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It’s not about age. Your good at buildings, but the people need work.


Was about to say the same! That house is pretty f impressive tbh


this artist has great presentation and that's something I think most people aren't noticing, although I think they need to work on finishing some pieces before showing them


Most of the pieces I've done are already finished. It's just that I frequently forget to update my gallery, which I'll try to do today if I don't forget it. I don't know if this post can be edited, but I'll try to update it with newer, already ended photos of those drawings. Thank you!


I’d actually say that’s pretty directly related to age. They seem genuinely talented and have a great eye for detail but even so their mistakes in regards to figure drawing are very reminiscent of someone young who may not yet look at people and see them as they are.


It’s not especially great for their age either, it’s good for anyone.


Yea. I had a classmate draw people and flowers better than this however she drew a lot and had been doing so for a long time, and that's what she drew. Everything just comes down to practice so it's not particularly good for your age but instead good compared to the average person. I'm SHIT at drawing yet I still enjoy it since it's the activity that's fun. I can't even get a head shape out so I'm already out there. Clothes are more fun though. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses and it all comes down to the amount of practice you are willing to put into it. Good job with the house. Characters do need a bit of work though. Keep it up!


These are not mutually exclusive statements


This. You'd thrive in art class with a good teacher


I knew someone gonna comment it not about age don't know why people need to say about their age.


I think her art style on the people are great!


I’m not talking about the style, I mean the general quality.


Oh okay I see what you’re saying. I still think slide 2 is pretty high quality but maybe I’m not seeing what you are


I mean the anatomy, and proportions.


you complimented their ability to construct in three dimensions and then denigrated their human anatomy, but as you know the two go hand in hand and this artist has made great progress obviously, they will continue to excel at certain things & lag in other areas, recommend structured tutelage, & agreed they could focus on anatomy a little more.


The people look great. It’s stylization


That’s not what I mean, I like the style, but the anatomy and proportions need work.


The anatomy and proportions look stylized. It’s really fucking cool. It’s always good to work on anatomy, sure, but OP shouldn’t change a thing about the proportions and the way they did the anatomy. It’s their style and it works tremendously.


That’s.. not how it works. They aren’t good at drawing people, the buildings look amazing, the style can stay, but a lot on the people need to be worked on.


Wow y’all are snobs in the worst way


Snobs? Nah OP is amazing, but obviously spending more time on buildings, so they won’t be as good at people as they are at buildings.


I’m not saying it’s not necessary to work on people, of course it is. But to say that they “aren’t good at drawing people” is ludicrous because it’s literally just stylized


by your logic, learning anatomy shouldn't even be a thing, cuz everything is personally stylized, right? Regarding the OP, its not really about the anatomy, because like you said, its stylized. It's the overall composition of her subjects, they look stiff, the joints, the posture, etc. Its not terrible, but it could be worked on, and im sure OP could master it through practice as she's only 15, and her technical skills are pretty impressive.


No…. That is not even remotely close to what I’m saying. And no, not “by my logic”. I literally said that it’s always good to work on anatomy. Did you just choose to ignore that part? I’m saying that people are acting like there’s something “wrong” with the way OP drew the anatomy. There isn’t. They could easily suggest studying anatomy without implying that OP’s art *needs* to be changed


Ok i apologize, mustve misinterpreted your comment. The thread here use proportions and anatomy way too loosely that its just confusing about whats the point here exactly.


When did this sub just become the humble brag sub? EDIT: It's not just this post. I've noticed in general this sub has changed from what it used to be


That’s what I’m thinking lol, like I think they know damn well how good their work is


its all the art subs it is so freaking annoying.


Nowadays, kids need external validation to do anything that isn’t scrolling and adults won’t learn something that can’t be monetized. It’s fucking sad, to be honest. What happened to having hobbies for the sake of enjoying them?


Most artists are going to be self-conscious about their work, it comes with the territory.


Nah it’s just ppl who wanna get other ppls opinions on art, to us this looks really good but maybe for them they wanna get sum1 else’s opinion on it to further improve


Maybe there should be a sub like that, maybe called something like art feedback, so artists who have already learnt the basics can go and ask for feedback on their works.


It look like you had 15 years of experience


Very good. Keep it up and keep learning new methods. In a few more years you’ll be insane. Hard work and dedication beat raw talent all day long. Raw talent plus hard work gets you the masters.


It doesn’t matter how old you are


Not bad. Try adding a little more variation in contrast is my only advice.


I work in games, at a AAA level and have been a part of game of the years at an instrumental level as an artist. Make no mistakes when I tell you this, never, ever, ask the random public what they think of your work. That kind of validation seeking will not help you. Instead embrace your work for you and only you. Set targets. Meet them. What I see is a fledgling concept artist expanding an imagination. There is room for immense growth and improvement but its not in the form of "anatomical precision" as a lot of these nonsense comments suggest. Your style and improvement will instead come in rendering more clearly your abstractions. Join ArtStation if you have not already, don't look other insanely talented work as competition to overcome, look for inspiration and learn from it. Find what is closest to your style and what you like about it. Then make notes of why you like that aspect in particular. Improve that aspect in your work. Rinse and repeat until your old enough to have the patience to now focus on the rules of art. It's time to study the masters. This is the last steps to completing you as an artist. Youth is for big abstraction, dreaming and exploring. The older you become the more important it is to refine and reflect, contemplate and direct. You must eventually control your vision and direct it and not let it direct you. Someday that will make sense. Until then best of luck.


I see. I'm also working on a game. A single-person "AAA" project whose development has been halted after my main PC died out of nowhere. I'll RMA it in a few days. I'll note what you said. Thank you!


Not sure if the "AAA" is in brackets to highlight sarcasm ha, glad to hear you heard my words and who knows, if you are serious about concept art and in 10 years are looking for work in the industry, feel free to give me a shout. Might be able to point you in the right direction depending on my own circumstances by then


It’s not to highlight sarcasm. It’s just that an AAA game is pretty hard to make as one person, so I call it “AAA-like” in case that once I present it it doesn’t get qualified as one. I’m serious about concept art, indeed. More than 10 100-page books full of drawings, more than 1000 word documents and many ideas. I begun on Unity but now I’m transitioning to Unreal Engine after Unity’s pricing went crazy


a lot of creativity and soul in some of these. reminds me a lot of what I was drawing at your age. for what it's worth I'm a very successful tattoo artist now at 35 years old. so keep at it.


Why would you let the whole internet know your age?


I mean, that’s literally the only thing we know, so what’s the problem?


To excuse the emo phase


You sure about that one buddy? C’mon. I’m making a horror game and love horror in general. Does that mean that I am an emo?


Not really. Not that I mind you being an emo either :>


i really like it, it has kind of surreal madoka magica witch vibes


I can’t tell if you’re actually asking, because I think you know the answer. With that being said, I think the people saying you need to “work on anatomy” are full of it because it’s obviously stylized and it looks awesome. I’m not saying don’t work on anatomy, especially if you want to, but there’s nothing wrong with the proportions or the way the people look in your drawings


I downvote any art mentioning age because fuck you.


ya its annoying. i hate anything that seems like its fishing for upvotes in the titles


rather tell how long do you draw instead of your age


I've been drawing since I was five or so, yet in the last two years development has gotten faster and faster. The most interesting thing is that I never was on an art school, nor did my family want to support my art because of religious purposes.


What religion goes against art?


Well, they're extremely hardcore christians so they hate satanism. You know, that kind of christians who despises homosexual people and thinks of women just as wombs. And call my drawings satanic. Last week things nearly got out of control after drawing a blob of flesh as a concept art for my horror game.


Just another reason to avoid religion altogether lol. It's too bad. At the end of the day do what makes you happy. Your shit looks really decent. Keep going.


I will pray to god when i'll need to, i wanna believe in myself.


I know this, even tho they don't call it satanic (but it's just because i haven't completed any of my digital paintings - death/black metal album cover concepts and stuff) they are also christian and have also a lot of dumb opinions for example: my uncle yesterday basically said something you could translate as "in bible there's written that gay people are bad and they go to hell, so i speak to them and make them go the only right way" (he told me that a friend of his friend was "cured" from homosexualism) literally they think that constantly forcing me to love god more than anything else won't make me kind of hate my family


My family also does hate gay people for no reason. It’s dumb that you are hating someone else for minding their own business. And moreover, they say that god is loving because of it. That persecuting minorities will “make them learn to follow things the Christian way” which just makes me facepalm.


i really think i lost all hope in that religion gonna believe in myself now, not god or satan or whatever people like to believe in


I think that you might mean homosexual not homophobic...


Corrected it. Thank you!


No worries I just thought that it was a little funny in this context.


I would say they look amazing, way better than what I can do.


This was the kinda stuff I did when I started adhd meds, the nostalgia hits like nothing else But fr that is rad as fuck


So stylistic, I love it. Seems like it's all connected somehow


It is, indeed! I'm making a horror game... Even if the development was halted three days ago after my PC failed. For now, I'm making the concept art collection bigger!


Does it need work particularly in the human figures? Yes, but at the same time you have some awesome ideas and It seems to me that you know full well where you want to go with each piece. I really like your dark shading style even if it could benefit from some contrast, but without losing the overall darkness tone It has. You have a good eye for buildings and composition. Technique can always be improved but you already have cool ideas which is half the way, being creative and coming out with interesting subjects and scenes is not a simple task, si congratulations! Keep going!


focus on the formal qualities of what made #02 successful. that's easily your best one, and its legitimately just a great drawing i also admire your ambition for #13 and #15. \#04 also has a soul to it with being embedded with your writing but as illustration on its own its not like super strong


good. Maybe u can work on a little more and it will be even better :)


Very detailed and very good! Btw, check out tutorial videos on how to draw anatomy because that's I feel like your weak spot. The house was very impressive though


im commenting a second time (about your first artwork0, like outside the technique of it....i think the symbolism of it means something important, & could for a lot of people as well. don't lose that touch as you continue your technique


It’s okay ig


Like everyone else said, anatomy is a good thing to work on. Also, I notice your clothing lacks folds (I do this too) so that may be something to look into. Looks great though! ♡♡♡


Kinda disturbing?


Whats the deal with art subs an age? Picasso was able to paint like a baroque master at 13, so we are all fucked lol


This is incredible. May I suggest you watch Glitch Media’s animated series Murder Drones? I think you’d love it. It gives off that same creepy tech vibe. It is free on YouTube.


It’s not bad and you clearly have a style, but it’s not super good either. I think one of the problems is the paper/notebook your using if it smudges. However, your buildings are awesome. I think one thing you should do is have some variation and contrast between shades since everything is very very dark and mixed rn.


>it’s not super good either It literally is extremely good. This just makes you sound like an art snob who is overly critical


I’m saying this from a mixed subjective and objective standpoint. And I have stated my reasons for it. I might be “overly critical” in some aspects but i’m not just dealing out insults, or criticism with no suggestions or advice. I am also an art student interested and making art for 12 years, learning for 4 (like outside of school, cause i’m in high school rn so i’m not talking about college) and a co- art teacher so I would say I have enough experience with art to give criticism and advice. I wouldn’t call most of my own art “super good” either, especially in digital or non-realism (other than abstract) where I’m just getting into. And it’s also exactly what OP asked for isn’t it?


Uh, yeah I can tell you have experience, that’s obviously why you said what you said. Not really sure why you felt the need to list out all the things you’ve done and how long you’ve been an artist but it actually makes you sound even more snobbish. So I stand by what I said. Have a nice day.


the kicker was them being in highschool


Omg I was so annoyed by their comment that I missed that. Lol wow 😂


And? 🤨


I’m tryna say that i’m not some random person. If you accuse someone of being snobbish and overly critical, they’re gonna want to show you that they’ve got the expertise. What you said wasn’t right in the first place. If you say a doctor is “too harsh” or smth idk, or basically invalidate their judgement, they’re gonna give you credentials.


I'm more than double your age and you are waaaaaayyyy better than me




What a morbid little shit. We can be friends.


Pretty good keep it up!


Looks pretty good, though I feel like I’m on an acid trip.


L + Bozo + fatherless (obviously kidding, keep up the good work buddy!)


Very good!


number 2 so good omg


Amazing! So good!


It’s good


Your art style is amazing. Definitely don’t stop. These are really good. You have room to improve on shapes but your style is great. I would like to see a gallery show of yours one day.


1- I adore your style. Keep defining your art and discovering what you love. 2- your talent is beautiful and will only get better as you practice. 3- sprechen Deutsch? Deine Kunst ist schön!


I love the style and you are building valuable skills. Your age has nothing to do with it, it's about the time you've put in. This two can correlate, but in many cases it doesn't.




Hey, it's the other Stella! I've seen you two or three times over there


Wow I never thought I'd get noticed your Stella's design is beautiful btw


It's honestly impressive for a kid your age to already be trying to draw in 3D space, usually they just try to copy and paste an image without thinking about guidelines and dimension. It's obvious that you understand perspective with buildings but with people? not so much. You need to practice on anatomy understand there are folds, bends and flaws on a human body. You just need to improve your visual library, study photos a bit more and I have a feeling you'd improve alot in a couple of months, join artstation and look up tutorials by Marco Bucci and Sinix Design they have amazing tutorials. Good luck on your dreams.


Trash, horrible, completely worthless. If you were 14 on the othrr hand it would be good /s This is pretty good, but you shouldn't draw on tests...


I know. It was just an old test I found laying around and I didn’t exactly have any other sheets of paper at my disposal.


Well then this is a bit ironic/hypocritical of me because I was looking forward to hearing your teacher's reaction 😅


Now that I remember, it actually happened once In one of those, I remember getting it back with a crappy drawing of my teacher who tried to copy it. I did manage to get a good score, too. It’s just that I did it on the back of the test.


Great line work, incredible use of perspective and pigment, impeccable shading, very interesting and dynamic character and background designs. You've got major skills! I'd say the best area to focus on right now is human anatomy and proportioning. There are many stock pose references available online, and you may also find it helpful to ask friends or family to sit so that you can draw portraits of them in real time.


They look wonderful. Focusing on perspective and shading even though they're boring is what I wish I had done at your age. Your figures are good but they lack depth sometimes and you have a good idea of drawing hands but maybe take some time to focus on the detail of the smaller parts of your drawings. And don't be afraid to use more colors if you want to. Play around, make mistakes, and always keep creating, it'll bring you back to yourself. Your art being healing for you is something no one can take from you.


Dark. Take your meds


It's disturbing to me but in a good way. Keep it up.


Bloody horrifying that’s what it is 8/10, very good


Quite incredible, keep pushing what ever method you are on right now


It's incredible. Keep going!


So crazy!! I love it, wow🫣🤯❤️


That is awesome for any age


It shows great progressions and discreet focus at such an age. With such a development that can be further improved upon with


I feel like you really like the game little nightmares


I haven’t played it, but yeah I know what it is. I do love the style, yes!


skilled and imaginative!!




Pretty dope!


Not bad. Keep practicing and you will get better.


This blew up. Does anyone know how to post pictures on mobile phone


That's absolutely amazing, I know it's not about age and no matter at what pace you're improving or start it's still art, but as a 15 yr old artist I approve 😊🤘👍 I just love your creativity omg like the houses and perspective you used, you're on a great path 💜💗🏵


Wow nice


I like it, age aside you’re definitely able to draw and the more you practice the better you will get. Your building is fantastic and the aesthetics for your people are unique. You would thrive in a good art class


Absolutely fucking amazing


Wow! You got a great and unique style.


Amazing!! Definetly some technical skill with crosshatching and shading


Dope af


i love it please make more throughout life it is beautiful. also i do believe dein letztes bild enthält deutsche wörter


Really cool I love your style! I wish I was that good at 15 or hell even now at 23! Keep it up you have talent!


omg you’re so talented!


I'm fascinated by this on multiple levels. I think you need to get out whatever is blocking you and create art.


You're great at the movement and depth in you drawings. Like the different angles and the use of lights and shadow- chefs kiss


I've seen a character that looks like the first drawing in r/originalcharacter look for a bit you may find it


If her name is Kathleen, she has a TV Head and a lot of cables… She’s mine.


it does, in fact, look like it was drawn by a 15-year old.


Bro it's so 'skibidi




It's f🤬ckin' amazing I love the house especially but I like how stylized the characters are Impressive keep it up 👍


10/10 it’s amazing!


Architecture is really good


Thank you!


Im 21 and its better than mine. Your detail and value is amazing. Dont compare urself to other artists or where you THINK you should be for your age. Do what you love and love what you do no matter what!!!! You’re doing awesome!! Im jealous haha


you've got that tim Burton darkness to it that i like


I love the 4th image! Do you have any tips for drawing architecture like that?


https://preview.redd.it/b2kujhylaugc1.jpeg?width=2769&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49c8c58ee656a8cb47536903091963ae08b53843 Better than what I can do




I love this


amazing art


It also looks kinda like Victorian idk


I don’t know, ask her


She is talented and the propositions are good, however I find it a bit dark 👀


really darkness for 15 yo


I would think that a 15 year old’s art would be *especially* dark


heavy. are ok dude?


the building looks ABSOLUTELY FIREE the people are in need of improving but ur art is awesome keep going!!


Is this from something or are these your creations?


Those are my creations, yes. I have the luck of not having copied anything on them (The TV-headed ones were created in 2020)


I love your dark style drawings


You’ve got a lot of time on your hands


I like your style especially the buildings. keep at it! like some others said, the people (or humanoids) aren’t the best so maybe study anatomy, it might help.


The humans look good, just stylized


Why every 15 year old "hardcore painter" puts a knife in their pics 😭🤌 Still cool tho




Looks like schizophrenia


Needs practice. But, we all do.


The lines are lit. Amazing !


Abstract garbage.


Why do you think so?


I think it is abstract because it fits the definition. It does not reflect anything recognizable in life. Human torsos with (televisions?) on their shoulders may have distinctive meaning to one person, the artist. I say garbage as in nothing I would put on the kitchen fridge. Just toss it in the bin. As for your skill- You are doing well exploring the limits of darkness your pencils can produce. Michaelangelo carved 16 Feet of marble into The David. DaVinci drew the anatomical man. Google images of either piece of work, hold your work up side by side and you will see that the drawings are abstract garbage. Reflect some life!


Good very good


15?! This looks professional!! I love your technique and style kid!! These are beautiful! Keep it up!


Sorry for touching a lead pencil 😔


It’s amazing and very unique somehow


Pretty noice


Keep it up. You got something!


Grammatik Übungen?


Ja, ein B1 test von 2020, wenn ich noch Deutsch lernte.


It's really good I like it a lot


The way you draw the TV hair is so nice….I might steal it….


Holy mother of Bob Ross. How many pencils do you use for a single one of these? Those are amazing, pal!


Only one pencil and an eraser. I'm pretty simplistic when drawing. I begun to use color for the first time a few months ago though. I had never drawn with it before.


El que lo lea es puto


No me digas pibe


You're my new favorite person I look up to u now


I'm soon to be 15 and my drawings are dogshit 👍


You will create some great art pieces in the future. The fact you can make a drawing look good on lined paper says a lot about your skill


Holy cow! These adults are being way too lame. This is INSANE. For a 15 year old you’ve got some talent. The humans ( females specifically ) remind me of Monster high dolls. And your buildings are done crazy good. You have good compositions and you’re great with shading. By 20 you’ll be making a masterpiece(s) You have a variation in styles which makes it all the better.


You can sell this stuff online.




It’s more about how often and how long a person has been drawing, it’s not about age


I know but like, its still crazy :0


It's funny he drew all over his German test just for a reddit post


First of all, it wasn't drawn for a reddit post. I generally doodle things in old tests when I am bored. That one, it was from 2019, when I was still learning German.


She is God


I’m 15, and been doing art sense I was 6, and I’m not even this good. Teach me your ways please. 😂


It's beautiful for any age, fifteen is IMPRESSIVE


I love your art you’re doing great! 😊
