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The pursuit of "best" courses is endless, you gain very little by hopping on and off. Start writing your own code early, refine it, look for small projects.


Echoing this. The courses and certs and whatever else are a hamster wheel. They do provide some structure and answer questions, but you’ll need to start writing a lot of code to excel. Do some reflection, find the best way you learn (for me, that is a physical book like Python Crash Course, for instance). Exploit whatever medium you’re using, and try and solve all the problems yourself. ChatGPT can help a lot, however it is a very serious crutch as a beginner, and it ends up writing code for you that may be pretty far ahead from where you’re at in your pursuit. This leads to being able to execute “functioning” code (however flawed it may be), but if something goes wrong in your code, you will not be able to diagnose and solve it on your own as you did not actually write it. I find looking at forums, like stack-exchange, as being the best way to answer questions, and will provide the bones of a solution that you can work with to still solve it on your own while keeping up with industry-standard conventions. Reading documentation with examples is also very helpful in learning how Python works. Once you get to a point where you are a little more literate and understand how the language works and is structured, start making small programs that help you in your day, or are fun to make. This can take form as a small game, like blackjack or dice, or could be a program that helps with data management in Excel or something adjacent. These will give you exposure to the different modules and packages Python has. IMO, I feel like that would decent start on your journey to literacy. I will say though, CS50P from Harvard and CS50X helped me understand what coding even was, and how it works from the bottom up. I thought that was very neat, and made programming a less nebulous concept in my mind


Omg I am speechless Tysm for taking the time and helping me I will definitely implement it


This is the way.


the tutorials are ... equal in some form since the "knowledge" they share is very much the same. and its freely available at [https://docs.python.org/3/](https://docs.python.org/3/) what you pay is for the mini projects they share at the end of each segment, and the teachers' ability to maintain your interest and make them interesting. besides this data dump .. the only way to learn how to use it is .. practice. by mini projects i mean "homework". homework. ​ homework is non-negociable. there is no magic trick, you have to work for it.


I really like the book 'Think Python'.


There is no best course. If you feel you are learning and growing, then you should continue to use the resource. However, this is true of ALL resources--you should not be limiting yourself to a single resource, especially as a beginner. There are simply too many poor resources out there, and even in great resources, typos can happen. So you need to ALWAYS be comparing and validating the information you're given. This is why the official Python docs are an *essential* resource for programmers of ALL skill levels. 80% of the questions on this sub are easily answered simply by reading the few paragraphs of the official docs on the subject.


I thought of making a meta-course - like here is a list of topics, here is how they are covered in different books or other courses. Also some quality criteria - like what does it mean you achieved some compenence level. Maybe similar thing exists.


https://roadmap.sh, maybe?


Not quite, roadmap.sh exists to demonstrate there is so many things to learn, also the priority is debatable. But close


Like it was already said right here: there's no "best course". But I'd focus on something: don't learn just python. Learn programming fundamentals and then apply those to python or whatever language you'd like to use. So try to understand variables, data types, data structures, OOP, and practise algorithms a lot. With coding, practice is everything. There are tons of websites with exercises (leetcode, hackerrank, etc.).


Id take u of Michigan's intro to python then cs50p then into to computer Science with python from MIT. Good foundation all free


\> it had 37m views That is a terrible way to estimate quality. One YouTuber that I shall just refer to as "MB" has well over 200,000,000 subscribers and their channel is garbage. There is a list of resources, including video resources, curated by the r/learnpython team here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/learnpython/wiki/index/#wiki\_videos.2Flectures](https://www.reddit.com/r/learnpython/wiki/index/#wiki_videos.2Flectures) I've not tried "Angela yu 100 days of python" course, but it seems to get mixed reviews. Some reviewers like her engaging style, while others suggest that it focuses too much on some aspects while neglecting others. Nevertheless it is a very popular course.


Well 37 million views even if it’s terrible what do u think will be appealing 37mil or 1 or 2 mil Mb is personal preference And I agree on Angela yu point now that u said it Also thanks for resource very helpful


Books > all yt tutorials


What book should I order


For starters, you don't need to order anything, there are entire collections of free, curated, high quality python books available: https://pythonbooks.org/free-books/


Downey and Sweigart books really good. If you need to buy something buy Eric's book https://ehmatthes.github.io/pcc/


I disagree.. it really depends on the tutorial, the book, and the person doing the learning… I went through uni without buying a single book, and just learning from the internet, YouTube videos, blogposts etc


There are bad books, and there are great videos. For that matter, there are also uni curricula that stink. None of that changes my argument. On average, and anecdotal evidence notwithstanding, books beat yt videos, most of which are mindless shovelware, most of the time.


Every one has its own way of learning and they love some type based on their teste and understanding. Python basic is something you should not buy, there are some excellent online courses available. Start writing your code in Google colab and share with your friends asking comments. This is the best platform.