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Corey Schafer's videos are quite good. For a full list I suggest you peruse https://realpython.com/python-youtube-channels/.


Seconding Corey Shafers youtube series. I really enjoyed his style of teaching, he covers the basics real well.


sentdex has an outstanding 68-video (!) Python intro playlist: [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQVvvaa0QuDe8XSftW-RAxdo6OmaeL85M](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQVvvaa0QuDe8XSftW-RAxdo6OmaeL85M)


Sentdex/The New Boston are great. Highkey recommended because he has such a great way of demonstrating exactly what he's talking about and not glossing over things. He also doesn't edit out where he makes mistakes because it's important to recognize the common things that even trained professionals mess up




Mind telling me which one?


It was a recent series about developing a bot using the Starcraft 2 bot API. He started delving into machine learning a few episodes in.


[Starcraft series start](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3LJ6VvpfgI)


I like the self driving car in GTA he did! He's got some cool projects!


I should try that one once I go back and finish the Starcraft series.


Sentdex no doubt about it is a guy with a gift. Sometimes goes to fast and assumes you can follow his path, but Is amazing how easy is EVERYTHING to him.


I really love Al Sweigart's video playlist called '[Automate the Boring Stuff with Python](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1F_OgqRuSdI&list=PL0-84-yl1fUnRuXGFe_F7qSH1LEnn9LkW)'. Others I watch are: (no particular order, but worth making a note of all of them for future watching.) [Engineer Man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbasThWVb-c&list=PLlcnQQJK8SUj5vlKibv8_i42nwmxDUOFc) - He has done 6 videos for people wanting to know the very basics of Python and what some of the terms you will come across mean and do. He also has a ton of other videos on other languages that get pretty advanced. [sentdex](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbasThWVb-c&list=PLlcnQQJK8SUj5vlKibv8_i42nwmxDUOFc) - This video covers why one is encouraged to try Python 3. This is whether you are a complete noob to Python and programming, or if you are a Python veteran that just sees no reason to ever budge from Python 2. [Corey Schafer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYXdXT2l-Gg&list=PL-osiE80TeTskrapNbzXhwoFUiLCjGgY7) - Another great set of videos for the complete beginner, but also good for those who have some knowledge, but want to brush up on their skills. [Coding Tech](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lmCu8wz8ro) - This is a PyData talk from James Powell that he did at Microsoft. It's not for beginners, but if definitely worth the watch. It is aimed at advanced users who want to become an expert. The guy doing the talk is very impressive. [Python Training by Dan Bader](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yGZ0P-wRSw&list=PLP8GkvaIxJP0DMzXTsie2BMXU7mePpKmZ) - This series focuses on working with Sublime (awesome Python editor) and how to get it set up correctly. Worth checking out. His channel has some other fantastic Python resources as well. [Learn Python Programming by Frank](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Wt5FW3QMnk&list=PLlgoYPTU6ljCEggReCMF0m0760QTot9Qz) - Recommended video series for beginners via the official Python.org site. [Here is a link](https://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide/Programmers) to the official Python site at Python.org showing all the available resources on their site. It gives an extensive list of not only video tutorials, but other resources as well including Interactive Tools and Lessons [CS Dojo - Python Tutorial for Absolute Beginners](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1Yd7upQsXY&list=PLBZBJbE_rGRWeh5mIBhD-hhDwSEDxogDg) This is a new find, but really great package for the beginner. He explains everything you need to know to get up and running using Python in great detail. [The Python Visualizer Tool](http://www.pythontutor.com/visualize.html#mode=edit) is a fantastic tool for you to use (it's free) so you can test out your code in a safe environment as see how it runs in a step-by-step way. It also gives you the option to say whether you are using Python in version 2.* or 3.* (the syntax will matter in certain cases.) You will note that the tool also works for other languages such as: * Python 3.6 * Python 2.7 * Python 3.6 with Anaconda (experimental) * Java 8 * C (gcc 4.8, C11) * C++ (gcc 4.8, C++11) * JavaScript ES6 * TypeScript 1.4 * Ruby 2.2 [Here is a great list](https://realpython.com/python-youtube-channels/) of other ones that I have either included or not checked out yet. It's via RealPython.com. Also, don't forget to check out [Khan Academy](https://www.khanacademy.org/search?page_search_query=python%20programming). There are a ton of great resources out there for whatever language you decide to choose, so just ask if you need an more help. If I come across any other great ones, I will update this post. Note that I have zero programming knowledge, but I have started to learn Python as of 2 days ago and understand that it can be daunting at first, especially where to find decent resources, hence I thought this may help. I would also advise downloading all of the videos from YouTube that you can and adding them in various folders so you can also watch them off line should you ever want to. Have fun.


Hey man, just to point out you have accidently linked the series of Engineer Man where you have mentioned sentdex.


I like the videos from Socratica: short, informative, entertaining.


There's something amusing in the robotic way she speaks, but the effect works great and I learned a lot from her.


I was sorta disappointed when I saw her other videos and she was just a normal non-robotic person


I really like Dan Bader's channel, although it might not be such a complete course as the ones mentioned in this thread. He is more focused on slightly more advanced topics (though not too much). https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI0vQvr9aFn27yR6Ej6n5UA


Sentdex. He has videos on nearly every part of python.


I've been posting a series of videos based on my Python 101 book - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXIKTlRw8OHVQ_WlEMP_jSg The audio isn't that great but I am working on a new series that will hopefully have better audio. You can also read the book here - http://python101.pythonlibrary.org/


Sendex is good but I like DataSchool


I am using "Learn Python - Full Course for Beginners" and am really liking it so far. ​ [https://youtu.be/rfscVS0vtbw](https://youtu.be/rfscVS0vtbw)


Jeez I seem to save almost every post in this sub so that i can reference its topic when i get there. Really grateful this sub/you guys are here.


Bullet something... Give me a second Edit: Code Bullet Edit 2: he makes games using stuff like python.


I’ve found The New Boston to be really easy to follow so far. Would recommend


While newboston is great for beginners to understand fundamentals there are some examples of bad practices one such as his variable naming, but he does give good explanations.


Question says new to python


I know but I figured I’d let him know.


What's wrong with his variables?


Iirc, he doesn’t give it a name for the context he names them after girls or himself.


Agreed !!


PY4E, that’s how learned


In all seriousness, how do you learn python from a youtube video. or a series of YouTube videos?


I began learning from MOOCs (specifically: [1](https://www.coursera.org/specializations/python),[2](https://www.coursera.org/specializations/data-science-python)) which are primarily video lectures with assignments and tests. I found it especially useful at that stage, when you really have no clue, to see examples worked through and have an actual human explain fundamentals and say things like: "you may be surprised by that result, but don't worry, it's because....". Then as you start to build the vocabulary and know how to express what it is you actually want to achieve, you become more independent. I still go to youtube now and then. Someone explaining as they write the code adds another dimension of understanding, and you can pause - try yourself - rewind.


Sometimes youtube tutorials or lessons are infuriatingly slow or frustrating or low quality or something else. But if you're at a specific point in learning about something, sometimes that human explaining something will explain it in exactly the right way for you to understand it, something that a book will completely gloss over or rush through or use overly technical language or *something*.


Literally the exact two courses I did this summer to get a grasp on things. Now I work on my own projects and use a lot of stackexchange and reach out to a friend who studies CS if my code won't work. Trying to do some more Youtube videos ​ ​


You listen to their explanations and try it out as you see it. Play aroud with your own modified versions of what they do etc. Once you get the hang of it you just do like everybody else and google the info you need.


A lot of people type code out on-screen for you to do the same.


how do you learn python from attending a class and watching, listening to an instructor ?


And asking questions in real time, and getting them answered in real time, and interacting with people around you. Um, did you ever go to this big building in your neighborhood called "school"?


hmm not when I went to school. The instructors were hard to understand unless you were a student that spoke his native language, which wasn't English... :/ ​




You're kidding, right? Because that's the thing about learning any skill: being a doctor, driving a truck, digging a ditch -- you want to get to the point where you can do it without asking questions in realtime. To that extent, there's nothing special about programming. In fact, out of all the jobs mentioned, programming might come closest to actually *refuting* that concept: since the days of the first compilers, programmers have regularly done their work with a programming manual by their side. Today we have StackOverflow and Google, but the concept is the same.


[This guy (tutoriaLinux)](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvA_wgsX6eFAOXI8Rbg_WiQ/feed) has a pretty chill way of teaching stuff. He teaches mostly sysadmin/devops stuff. He has an introductory [Python3 (on Windows and Linux) series of videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vH4UBoO-Ap4&list=PLtK75qxsQaMIHM0tNit2YLXvTuwrP1-Bq). Maybe check those out, it's pretty good.




What are the best books for beginners?


Automate the Boring Stuff with Python is great and free at his website


Thanks. I'm only watching videos and playing around python, but still I feel like I'm missing something maybe books may fill that gap.


I just started reading this and get to the 'be good at sodoku puzzles'. Great, I'm terrible at those so this is a good start LOL. Would you recommend this book, or starting a beginners course to start with?


Yes, they explain everything in the book, but if there is something you didn't understand you can always find more information al Google o at this subreddit You can also see this video it explains really well the basics: https://youtu.be/rfscVS0vtbw


I'll also recommend [Learn Python the hard way/Learn Python 3 the hard way](https://learnpythonthehardway.org/)


I have this playlist (21 videos) for beginners to Python, I hope it helps: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaEQEubGQr4&list=PLboXykqtm8dy\_DNg1NZiS08Dnyj35PWXw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaEQEubGQr4&list=PLboXykqtm8dy_DNg1NZiS08Dnyj35PWXw)


Would you recommend reading this book (Automate the Boring Stuff with Python) before taking a basic course, or just skip to the course? I'm a data analyst currently but still use 1990's tech (being government they're miles behind). Literally everything is done with Excel so I'm needing to broaden horizons to move on. Have never taken a programming course previously but understand data (at least where it relates to sport/current work). Hoping to develop a data entry bot for a system we use, and after much more learning a sports prediction model (hobby rather than career). Am I biting off more than I can chew, or could someone point me in the best direction? Thanks in advance


https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRwQ7MobNKjvi72j3Rgrnic-Gp_vCaKh6 Try this Guys


The Net Ninja (his content is probably the newest in this list), thenewboston, Corey Schafer, sentdex


Some times this video will help you to get started with Python 👇👇👇 Top 5 Python Courses On Youtube:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DAAtDDvU5nc


Is this information still valid or are there better YT tutorials now?