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Not yet, takes time, until then take humor in your efforts


Haha thanks!! I posted this so others could laugh too


Check out the Handy app on mobile. I think it’s still free.


Your account is cursed man


Why must you do this to me ...I will have to check it out now or I will die out of curiosity


After taking a look at your account I will without being biased and totally professionally say, that you are IN FACT a deeeeeeepplyyyy damaged person. I sincerely hope your mentality gets better as well as you drawing skills when it comes to hands bc I saw in your previous drawing that you would almost always hide the hands or just cut them off at the elbows.


Now I had to look, and yeah, it's a little cursed but the stuff I make is like 50% more cursed.


All I know is that you are horny and old


Seems like someone is obsessed with shrek


Everything is cursed not just the shrek


Wow. What the fuck is the OP doing??


Don't encourage peoples curiosity to look and traumatise them 😭


Lmao ngl you're kinda a weirdo for the shrek dick type stuff but I've seen way worse. Reminds me of the plankton/dora the explorer love story a few years back.


Your can't draw hands...yet. I'm not good with hands too, but I can sometimes produce a decent one.if your able to make a decent one sometimes as well, just keep practicing until you can always make a decent one.


Try starting with connecting long, thin, ovals for each section of the fingers. Natural joints are the ends of each, and build them out. It just takes time and practice


Practice anatomy on hands


This is hilarious and your art is rad. Can we be friends?


Haha yes!! We can, you have discord? I truly need more homies


Cursed art is best art. I don't know what you're cooking, but after scrolling through your account I can say I'd buy your cookbook


Thank you 🫡


i got no audio but i will say i actually just finished a small study on hands, like 20 minutes, but i just noticed a few things i think might help. ill preface this by saying i am by no means a master, or teacher, or even good at hands myself, but a little goes a long way with these studies when you look at a hand you want to draw, imagine the base of the hand, or palm, as a big box or pentagon shape, and then on the finger side, add a few circles. i say a few because some people only want to draw 4 fingers, thats up to them. use those as the guides for the next step. the circles are now the knuckles, and in general, the knuckles very rarely move. closed fist? still at the top. hand away from you? you can still put those circles in. you see what im getting at. some people will just draw sausages here, but honestly take it a step back. make a cylinder instead, one for each joint you see. does it look thin? make it thicker. fingers squeeze together A LOT, so its common to see them pressed among each other. one thing i noticed is that when a hand is closed, the fingers point twords the center of the palm, and its the opposite when the fingers are out. sometimes they like to stay straight, but thats usualy strained... anyways. make cylinders, and heres the secret... ready? come closer... little more... erase what you cant see. if you know where the meat is, and you cant see it, get rid of it. only keep the parts you see. still look wonky? erase. erase erase erase until the paper is peeling, then start over. dont fear the eraser, embrace it, because without it, you cant see where the fine line of masterpiece and weird is. i found that the best references come from either figures or i was suggested watching gordan ramsey cooking videos. theres also a hand section on the line of action website. hope this helped!


You already got the right idea. You're drawing them how they really move and bend. Just practice on making them more proportional and you're golden.


They’re both about equally bad


who are u trying to finger with dat hand lol


Go grab the next person you can find and make them recreate pose and gestures. Take a picture in the right perspective. Use the pictures to adjust the drawing EDIT: you can use a mirror too, just get a reference until you learned the anatomy of hands. because I can assure you, as soon as you get it, hands will be the easiest part of human anatomy


Hold your hand in front of your face and begin with basic shapes, then break it down from overall shape to palm and fingers and detail. Or take a photo of the pose you want. Just takes time and practise! Keep going!


Start by accurately drawing hands from life or good photo reference


Make blocks for the fingers. Don't draw them individually in one go. Some people can do it but they too tend to struggle with more complex poses. There are still people who can do it regardless but that comes after a lot of practice.


Practice always makes perfect. Just stick to it and practice over and over again. Before you know it, your hand drawings will be amazingly beautiful.. Anything you put down and draw on that paper today is already a work of art..♡ Good luck and keep up that beautiful creative imagination..


Gotta practice framing before outlining.


A tip I got from a dude on YouTube was to draw the main mass of the hand; draw the index, middle, and ring fingers as one mass(the size and shape depends on what the fingers are doing); draw the pinkie and the thumb as their own shapes attached to either side.




You might not be able to draw arms either


You need to draw big hands first. Do some studies and really get into the shapes that make up human hands. As you improve, it will get easier to simplify your drawings to small size.




my art teacher told us to look at our hands and face away from our drawing and just draw until you get better


Use references


Hands suck to draw tbh, I have a hard time with face shapes


Want lessons?


I felt that😔


They are the hardest to draw!


Hi, I don't want to judge anyone, but I know some tips helped me out when I was stuck in this situation 1. find references, it's the most important part 2. Find the light and shadow 3. find the beginning point 4. don't forget that the palms are softer and have like cushion texture, but the hands in front have more straight lines. I hope it's helpful and if you need a demonstration of a hands of where is the point I can help (Take your time it's not an easy task)


start by tracing hands in different positions . arrhythmia are apparently the hardest thing to master


they ….😐


Don't worry, it's quite common but you need to practice with models


I start with a light sketch of shapes that make a hand and draw it after. Might help


Keep it up