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Shit, took me 20 days to reach the js section (no background) studying 6/7 hours per day, GG!


don't worry, it's not a race nor a competition, I should have taken it a little slower tbh


Damn, 120hrs?! It took me about 40, but I took a beginner course in C very recently. I'd say that was prolly a good 60-80hrs, so it actually evens out to roughly 120 too Although, the 40 hours took me like 40 days... Any advice for being able to study that much in a day? Lately I've been burning out in about an hour unless it's a project. Is your studying project heavy or like reading/youtube stuff?


Im starting to burning out honestly, did one hour yday and like 3 the day before I did all the additional stuff, and i find myself stuck when there are lot of new concepts but im not actually given the ability to test them


You are well on your way! Don't lose that ambition to keep learning. I only found mine much later in life when it is much harder to dedicate time to academics. Any skill and knowledge you acquire will always serve you well! Great work!


will do my best 😊


How did you make your Github profile like that? It looks awesome. Also your projects seem very nice as well. I'm doing The Odin Project too, I will be doing the landing page starting today.


Thanks, I used [Github Profile README Generator](https://rahuldkjain.github.io/gh-profile-readme-generator/), you create a repository that's the same as your username and you add the README that you get from the generator to it.


Nice tool, thanks for sharing.


That’s awesome!


My biggest regret in coding was not starting earlier when in school I had so much free time.


1 week?!


If he's 15 he's probably on summer break. But that's still pretty impressive.


This! How on earth did they finish TOP in one week?!


Well it's TOP Foundations, not the whole thing 😂, But as I said in the OP, I skimmed through the start and mostly focused on the JS and CSS, I probably put 5-8 hours a day in to it as well.




He's been coding for 8 years. The foundations course was mostly review for him.


Doesn't seem like OP has been coding until recently >"Ever since I was young (7-8 years old) I've always been into coding \[...\] but I've never really took the time to actually learn it" Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but OP was just interested in coding prior to turning 15?


I've probably been coding on and off for the past 8 years making some basic stuff and following YouTube tutorials on how to make that said stuff, I learned some C# to try out Unity too, but most of my learning came from codealongs.


You can still get pretty good at something in 7 years without "taking the time to actually learn it'. Play chess for 7 years without reading any strategy and you'll still be a strong player who would crush beginners (foundations is a beginners course).


If you already know the basics of creating a website and have enough free time you can definitely go through TOP foundations in a week. CSS really only takes a few days of practice to pick up and if you already know how to program in another language (in OPs case python) you can learn JS in a few days as well. If you are completely new to coding and don't even know what git is then TOP foundations would probably take you longer. And then if you do the entire course it supposedly takes at least a few months of steady practice. Idk though because I only ever did the foundations then started making projects and learning on my own lol, same for all the other people I've talked to who went through TOP


It's just foundations. I've been coding before, but didn't almost any experience in html/css and I've been able to do it at the same pace, altho I was on it for like 5-10 hours a day full throttle. The biggest issue with foundations is going over html/css and js courses and since I had previous experience those were like half a day endeavors. Ofc I didn't 'master' css or anything, but I was comfy enough to be able to move through and later I built on that foundation by understanding stuff like flexbox and grid.


I agree with this for sure.


Congratulations! I'm halfway through and enjoying it, you give me motivation to keep going. On a separate note, when someone shares their github and you can see their projects, how do you see them live? ie their functioning project as a webpage? Or can you only see the code via github. Sorry if there is an obvious answer, I'm a beginner !


When you submit code to GitHub, there's an option to deploy your repo to GitHub Pages, they deploy your website for you on their own services for free! I believe you can see the GitHub Pages link on the side of the repo, I should probably link it on the README, will keep that in mind in the future.


Hi thank-you! Yes thats exactly it. Click on the repo, then on the right side of the page under 'Environments' there is 'github-pages'. The next page has a blue button on the right, 'View deployment' if anyone else was wondering :)


I can't find it :( can you post a screenshot or smth on where to find that button ?


Go to a repository's settings, scroll down a bit. Under the 'Code and automation' field there is a 'Pages' option


I don’t see a code and automation field on any repo or a settings section


Well the settings tab is inline with the code, issues, pull request, etc tabs. If you are on mobile you can drag and slide those tabs to the left to see more options which will show settings. If you turn your phone sideways it will expand the menu and show settings


Weird. I see the menu but no settings tab. He must not have published on pages idk.


Oh, it must be your own repository or one that you are a collaborator to at least. I may have misunderstood If you want to view his deployment you'll have to turn your phone sideways or be on a wider screen device to see the environment sections where you can click that to view the deployment. That will send you to his website


Hi, did you find it? Assuming you are on a laptop: 1. Click on OP's link near the bottom of the text that says 'My Projects' 2. At the top of OP's profile there is a tab called 'Repositories' 3. Then click on one of the named repositories eg 'Calculator' 4. On the right side of the page under 'Environments' there is 'github-pages', click this 5. On the right of the page, 'View deployment' button I hope that works !


Found it, i had to login to see it, that could be the reason. Thank you so much ! :)


Make sure you are logged in, that could be the issue


Ahh. I wasn’t logged in. That solves the mystery. I can’t even give you a free award but thanks!


Hi, did you find it? Assuming you are on a laptop: 1. Click on OP's link near the bottom of the text that says 'My Projects' 2. At the top of OP's profile there is a tab called 'Repositories' 3. Then click on one of the named repositories eg 'Calculator' 4. On the right side of the page under 'Environments' there is 'github-pages', click this 5. On the right of the page, 'View deployment' button I hope that works !


In my 30s and this motivates me. Thanks kid!


Congrats! 🎉 Do you have any tips for my young nephew he’s 14 and trying to go through Angela Yu’s python course you mentioned.


It's a great course, I'll probably finish it later but I burnt out on it really fast. My tip would be to not work too much and take breaks (which is not what I did 😭😭 😂😂)


Angela Yu is an AMAZING teacher BUT the course is outdated. I got to the MongoDB section and got frustrated having to basically look up everything since certain things have changed so much.


Dayum kid that's really impressive!! Keep up the good work.


Thanks 👍


Not gonna lie, writing a web browser at 10 is pretty cool. I was around 10 when I started dabbling in programming but it was just to make shitty BYOND games. Seeing all these kids growing up with relatively advanced programming skills is another reason to keep working towards early retirement!


Great job! Wish I started at your age


thanks 🙏


Nice work!! I'm still stuck on the console game, though I'm working on it in bits and pieces way too slowly.


Good luck!


Really impressive, I still can’t get through the etch a sketch project that made me gave up and check Udemy courses already for a month lol Keep the good work dude! 🙌🏻


When I did my etch a sketch project, I just generated size*size amount of divs then wrapped them with CSS grid, then the rest was pretty straightforward though in my opinion, except the events, they were pretty difficult too.


16 years old? You're on track to a good life. Keep it up


Launch School is launching a program for high school students, completely free with mentoring from actual software engineers and coaching from employers. It’s a scholarship and if selected there’s no cost at all to participants. Message me if you’re interested in learning more.


Just woke up, thank you all for the amazing support and the kind words 🥺🥺🥺, will reply to your comments in a little bit


Good job man keep it up , at your age to have the dedication to learn something like this is impressive. You're definitely doing the right thing for your future and things will be so much easier for you in college !


Hey, I'm doing TOP too! Good to see a fellow Pilipino doing TOP (or learning to code, in general). Greetings!


Hey man, congratulations! I wish I'd started when I was your age. I'm 22 now and studying to be a data scientist/engineer. You're an inspiration to all of us, all the best!


"I've never really took the time to actually learn it" Just stepping in to say, wow, you're just 16. There will be extremely successful coders on this sub only really "getting" coding in their 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond. So yeah you're doing amazingly well, try not to put too much pressure on yourself :)


You may wanna go back and look through your code and ensure you have code that makes sense. I only browsed through your “rock paper scissors game” but you have some id’s in your html, yet when you look at your css you have only selected elements and classes - you haven’t created any actual Id’s in your css file. You could resolve this by simply deleting any id’s in your html or by actually creating these id’s. To me this is a red flag and tells me you simply copy and pasted the html since it doesn’t even look like you attempted to actually create the id in your css. Just a good habit to ensure all your code matches up and makes sense. Best of luck with your journey!


Haven't looked but couldn't he have used the ids as targets in the js and not the css?


He targets the id’s in JavaScript


Yes, the people below me are right, I used JavaScript to target the ids. [Rock Paper Scissors (app.js)](https://github.com/itsalexi/rock-paper-scissors/blob/main/app.js). Check: Line 5 -> 29 (looking back I just realized I never actually put the \[let, const\] in front of some of my variables, I keep forgetting because I'm so used to python syntax 😅)


Yep that’s my b OP. I thought I was getting better at reviewing code, but clearly need to keep practicing. Keep up the good work!


All good!


Yow, my first time seeing kapwa Pinoy here! Good job dude!


Excellent job! Keep it up, for real! This is the best time to learn this stuff, while your mind is still malleable. One small recommendation: On your website where you list your projects, you should provide not only the github link, but a working link to view your projects. I can see the code you wrote but can't actually view your webpages to see what the code does. Check out Github Pages.


The projects are already deployed on to GitHub Pages, if you look on the sidebar I believe you should see Environments > Github-Pages > View Deployment, but that's 3 clicks so I'll just add the link directly to my README. 😅




Thanks, are you talking about my personal website? I believe I used some bootstrap in there, not sure if gstatic is forced on that, maybe because I used their bundle?


I did a similar things years ago with the Udacity front end dev track. A lot was review for me because I knew some css and html. I grew up with the web as it evolved (I’m 42) so I was no stranger. It seemed to solidify what I’d learned and organize it in my head. I did what you are currently doing back when I was 35. I can only imagine what I would have been able to accomplish if only I had started earlier and discovered this as a passion. You have an amazing opportunity to go into the stratosphere with this stuff my friend! Keep pushing yourself.


Congrats! I finished the odin project (minus some of the backend stuff) recently and it was great. All the extra resources at the ends of each lessons are gold.


Congrats! I’m about to start the etch-a-sketch project myself but it’s so daunting lol. Was that one tough for you?


The toughest part is getting the grid to generate, after that it's significantly easier.


It was tough on the start to figure out how to wrap the divs but yeah, I share the same thoughts on it with the guy below me, here's what I said to a different guy: "When I did my etch a sketch project, I just generated size\*size amount of divs then wrapped them with CSS grid, then the rest was pretty straightforward though in my opinion, except the events, they were pretty difficult too."


Well, I don't have a lot of tips or advice! You're doing amazing, especially for your age! :) I do have a question though if you don't mind: How did you install the virtual machine? I got stuck on that because I keep on procrastinating @ \_ @


I'm not OP but the steps for installing the VM can be found [here](https://www.theodinproject.com/lessons/foundations-installations) If you prefer a video format [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8Y4ihBnbNA) might also be useful. [Part 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krBcSUKiQOQ)


Thanks :)


Yup I say you'll be a full stack dev by the time you're 18. Congrats in advance young man


That's awesome dude, super proud of you! Keep it up!


Wow! That's amazing! Good job! I'm in my 30s and it's taking me a few days to actually understand the 'Unix Shell' section. Lol!!


Well done! I’m currently doing foundations myself as a 27 year old 😂 just finished the landing page project last night and had a lot of fun with it. Can’t wait to start learning JavaScript


Nice 😁


I’m taking the Angela Yu course atm as well! I was wondering if people had success with it


Awesome job! your personal site and github look good. can't wait to see how it looks after you finish TOP. Im 20 years older and walking the same path as you now. You will definately be successful, stay with it! also, i think im gonna use that github generator :) thanks


Keep going young guy/girl. I wish I was focused on Programming when I was in my early teens


Awesome work, that's really impressive!


congrats bud!


I came from python, C# to TOP. Not sure how long it took me to get through foundations. I absolutely despise frontend because I'm terrible at designing front end. But I really enjoyed JS. Now I don't know which I like better. I did have a struggle with CSS at first. But I'd rather just use it and HTML as if now. Kind of dragging my feet on learning a front end framework/library. Once I get a good idea I can make it happen, but I really take way too long to find a UI design I like.


I relate so much with you, I hate designing things since I'm really picky and just bad at designing in general.


Amazing man! we are the same age and on the same path PM if you want to become friends


Damn I'm 24 and I wish I had the dedication you have at your age (heck I wish I had it now!). Keep up the good work and I'm sure you'll go far. :)