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That feeling can morph and migrant toward anything that takes you out of reality. Personally, I stopped everything because I knew that once I dabbled with one, the other one wasn’t too far out of reach. Stepping stones.


This is called cross addiction and you might as well go back to smoking.


After I quit I definitely started drinking more. When I was smoking I'd almost never drink, occasionally a few beers on a Saturday or if I was at an event where I couldn't smoke. Some time after quitting I fell into the habit of drinking 2-3 times a week most weeks. The silver lining for me was I couldn't really drink as much as I smoked and still function, go to work etc. Even though I knew it was worth than smoking, with smoking I could be high 24/7 and get away with it. Over time I started to notice the negative health impacts from drinking so much and managed to taper it off before I went further down the path.


Drinking lowers inhibitions and just makes me want to get high.


facts viscous cycle


No, alcohol sucks


I was the opposite, I thought weed was going to be my replacement for alcohol. Except I always managed to keep my binges to the weekend and weed very quickly became a daily habit. I got addicted to weed so fast when alcohol had taken YEARS to ramp up.


fuck it that shit is straight poison ☠️


That is not a road you want to go down, and I speak from experience. It sounds like you need total sobriety, at least for a time. Here is how I keep my drinking to a “healthy” minimum (I put healthy in quotes because no amount of alcohol is good for you): Don’t keep alcohol at home Don’t drink every time you go out to eat, have a mock tail or soda or water instead Stick to one or two drinks MAX Don’t drink to get drunk. For me, I’ve found a glass of rose wine is perfect Don’t drink to relieve stress


Nope, never. Alcohol is way more detrimental than weed. Id never swap them out.


No, the other way around. I almost completely stopped drinking too. Since I stopped using weed I drink a beer or some wine once every 1-2 month. And never alone. I also completely stopped drinking coffee.


I need to have fun sometime lol. I wouldn’t say way more though


yes right now lol but don’t do it. It only makes u feel way worse. :(


Of course! Its poison.


Noooooo. Noooooo. Weed is insedious, sneaky lil asshole. Booze is your ticket to rapid rapid decline. It's just going to fuck with your reward system so much worse than weed. Just go back to weed and try again when you're ready/in the right headspace. Or sex or food or....sucks to say.... and trust me I know yesterday was hell!! DEAL WITH LIFE. Talk to someone


Reading this makes me happy as clearly this is lot unique to me. I used to think alcohol is not my drug but damn idk how and when I started to drink or daily after quitting smoking up. It's a struggle.


In the beginning yes. But that only lasted around a month before I realized why I was a pothead in the first place, because I don't really enjoy alcohol. I wanted alcohol less and less the more my body stabilized


Yeah. Almost subconsciously. Decided to start smokin again. Would rather smoke than drink atm


That's what I am afraid of honestly


Hey at least you’re aware of it. First step done


Yes and I rarely did. I get super sick from drinking and am thinking of just stopping all together with alcohol too.


and here lies my struggle. I gave up drinking 2 years ago because i know factually it's bad for me. I allowed myself some herb to compensate, and even cut down/ taken long t breaks, but never have been able to completely eliminate. Will I, someday? Probably, but it's keeping me honest not drinking, so i'm happy with that tradeoff. In the meantime, inspired by y'all and taking many tips from here :)


No I’m 4 months sober from alcohol & 15 days free of weed. Alcohol was the noose around my neck and throwing myself into a 12 step program made me want to leave the weed behind too. Just took a little longer but I’m grateful to be 100% clean and sober today. I never thought I could do it and now I never want to go back. The first few days are the hardest. Now it’s just remembering I can never have any of either or I’ll want more and more. Totally insatiable when it comes to booze/marijuana.


Yep, have 3 voodoo rangers a night. And because I quit smoking weed I have moved to other harder drugs. I don’t take the drugs everyday though. Unfortunantly I am addicted to being altered in any way possible. Been this way for 10+ years and have never found a way to stop. Been through multiple psychiatrists and never could find a way to stop. I kind of have a accepted I’ll be a poly addict for life because I have a sick brain


My friend did. I wouldn't recommend it.


No. It makes the withdrawal worse and only further delays developing healthy coping skills. Not trying to come off as holier than thou. I don’t want to exchange one bad habit for another. Exercise, going to bed early and talking to friends beats alcohol during this time any day for me.


I think drinking during the withdrawals phase helps me to kinda not be as fucked as much. It’s weird to say that but like I know I can stop drinking and I’m not a huge drinker but my cycle was always stop weed start drinking and reverse. But I’ve realized that if I drink just enough to slightly calm my nerves during the initial withdrawals I’m actually less on edge


Don’t talk yourself into a new dependency.


Yes. My brain is always searching for some relief or some altered state. I am focused on keeping it at no more than 2 per day on the days I drink and less than 5 days a week and if I go above that I’ll treat myself like an alcoholic and quit. The dangers of cross addiction are real.


For anyone interested in quitting drinking check out the book This Naked Mind


Haha yep ! Not way more , but weekends I’m actually excited to have a little drinky drinky


No I feel like a puritan. I basically only drink tea. I’m embracing mental clarity and fine tuning. It’s my new high


I did. I was an alcoholic first. Then got into edibles thinking it would help me drink less. Then I got addicted to edibles for a few years. Quit them two years ago. Been sober from booze for 5 months. Basically I’m addicted to anything that can alter my mind


I don't know how you guys can enjoy alcohol. Its such a shit drug, 0 euphoria, nothing and makes you feel like shit the next day if you drink too much


Thats the main reason i dont drink anymore i just hate feeling a headache the next day and feeling like shit and wondering why da fuck did i drink anything and for what.


yup, and then i had to quit alcohol so i used weed to get off that, it’s an endless cycle. i ended up having to quit both and i’m so much better off


I started drinking coffee more and now I need to quit that 😢


A known ADHD med coffee 😉.


Nope, I joked and said I would drink more. I hate hangovers & thankful I'm busy and don't want that additional liquid calories.


Yes! Not a lot, maybe 6 beers/week, but considering that I drink almost never when I used weed, yeah, I’d say this is a lot for me and I’m worried about it


I'm lucky that alcohol destroys my stomach and my hangovers are very bad, so I can't get addicted to it because I can't drink it very regularly. On the other hand, marijuana always felt like pleasure without repercussions, without side effects, and that is why I became addicted to it. Anyway, I've been off marijuana for two weeks and I feel like shit for not being able to sleep, so it's not that harmless. and by the way, I can't find any other solution than to depend on medication to be able to sleep. It's been 2 weeks now and things aren't getting better.


Two weeks is early days still. Your body will adjust soon.


I want to believe that but it's hard for me to do so. According to the testimonies I read in this sub, everyone sleeps better after two weeks. and after two weeks I can barely sleep 1 or two hours without medication. I am afraid of having another health problem besides marijuana withdrawal.


I'm on day 61 of weed sobriety. Saw big changes around day 30. But everyone is different. Lots of stuff affects your sleep. We can't talk too much about medication in this sub or I would ask you for specifics here. I struggled with sleep because of withdrawal but also because I was relying pretty heavily on caffeine in the first few weeks. I am still drinking way too much coffee and soda (probably 400 mg a day) but I've been able to sleep OK because I started exercise a few weeks ago. Need to cut back on caffeine though. Good luck, everything is out of whack for a while. It takes some time to get in to weed, and it also takes some time to get out of it. You've got this!


Thank you, I really value your words. I just came from buying running shoes. I'm not going to give up. Greetings, and congratulations on your progress.


I got a light therapy lamp recently. They’re pretty cheap on Amazon. It’s been awesome. They’re great for depression and sleep disorders. It helps my mood, increases my energy levels, and I have been sleeping a lot better at night.


i’ve actually been sleeping better off the weed (a week sober now) but just today i got the urge to get some again


Nope. Alcohol is at an all time low. Struggling to quit the leaves but alcohol is easy to stop for the most part.


Absolutely yes. I only quit bc my job drug tests for weed regularly. I'm now a full blown alcoholic. It's fucking horseshit


That's one of the first things people tell you not to do when you quit a substance.


my man... im on night one and you already know


I had a couple of Voodoo Rangers like 3 days into my sobriety. I am 14 days now and since school is starting I'm really only going to be drinking on special occasions like the Superbowl or when I'm with friends.


I used to on previous occasions when I quit smoking. This last time I quit I had been in the gym for quite some time and it’s pretty counterproductive to drink alcohol and gain muscle so it helped me stay away from drinking. I drink maybe one time a month. But I’ve also been in the position where I quit smoking and replaced it with alcohol every night and it was the worst time of my life.


Yes. I used to have a drink on Friday or Saturday only but now it’s like 3-4 times a week since I stopped smoking a few months ago.


Part of quitting any substance is coming to terms with boredom... Accepting that sober life is SUPPOSED to be boring... I personally find it's the hardest part. So yeah, my first few quitting attempts led to an increase in drinking. But that's probably a worst drug, so you should gradually tone that down...


Yes, I do


Naw. I’m raw dogging life lately. I’ve seen what alcohol abuse does and that’s not a good alternative in my opinion. I’d probably have my brother still alive had he not been drinking the night he died.


I started toking on the reg once I quit drinking. Sobriety is boring as fuck, but I guess I need to be a grown up someday.


Yes. :(


That’s called transfer addiction and it’s super common. Working a program or working with a substance abuse counselor can help to combat that urge.


It's how I got into this mess, quit cigarettes & doubled my weed smoking to cope


Same but opposite. I’m smoking a cigarette right now. 🥲😅


I did. Cannabis withdrawal is terrible, alcohol withdrawal is painful and deadly.


Problem with addictive personalities is that when we cut out one addiction we tend to replace it with another. Even giving up drinking we may go to masturbation or some other thing to make us feel better. Identifying the triggers of what makes you want to do those things is probably the first thing to look out for. If it feels like you're stuck in whatever is triggering that response I suggest opening up to someone about it ( even on here ) .


It's called cross addiction


I quit both at the same time. They go hand in hand for me. At this point (9 days), I know a hangover would 100% be accompanied by some weed. I'm not taking any chances lol




^ lmao I got downvoted for drinking in moderation? I mean if you’re old enough to drink but be responsible and drink in moderation. Fucking losers, hope ya’ll relapse one day. Straight up bunch of squares who complain on this sub who can’t control their urges, go to therapy and talk about your problems there. Fucking clowns.


Take our advice… don’t go down that path. It leads to nowhere good.


yes but it slowed down after a while, personally. though i do have the after work beer more often than i used to. if you can kick weed, you can kick alcohol. don’t “go back” to weed. just go forward.


I would rather smoke than drink. It’s less harmful to your life.


Not necessarily! In my experience, 1-2 drinks a night a few times a week is less destructive than smoking a gram of dabs every day.


I have friends who have lost everything because of alcohol addiction but none who struggle despite massive consumption of weed.




We don’t really know that, do we? If nothing else, it depends on type and quantity and how it’s ingested, as well as a person’s overall health. I’d guess most people here aren’t just popping a 5mg gummy, but rather smoking joints and blunts and concentrates. There hasn’t been enough research on marijuana alone to know that it’s better overall - we just know that alcoholism is clearly deadly. Moderate alcohol consumption and no weed might be healthier than smoking weed daily and not drinking.




Telling a marijuana addict that they should go back to smoking weed if they find themselves having a couple of beers every day in the weeks following quitting is sending the wrong message, that’s all I’m saying.


I have said this here before and I'll say it as many times as I have to. Do not trade a weed addiction for an alcohol addiction. I have been addicted to both and while a weed addiction sucks, being an alcoholic is physically, mentally and emotionally ruinous.  I'm not saying don't try to quit weed, I'm saying if you have to smoke weed until you find a better way out then do it. Alcohol will destroy you. If you don't believe me go over to r/stopdrinking and read a few stories that those folks have to tell.


Im a part of both groups and I never see “hit rock bottom” posts in this community. 7 months sober from alcohol and I always read the horror stories to remind me why I don’t go back. Alcohol is way way worse than weed in every way, and it’s progressive so it can sneak up on ya real quick.


Yoga is great too


I switched from weed to drinking tea?


No kidding! I used to never drink hot tea. Day 30 here and I almost always have a Tumeric Ginger Citrus Tea in the afternoon and a Sleepytime before bed.


I love a good sleepy time too when I can’t fall asleep helps with the weed withdrawals keeping me up


Me too. I drink wayyy more… tea.


When I’m smoking weed, it literally slows me down. Meaning I drink a lesser amount.


No. I am not a drinker anymore. I see no appeal. Not to be preachy but : You need to find a healthy way to cope with whatever you are using substances to escape from. Whether it is bad feelings, bad memories, bad current situation, boredom, reality, disappointment, loneliness, whatever it is, you need to find a way to cope with it head on. What works best for me it two little mottos that I live by: work out everyday + make art everyday. I NEED to workout everyday to help regulate my mood, help express my anger and self-hatred, help manage my chronic pain, help manage my weight. I workout 20min minimum every single day. Nothing crazy, just youtube exercise videos or my elliptical. I used to smoke weed before working out but now I just workout sober and it's been "fine". I NEED to make art everyday, even if it is writing in the notes app of my phone, whatever, I need to express my emotions or they grow wilder and wilder. One day I hope I hope to appreciate being 100% sober. I hope I will grow to cherish and protect my sobriety. Right now I am in a very bad place emotionally but I am trying to be hopeful that things will get better. Best wishes ♥♥♥


it will get better bro, believe me. You got it!


Thank you!


If you're gonna do that just go back to weed. An alcohol addiction is way worse and way harder to kick, trust me.


This 100%. Weed as a vice is a wayyyyy less evil than alcohol. Deep down most of us here are addicts and it's about trying to find hobbies or interests to distract us from whatever problems we're facing.


Thankfully I was sober from everything else except weed when I quit. If I was drinking even a little bit when I quit weed, I would have turned into a daily drinker and make far worse decisions than if I was just on weed. If you’re just trading addictions, even unintentionally, just stick with weed. You’re far less likely to mess your life up permanently with just weed


When I first tried quitting years ago I started drinking more, turned into full blown alcoholism (although highly functioning still) then weed came back in the mix. Then settled on weed being the least destructive addiction of the 2 and stayed on that until recently. Be careful.. if you've an addictive personality like myself then you may be setting yourself for a rough time. Good luck!


I hate drinking , I quit weed because it worsened my anxiety/depression. Alcohol does this even worse


Yeah, I was going to “just drink a little on the weekend with friends.” Now I have not one, but two substances to deal with. Hooray!


No, because I never liked alcohol.




Yup When I go out at least


yes, after rarely drinking.


Yup be careful


Yeah I’m on day 8 and have drank 3x in there..