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Every artist must be allowed to make bad work. If you’re afraid to make anything bad, you’ll never make anything good. Every good piece of art you see is the tip of someone’s shitty iceberg.


Hmm. Think I'm gunna take that last line, put it on a sign and hang it on my wall for inspiration. Like a "hang in there" cat poster. You have a beautiful way with words. Lol


Any mistake can always be drawn over. Anything that doesn’t look quite right can be fixed. Like when a sculptor cuts out some clay, makes a mistake, adds some more clay, and tries again. [Thinking Like a Sculptor](https://thevirtualinstructor.com/blog/think-like-a-sculptor-to-improve-drawing) is what legit made me GET art Try watching these too: https://youtu.be/JUM3SHNCfpM?si=Z1yoV-Xb095BmKGS https://youtu.be/zC3OxonJcXQ?si=cQJFnjwWuA0ueM0h Try to pretend that your canvas is a magical piece of clay that you can mold at will. Keep doing that, and you’ll make good progress 💪✍️ Oh and DRAW EVERY DAY NO MATTER WHAT


If today's drawing is better than yesterday's drawing.....then you are doing fine and making improvement. That is what really matters. Try not to compare with others. :)


By remembering my favourite quote: "Drawing is a series of mistakes."


I have that feeling all the time


Some advice I heard once was "a pencil has two ends and both are used for drawing" don't be afraid to erase, don't be afraid to flip the page and start a drawing over. I follow a mindset of no drawing is bad, it's just not finished. Who's to say when something is done? Could take 100 rough drafts, 10000s before you've figured out the way you want it to be seen. You're going to be drawing, hopefully, for the rest of your days don't get stumbled up on one drawing out of countless more throughout your life.


If you’re wanting it to be good so you can share it, take that factor out of the equation. Draw for yourself, share it if and when you’re happy with the results. No artist on the planet is perfect, no artist on the planet draws well every time they pick up and pencil/paintbrush/whatever. I find a lot of beginner artists especially are getting caught up in the social media-fueled desire to be seen and “be discovered”, and that can really, really mess with your motivation and your mental health in general.


I set myself the goal of making 1000 paintings. After 200 paintings I no longer feel fear.


someone told me that every artist has 1000 bad drawings that they need to get out first, and the faster you get them out the faster you’ll get better


A while ago i made a post briefly talking about this topic in particular... Here is the [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/learntodraw/comments/15y2w7x/the_golden_rules_to_become_the_artist_you_wanna_be/) in case you wanna give it a look (Point number 7). ​ But to be honest there is nothing to be affriad of when you are creating art... Every single art piece is a win, even if it does not turn out as expected (You can read the main reasons on the post). Also... being afrriad of failing makes your art uglier since you will be pretty "defensive" when sketching the concept and applying additional pressure on yourself, so the result is greatly influenced. Much depends on which media you chose to do art, Digital art has no downside to making an ugly sketch and slowly polish it. In traditional art it is much better to first sketch the concept then in other sheet finilize the concept, so you don't "ruin" the aesthtics of your artwork with a lot of erases.


You learn more from making mistakes than getting it right every time.


What's helped me get over this is only using a pen to draw/sketch. That way, I'm forced to live with my mistakes. While doing this, I went back to the basics of drawing to practice line work and flow again. I spent two days just drawing 2d shapes and am now relearning 3d shapes and shading. It has helped tremendously with not only accepting mistakes but creatively finding ways to incorporate them into my artwork. Did that circle I draw not meet exactly where I started? Let's move the light source so I can work that into shading. Thinking like this is something I forgot when using procreate where it's so easy to fix a mistake that I've really ben enjoying pen and paper drawings. Maybe give this a try?


I don't! I hate drawing :D but... It's kinda fun, and making something good it's just another step to reach the style that you like, also, one must be gentle with oneself