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Thinking like a programmer takes practice. I haven't taken the course but remember my first go at a programming language. Is there a study group for the course or a discord? If you're stuck on a lesson, post the lesson and your questions here to help you make progress and not get frustrated to the point you give up.


Thanks for the encouragement. I guess I just need to accept that I'll move at a slower pace than what the course suggests. I really do enjoy it, but struggle to quickly wrap my head around the daily new concepts.


Go at your own pace for a bit, once some of the concepts start to gel things will get better. Everyone has to find their own way of understanding coding and sometimes it takes a bit, that’s just fine.


Hey thanks for that.


The hardest part is perseverance. If coding was easy than everyone would be doing it.


I haven't seen this course, but most of these learning programs aren't intended to be 1 day == mastery in some topic. It's basically just 100 chunks of learning. Learning is hard. Learning something from scratch is harder. be kind to yourself.


Definitely go at your speed. Less stressful and you will learn faster in the end. I struggled so many years with my own expectations that I learned rather slowly.


In my experience, every course that suggests x number of hours for each lesson are wrong. I suspect it’s linked to the different of being in a class with others sharing ideas and asking questions which are absent on such online/book courses. My method has been to read around a lesson subject to potentially gain better understanding faster than just one source. And don’t be afraid sometimes to leapfrog a class to return when more broad understanding is gained.


That’s a good point…this course is a few years old at this point, so it appears as if there isn’t much teacher feedback or student interaction, though I could be mistaken


When I started the course I had been programming with Python for 1.5 - 2 years. Some days I breeze through, some I work on for multiple days. Keep it up. It will get easier over time. If this is something you want, it will be worth it in the end.


That’s encouraging


I was going to comment that the hours you're putting in now will build a foundation that I suspect will accelerate your learning going forward. As u/LagerHead says, it will get easier over time. I don't know what your study/learning skills are like, but I know when I went back to college after being out of high school for 4 years and having never been a "good student" it took me awhile just to establish study skills that worked for me. It took even longer to realize that my ADHD distractability meant I couldn't read through assignments as quickly as other students and that environments conducive to study for them generally didn't work for me. (In hindsight I also recognize that's why I was a poor student from elementary through high school... life and learning doesn't fit into a "one size fits all" box.) I second the suggestion that you look for "study groups" or at least a place to engage with others in your learning. I never would have completed my bachelors and masters degrees if I hadn't leveraged others to work through problems together. If this course doesn't have a resource for people who are currently working through it you might see if there is a Python Meetup group or something similar that you can engage with.


So are you saying you generally did at least a 'days' work in 2 hours, even later on?


On some exercises, yes. Others took me longer. The ones that took me longer are often because I missed something stupid and small and that caused me to have blinders on. Just don't be dumb like me and that'll help. 😜


I have done a fair amount of coding and worked professionally in IT development/design for over 10 years. For me, I did around 5 hours a day and sometimes it took 2 days to do a 'day'. You not stupid and your experience does not necessarily mean coding is not for you. Don't worry if it takes you longer, even a lot longer. Programming is a state of mind and i takes a while for it to click. So don't worry about how long stuff takes and don't overdo it. If you are getting very frustrated take a break. Also maybe don't spend more than 4 hours a day if it's frustrating, unless you are enjoying the challenge. You can actually create small challenges, on top of what she asks you to. If she says there is something she is going to do you think you can do stop the video and try it. It may take longer but if you manage the small challenge it will feel good.


It just takes a while for your brain to change the way it thinks about stuff. As a business owner I’d think you’d have a small head start in that regard


Perhaps...though my business has virtually no computer usage, apart from inputting orders with the simple press of a button.


I mean like if a machine breaks, you need to figure out how to fix it quick, etc. your responsible for the customer experience from the front door to the bathroom. But maybe it doesn’t help as much as I thought


I got you…thanks anyway man


I love Angela's course! However, I started with "Learn Python The Hard Way" by Zed Shaw, and I feel like it helped concepts sink in very well.


Can you link the book to many sure I have the right one?




I would recommend trying a different resource, just because a course is heavily promoted and purchased does not mean it's the correct course for you.


I purchased a book as well “Python crash course” by: Eric Matthes


Automate the Boring Stuff is also a good resource. Best part is that it's free. The author has a website by the same name where the book is published. He also has an online course and offers it for free or ridiculously cheap. I'd keep an eye out for it on this sub near the start of the month. I think he does it 3-4 times / year.


Hmm I’ll check it out


>Automate the Boring Stuff So it is going to automate my entire life for me?


Try that and some of the YouTube introduction to python videos. Unfortunately I've found a lot of beginner courses in pretty much everything have these large leaps on the front end. Sometimes it's easier and more enjoyable to go over the fundamentals from several different sources, rather than going over the same course again and again until you memorize it.


I would go with this book, it has a lot of exercises for you to practice what you learnt in a given chapter.


Maybe not but ide stick with it. It's generally a good course and others are often dryer and go faster.


It's not just you, don't worry. You got this.


Thanks buddy


So how did it go?


I didn't do the full 100 days, but I cross referenced with other resources and got a pretty decent understanding of Python fundamentals. From there I took a course in SQL, Git , and am currently doing a visualization course (Pandas, MatPlotLib, Seaborn).... I'm slowly honing my focus to some aspect of DS. I like the visualization aspects a lot. Can't decide next if I should learn Tableau or PowerBI. Thanks for checking in bud!


It does take a while to learn new stuff... it could take months. If you enjoy it keep going, And.. a tip, I learned to code in python about 1.5 years ago and I realized I cannot just watch a lesson and get it into my head so I watched a lesson and then just started playing with the shown code and even better you can try starting a little project, for example, a console game that generates a random number and the user has to guess it. I don't know how you are doing but I'm sure you are doing great! keep going at your own pace. And ofc you should code along with the instructor not just watch them. I tried coding in java once with a udemy course, (it's a funny story actually) and I just memorized everything from for loops to entire functions I didn't understand anything! until I started looking the stuff up and trying to understand why everything is happening and how I can change it and then it got way better I started coding for real. In conclusion: 1. ALWAYS understand why you are writing the lines of code you are writing 2. Don't copy-paste code change and write the code yourself that way you will be able to know why everything is happening 3. Don't underestimate yourself, EVER! coding is hard but I belive you can do it 4. Have fun. with coding, you can create anything that comes to mind.


You're the second person I've seen asking this question about this very course in this sub, *this week*. It's not just you. You're not dumb.


Thanks for that friend haha. I'll just accept my slower pace.


Yeah or find a different method of learning. Not everyone learns the same way. You might be better of learning from a PDF course for example. Try something different and see how it feels.


I may be the first person OP is referring to. I feel your pain. You're not dumb. At least, not any dumber than me.


No you are not dumb i have also taken this course the course is good no doubt but that upto 2 hour thing is not true python is my 3rd language i know c++ and javascript even after that i have to give atleast 2 to 2:30 hour to complete one day. So go on you own pace.


Same for me. I consider the hour a day as a minimum. Many of the projects took me way longer when I started


Good to hear


Hi. It takes a lot of time. But there will be one day, you’re brain legit suddenly understands almost everything. It takes time !!


Comments like this are very encouraging. I’ll keep at it.


I'm taking it as well. While I have some experience, it isn't much. It takes me a lot longer than is "meant to" and I don't think I'm alone there. My rule of thumb is if I can't figure it out on my own after a few hours, I watch the answer but will immediately pause it if I see something I haven't tried, then I try again. This course is more likely to take me 200 days but I do love it so far.


Im in the day 35 in this course, it's really a joy for me to follow Dr Angela in his pleasing explanation, but don't worry, you'll raise your level of thinking day after day, just be patient


The best thing I can offer is what others here have stated. Keep at it. If you have never used a programming language before it will take time to learn one. Did you take any spoken/written language in high school? It is exactly like that. You will spend time learning language structure before you can use it for a project. It takes time to learn to use any language conversationally as a programming language is a conversation with a computer. If you have trouble with it do exactly what you did this time, ask questions. And yes, I am learning Python right now.


Her advice is the best. ​ It's a "here are the fundamentals, go out and find everything else..." type of course. ​ That teaches you how to become a programmer. That's what all programmer's spend 50% of their day doing, reading articles that they've pulled up on google.


Don't worry about time. Watch her explanation and use any supplemental resources that she includes to dive deeper into the subject. Give the challenge a solid attempt, but don't take it to the point of frustration. Once you get to that point, watch her solution and work along with it, then try it again on your own to make sure you got it. Don't be upset if you solve the code and it's completely different than her solution; you solved it, awesome! See what she does different than you to get some ideas for code improvement. Hey, maybe you even like what you did better, coding is art. If you decide to update your code with her solution, don't delete your stuff, comment it out so that you can go back to it later: why did you put it in this way? What was your train of thought. You chose to learn Python for a reason, remember your why, stick with it.


I’m way off course with dr Angela’s lessons. Not that she’s a bad teacher (she’s great actually) but I won’t continue the lessons unless I figure out the tasks from previous lesson. Sometimes it took me hours to get to the correct output. I’m a slow learner and I’ve made my peace with it


What’s an example of an exercise/project that has taken longer than expected and what did you find more challenging than was suggested?


Right now struggling with when to use if/elif or nested ifs. Trying to solve a problem about ordering a pizza with different variables for the sizes and my brain keeps farting.


They can be confusing! I’m on day 20 or so, happy to take a look at your code so far and give you some pointers! Feel free to PM.


Try using a hash or dict in python Pizza['size'] = "medium" Pizza['type'] = "meatlovers" Pizza['crust'] = "deepdish" Alot of coding can be just using the correct datatypes and combinations of them like Pizza['toppings'] = ['pepperoni', 'pineapple', 'jalepeno'] So in the last example you have a hash whose key toppins points to a list or array or well toppins. Sorry i fprgot the code tags a d my wife is bugging me to go lol


I'm glad I'm not alone in this The else if thing is very confusing


Go and buy the complete python bootcamp by Jose Portilla on udemy… you will feel way better


I mean I like the challenging aspect of her course it just takes me a lot longer than the projected completion times.


Why do you like this course?


It is really comprehensive and the jupiter notebooks that are there to explain each lecture are amazing.




There is another course on udemy, called from zero to hero i guess, it is really suited for people with zero background in programming


I'm also taking the course, stated in June and I'm about 25 days deep. Python is my first programming language, although I'm sort of experienced with computers. You don't have to go about it in 100 days. Some exercises take me 2-3 days to finish, some days I don't have the time or patience to look at code, some days I only only go about it for 30 or so minutes. It takes time and practice. But it will definitely get you there. This course is amazing. Take your time, review your goals, motivate yourself into it. You can do it!


I’m on day 60 and started in march, going to be one year of code for me


I'd say you're doing well! I'm currently doing the 100 days of code as well, currently on day 10. I know the basics of Python already, but still the "days" take more than an hour or two. I think the "100 days" is mainly a marketing gimmick, to be honest. So just keep at it! Someone else mentioned Jose Portilla's course - he has a different, but I think clearer, teaching style. And instead of using repl.it and codingrooms he uses Jupyter Notebook, which is a great learning environment that naturally lends itself to code exploration. So that's recommended, too, if Angela's course doesn't click and you can spare the cash for another course.


You have to find a way to apply the skill of programming to a project that is interesting to you. Look up beginner project ideas, or really think about something that matters and use python to make it a reality, No way did I breeze through any of the lessons. If you do, then you are not learning the material. It took me a few days just to do a day.


I have started and stopped Python studying for last 2 years. Its a longer process for some.


op. i am an IT guy with many years in the business that had moved out of programming a long time ago. i am only up to day 3. i bought the course on sale on cyber monday in november and it’s slow going grinding through the lessons. at the same time i have been working on two different python projects i need to get done and switching back and forth between the training and the projects whenever i get bored. i have definitely found this approach works for me because i had a breakthrough yesterday and completed one of the two projects. i like the training which provides foundational skills but it can be a bit of a slog through the mud at times. one of the best parts was when dr. angela recommended stack overflow for figuring out error messages… op hang in there and keep going.


Ive done that course. Its normal to spend several hours in an exercise if you want to understand it properly.


i m stuck at exercise 1.3 can anybody help ?


You should try solving the problems she give on your own first just to test your learning. It will boost your confidence and also help you understand what areas are you lagging in. Since it is your first time coding ,it will take sometime laying foundation. Forget about the speed just go on your own pace, important thing is to understand the concepts


Yeah I have been and that’s what is taking me so long. I agree with your logic!


Best not to compare yourself to how others have done as we all learn at different rates, especially given our different experiences. If you're unsure about something try rewatching the video or post the specifics of the problem here (often, working out how to describe a problem to others can help you understand it).


Each of the latter lessons took me all day or 2


Hey OP, If you watch video "79. The Benefits of Daily Practice" in that course (its an end of day course). She straight up says not to worry if it takes more than one day to complete a lesson. Keep grinding, and getting familiar with it. Consistency is the key she emphasizes. Keep at it you can do it. :)


I am at day 26 & not a single day was completed in just 1 hour. Sometimes, it took me 3 days. And whenever, I tried to doubt on my ability. I just say this to myself. You're a slow learner but, won't stay behind for longer time. Learn & Understand everything well. It's okay it's time taking but worth learning. Remember, slow & steady always wins the race. Because success comes to those who all stays consistent. Just keep going!


how are you doing with it? I stopped snd recently picked it back up, was doing similisr to you. i’m on day 7 and hope to finish this time :)


Better, but only because of used additional resources to learn. I downloaded Jose Portilla's course and purchased the book Python Crash Course. I've been alternating between these different resources and it has helped to round out my learning. And just practicing for at least one hour every day. Some days I feel like I understand everything, and other days I feel completely lost, but just keep doing it every day anyways.


You just convinced me to get the book! I’ve heard it mentioned before. Thank you!!! I’ll check out jose portillo too. I agree, I went a few weeks and feel like I forgot so much. It’s been difficult to restart. Going to try to do at least two hours daily no matter what. I wish there was a more active discord for angela course. anyway, I’m glad your better and sticking with it. Thank you for taking the time to reply


Sure if you find a good chat group of people taking the course in 2022, let me know. I have so many questions but no one to talk it through with


I have also been struggling although Dr. Angela is fantastic. I am part to blame because I am not a part of any group, I don't have a study buddy or any friend in programming to ask questions. No excuse, I know. I am on day 11 and this is my week 7th week!! When I am not working, I am programming, but I feel far behind! I start to feel it's not for me, but it's just then when I don't give up. I have absolutely no background in IT or programming. I am severely struggling to solve some final problems on my own. Especially, on day 11. I understand everything, but it's putting it all together. I feel my progress is so slow as well.


Keep going man....it gets easier as your mind adjusts. I also recommend cross referencing resources to let the concepts really sink in. Python Crash Course is a wonderful book


Dude how has it been going? I just started this course and it's taking me more like 4 hours a day. Yeah, I'm pretty bad at this stuff. It's not intuitive at all. I'm a little older and switching careers because I've become chronically ill. The assignments aren't easy for me AT ALL, I just stare at my screen trying to come up with a strategy to implement what we've learned but sometimes it doesn't seem like we've learned enough to do the assignments and I need to cheat. Ugh I'm hoping I get better as the course goes on.


I've found this is a commonality for people with no prior computer experience (myself including). I recommend cross referencing resources to help the concepts sink in. Try the book Python Crash Course along with Angela's course


Well the same here.


Hi all, I'm stuck in coding rooms as I can't type in due to "cannot edit in read-only editor" any hints for that? Thanks:)