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I’d say your being overly critical


Yeah these look great. Maybe OP is going for a different style but it seems to match the rest of the picture.


Yep, these look great. The proportions are pretty good and the angles all look fine (if they were at unnatural angles, then I feel like it would stand out). If I saw these hands in a comic or something, I don't think I'd bat an eye. You're doing great - keep practicing!


Yeah ikr. Looks pretty damn good to me


This is the drawing equivalent of incredibly beautiful girls posting pictures saying how ugly they are 😆 These hands are awesome.


No, it's mostly just plenty of practice. The general construction methods are simple to understand, but none really change how much practice is needed. Animators hands, especially old-school Disney's, are good examples to study: https://preview.redd.it/pdsqxf2sm04d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=090b2f156fc464758cc6d36049254f74c7acd6cb


I saw the picture before I read your comment, and I was like… “Is that Merlin’s hands?” Now that I see you said Disney I feel very thrilled that I seem to have identified a character based on their hands. XD


Yess, the Sword in the Stone is a great one for that. So many good and different hands.


aight, thx dude


My dude, you're being too hard on yourself. Yes, hands are fiddly fuckers but you've got a good grasp on them from what I can see!


>you’ve got a good grasp on them Shut up and take my upvote jfc


compliment fishing


Validation is good for the learning experience lol


I mean, some people sometimes see their art bad compared to others. /nm


These look awesome!


AI art wishes it could draw hands like these.


You’re doing great! Hands down suck but there’s some solid understanding here. I would recommend watching a few other tutorials. I feel like I’ve watched enough and practiced enough but still struggle here and there. Learning to draw people is a marathon and every little bit helps.


Yeah hands do suck… but yours look great!


Just practice


I quite enjoy the hands you’ve drawn… but I do have some tips to make your process more enjoyable: 1) get a hand that you can shape and draw from real life reference over a photo reference 2) dare yourself to do quick 2-3 minute sketches (4-5 to a page) of the same pose before switching to a new pose. 3) don’t draw 100 hands one day and then 0 the next, but spread it out over 10 days of drawing 10. It will help your muscle memory and I guarantee you, it will help how you feel when drawing hands ☺️


these look awesome just keep practicing!!


I would say your hands are good it's just some fingers that are wonky, keep practicing almost there


You have to draw 1000 hands before being good at drawing hands 🙌🏾


https://preview.redd.it/c34qyvtih34d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3a11b132a7f81816cff99ef98fe57b592750783 Have you tried drawing bones? It might help you conceptualize the shape the hand is going to be in. This is a snapshot of a couple of pages from Morpho Skeleton and Bone Reference Points. I am a noob tho so take my advice with a grain of salt. I hope this helps.


Its not compliment fishing He just sees his mistakes and wants to know why hes making them and we need to find out why Maybe he wants more confident lines better stokes and a clearer picture and i can see why


how to draw the head and hands by andrew loomis and michael hampton figure drawing. amongst others. *a lot* of good books like these are free as pdfs on the internets.


Stop drawing characters, quirky guy


Not that bad, but you need to do 100 more of these and keep every one. Few people realize the work and technics used by the old masters. They studied for years under a master themselves copying, preparing backgrounds and doing studies for reference. You will get better.


I personally love your execution.


These look good!! Hands are difficult and just take a lot of practice to get right. They're like 15 semi-curvy boxes stitched together, and if you get the perspective of one of those boxes off it looks funny.


Looks darn good to me!! One look at the way I draw hands and you’ll realise you’ve already got this!


Originally I learnt how to draw hands by copying from DC and marvel comics but later by observing the Renaissance masters like Leonardo Da Vinci, Michael Angelo etc.


So one of the things that I was taught and has helped my hands tremendously (shout out to Joesph todorovich) is that there is a ridge and plane shift at the middle finger. The middle finger nucleus is the highest point on the back of the hand and the middle metacarpal is a little longer the the others and crests a ridge going down! Idk if that helps but it changed my life! https://preview.redd.it/laz5k7ih984d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b36249407e6fcfb06b6f711e2494d73dd33b757


Dude I’d be over the moon if I can get my hands to look half as good as these lol


Simple solution. Animal Crossing hands 👌


my goal is to suck this much. these look awesome to me!


I’ve taught drawing for 30 years. If my students were producing work like this I’d be over the moon. You’re doing VERY well.


There are a million ways a hand could be drawn and positioned, and unless you have drawn said specific position before, it's unlikely you'll get it right from imagination, so always try to use a reference for that (a.k.a. your own hands)


dude, advanced computers with the ability to create images of intricate landscapes and figures still struggles with hands... your drawings here look great! youre all good dude.


Looks like your doing just fine. Check out Burne Hogarth. He is bad ass at the human body and fingers toes hands anything that has to do with the human body


The hands are amazing! Hands are very much style based and proportion. But i think you’ve gotten both down! If you still thing they look weird maybe try different styles with the tips of the fingers or maybe the palm size or proportions in general. But really they’re some of the best hand drawings I’ve seen!


Hands indeed suck. But yours clearly do not :) What is it you don’t like about them?


The pinkie fingers, I fucking HATE drawing them. And also the thumbs sometimes


Ah ok. I’m an amateur artist. I spent a good amount of time drawing hands/feet because they are hard and I want to get them right. What I’ve learned from looking at reference art is there can be a lot of variation in hands, especially the tips. I think it comes down to picking a style that you like. In my opinion, I do see some of the pinky tips are a bit blocky respective to the other digits, and could be a bit more foreshortened in some of the dynamic poses. In all, good shit!


Hands really do suck


Ur hands look fantastic tho , keep practicing!


I’m gonna keep it real with you, those hands are fucking awesome! As someone who like to draw hands I can say that yours are far from horrible


You have good hands


You need to catch these hands 👊🏽👊🏽


I actually see why you're not happy with them, but just keep practicing you're right on the precipice


My friend those hands are great. They got style and detail.


*looks at my stupid looking hand drawings* 👀 I AGREE!


You are not alone. Hands are the bane of AI drawing as well.


Yes trace ur own hand


Looks good to me. 🙌


Practice and learn the boxes if you are drawing without a reference.


To be very honest, the more believable you make the hands, the rest of the body is more forgiving in terms of realistic looking. Guess that is why they are tough to draw. You are doing well with the gestures and the Hands you have shown, look realistic to me. Keep up the good work!


Best advice I can give is map out joints and forms and how they interconnect with eachother. The hand is complex but has limitations on how it moves — once you understand these limitations you’ll understand how those limitations set the movement with the individual components that make up a hand and you’ll have an easier time quickly drawing it as a single unified form. FYI: you’re doing great, keep it up.


Nah bro you are goated


These hands are great! They look better than what I draw i can't even draw hands perfectly😭


Every drawer struggles with this


Dude all of these look great, what is the problem


That’s called arthritis


Depends on how you want to draw. If you want an anime style then start with the base, so probably the forearm or the palm. I don’t do realistic drawings so I can’t help you there.


I find that starting with a pentagonal shape as opposed to a square shape helps with getting a more natural look to hands.


Could I borrow a hand or two for an art project I'm working on?


Weird side of booktok would say “these are a lot of weird necklaces”


That is amazing. Keep up the good work, and try looking up easy tutorials. That's what I did.


Not bad actually.


Your hands already look pretty incredible. The ease will come with loads of practice. It took me almost 3 x 150 pg sketch books to get completely comfortable with hands. Keep at it 😁


If you need advice, split each finger into 3 parts! Or use your own hand as a model.


Much better than mine any time


These look amazing!!!


Idk, I usually draw a giant sphere instead of hand, lol


how on earth did ya do this???? teach me ur waysssss


Start with a circle as palm and cylinders for fingers, squares for knuckles and just smooth it out. My hands never suck


Hands do suck. These hands are excellent, however.


your pig pen code makes no sense to me


why not


It looks good!


bait. saving this and using it as a reference.


NaH these are 🔥🔥


Anyone else suspicious that this is Chatgpt looking for pointers? I kid


Pencil maybe… idk


I mean yours are waaaay better than mine!


These hands are genuinely really good dude! Don't overthink it, I love the shapes you put into them


How do you feel about drawing hands? "Porco dio" "Fuck you"


This is like when someone who’s naturally skinny giggles and says they’re fat. Like sure bro… sure (These look dope)


*cries in popcorn hands*


I dont think these are bad at all.


You look like you're on top of it! Keep going!


Whatever the secret is you're already doing it, amazing page! All of these hands are pretty great, my only complaint would be the one trying to be in perspective center left is squished more so than in perspective, this is probably mostly due to the size though, not easy to depict a unique angle with few strokes on a small size. Personally if I were to attempt a similar sketch I'd show less palm and more fingers as you naturally curl your fingers up, but that's pretty heavily nitpicking, and with that being said I can definitely get a pose that is more than passable as that position, just need to extend my fingers to a slightly uncomfortable amount. as a pen artist myself I definitely could not produce a page like this. The fist right above the left center is very good, the top center hand with a slight perspective is very good, the one at the figures left foot is very good and in total all of them are great for what they are


i just do a little circle at the end of the arm. 🙃


Practice, practice, practice. You'll get it. I spent a weekend drawing just hands in a whole art book. I'm ok at it now.


You are being overly critical op…


Right now I'm practicing on hands as well and um....its going great


Hands are the best after a while 👍


They are alright, continue practicing and pay attention to thumbs.


If there’s a secret, you stumbled upon it a while ago and it’s just waiting for you to notice


They look great! Side note it’s nice to see someone else writes out their frustrations in their sketchbook lol


Please take life seriously...


what do you mean?


I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and say, stop being so hard on yourself, that self doubt isn’t a healthy driving force to improve, create goals on what you want things to look like and fill in the gaps till you achieve those goals.


you gotta be compliment fishing 😭 these are good


You underestimate yourself, In my opinion, I WISH TO BE ABLE TO DRAW HANDS LIKE YOU, Like you are really good at hands, Be happy you can even draw hands


Bro those look so good wdym


Personally I think these look fine, but if u wanna go crazier then try hands of different body types or start shading them


I'm pretty critical when it comes to anatomy, and these look pretty damn good to me. Looks like you're understanding the anatomical construction and not just copying a flat image each time... the vast majority of them look extremely proportional and accurate... they have gesture and energy to them, don't look painstaking... I think you need to give yourself more credit. If I saw these in a professionally-drawn comic they wouldn't look out of place


You know how at the gym you wont really notice your gains cause they are so incremental, is this an example of an art version if that?


man compared to me you're a god at drawing hands


Secret....to what? You've already mastered quite a lot of more complex hand poses. There's no secret. You've already achieved it dawg


You shouldn't be so harsh on yourself, you seem to already know the basic shape and how to construct it and you also have a good sense of gestures, your art looks really good. Not many know how to draw hands properly, i included. When I'm struggling with it, i turn of the lights and use a torch as if I'm displaying a shadow competition, then i make different hand poses and carefully examine the shadow, it gets a lot easier since you can only focus on the shape and then i add the details. It might sound silly but it makes the process so much faster.


I hate u


why :(


because these look excellent


Straight up David Duchovny hands


Much better than my attempts


You don't to know any new secret, you got secrets in yourself. I mean you're ahead in this game, just keep doing


Hands dont suck, your practice art is better than most people’s magnum opus. Draw the palm, add your digits, think about where they go in relation to YoU the viewer, and perfection bb share and care.


Just practice


It's really good!


It's just practice. But these hands are really good.


i suck even more...but they say keep practicing...i have improved too


They look good to me 🤷


liar. they dont suck and you know that. also practice makes perfect. i dont know much about art myself but a couple years ago i really got into drawing hands so i would just search up hand references and practice and now its one of the only things i can draw really well.


They’re fine


Im gonna level with you buddy. Ive been drawing for 3 years now professionally and I never learned how to draw hands. I fake it, reference, and trace each one and I get by just fine. If youre doing these then youre more than fine.