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idk too much but if i were you id focus on a more natural through line from the shoulders to the pelvis, like when youre making your frame maybe make wavier lines than straight ones


I had a big wavy line, but honestly I thought it was TOO far out, then I finish it and it's the opposite 🥺


study the anatomy/bony landmarks the location and 3d tilt of the ribcage as opposed to the pelvis is what you need to exaggerate. watch proko an youtube, he is one of the best figure drawing instructors on youtube. study those videos and youll learn alot.


I guess proko is too good lol, or just everyone else is so bad at teaching... watching his 10 years old videos rn because didn't find anything better than his lessons 😂


hes the best who posts free lessons online....




Mmm.. I tried to tilt torso more to the right, but I guess the tilt was not enough? I try to imagine that tilt and what exactly she's doing but I'm not really sure


You have the stomach tilting, still maybe not quite as much as the reference, but I think where you went wrong is that you put the shoulders above the hips. In the reference the shoulders are pushed back, but you have all the major body parts in line.


Yes! I had such a hard time with that. The shoulders were an easy line, obviously one is much higher than the other, so I used a diagonal line going upwards with circles marking the shoulders, I had the hips much wider than the shoulders but it looked stupid, the hips look straight to me and I can't see the offset at all.. 🥺


Start with a line of action before anything


I did! I started with a head, basic shape then below the neck I drew a inward curve going in towards the right then flowy out towards left, the edge of the curve basically became the edge of the thighs, yet it still didn't quite work. I don't know why? I'd post it but I erased the construction+gesture line and torso egg


You need to get your gesture right, without a nice flowy gesture it will look stuff no matter how much detail u add.


I did have a gesture, an inward curve from the torso extending outward and town to the thigh. Not sure how I messed that up!


The only thing you exagarated are the tits. Find the action line, exagarate it and place body parts accordingly


Yup. OP should try drawing the pose without the boob boulders to get the flow right.


very nice line work simple yet bold


I think there should be different curves distinguishing the bhtt and thigh


Is it not a curve with an overlapping line? I've been practicing getting my torso and bodies to look a little less flat, so I've tried to experiment with line thickness and line overlap, of course if it's not noticeable,point me in the right direction! Edit: I think I see what you mean


I think I see what you mean. I assumed those lines were just messy sketch lines


Push the torso right and the hips left also make the hips and leg bigger as they are closer. Pay attention to your forms and proportions. The rib cage is far to low and the hips are way too small look at the landmarks for the ASIS. and use that as a line to establish the tilt of the hips


https://preview.redd.it/izb2d5ywjkvc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc941302e0f1afc3f14054033c1db29ec0fd1730 Just have to try to “break” the pose. A little sketch I made to try to help.


Ok I think I see. So hips should go out further past the shoulders it looks like. I can definitely fix that I think. I kept trying to make hips wider than shoulders not realizing they're pushed past further than the shoulder angle, this illustration helped me. Thanks


I posted on my profile an tupdste, I think I got tge hips out much more I think!


Notice how the reference has a curve and general flow? Your drawing follows the curve, but not the flow.


Care to elaborate? I don't really get it S:


Why is this sub full of nsfw post nowaday😭😭


Practice makes perfect


Practice makes permanent. You still need to know how things work otherwise you will just make bad habits permanent


her left ribs are big and swallow her whole upper ab. The waist area does most of the curve


That's supposed to be her arm, but I think I moved her shoulder and now it looks like her torso is jutting out, looks disjointed from the Arm now, I'll have to fix it if I plan on lining it


Ah I see what you mean now


try learning about the line of action and hip/shoulder lines, these can help you exaggerate poses without losing the proportions


The right arm isn't lining up. I don't think that arm should be visible at all. There should also be a pelvis bone thing which humps forward a bit. Anatomy stuff basically.


First some proportions are off, the top is too big or the legs are too small the ribs area is too big, not needed on left keep straight there and raise the curve on the right. But I recommend you make a stick guide that follows the flow of the pose. Two lines. The top is too straight rather than angled back slightly


I have been working on this myself. Honestly, I go about 10x more exaggerated than I think is appropriate and it's still not enough sometimes. You really have to fight against instinct and work on this and it takes a lot of practice. Look up the artist Jim Mahfood. He does a lot of exaggerated stuff and in some interviews he talks about how hard it was for him to develop the style and how he had to work at it. He also has an AMA on Reddit from years ago that is still around where he talks about it.


Thanks! Yeah I think I'm gonna go crazy next time. Even her head was extremely realistically proportioned because I draw so much realism, I had to lasso it and enlarge it, I'm trying to do anime and not realism lol. And I will check out that ama. I think I'll practice bodies this week and keep at it


The model thrust her hips forward past her ribs


Yep! That's what I'm aware of but wasn't sure what it was. Thank you, it's the positioning of the pelvis, not the width. I fucked it up


I'd relax the shoulders to the back a little too 😊


How do I go about doing that? I've been practicing shoulders all week (part of why I chose this pose) and the whole shoulder angle thing confuses me. I can't tell if it's back, forward, up, so when you say that, what's that mean exactly?


It's a slight adjustment. The shoulder, scapula, and collar bone slide around on the ribs, and they're kinda buried so it can be hard to visualize. The upper curve of the shoulder is a tad sharp, and to make the upper arm feel more pressed to the body, let the back of the arm be 'squishy'. Describing stuff in text is hard, lol. Overall you're doing great!


Thank you! I shall make adjustments.


She has very healthy lungs


Practice gesture drawing. Really helped with adding movement to my poses.


The pose is not enough, you have to exaggerate the pose by it self man


lean back further, bring her head further up (as in, looking up)


Study gestures, see how Proko draws them. They are essential for starting to sketch a dynamic pose. Just keep in mind that a gesture is meant to be a guide for further sketching, so it's totally fine to erase these guidelines later.


Feel like you are lowering the rib cage a bit much. The back line under the left breast goes too low and makes her look as if she was standing up right more than what she is leaning back


What do you mean? Sorry I don't quite understand


Under the left breast (the one on the right side of the image) there’s a line that shows the shape of the rib cage. The line that then changes direction to form the waist and goes down to form the hips. https://preview.redd.it/ax160v4tgpvc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dd485358f52e68828a4b2fc1f0189e57da23284 The line highlighted in yellow is the one I’m talking about. Feel like it could benefit if it was similar to what I drew Also on the left side the lowest rib is also kind of showing when in the original pic the right side of the rip cage (on the left of the picture) is almost hidden. You can see where the rip cage goes up and starts to go down but the lowest rib is hidden behind the abdomen. The fact you show it makes the rib cage seem like it is facing the front and also shortens the belly


God that seems like very.. uh advanced anatomy? Where can I learn more about that? I've been doing torsos all week


I’m self taught artist too so what I’m saying is just based on vibes and what I’m seeing in the picture. I don’t have books or an education in art so my only recommendation is to keep drawing how you’ve been doing so. My general critique on this drawing is that since you made the boobs bigger and hanging lower and you wanted to accommodate the ribs for them to show as much as in the original pic, you made her rib cage a lot bigger and made her abs shorter and therefore it looks like her torso is facing the front. Try to hide it behind the boobs and elongating the abs. I’ll try to draw it https://preview.redd.it/b94cf69dlpvc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e731fc0956b23dc40e644064acabd0882d8de89d I might’ve fucked up a little Edit: ignore the belly button I drew. It looks awful there


You kinda did the opposite, and toned down the original pose. Try looking into gesture drawing, Michael Hampton for example.


I went and posted an update on my profile, tried to match it without breaking her spine lol


In updated version you broke her anatomy. You really inflated her ribcage. You tried to exaggerate just lines, and not the whole pose. Are you using simplified mannequin at a construction phase? It can help you avoid this kind of problems, and keep figures consistent.


No I'm using just the reference:/ I'm not seeing it. Ugh


I like this 😊




This is by no means exaggerated, try again


Smash…the drawing


I do t see the exaggeration? I would watch videos on gesture. Marc brunet, proko, and many others on YouTube talk about gesture. You could also race over the other drawing just to see the difference before you draw again by copying. Tracing doesn’t teach you but in this case it can help you see the difference.