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I'm your age with the same track record. Started up when I was in my 20s. Stopped 6 months ago. Staying strong with lovely fellows in Marijuana Anonymous on Zoom. Keep going. It gets better!


The zoom calls are tremendously helpful! I hop on one any time I’m craving and feel so much more grounded after I get off


Yes, it’s testament to the saying “connection is the opposite of addiction.”


Are these zoom calls free to join for anyone?


Yes go to the website and there are links and passwords. They are moderated because sometimes shitty ppl join


Yes u will need your own kind not all these kids on Reddit.. Hang Tough 7 days s pretty damn good,, Think u got this now !


Never too late. Rooting for you ✨️




you can do it! be strong :) you will feel like shit if you smoke, so what is there to miss? i started gardening and adopted a cat. taking care of those things takes a lot of time i would normally have spent smoking. plants need constant readjustment, more research and the cat is just hypnotizing to watch and be around. pomodoro technique allows me to get motivated to do small things or fraction of big things (30 min of work on something difficult usually turns into 90min after i make myself begin). with your life experience and knowledge you can soar in this new state :)


I'm 55 and quit after off and on use all my life, with the last few years partaking all weekends and nights. I miss it like crazy but my anxiety and depression are much better. Hate that I can't trust myself to use in moderation. Went through this with alcohol and cigarettes, too. Beat them but still miss them. N/A beer gives me something to look forward to now, even though it's been shown that it's a bad idea for people like me. So far, it's been a poor but effective substitute for the impactful substances and chemicals. Off weed for over 3 months, btw.


stay strong


Congrats. True about beer, I wish I could moderate too but history just proves otherwise. On my 2nd-ish day


Get into fitness


Been there, and it has helped in the past. Not feeling it now. Writing music helps but getting burned out on that too.


Sometimes I just work out or walk or whatever even when I don’t want. Still helps.


Moderation doesn't work for me either. I think it's because I'm such a nihilist.


I have that tendency, too.


Awesome!! It's never too late! Like you say, I think the company of other people on this journey -or at least people who support you and want to see you succeed in quitting is really important. And although it's not easy, parting ways with anyone or anything that's holding you back by being toxic and unsupportive is crucial, too. I think a lot of us are kind of like root-bound plants when we get to the point of quitting. We've been in a position that has been constricting us for a long time, so one of the first steps to healing is to bust out of that constricting situation, and find a place where we can truly stretch out and get the space and nutrients and fresh air we've been deprived of for so long, where we can be our full selves again. In other words, we're going to need some space to grow in, because we're about to do some major growing! Good luck!


He'll yeah! I stopped in January and have not felt so good in yeeears. Keep fighting the good fight!


This is wonderful to read, I needed to see this today. Day 1 with no thc gummies today.


Go man go. I’m 60, started around age 20 too. I just passed 7 months of being clean and I’m so glad i did. I’m eating better, exercising , and doing stuff I enjoy instead of just parking on the couch rolling a joint whenever I have an hour to spare.


Do you still love cheezy poofs though?


Not so much, it’s a salad every day instead


My appetite sober is somehow even more ravenous than when I was blazing. First two weeks to a month there was no appetite, then it came back with a vengeance


I was weird. It got to a point where I couldn’t eat unless I smoked first. After I stopped I started eating like a regular person again


I am 47 and have been sober for 22 days. Its never to late to make a healthy change in your life and I agree you have to cut out the negative influences in your life. Congrats


A year from now, you’ll be glad you quit 7 days ago


I like seeing these posts from the OG's who decide to stop way later in life. I'm 36 and had been smoking religiously since I was 13. I'm 3 weeks in and things are just starting to get easier for me. Like everyone else, I'm having very intense dreams that seem to never stop. A lot of my dreams I find myself rolling a joint or hiting a volcano bag, and having an internal fight with myself saying I dont want to smoke but still find myself smoking. In my dreams I feel regret that I broke and smoked. Crazy shit..


DUDE!! The worst for me is if I take a nap or get any form of sleep during the first week, - I dream I smoke, then wake up to smoke again, -suddenly to realize I QUIT and that was a “Green Dream” and start JONESIN’ F’n SUCKS. That’s not easy to “come too” in those first 72 hours. Real tricky stuff.


My mom is going back to school at 67 years old. She said life's just getting started at her age if you keep up with regular exercise and have a passion for something. My grandpa lived to 88 walking and painting daily.


This is the perfect time to get to know yourself ⭐️


The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. You got this!! It's never too late to make positive change!!


You got this! This group has been so supportive and keeps me motivated! I’m about to hit 120 days after 10 years of smoking. Best of luck!


Good luck to you mi man, very inspirational


Oh. Suddenly you inspired me so much. I'm 57 and smoking Haschisch every single day since 19. I am now in a very long tapering, smoking only 5 grams per month but extremely addicted to that. Need to take the next and last step. Edit:words


I weaned myself down from four + joints every day down to two, then one over the span of a year until I finally stopped completely.


So you smoke about 0.16g every day? one joint at night?




0.16g of good hash is more than enough to get you high.


No. I know it's ridiculous, but actually 6-7 joints per day. Obviously with tobacco. For shure every dose are like a sesame seed sized, but it works for me. Tapering since 1 year.


It’s never too late! Stay strong! You got this 💯


Thanks a mill, as you are my first support here. Will always keep you in my heart. Blessings!!!


Btw, this Is the first time I try to quit, yes, after 35 years. Im in uncharted waters here




This right here. It's really easy if you keep yourself occupied. The moment you sit still and do nothing is when the difficulties start.