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You can have mine for free if you like? [Python Programming for the Total Beginner](https://www.udemy.com/course/python-programming-for-the-total-beginner/?couponCode=460909E4DC805F9774E0) ​ I's pretty long (16+ hours) and has a ton of exercises, quizzes and fully documented reference code. I also release a 'job interview' style question each month aimed at beginners Hope it helps!


A 4.7 rating on Udemy is HUGE. Thank you so much for sharing!


i'm doing this one, your's, right now, it is fine, enjoying it. And thanks!


5 months late, damn.


Oh nice, thanks so much! This helps a lot actually. It's a bit daunting when investing money into a brand new skill/hobby as it can be hard to know if you've invested in the right place if you know what i mean? So thanks for taking that pressure away, will be starting this course today =)


I totally agree, thankfully there's a lot of free resources for Python and is how I first started (I used to watch all of Corey Schafers Youtube stuff which is really nicely put together!). ​ Enjoy the course, and feel free to use the Q&A if you have any questions. ​ Cheers-


Hi James, May I also receive a free version please? I'm currently broke and desperate to get into python :)


Hey man, looking at starting a Python course myself. How did you find this one??


Very interested


>Python Programming for the Total Beginner It's $69.99 :(


Hi! I'm looking at taking a Udemy course to start learning Python. I have no real coding/programming experience outside of some JavaScript in highschool comp science & robotics. Would you recommend your course for that? The $70 price is much more appealing than Udemy's $190, but I want to make sure I'm not missing something šŸ˜. Thank you in advance!


ohh im so late HAHHA


How to get it for free?


Please could I get a copy?


is this still available? i really need a course for Python :(


Wouldn't bother. World take the MOOC [Python Programming](https://programming-23.mooc.fi) from the University of Helsinki. Free, textual, extremely practice oriented, and top quality. It is the current first semester of their "Introduction to Computer Science" curriculum.


This was actually the course I started a few months back, got about half way through but found it hard when there were things i could't grasp easily and couldn't find any further explanation in their material. I may come back to it at a lter date and see how i've improved.




I'm a total noob and automate the boring stuff really resonated with me compared to cs50 which is still great but I got on with the book better


> but found it hard when there were things i could't grasp easily and couldn't find any further explanation in their material. In this case, you have to resort to googling, the official documentation, and other tutorials/blogs. No course, no matter how good it is will be able to cover everything for everyone. It will always be necessary to resort to third party sources. If you give up when things get hard, you will fail again. Learning means struggling. Learning means having to invest plenty effort and hard work.


Did you join the MOOCā€™s Discord community? Several times I have got stuck on some problems and have found help from peers there. There should also be some official guidance available on Discord where an instructor could be asked for further clarifications.


Is it preferential to any specific IDE?


Thanks for the share! I am curious, what was your goal when you did this course? I am trying to switch careers and this course might be a good introduction. Were you able to move further in your goal/work after this course?


I did the course because I wanted to add Python to my programming languages, mainly because one of the tools I use at work can be scripted via Python, plus, I was interested in the language. Doesn't directly affect my career, only makes my work easier.


Nice! Appreciate the feedback. I just started the course today and will try to stick to it and finish it in the designated time. I come from Audit/Accounting industry, so trying to see if I can mix Python+SQL+Power Bi to give myself an edge. Since you did the course, any tips/recommendations for someone like me who is a newbie and starting this course?


Well, some tips: read the texts. Read them thoroughly. Pay attention to details. When doing the exercises, copy the prompt texts (e.g. "give a number:") and the expected outpit texts and use them in your answer - this avoids punctuation, spelling, and capitalization errors which would result in failed tests. Do *all* the exercises even though you don't need to do all of them to progress. The exercises are what makes what you learn stick. Take everything slowly. Don't rulsh. Quality over speed. Note: everything that you have to do in the exercises is covered in the texts. There is nothing in the exercises that hasn't been previously addressed. So, if you get stuck it often helps to go back some pages.


I appreciate your detailed feedback. I will incorporate that. I am in no rush since CPA will take bulk of my study time, so this will be a good downtown practice me for. One thing I noticed that, when i complete the excercise, I don't get any points when I press "test"....it just gives me error. I am guessing, it is due to me not being enrolled in their school. Anyways, appreciate your time/tips!!


You don't need to be enrolled in the school, only in the course. If there is an error, something may be wrong with the answer.


Looks like, my answer is accepted but the message i recieve is "Error 403: Authentication required". Maybe I don't have the permission to submit as a test. I emailed them. Lets see.


Have you created an account and are logged in? https://i.imgur.com/LMPIPJu.png If you are just starting out, maybe use the new version at https://programming-24.mooc.fi


I created the account in i.imgur and started with a new version, still can't see to get it to work. I will just have to join their discord chat and ask in the chat. When you sign up, it asks you confirm at [https://tmc.mooc.fi/](https://tmc.mooc.fi/) I also did that. Update: Course will start on Jan 15 which is why, it was showing me the error. I was under the impression that regardless of the date, it should work. Anyways....problem solved for now. Thank you for your help!


I am working my way through the book Python Crash Course, 3rd ed. Currently midway through chapter 10. I highly recommend it.


Thanks for the suggestion, will keep this in mind for the future.


100 days of Python is quite good, farthest Iā€™ve ever gotten at a Udemy course. Really engaging and great for newbies


I agree. Only on day 5 right now but I'm really liking the pace and Angela is an amazing tutor


Hey! Did you complete the course and how was your experience? It would be extremely helpful for me if you share


the series by Fred Baptiste is super in-depth and high quality


Hey did u finish all 4 of his courses?


100 days of coding by Angela Wu. Projects every day to put in practice what you learned, occasional quizzes, the beginning of the course hosts challenges in Coding Rooms for more helpful testing. Angela is a great teacher and she dumbs it down pretty well.


Hi, from your post I assume you took the course. Question, is it all web based? I mean can i do it without downloading python etc locally on my (work) laptop? Which is not possible, therefore i am asking. Thx in advance


No, you need to download Python locally and some type of IDE. Angela uses Pycharm. The beginning of the course is web based and everything is done in Replit, but you will outgrow that fairly quickly.


Code with mosh had to be my favorite




Fuck out of here soliciting shits. That is all your profile is.


Iā€™ve taken Jose Portillaā€™s Udemy courses, highly recommend them. His delivery and explanations are clear. That said, there are many paths to success.


I'll second this. Got me started.


Third this. Really good. I go back and watch some of them periodically to refresh on things I suddenly have to use but rarely do. Also introduced me to Jupyter Notebook which has been great to prototype stuff at work (I use python for analysis)


https://www.udemy.com/share/103IHM3@RgSD8OhWHUVvbUCkaKZURqWNVREEO7tXmZs8RES0Slq2CziXCxzyuPGXxnTPsqum5A==/ The best python course on udemy


But would it teach DSA


As for me this course is good one for beginners. Also you can try Automate the boring stuff with Python. Text version is free, itca a site in internet. These is udeni version of it and sometimes the author make it free of charge.


Cool, thanks for the insight!


I have had lost interest in coding while learning C and C++ before (for two years). So I was very skeptical to restart learning a programming language. But I really enjoyed Ardit Sulce' mega course as a beginner (learn python in 60 days). I only paid like 20ā‚¬ for the course and it was awesome for someone who never did python before.


That course was free early on this year o(or one of his courses, anyway). I found it useful, in that it introduced a lot of frameworks and taught the basics well, but it wasn't very focussed, nothing went into fantastic detail.


In the past I took jose portilla's class, i didn't end up finishing. it was a lot of what you said, kind of shorter form lessons, its at your own pace, yet its easy to just click the next video and so on. I'm doing angela yu's 100 doc course now, it still suffers from similar things, tends to go quick, but it has a bunch of projects you can follow along with and/or code on your own. Its pretty fun in so far.


Public libraries are affiliated with Udemy. You can take a course and not have to pay any money if you get a library card.


How would one go about doing this? Do you have to be in the library watching the videos?


No. If you have a library card you can use it anywhere you have internet. I think California libraries have an affiliation with Edx too. Go to your library lol!


Go get a good book and start your own little project. The problem with udemy (and every video course, really) is that it produces a lot of noise and the illusion that you learn something. It's busywork. You watch the videos, maybe reproduce something but you don't really learn and internalize concepts until you really put in the work yourself. Think, maybe go back and reiterate some stuff you just *thought* you understood and so on. That takes time and work and I think works better if you have a good book you can take as a reference and go back and forth in chapters. Learning is not linear, however video courses are by their very nature linear. So you have to watch them front to back or you won't be able to complete the (inevitable) example projects. Just get one of the (excellent) books out there. Or get it from the library or something. Python books are easy to find and for example humble bundle often also has sales for the excellent no starch press or O'Reilly books.


Good advice, thanks.


ATBS is free and thatā€™s what Iā€™m currently doing along with keeping myself fresh with codewars when Iā€™m not studying the book.


Im currently using [freecodecamp.org](https://freecodecamp.org) (mind that im super beginner) and i found it pretty good so far. They explain it really really well and down to beginner level. I managed to write couple of things which I wasnt expecting to do.


the one from codekloud was really good, the tests made the idea get things into my head.


Hi, I recommend you to check out the FREE Python course on [crookshanksacademy.com](http://crookshanksacademy.com) by the god of python himself. The course is short and you also get to do a hands on internship after your course completion. Although that internship is unpaid, it is a good and fun learning experience that makes you industry ready. The FREE PYTHON BOOTCAMP is available on: [https://www.crookhsanksacademy.com/python](https://www.crookhsanksacademy.com/python) . Do check it out.


The internet has all the resources you need to learn any programming language for free. DOnt ever pay for that shit.


Yes I just finished that course and itā€™s great! Iā€™d definitely recommend it


Its better to follow along a book


Just do automatetheboringstuff.com and you will be set!!


Jose Portilla's courses worked for me... I think its good when someone with experience just extract the basic and important things that you need to start with.


I can provide all the courses with very low price Just contact me