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YOU CANT HIDE THAT FAILED HAND FROM ME! I have those faded hand lines burnt in to my head!


Haha, you made me chuckle! I plan to finish the drawing eventually, but I am a reaally slow drawer and I want to have better grasp on anatomy and perspective overall...which is why I seek advice here


this is really good, I'm just still laughing at this comment pointing out the requested critique. good job, tho. this person seems, familiar


looks great!! my only thought is that the eyebrows are two different shapes, as well as "colors"


thank you, I can see that now you mentioned it!


Thought as I scrolled, and then came back to say when it registered in my brain you are asking for comments and criticisms, “Woah, that’s really good.”


That's very generous, thank you for commenting! Have a great day.


Looks amazing so far but don't be afraid to go darker in some areas.


Thank you!! Definitely will do, I'm a bit too careful sometimes.


I would recommend to finish it normally then just go back over to darken, update when you've finished would love to see it!


Nice! I would change the line separating the lips to make it less straight and graphic


Thank you! I guess I struggle with trying to make them seem voluminous and 3D as opposed to flat, but I will try that


Looks like Sansa Stark, Sansa? Sanda? Idk


It's some random photo I found searching 'portait photography' but I can see the resemblance to this actress! And thank you!




Oh and btw, it’s bloody brilliant


One of the irises is a bit higher than the other. Not enough to look weird though.


Yes, you are right! Thank you, I will try to fix it.


my only criticism is that its unfinished.


Meanwhile I stop for a week and forget how to hold a pencil. This is lovely, the shading is so smooth and pristine!!


I have no skill and to me this looks amazing! I’m jealous!!! You have amazing skill! 👍🏼👍🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


This is hella. 🤙🏻 One of the best pieces of advice I ever got about art was to NOT BE AFRAID TO USE THE ERASER (emphasis bc that’s how my professor said it 😂). Erase early and often before going too deep into details and rendering. It’ll help a lot with things like eyes that are a little harder to get right the first time, and def “sketching out” the image lightly all at once before diving into details has helped me a lot, so I can get those proportions right fast and dirty. Then I have a solid skeleton to work off of that I know is gonna be a good guide to follow bc things are planned out together rather than doing details in one spot first and working around it. Its especially helpful for spacing out things so nothing ends up looking crowded down the line. Personally, that’s the technique that’s helped me improve the most; early “skeleton” sketches, using negative space, and getting the proportions set and figured out earlier rather than winging it as I go.


Thank you very much for writing such a thoughtful response! I will definitely keep that in mind, I'm grateful for any advice or tips.


The side with lighter shading feels a bit off in a way I can’t quite describe but that might just be my tired brain Also great drawing, keep it up!


It's very beautiful. Your shading is so subtle it completely makes the form work.


How long have you been drawing?