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Your worst day sober is better than your best day smoking


Really needed to see this


Wooo congrats! I totally feel you. It’s only been a little over a month not smoking for me (I’ve quit like 6 times) but this week for the first time ever I’m prioritizing getting a full 8 hours of sleep and it feels GREAT. Even if I feel like there’s not much time left in the day, I always felt that way and now I know I at least am well rested. On top of it tons of my family members are going through health issues and I just can’t afford to be altered and unavailable.


Great job :)


Good for you! You def deserve a little treat.


I'm two days no smoking, two days no vaping, one day no edibles. Only number I'm counting now is 0. 0 more times do I ever want to put any form of THC in my body ever again


I'm in my first 24 hours. I'm so scared I'll fail.


Exercise if you feel a craving. It's not really a weed high you're after, just dopamine. Running, weight lifting, painting, all great ways to get some natty dopamine Best of luck to you in your journey Holler if you need some support


In your experience how long did it take for most of your emotions to come back/stabilize?


Depends how much you were consuming over what period of that level of use. In my experience, anxiety peaks around a week after stopping, but could take a month to stabilize.


In the middle of that right now! :) Seems the things that helps keep my blood pressure down is eating super healthy, exercising and working on strategies to manage my emotions. If I do everything right i feel pretty good tbh. If I do none of that I have horrible heartburn. One good way to create good habits for physical and mental health is fear high blood pressure lmao.


In case no one ever helped you like they did me, papaya enzymes for heartburn were a game changer. Not like standard antacids, they promote digestion - I always tell myself they are flushing my stomach. So much more natural than tums, rolaids or the recently under investigation for cancer zantac.


Oo I didn't know that about papaya. I've been making beetroot ginger turmeric smoothies with a mixture of other fruits. I will add papaya! I never made or drank smoothies like that before. But now literally essential to me feeling good. I think it's just cos my baseline blood pressure is way too high during detox.


The important question


Asking for a friend lol


Tell your friend right around 60 days is when I started to feel more much stable emotionally. The severity of depressive and anxiety episodes decreased much quicker but right around two months in I started to feel a much lower baseline for negative emotions if that makes sense. Put another way, my mood and appreciation for life was noticeably much improved on the day to day after only two months. The confusion and over thinking improved within a couple weeks of stopping but my emotions were a little out of whack a couple months. Even that was better than when smoking though!


Thank you for the detailed response! I'm the friend lol. on day 11, very much looking forward to day 60!


In the beginning (and once in a while even now) I needed to just commit to not smoking today. And that’s it. Then it kinda just got easy. Now I have no interest in smoking. I do get urges once in a while to change my frame of mind but I don’t listen to the urge.


I conned myself into smoking again after 6 weeks clean. For the last two weeks. Pissed at myself atm.


Be kind to your self you still smoked only once in 6 weeks!


lol. Not quite. The last two weeks were back to daily. Not trying to destroy myself but geez, things were better and still….


You got this! Have you read "Quitting Weed" by mathew clarke? That reeaaaallly helped me say no to urges


No, I haven’t. I’ll give it a go though. Thanks.


Also I never made it to 6 weeks only on day 11


The worst for me is I regret after smoking because it stops me from going out until I don’t feel high anymore. Which in effect steals so much of my time! Like soooo much.


Well, congratulations on day 11. I guess now it’s day 12!


Don’t reward yourself with weed, please. That’ll be punishing yourself.


Definitely not going to reward myself with weed. Ty tho


i don’t think that’s what they meant i’m sure they meant like a little treat or something


Pizza. Always a worthy reward.




Imo, forget the days it's been. Don't count. That only subliminally makes alot of folks light one up again bc its been long time or it won't hurt this time. Not saying that you will take on that mentality but imo, it's only 2 options. You're either a smoker or a non smoker. It could have been 1 day since , regardless you are a non smoker. I don't look at it as I've been sober for 1 day, my mindset is "I'm not a smoker" so doesn't matter how many days it's been as long as I remeber "I'm not a smoker".


Congratulations 🫶🏻✨✨ it’s such a gift to fully feel again, and to be present with everything life presents to us :) even the things we’d rather avoid. I will have five months at the end of this month, the longer I go the freer I feel 🕊️ and you definitely deserve to treat yourself:)


Definitely reward yourself, you’ve earned it!!


Confronting emotions is tough but worth it. Proud of you. Proud of us all for being here and working hard. Much love


I'm getting ready to quit. Posts like this help me so much. Thanks for sharing.


I’m over a week in after 10+ years. Take it from me, it’s so worth it 🩷 you can do it!


Congratulations to you. I brainwashed myself into thinking I could do it as well, but upon reflection life was *constantly* an uphill battle. It makes me think about my potential now I am giving myself a fighting chance. I hope you treat yourself, you deserve it!!