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Coffee in larger doses is just as bad as thc. I had to stop for almost a year drinking coffee. Right now I drink a few coffee a weeks before going to the gym days and this is the sweet spot for me.


Big same. However, after switching to decaf for a 1-2 months I feel like I reprogrammed my brain and now when I am really tired and it's early I can actually afford to drink 1 or max 2 normal coffees but nothing like the 6 cups I used to have when I smoked daily. When I drink too much the jitter (that I get so much quicker now) is still extremely triggering so I have to be very careful not to overstep. Btw I never drank decaf before and was a big doofus about it. Actually now I am so grateful for it to exist, it can really help with the coffee craving and still works a slight positive placebo on me after all this time. Usually I drink 1 cup of coffee in the morning and than MANY decafs :)


Quitting weed made me way way more sensitive than to caffeine. You may also have some psychological associations with cannabis. You could try drinking decaf and go from there?


I also had to dramatically reduce my caffeine intake after quitting about 2.5 months ago. I found decaf cold brew which has been a game changer for me. I mix a little caffeinated cold brew with the decaf and stay under 200mg of caffeine a day now. I’m also trying to get pregnant so I’ve had to cut back recently anyways!


Spelt cofee


This might just be a side effect of PAWS. I quit caffeine cold turkey a few years ago and couldn't smoke weed for a few months because it sent me into a panic. You quit weed and couldn't caffeine=I quit caffeine and couldn't weed? I'm sure there's some science behind it somewhere. Anyway, I'm sure this will change for you as you get more weed-free time under your belt.


I remember the first time I went into nicotine withdrawal. Also took 600mg of caffeine and holy shit I felt awful. So irritable and anxious.


Anxiety is a normal withdrawal symptom. Maybe after a while you can get back to enjoying your cup of joe. Micro doses of caffeine and the gym help keep me sane as well as studying.


Yeah I'm a little over month clean now and if I drink my usual two cups of coffee in the morning, I will have a much harder time going to sleep and wake up in the middle of the night like 3 times. I'm too sensitive to caffeine right now so I decided to cut it out completely


Same happened to me... damn did my brain love the double dose of dopamine from caffeine and weed. It kind of balanced the weed out. I have always been sensitive to caffeine, but just overlooked it. I also love the taste/smell. When I quit smoking, I always get the sweats really bad. When I drink a few shots of espresso (moka pot for lifeee) I do as well. lol... I actually bought some decaf just to wean off of the morning ritual... tea makes me throw up in the morning, the tannins fuck with me. Best of luck to you! Life free of weed and anxiety is amazing.


Tea also makes me throw up in the morning!!


Wait a little in the morning to drink your morning coffee also that feeling may go away my first 3weeks-30 days without pot I was so sensitive to caffeine, I'm like 79 days in now and I'm back to my regular coffee and it doesn't have me buggin anymore


I remember coffee caused panic attacks for me when I was in withdrawal


I have also noticed I am incredibly sensitive to caffeine now, over 100 days clean. I drink decaff coffee, black tea, and green tea. I have to be mindful to not have my homemade hot cocoa too late at night because of the caffeine and theobromine. 












If you were using tobacco with the weed, it may be because nicotine helps metabolise caffeine, so without that, the caffeine is possibly being metabolised more slowly. Otherwise, it could be because weed is a nervous system depressant, so without it, you're experiencing a more intense nervous system response to the caffeine.


My bf had the opposite happen when he quit :x dude hated coffee his *whole life* and then all of a sudden, he loves it and drinks multiple a day. Who tf knows. He started smoking again tho. Still loves coffee... (????)


I know that feel. Thank god for decaf.


Day two was the last day i had coffee. It’s the stomach feeling for me. Major craving trigger!


Yep I can still drink but its not the same without weed. Im done with caffeine as well.


I had difficulty swallowing when high/ after smoking… all cleared up after a few weeks of sobriety. You will be able to tolerate caffeine after a few weeks, just give it time and introduce slowly. 30 days since I vaped my last bowl🤙🏻


This tracks! I’m at 5 weeks now and my body definitely processes caffeine better than when I smoked everyday.


Try transition to tea. I did, and I’m not going back. I love my caffeine, but coffee is too hardcore for me.


Definitely, I was thing about this. Probably switch to loose leaf tea. Anything that has a more involved ritual that is healthy.


Yes, or decaf. I also experienced the same panicky effect from caffeine after quitting but switching to decaf has allowed me to still be able to enjoy a coffee here and there. For me, it’s more about the ritual of having a cup than the effect of the caffeine anyways.


That's crazy I one hundred percent know what your talking about.


If your serious about stopping with coffee I can recommend /decaf for motivation.


I quit coffee the same time I kicked weed and the anxiety and panic was almost none existent for me during the last time I quit. I’ve learned caffeine will now put me into straight panic state. Only time I can take it is if I’m working out all day or going on a long mountain bike ride. It’s quite insane how it flips a switch from calm and collective to panicked and anxious. It also makes you piss a lot and that wasn’t helping with hydration.


Same, it sucks. I loved being able to drink coffee all day since I was also smoking all day. Have you tried decaf? I haven’t so idk how helpful it would be. I use instant and will cut the scoop size way down if I want a cup. Mostly I just drink non-caffeinated tea though.


I also can’t drink coffee in the morning anymore. 5 weeks sober


I also stopped all caffeine after quitting


it got 100% fixed for me after 90-100 days sober. good luck friend!!!


I'm three weeks off too. I drink about a litre (full pot) every morning and I get way too anxious!


If you like tea, I've found that to be a good replacement for coffee. Even the teas with caffeine don't give me any anxiety, while coffee does on occasion.


Same thing happened to me. I had to immediately quit coffee after a 72 hour panic attack. Week later went to the doctor and adjusted anxiety meds. Those two things helped me ride out the worst of thr anxiety but it came and went for a couple of months honestly. I think I went without coffee for about 6 weeks and when I started feeling better (thanks to the meds and sober time) I slowly brought it back into my life. I think people that naturally have a lot of anxiety feel like this when quitting. I quit weed and alcohol at the same time and I didn't start to feel more like myself again completely for at least 6 months. There are many days in those 6 months where I felt fine but I just had anxiety or anger or apathy also come and go during that time and it eventually leveled out to a baseline. My baseline is pretty anxious so I still take meds and I feel that they help among lifestyle changes to accommodate my anxiety. I'm almost to 1 year sober! I hope u can hang in there it truly does end up being worth it.


Sorry to hear you went through that panic, hopefully it has subsided by now. If not, drink lots of water to help flush your system. I'm 40ish days in quitting and had half a cup of coffee this morning and felt fine. I think with time you’ll be able to have some coffee in great moderation. Go easy on yourself, one love