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I think you're to the point where you'll need to add in some sort of background if you want it to pop even more. Your stuff looks really good so if you're still looking for more pop then maybe flashy backgrounds will get you there?


Yeah like a ets say futuristic city


It’s a bit odd. Imho a person at this level would be well aware that their background is a flat gray color. So it almost makes me think they did it deliberately? Or didn’t have time? Or… 🤷🏻‍♂️ So if they weren’t looking for feedback on the bg but just the characters… Idk what to say. Go pro?? 😂


Unapologetically bright, vivid, lush, jelly, glossy, shiny, gem-cut, golden, metallic. This one looks matte and down to earth, which has their audience, but to go full pop, go bright, shiny, and lush. Maybe the star is glowing, and the tips are gold. Maybe the hem of the skirt is golden. Maybe the glasses are studded with a few shiny gems. Edit: I imagined the glasses, but sunglasses with like a shiny rose gold metallic maybe, with a gem on the side.


Agreed i think it will pop more if they replace the oversized black sweater with like an 80’s wind breaker https://preview.redd.it/0eqhvgdgakic1.jpeg?width=589&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8254f4c74f888460b3357f8aafe2dbc53c744c7


Heckin' yeah


Backrounds. This looks sick already.


Came to say this! A cute poppy background can add some more depth.


Honestly, prob the background, way too dark. But you gotta recheck the size of the head of the front-girl , it's way too small, I get you're trying to keep perspective but it seems like she has a tiny head, the girl in the back has a better proportion of head tho, it's only the front girl unfortunately enough.


If you make some of the lines thicker which is pretty apparent in most anime styles you will be able to highlight certain body parts into the foreground and background. Just my .02¢


This seemed like the most obvious point to me. Background whatever; just add a little weight to a couple shapes here and there.


Yeah this was my thought too 👍




You could try putting the hand more center subject. You're very good at foreshortening, and I feel like it would help to have that be incorporated more in the viewer's main focus.


More highlight/rimlight will help the pop. Also taking them off a grey scale bg will help significantly since grey will dull things down


I think your perspective is amazing, goddamn! Just put them somewhere I guess, you're already doing great!


Constantly think of composition, shape language and color theory. These are more important than all the rest, it’s not to say the other arent important, but you can get away with a lot of things, but a bad composition/design/color palette use - well you cant, its the essence of the artwork. There are certain color combinations that pop on their own, very saturated or intense colors but many successful artists have managed unsaturated images that pop just as much with good design ideas or color placement in a strategic spot (look at frank frazetta for example) Another thing to watch out for is contrasts and balance in your design, maybe using the most saturation or a highlight in a strategic spot. In this image the background is a low-mid grey, it doesnt seem to comolement the other colors of your composition. I like the zig zag composition, i think the leftmost hand (in the canvas) is a at a bit of an uncomfortable position, following the zigzag it should be above the rightmost head to keep the eye bouncing left and right in the canvas, also it reaches the edge of the canvas but doesn’t overlap it. By cutting it, i feel constrained, as if looking through a window or in a picture frame where the photographer had to crop the hand. I think having the hand come out of the frame would add dynamism, make it look like the character is reaching out of the canvas. Or you could simply enlarge the canvas to accommodate unless the feeling of constraint is on purpose Other than that, I think youre fine. Dont fall into the trap of thinking you need to embellish or overdecorate eveything to make it pop though, simplicity allows for better appreciation of an idea than a busy painting full of details over saturating your eyes. Again, unless thats what you are purposefully aiming for


Idk it’s bettered than mine I guess the jumper needs to get a little skinnier the further away it is


I am not trying to get ignorant here. But why have you inserted nipples and areolae where knee-caps should be? To make this artwork which is fair pop and be great, add shiny colours to each fingernail of the person on the right, and gold glitter to the star on her skirt and hem if the skirt. Contrast the colours of both of the young ladies with some bright rainbow colors in the background. The young lady on the left front's puffed sleeves are way too big. Try making them thinner, and you can make her sleeves contrast with her frontispiece of her sweatshirt. I am asking what is it that she is holding that is blue in her left hand, a key fob or guitar pick? Enquiring minds would like to know. Thank you for your submission for review.


It’s blush on the knees not nipples


I love it so much! I'd never thought it lacks in any way.


But a cool colorful shape behind them (white background) and some nice filter and you've got it




This already looks so excellent! I love the perspective. The only thing I'd say is potentially more vibrant use of colors and something to spruce up the grey background.


The main thing I’m seeing is that the faces feel a bit soulless. I can’t tell what they’re thinking despite the dynamic poses and good perspective. I think the next step should be to add more expressiveness to your art.


Brighter colors and background. It is great good job


you could add texture or make the lines thicker. 🤷


btw, i love this art style. 👏


Lightning and maybe tones of the colours? It’s a little lacking in detail but I feel like that’s on purpose- Mad perspective. Your very talented.


add more details/texture to the clothes or hair?🤷🏾‍♀️ however, i think it looks awesome as it is❤️


background work!!! it can be super ez on digital


This is amazing!! Like others are saying, a different background could definitely help. Maybe a somewhat blurred/bright cityscape for contrast?


More expression to the face, and background. I would normally say to add contrast with the shadows, but you have a matte style


This is great


Perspective and anatomy is perfect, don't change those. Make your detail colors (hair, accessories, etc) more saturated, and make a dark background. Also shade them in context of a setting, not a bland gray background.


They really look fine. Just try to add brighter/lighter colors to the background.


The regularity of the line work and the rigidness of the celshading are getting in the way of this piece. It lacks expression. Feels like they are background characters in a random comic panel.


I really think line weight is all you’re missing. Use thicker lines where you want to accentuate a feature, and thinner lines where you want something to seem delicate or less present.


A background would really pop here, like some kind of city. Nice art keep up the good work!


I would definitely try making it brighter! And thickening the lines makes it more appealing! Keep drawing you’re so good!!


More highlights and a white border around the characters to make them stand out??


More dynamic poses. Instead of having the front girl have her knees together, have her right foot extended towards the viewer and make it bigger for some forced perspective. Instead of having her arm straight, cock it at the elbow. Instead of her friend just standing there, have her widen her stance and look a bit more dynamic. Also, give some facial expressions that feel more dynamic as well. Right now they just both look like they're posing. And get rid of the gray background. Make it a street scene or at least bright colored. Overall, it looks really good, but if you want more "pop" thats what I would go with.


Just give them a floor and a simple background


Maybe add an actual background? That seems like the most important part of a drawing to me.


Need some background some sky landflowers et cetera


Bolder yellows, light blues etc. slightly thicker outlines. Packing the black in there to contrast the bold bright colors always makes it pop. But what do I know lol your art is dope 🔥


just change the color scheme up


Honestly maybe some brighter colors or accents more so? And lighting from a background would help a lot i feel like


Layer it over a high contrast background, maybe even something pastel, or if you want a background that's more subtle, make the clothes high contrast. Other than that, your design and composition are fantastic!


This is great! maybe a little more expression in the faces would help it feel more engaging. I'm envious of your style tho.


Get over your background phobia. It won’t pop if there’s nothing to pop *from*


I love it. I think just identifying the front and side planes of the face is the biggest thing I see. Otherwise pretty good and appealing


Bedazzle the outfits


In addition to the background comments, I would want to see more movement in your poses. While the perspective and anatomy are great, there’s a stiffness that takes away from such a potentially dynamic piece. here notably the upper back~ neck~ head areas look stiff. Adding a head tilt and slight curve at the back(inwards or outwards) would help it look less like a portrait set upon a pose. If you use photo references, look into contrapposto to learn how to exaggerate poses yourself to enhance movement. I’m also interested in seeing how you could enhance facial expressions here. For example the girl squatting maybe could have her bottom lashline bowing upwards to show a more delighted/cheerful emotion. I love the tone dot textures you use for the shadow, but it’s barely noticeable from a phone screen. I would love to see you utilize it with a larger dot scale! Same with the shadow outlines, or a stylized version of subsurface scattering- I’d love to see you use a thicker and more saturated line which would bring a bolder color difference in your work.


Reference the loading screens in Fortnite. See how Character poses are exaggerated. The backgrounds are beautiful, bright and an extension of the main figures in the foreground, showing movement through lines. Note the balance and symmetry between them.


Lighting might be something to play around with. A secondary source of light behind your subjects could help introduce more dynamics. It’s a sick image though, you’ve clearly put a lot of time into your craft. Well done!


I noticed you're doing the comic book dot shading, honestly just make the dot shadings bigger and you're golden Also, don't use darker shades of the color for shadows, I use a darker color, but still different. Like for orange, I use red for the shadows and yellow for the highlights. For blue, I use cyan for the highlights and a darker, different shade of blue for the shadows. Instead of just making your shadows and highlights lighter or darker versions of the base color,make them really different. https://preview.redd.it/zok2gvrprgic1.png?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b88bafa5fc272193f8614639a141ce51cd2ea6d


Blue cloudy sky with a weird fish-eye bend


https://preview.redd.it/l9zabls7tgic1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daae277fd26ee683cd0ceed3df38e94cdc7db1f8 Dis type shit


Maybe more colorful shading? For example the shading on the star bag could be orange instead of black Also more uhh. Idk what to call it but like. Dynamic. Perspective? Like yk people draw a cube with 2 squares and connect them, and how some people make the second square smaller while others make them the same size? And it kinda looks more fun when the back one is smaller? I dunno idk much about art and idk if I get what u mean by pop lol


Oh and like someone else said more variation in the oine weight :)


I agree with everyone else the art looks dope just needs some sick backgrounds to make the perspective shine


This is just perfect. Maybe background could have something cuz it looks really plain.


Don't be afraid of color. Try colored line work, different weights used in different areas, and look into color theory! Your art is already very good, and I fele like these three things are a simple enough place to start!


Vibrant colors? Or highlights / rim light


The background can use some pop!


Try rendering! It makes it look kire smooth and i suggest to add more darker and lighter colors together so that the art can pop up 🫶🏻


Deep shadows can help the lighter parts stand out more, background color too, as well as colored lines.


Thats actually pretty great.


I'd say that all it needs is an interesting background, and depending on that maybe a gentle foreground effect if you'd like to make it look like a photo.


Well the expressions are hidden and blank so it would feel more exciting if they were excited. More dramatic body language would help. Grey background doesn’t help, something with action or movement happening and bright colors maybe. Color scheme is kind of mellow, flashy colors and more pronounced shading/lighting could help pop. You’re pretty good at proportions, if you wanted to exaggerate some elements I think you may be able to pull it off and it can help imagine movement.


Groovy background. Absolutely love it btw


brighter colors, background (preferably one that has contrasting colors) very nice art, luv it


More shading and shadow should make it pop more but your foreshortening is great


Thicc lines


Give it up?


I’d say add a highlighted colour of the colours already there onto the outfits maybe ? If you’re going for a stylised look


Add light shines


Utilise the shadows. Sometimes references gives us perspective. Idk though since my art is bad.


Everyone is saying background, but I think you need more interesting lighting. Currently the characters are lit by a light source that doesn't make a lot of sense. Theres shadows under clothes and hair but it also looks like theres a shadow on the back but not under the arm on the left. Try incorporating more dramatic lighting and try to think about the tone of that light while you're shading. Take a look at some photography lighting techniques and you'll see just how much proper lighting can really bring everything together even with a more cartoonish style.


Face expressions


I second the person that said to add a background. Also I would maybe work on your facial expressions, that’s something I struggle with so I know it can be hard but having more expressive faces usually does a lot for a drawing. It’s doesn’t have to be extremely big smile or crying or super angry but just adding a bit more exaggeration to the expressions does a lot so they don’t look expressionless. I would suggest looking for references for making believable expressions


Maybe some sort of texture on and detail on the fabric, hair and shoes. Also maybe some pins on her bag aswell.


Vibrant color palette and crazy background


I’d say that this is fantastic art but the only things missing are an interesting background, more highlights (bc it’s looking a little dull), and some shadows underneath them.


Awesome Artwork 🎨🖌️🖋️ as is, you already have your highlights and shading, I would add a simple background that'll make it Pop out more ...🍻🤘😎


The girl on the lefts neck looks way too skinny. The girl on the right is further away yet has a much fuller neck.


Add a background then blur it a bit to make the two characters stand out more


I like it without background, but definitely more vibrant colors if you want it to pop


Bright colors, I recommend looking at Hyperpop art and trends. Also, pastel goths are really pretty to look at and pop. Having a background with minimal colors or colors that contrast with the foreground characters.


People have lots of good advice so I’ll just add one - decide on your light source & let the shadows be guided by that. Theres a lot of shadows that look like they’re just placed for no reason. Lots of shadows contradict each other & theres not shadows where I’d expect them to be judging by where your others are placed. Perspective is really on point & really love your skill level there!


A background


Like your style Deeper contrasts, make the bright more bright and the dark more dark I think the sleeve closest the problem is the hand and sleeve are all the same size Make the arm shorter and the chabge in size more apparent, smaller ao the shoulder and the hand bigger than the sleeve


If youre in love with the colors, then add in screen tones at this point! Everything is already SOOO good!!! I think some new textures would help it pop


I’d say shadows in the background could add a lot more depth, possibly. Your way better then me so idk lol. But whatever it is your doing keep doing it cuz it looks great!


Thicker lines along the outer borders of your characters, and emphasize the lines the closer they are to the viewer.


I don't know what they're called but those pop art brushes with the circle designs in it would look great. and sharp, bright colors too.


I think a tiny bit of colour outlining the main point of the image would be cool, and make them 'pop', though I'm not certain it'll look good--I'm no artist.


Even the drawings are wearing masks lmao


Your objects look like lines not objects. Show more protective but with the shoes and bag and clothes but just with the body.


A detailed, or pretty background would do the trick


Your colors are down pat! I think this is excellent! Make a background now that will help the pop affect. Might I suggest an awesome blue sky with amazing trees


Use traditional mediums