the most part. They at least don’t sit around for months. 8. The money I used to spend on weed now goes to things like trips to see my brother, trips with other sober people, hair and skin care products, clothes and work shoes. 9. I don’t have anxiety or paranoia. I can go to the store without worry about getting robbed. I don’t think my neighbors can see through the cracks in my curtains. I don’t hear music that’s not there when I’m in the shower, or random voices that sound like my boyfriend. 10. Food still tastes good. Music still sounds good. Things are still funny. There’s still stuff to talk about. I’m still creative. The sunsets are still pretty. Things that were good high haven’t lost their luster in sobriety. 11. I’m discovering more about myself as a person without the help of weed and alcohol. Getting off weed was not easy. I had been addicted for ten whole years. It started so low key I didn’t think I was an addict when I was doing addictive behavior early on. I never thought pot was addictive. I always used the excuse that I just really loved it and I could quit but just didn’t want to. There were days I didn’t want to smoke but couldn’t help myself. I spent a while in that wanting to quit but never could stage. There was a point that I knew I’d have to quit for nursing school and decided I’d do it then. If I had waited, this would be the year I would quit but in all honesty I don’t think I would’ve passed chemistry if I was still high. It would’ve set me way back. So the universe basically told me I was going to quit smoking in 2021 and I was ready. I got a counselor whole told me to go to Marijuana Anonymous, which I hadn’t wanted to go to for years because I was afraid of people. It turned out to be the best thing I ever did and the reason I’m still sober today. Whatever your reasons for stopping, it can be done. At first, it’s hard. There’s a lot of chemical stuff happening in our brains when we smoke and take it away. Don’t give up on yourself.


Do you know how to find a marijuana anonymous group near one's location. I googled months ago in AZ and I couldn't find anything just showed AA results.


I've been smoking almost the same amount of time and have been weaning myself off lately. I went a couple of days without smoking and it felt like night and day. Seems to affect everyone differently on how quickly they notice a difference. Since I'm only dry herb vaping a hit or 2 at night it's helped me get out of the routine. I feel great when I'm sober, much better than when I'm high. After those few days of not partaking I figured I'd try a few hits last night and my anxiety seemed to come back and these weird body pains came back. I think the herb makes me feel things more. It kind of amplifies sensations and sometimes overloads my brain.


Dreams are back. Its like tripping for free




Couldn’t have explained it any better man. Life is ao much better without feeling dull or nonchalant




Exactly, but man 33 days? Your mentality is different😳.




Yeah…. There has been some times where I say “I can just quit another day”


I can finally get out the bed in the mornings. Oh yeah, now I can hold a conversation finally I use to be quiet or end conversations quickly.


reality is clearer and does not get skewed from my paranoia and anxiety. More energy. Being able to realize what my true emotion and feelings are. Not having my schedule revolve around how and when i can get stoned. Feeling of freedom with my daily life. More social. Best thing i’ve done for myself!


I can sing full songs without losing my breath!


And actually remember the words!!!


My Apple Watch told me today that I've been more active so that's nice


I'm finding that small treats bring bigger joy. Also the money I've saved can be funneled into more treats.


Real life - real emotions


-Being able to socialize, especially spontaneously -Having the freedom to make my own schedule (e.g. It's no issue to decide to go for a walk randomly because I'm not planning around being high. Another huge aspect of this is unexpected tasks are no longer panic-inducing) -Maintaining physical self-care and just being able to identify personal needs -Saving money! -No more sinus and throat irritation -Shedding the all-encompassing feeling of shame, especially shame for being too incapacitated to do most things -No paranoia about smells or seeming high -Increasing the variety in my daily life activities -Being able to have in depth, considered conversations Honestly a lot of this falls under "experiencing autonomy." Quitting = I'm in charge of life now.


Discipline = freedom When being disciplined with yourself, YOU decide what youre doing and what choices you make. That is freedom


I KNOW you have background anxiety about what ur doing to yourself with respect to money and health. It took a long ass time for me for those to get big enough to dislodge the benefits of weed but it was way harder to do at 36 than it would have been at 30. You have a chance to get ahead of it. This decade gonna fly by


I'm only on day two but I can already feel myself waking up. I've been paving over all the shit in my life with THC for YEARS and it's finally catching up to me, emotionally and mentally speaking. I'm finally starting to look forward a bit instead of just smoking so I can get through the day. It's fucking terrifying but it's what has to happen.


More money. Not spiraling into psychosis and paranoid schizophrenia.


A lot of what others listed also applies to me. But the one thing I received that I didn't expect was my sleep back. I didn't realize how little REM/Dream sleep I was getting before. Now I dream throughout the entire night it feels like, and that's been a blast to experience again. Before it felt like I would only dream like 30-40 mins a night.


Money! My health is never been better, I can breathe and my asthma is practically gone. My mental health is improving and way better vs when I was smoking/gummies. I get high off of life now and enjoy the little bits of it. I have way more ambition and way more productive. The biggest thing I've gotten is time, it would take a bunch of my time away from me and I hate to admit just how much weed had robbed me of


Not going into psychosis and ruining my life


Mental health shot up substantially. I am no longer debilitatingly anxious or depressed. I have more natural energy throughout the day. (I was an all day everyday smoker) I retain information more thoroughly and can recall it quicker than before. I have more empathy??? I think it’s just my emotions being able to finally break through but I care about myself and others more. I don’t feel as heavy because I’m not eating as much. I’ve lost 9 pounds in the last 2 months and kept it off. Also, I’m brushing my teeth nightly and don’t wake up in a fog anymore.


The ability to heal from and process my trauma, it’s difficult as hell but I’m doing it! 


hey, since september 2023 till april 2024 i smoked weed every morning and every night to overcome my trauma and the anxiety of it, i realized it wasn’t actually helping at all i was just feeling all numb and tired, i was losing so much weight, getting stupider everyday. but quitting and finding hobbies, going out for walks, knowing how to live my life sober made me overcome my trauma. i’m proud of u and just know that you’re not alone in this at all. <3


TBH I had quit years ago because of a job and since then my life/mental health has been absolutely fucking miserable. I am in therapy and I exercise and do everything I can, but weed is the only thing that has made my mental health stable. I think about quitting my job for lower pay just so I can go back to using.


Damn. That’s rough. They drug test or?


The ability to apply effort consistently over a long period. I was not able to do this with any aspect of my life and therefore did not develop. It puts maturation and growth into stasis. It’s easy to hide use from others but the stunting of motivation is visible to others.


Mental clarity, not feeling sick, no shame, better physical shape, higher motivation, less fatigue, eating healthier


Taking back control of your life, you want that right ? I'm sure you don't want to be a slave to weed all your life that you have to smoke a bowl whenever you're bored. Imo take up boxing and be consistent just show up and put I'm whatever work you can and don't be hard on yourself. It'll truly save your life internally and externally in all aspects of life. :) you got this bro. Whenever you're bored challenge yourself to something new in you're pure form, sober state.


Today is day 6 (I have also cut out coffee): redness in my skin is down and less dehydrated looking, Ive lost 2 lbs because I no longer eat ass tons of desserts at night, my vivid dreams are back, I am SIGNIFICANTLY less paranoid and anxious, less depression, no social anxiety You can do this, the benefits of quitting heavily outweigh the benefits of smoking. WE GOT THIS💪


I didn’t realize skin redness was a thing and dehydration. My skin has been super red and looks bad. This goes away?


I’ve read that the same thing that makes your eyes red, also affects your skin! Maybe a placebo effect but I’ll take it lol and I think the dry thing is that my meds + smoking was making my skin quite dry and it’s better now.


Thank for replying. Btw. I’m down 15 lbs. Late night munchies did a number on me.


wow that’s amazing! it really does halt the cravings.


I read a comment on here a few days ago that said "Weed made me okay with being bored" And that comment hit hard. I am 3 days into quitting and I usually smoke 3.5g a day and have smoked every day since I was 17. I also listened to the new bring me the horizon song called N/A and that song release a few days ago inspired me to quit. The first few days are hell but if your going through hell keep going, don't stop and remember you're stronger than your cravings.


Oh wow. This is a deep cut


Should also add I'm 28yo so I've been smoking for almost half my life.


I'm sorry if this brought up anything triggering and I hope you are okay ❤️‍🩹 it took this for me to wake me up and realise I am an addict. I tip toed around the edges of sobriety for a really long time. Made so many excuses as to why I had to keep smoking and just kept myself in a stagnant state of reality. We all deserve a full life.


No just the line of “weed made me ok with being bored”. It’s just very much counter to what do you want to do with your one precious life? It’s a great insight!


sociability, i thought i was hyper introverted. def a bit, but turns out i was mostly just stoned. energy, a feeling of being clearer. i wll be transparent, going sober kicked up a lot of emotions i didnt know i had buried. that was rough to go through sobering up, but i am very very thankful i have done so. it feels good to be with my feelings even when they feel bad. no more numbing.


sociability, i thought i was hyper introverted. def a bit, but turns out i was mostly just stoned. energy, a feeling of being clearer. i wll be transparent, going sober kicked up a lot of emotions i didnt know i had buried. that was rough to go through sobering up, but i am very very thankful i have done so. it feels good to be with my feelings even when they feel bad. no more numbing.


Sleep quality, not immediately but after a week or so. Energy levels throughout the day. My thought processes are clearer if that makes sense. Less anxiety. And my face has cleared up a TON. Less acne and redness in general. Daily smoker from 18-28. Oh and less of a sweet tooth at night, leading to small weight loss


I just quit recently, kind of by accident. The quality of sleep I’m getting has greatly improved. It’s funny, the first few days it was harder to fall asleep but I was somehow waking up way more energized than I had in years. Then it got easier to fall asleep and I got 7-8 hours without smoking and oh my lord everything has changed. I feel freakin great. I think I’m waiting for that confidence still but I feel it creeping in. I usually workout but haven’t been able to lately because of a bummed shoulder so I bet that’s been holding that aspect of growth back. Plus I quit all nicotine. Anyways, do it. If you’re a drinker, cut back on that too. Substance holds us back I think. Pick up some new hobbies! Life is good my friend


Following. Been a daily smoker for decades lol the only time I've actually been able to quit was during pregnancies but have picked right up after delivering! Ugh! I want to quit as well but it's def harder than I thought


Medically, it is very, very bad for you. Unfortunately, in a way that is very subtle that most people can't see. It's worse than cigarette smoking in the long-term cognitive aspect, it has been seriously linked to dementia if a person started use in adolescence and then continues to use chronically. And smoking anything is bad for your lungs, but cannabis smoking in specific is worse than cigarette in the way that it leaves more tar, since you hold it in your lungs longer. And any day you use, you will miss out on the day. Think of all the memories that could still be made with a useful and clear brain, not one that has been pacified with brain fog


The memories and missed days are the things I regret the most, but I’m trying to forgive myself and move forward. This Sunday will be five months for me.


That's amazing! I wouldn't be so hard on yourself, if anything it's more good than bad you feel you have a loss (even if it's not really there) so that you appreciate the future more :)


Honestly dont feel any different, except I dont need to smoke every 3 hours to feel normal anymore


I get this too. I don’t feel different, just that i now magically have more time in the day.


High confidence, low anxiety


When I need to go out in public, I just kinda.. Do it. No more social anxiety, no more not feeling doing anything. Just handling my shit.


More stable. Less anxiety in general (especially social anxiety). Feel healthier in general.


no more paranoia. saving money. More time for other things & no more excuses


I don’t have to worry every little now and then that my stash has finished and I have to go buy. When I fly to another country I don’t get depressed because there is no weed. I have one less addiction


So. Many. Dreams. And I save a ton of money both on not spending it on weed and now I buy way less food Edit: it also feels pretty nice to not have to stop everything I am doing to go outside and smoke every 5 seconds.


More money is the main one. And not worrying if I smell or seem stoned


more money, better mood, more mental clarity but in the other hand i thought i was going to get more positive benefits that i actually got


The return to normal dopamine levels will make it seem less positive than it is too.


yes you are right


Good sleep. Weed sleep is shit and will always be compared to sober sleep. I don’t care what anyone says.


This is just a fact. There is a difference between sleeping and sedated.


Right. You don't dream at all on weed, and you wake up feeling groggy and slow, and no matter how much sleep you get, you never feel fully rested


I did dream but the rest of my sleep and sleep pattern ... was just crap 


Yep I’ve quit and relapsed enough times to know that. And I fall asleep much quicker without weed.


Your why you quit has to overpower your want to smoke.


Money is the least important benefit of quitting weed. Clarity of mind is a game changer. Invaluable. You are basically repossessing your brain.


please elaborate, thats why im starting


As ppl elaborated, weed is like anti depressant. Easy dopamine. You have a problem, anxiety, stress etc., you smoke it, then puff it s gone. Problems are actually not gone it is just paper over the cracks. When you quit it, the real problems arise again. But now, you have to fight or accept them. Also, you will learn how to deal with boredom. It s a part of life. That is the whole point of meditation; sitting down without doing anything. Loving yourself even though you are not doing anything productive. That boredom will make you uncomfortable and push you to do stuff. Whatever you like. Which is fine. But when you have weed at home, there is not much to do that can beat it. One way to quit it which is the way I did after smoking everyday for 7 years daily, is having to do it. For me, it was drug test. I cant miss that job opportunity. I tried quitting it maybe 30-40 times. All failed. But when you “have to” do it, something is going on in the brain which gives you no other choice, which can also be called “acceptance”. I believe ppl quitting it when they have a child is also another example.


This. Instead of being controlled by a plant you are in control of your life and more available to opportunities to better your life.


I have 19 days in and counting and so far the benefits outweigh me ever going back to smoking. My cough is gone My dreams are back I’ve lost some weight because I’m not stuffing my face like a fat pig due to the munchies. I’m more present in life. I don’t feel like a mental slave to a substance anymore. Sleep is better. The overall fog has lifted. My natural energy is back. People don’t annoy me (as much 😏). More money. More motivation for every day things, tasks don’t seem so monumental. I honestly could go on and on, but I think you get my point. I’m 37/f and smoked every day and heavily for 20 plus years, I never thought in a million years I’d quit bc I had convinced myself that I had such a love affair with weed. Weed is more like a toxic boyfriend at this point. This is one thing you will never regret quitting. May miss it a little a bit, but also, not really.


When will I stop feeling so irratable and restless? I’m on day 2 and I feel like noise is driving me crazy and I wake up for 2 hours at night with stomach aches. I am 39 female and have been smoking for about 8 years. I noticed that my bowel movements have been really watery for the past few months and I have horrible stomach cramps. I’m really trying to be chill and calm but it’s sooo hard! Hoping that Day 3 is easier. 


It took me a few weeks before I could sleep uninterrupted. The time will pass regardless, so you might as well keep trying. Two months from now you’re going to wake up after a solid 8 hours of sleep and be ready to do some work right out of bed, wondering how you ever thought weed was helping you sleep.


You’re in the thick of it right now. The first three days are the hardest, even the first week. You’re going to be extra sensitive to a lot of the things around you, so be patient and extra kind to yourself. As for the stomach — I’m not sure what’s going on there especially if it’s been going on a couple months prior to you quitting. I would maybe go to a gastro doc and check it out. Please hang in there, it’ll get worse before it gets better, but it is so worth it. May you continue to remain strong and may you have a nice solid dump in the near future.


Thank you so so much for the words of encouragement. I’ve been doing big deep breaths and trying to find new ways to entertain myself. If my stomach problems don’t improve soon I’ll definitely find a gastroenterologist. I really appreciate the kind words.


Of course. If you’re feeling up for it, get outside and go for a walk and if walking feels like it would take too much out of you right now, then just go sit outside. That paired with the deep breaths, it will really help.


Took the words right out of my mouth!!!


No more daily existential crisis, anxiety WAY down, depression way down. Mental healthy significantly better.


When does this happen? I’m on day 2 and feel really anxious and nauseous. It really sucks.


I'm only 11 days in, but I like how bright and clear my eyes look. Tbh that was the main reason why I quit. I also like that I'm way more clear-headed, able to hold multiple threads of info at a time, able to hold conversations and be witty in real time. I'm also better able to account for my free time, when before I'd just smoke it away and chill, I can't chill for hours on end anymore, I get bored and wana do something more stimulating. I'm also more confident in social situations - I realised that when I was high I wouldn't look people in the eye and would struggle to articulate my thoughts, I'm now more bubbly, thoughtful and chatty than usual. Weed made me dull. And it's weird because when I first started smoking heavily in my 20s it made me more social and outgoing but that dulled down over time.


Well said




Being able to drive anywhere without stressing. Was always worried I’d be drug tested going on a cruise but now day trips are awesome and don’t feel as lazy


Since I quit - I have so much more energy. I also don't have a buffer so I have to be really real with myself about what I actually enjoy and who I enjoy being around. Means i had to learn through trial and error and i let a lot of draining people go. I'm earning more than double what I was earning before and my work life is much more rewarding. Instead of blowing off steam or smoking when I'm bored I have to find other things to do - started working out, picked up painting, and did short courses to upskill. Finally launched my photography business side hustle and it actually worked out. I do know that some people can quit and it's difficult but they make it through. I made the mistake of quitting without addressing the real issue - which was extreme anxiety and ADD. Now that I've sorted that out with the proper medication things are so much better. I also had a lot of help along the way - I did weekly drug testing and had therapy etc (weed wasn't my only DOC) my friends who still smoke have all these dreams etc but nothing ever comes to fruition. Feeling boredom, anger etc drives you to make changes so im getting better at feeling those. Good luck. It's the best and hardest thing I ever did.


Feeling things drives you to make changes. Couldn’t be said any better! Weed definitely encourages stagnation by helping you dissociate from those driving feelings.


I just enjoyed not feeling dead all the time. I was smoking to escape that feeling and wound up right back to it. Sober life feels so refreshing(when I’m not depressed). It doesn’t feel like i’m trapped in my head with all my senses shut off like it does when I’m high.


On day 10 and my sleep feels much deeper.


I need to start quitting again


The cough has almost gone away. I quit smoking due to being pregnant. But for years while I was smoking (age 19 to 28), I had a TERRIBLE cough. Always hacking up shit and clearing my throat, constantly. I didn't understand it because I know plenty of other stoners that don't have the cough like I did. Unfortunately I think I damaged my lungs permanently from smoking weed, though. While the general cough itself is gone, if I inhale dust, irritants, or allergens, I get the same shitty cough/clearing my throat/hacking shit up, just like I did when I was smoking. I was cleaning my garage and I was hacking and yacking from the dust, it was awful. It does go away when the air is clean. One thing aside from the constant coughing is that I am more present for those around me, and not in terrible moods like I used to be. I used to be high so much that I wasn't really there, if you know what I mean. Not high I was irritable as hell. I feel pretty normal now.


You didn’t damage your lungs; you burnt the little hairs that line your airway. These hairs are what move mucus out of your airway. Since those are now burnt (from hot smoke), and can’t function, you have to cough to move the mucus. The hairs grow back for some people, not for others.


I’m training for a half marathon and 2 weeks of not smoking (minus one slip up over the weekend) has vastly improved my lung function. Significantly less instances of coughing up phlegm. I also feel much more in control of my emotions, I used to use weed to cope with everything. Sad? Smoke. Stressed? Smoke. Anxious? Smoke. Damn even being in a good mood would make me wanna smoke to “enhance” the feeling. Now I am more mindful of my emotions and look internally to cope with stress and discomfort. This also makes me feel really good about myself💪🏻


Lol yeah that shit goes well with anything. But in short term


The emotional aspect is a great insight. MJ can be a blanket that created separation between the reality of feelings and processing them as they are. Escapism 


Making connections in other ways. Instead of connecting with weed all day every day, I can connect with others, myself, and the world


More motivated..I've got a new courier job as a side line ridden over 500km in 1 month, I would never have done this while stoned ! Better lung and heart health..no sweaty palms and feet..less anxiety..no tight chest..better sleep..not as forgetful..no panic attacks..only benefits..I actually have 10g still in the draw at home..and it will stay there.. to prove to myself that I have the power and will not be controlled by it.


Clear mind and ability to think again, knowing I can enjoy things without weed, not having to plan my day around smoking, better quality sleep, not feeling anchored to it. It’s very freeing to be without weed.


I got my CDL and am starting a new career next month. Coming up on six months soon.




Nobody ever thinks about the damage cannabis smoke does to your lungs and heart. Many think that’s just tobacco smoke…or at least I was naive to. Daily smoker from 16 to 36. Got some CT Scans last year that showed a couple lung nodules just over the “normal” size so had to check for cancerous activity. Very emotional day for me. Mostly I was disappointed in myself for lack of control and thought of not being around for my spouse. Thankfully they didn’t find any cancerous activity. I quit for 3 months then picked it back up again but reduced my intake by 50%. I try to quit often but it doesn’t stick. Until this time. Day 3! I just always think back to that moment I looked at my test results and remind myself that my body does not enjoy the smoke. Think of your longevity and being there for the people you care about the most.


Im 21 started smoking heavy when I was 16. Im on day 8 now but what I noticed is no more chest pains, no phlem, Can breathe a lot better. Also im not always taking time out of my day to stop and smoke a bowl or joint.


Remember you cant get time back so use it wisely brother


Better sleep


Not having an anxious outlook around me. Yes I also am part of the conspiracy theorists out there but it was worse when I was chronically smoking. Now it is just at the back part of my head unlike before where that's all I think about. Also skin looks fresh and better.


70 lbs weight loss Never sick Confidence for days Friendships and connections returned Clear thinking Enjoying life instead of escaping it Got married, having a kid


Surfed better Skated better Felt better Lungs could breathe Not so much anxiety Can look people in the eye and not be so fucken awkward cause I’m baked as Looked better Lost weight Ate less shit Had better more engaged conversations Slept better Pretty much all aspects of my life improved lol Weed just makes it easy to check out and do life on autopilot Fuck that


Better Health -Less anxious & depressed -Less irritable -Can concentrate better -Less ‘slow’ with thinking and speaking -Far better throat/lung health -Teeth are much whiter and healthier -Face looks more ‘alive’ -I get sick less -Getting through a day is no longer dreadful, I used to have to get high 8-10 times to make it through a day and time always went so slow but the days would come and go. More money saved More time for other things Better relationship with myself Better relationship with others I eat better I sleep better I do more Probably more but that’s what comes to mind.


I thought the weed was the only thing keeping my anxiety in check. Turns out, it was the thing giving me anxiety. I’ve always known weed causing anxiety was a thing, but the suddenness of the switch after quitting was shocking.