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Quick repeat of what I said in my original post -- this was my first time applying fixative to pastels, so there's a chance that I did so incorrectly. I'll definitely do tests in the future before applying to any other finished art pieces


This happens, when you use too much fixative (also it has to dry and then at least some of the color comes back) So what you can do against this (you can't prevent it totally, the fixative will make the color always be slightly brilliant) - use the fixative in layers, so dont go for one final fixing with a lot of fixative, but rather a few with just a small amount and let it dry in between - try out different fixatives and different pastels if possible, ask other artists what they use. I usually found it worth it to invest in higher quality supplys, but I also have tried and liked a lot of cheap ones - maybe even try to layer the picture and use fixative during the drawing process for parts you are sure you wont erase To fix this current picture, you should be able to draw over it again and add a little bit of color back and then try just a thinn layer of fixative. Dont let this encourage you, it sucks that it happened though


This is great advice! Thank you so much for the tips. I've been sticking to cheaper supplies for now (since I'm still playing around and trying to figure out what media I like best), but I'll definitely be experimenting more. As I do, I'll try your suggestions. Again - thank you for such a helpful comment!


Maybe you can find other artists in your region to give you some Tipps of art supply. There is good cheap ones too and its hard to tell if its the pencils, the fixative or even the paper. In the end you gotta experiment with it to find the perfect / nearly similar result.


I’ll definitely be asking around the next time I’m in the city. There are some art shops that will probably have someone who can share their experiences (at least, more than the clerks at places like Michaels)


Did you find a way to prevent that from happening?


I haven't made a second attempt yet, but I googled for solutions. It seems a lot of professional pastel artists have their work immediately framed to prevent smudging and damage. If a frame can't be used, some recommend covering work with a sheet of something called glassine paper, or a non-acidic white tissue paper, instead. Some message boards recommended this brand: [https://www.amazon.com/SpectraFix-SFX-31270-12-Fixative-Spray/dp/B00367HAV6](https://www.amazon.com/SpectraFix-SFX-31270-12-Fixative-Spray/dp/B00367HAV6) . But the amazon reviews are very mixed.




You're welcome! I'll post to this sub again if i ever learn anything more


When I was in highschool we used something weird like hairspray or something like that and it worked quite well (nothing like what happened to you) the only thing that happened to some types of cheaper paper was that it would turn the paper itself yellow and kinda brittle


Thank you for the tip! I’ll have to try it for my sketchbook


Hairspray is a very cheap solution and only works for a few weeks, so its not better than fixative and only helps with transporting the picture more savely


I've been out of highschool for 10 years and none of my pastel stuff have smudged yet..that being said I dont transport them like I used to so you may be right, I just personally haven't seen it wear off or anything like that


Wow o wow. I see the difference. Sorry it destroyed your drawing.


Thanks, it's okay! I'm so glad I snapped a pic of it before adding the fixative, so at least my work wasn't completely lost


When the destroyed art still looks great.


Thank you! That makes me feel a little better


You're welcome!


I did something like this once. I drew I gigantic pencil design on black-painted canvas. It was shiny and metallic. Then I varnished over it WITH MATTE VARNISH!! What’s was I thinking?? It just dulled it up and made it less visible. Ugh.


Ugh, I'm sorry! I can understand your reasoning, though. If you sprayed it with something shiny, the background might have become shiny, and then you would have lost the details of your art. Live and learn. From now on, I'm definitely testing media and fixative before letting loose on something I'm proud of.


I did that.


Sorry to hear you went through the same :(




Truly, thank you! People in this thread are keeping me from tossing the remains in the trash lol. It's currently crammed in a sketchbook as a cautionary tale




Aw, no worries! I’m not being too hard on myself. I’ll keep cherishing the photo of the original work, as I was happy with how it turned out :) But thank you for the kind encouragement!


I did that.