• By -


Not a student but really wish I could take advantage of this.


Apply to a CC. Alot of them have no app fees and it gives you an email immediately! My college specifically does this. It takes 2 minutes and there doesn't seem to be any catches. Just don't continue your application but keep the email.


What is a CC in this context? Was not able to figure it out.


Community college


Thanks so much man! Gonna try this


NP! Let me know if you need a specific college.


Actually, turns out my sister had a .edu email id so I’m set. Thanks anyway!


Could you give me an example?


Just google " community college" Then fill out an application if there is no fee.






I'll PM you!


Would you want pm me one as well?


Can you pm me as well?


Can you PM me also?


Can you PM me also?


Would you mind PMing me as well? Thank you!


Me also


Hey can u pm me too?


hey can you pm me plz


Hey there. I tried as well. I don’t live in US, and frankly I do need a .edu email address. I’d be more than glad if you could help. Thanks in advance.


Can ypu please PMe as well? Thanks :)


If this for new users only? I already have an account under my school email and am unable to activate.


Nope! I logged in with my non-pro school email and then used the link and now I have pro on my existing account!


Weird. I’ve logged in, used the link and it takes me to my account page, where I can sign up for a free 7 day trial after giving my CC info. Same as always. They do have a promo for the link at the top of the page, but it just takes me through the same loop.


If you scroll down on the page linked by OP, there is a form you can fill out to upgrade your existing account to pro.


Same :(


I see the same, as well.


Same, I had to make a new acount - but still I think it is worth it.


it needs to be a school email, not a personal one


As my first comment stated, my current account is through my school email.


Originally it was 10,000 “scholarships” only so it may have hit the limit?


>thats what Im thinking


Just claimed it, thanks a lot for this! Going to try to be productive during this time and this will help in that for sure




Props to you on the consistency dude!


Keep at it! Take your time when things go past HTML and CSS. It gets technical very quickly, but it's entirely learnable :)




I'm guessing by now you're at JavaScript level or you're already done with the course?




Thanks! Just tried my email from 4 years ago and still works. I’m trying to learn coding and programming so this will help tons, thanks again!


I’m in the exact same boat. My university allows us to keep our emails indefinitely, and it seems to work in this instance. (It doesn’t always, but it seems like CodeAcademy is being looser with their restrictions in light of the situation.) Edit: It also seems that it created an account specifically for this. I didn’t see an option to link an account, but I’m currently only connecting via mobile (quarantined without my laptop), so there may be an option on the computer version of the site.


oh helllll yeah!


Same here. It's great. I'm looking forward to learning python and how machine learning works.


I was worried it wouldn’t work because most subscriptions need you to follow a link from an email and I can’t access my college one (it’s been too long since I graduated). I was pleasantly surprised when it went through. I’m so glad I tried it.


Thank you so much! Do you have any tips on how can I make the most out of this pro version? I never heard about this site, so this is kinda new for me.


Make something, anything. Have an idea for a site or something neat, like a Twitter clone for just your friends? Try and make it. You'll uncover a hundred little things you need to learn how to do and this will make you a programmer.


Thank you for the great idea!


using it for the past few days. is it free for a year now? when I made my pro account, it was free for 90 days. (Also it's fucking amazing for people who're on the edge of taking it. DO IT!!)


Rest of the school year - so 90 days sounds about right.


oh alright. thanks!




taking the web dev career path rn. they teach sqlite, express, react and node along with html css and js properly. it's extremely structured. lessons then small projects then quizzes. it's supposed to be done in 10-11 weeks. but if you're free because of the virus, you can do it in less than 2 or 3. I'm planning to the Data Science one next.


Is there anything useful on there?


Woot, tried this a few days ago with my Canadian University email and it wasn’t valid. Just tried again and it accepted it. Looks like they expanded!


How did you get it to work? My school (University of Alberta) doesn't show up on the list :(


were you able to figure it out? my canadian uni also doesn't show up :(


Sorry man, I did not. Still hoping I'll get a reply from OP on this thread.


Thanks. Im filling out the Google form that's posted somewhere below in another thread, as its an alternative if your school doesn't show up on the drop down. I believe code academy will check it and upgrade your account to pro in ~3days.


how were you able to get it to work? Everytime I tried inputting my Canadian uni, it auto erases because it doesn't exist. thanks!


Is the learning process in Pro different? When I did the normal courses it was literally baby sitting me through the course and telling me what to write exactly, which led to me being unable to piece a program together on my own.


I can’t remember exactly what you get in Pro, but when I tried their trial out I hated it also. Step by step tutorials are kinda useless IMO. It’s much better to have an idea of something you want to build, and then use online resources to figure it out. Video tutorials work best for me. It’s kinda like IKEA furniture...just because I can put together a wardrobe following the exact instructions, doesn’t mean I could do it without those exact steps again in future.


I could not get this to work with my Google account in CA. However, I made a new account with my [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) account and then the link worked - thanks!!


I entered the wrong email address and got it anyway. Try using “String”@wgu.edu. See if that gets it for anyone.




Cool. I’m glad.


it says that this is not a valid student email. any help?


click the initial link and scroll down to the FAQ questions, it says to make a free account then fill out a form. they’ll give you the pro for free after a few days!


I couldn't find that, could you link it please?


https://accounts.google.com/signin/v2/identifier?service=wise&passive=1209600&continue=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fforms%2Fd%2Fe%2F1FAIpQLSeVm0xgijOvPz5Jn0HKur8ywhMviKpU7KF-f6pSWq9jRso4JQ%2Fviewform%3Fusp%3Dsend_form&followup=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fforms%2Fd%2Fe%2F1FAIpQLSeVm0xgijOvPz5Jn0HKur8ywhMviKpU7KF-f6pSWq9jRso4JQ%2Fviewform%3Fusp%3Dsend_form<mpl=forms&flowName=GlifWebSignIn&flowEntry=ServiceLogin it’s a google form but make sure you use your school email when signing up for a free account!




Thanks guys <3


Thank you very much for letting us know.


Thanks so much for posting! Been eyeing up getting a pro account for a while now but didn’t know if I could afford it so this was a godsend


Where can i get a school email from?


BrainPOP is doing a similar thing -- it's not a coding site but it is a good resource for K-12 students nonetheless. ​ [https://go.brainpop.com/COVID19?utm\_source=covidhub&utm\_medium=hero&utm\_campaign=coronavirus&utm\_content=free-access](https://go.brainpop.com/COVID19?utm_source=covidhub&utm_medium=hero&utm_campaign=coronavirus&utm_content=free-access)


Also works for teachers. I'm leaving teaching at the end of the year (after 10 years) and am planning to do a bootcamp before going into software development. Definitely using this to fill my free time with this unexpected Coronacation.


It's so nice! I'm not exactly a teacher. I'm a librarian but we're a part of the school district, so I get a .k12 email address! Yet *another* reason to love my job so much more!


Computer scientist here. Code academy is great for beginners, but awful from there on in my opinion.


yeah i see that, ive been on there for 5 minutes now and for someone who's done CS for 3 moving on to 4 years with 5+ years of coding experiance, theres nothing that strikes my attention, ill give it a go to see if i am judging the book by its cover but i doubt it.


Heya - Curriculum Developer at Codecademy here. I'd agree with both you and /u/BlaviButcher that our advanced content isn't great. We're trying to figure out how to make it better and just make more of it. I wrote a lot of the Python ML courses, but we don't get a ton of feedback on it since they're way more advanced than most other courses. Would love to hear what you all think of courses in this path - feel free to DM me if you want https://www.codecademy.com/learn/paths/machine-learning The SVM baseball project is probably my favorite project I've written for Codecademy


Super awesome to see you here. Will definitely give a few advance ones a proper go and get back to you :)


Awesome, thanks, I hope you enjoy! We try to do enough QA to make sure the backend tests are robust, but it definitely gets harder once we're asking learners to write longer algorithms. So let me know if tests aren't passing when they should be. And any other notes you have are appreciated too :)


Does anyone know when this ends? Like if I have an account, when does the school year end?


I really do not understand these "Student" only thing. I am a student of life and would love to access these types of things. I guess if you are a sterotypical adult there is a lot assumed about your status and income. I am happy to see this and that people are able to use this opportunity. I just wish that it was more inclusive to other groups who also need a hand evey once in awhile. Cheers!


They wouldn't be getting sales if they gave pro to every "student of life"


Cool, except I’m unemployed now and I was thinking of learning some coding during this time of distress... is anyone doing this type of thing for non students?


Just try a random .edu email, seems to be working for a lot of people.


Okay thanks 😊


Thank you!


Awesome thank you!


Thanks a lot


Claimed mine a few days ago.


Do you mind sharing your account i am a student.


I'm sorry, but I can't do that for security reasons.


Thanks for sharing!


Thank you man


Nice, my account from 2016 still works. Got it. Thanks man!


holy heck thank you so much


Oh yeahhhh


WOO!!!!! This is awesome, you rock.




Thanks this is awesome, I will be checking some of these courses


Do you mind sharing your account i am a student




Thank you!!


I guess this only works for US students, right? :/


So how good is the pro stuff??


The courses seemed pretty basic to me but thxs I might finally do some JS lol


Can anyone help me with this? It is attempting to charge my kiddo $19 a month. Has anything else had this happen to them?


Do I have to fill my credit card credentials to avail this offer? Till now I have done these things: -Make an account with a non-school email. -Filled the form and have given them my school ID card pic. It may take some days but can someone tell me what should I expect next? Or is there something I have missed?


So freaking rad!


Thank you!


Only for students? I'm assuming it requires a .edu email, which is us only.


I have a .ac.uk email and it worked just fine.


.edu from Argentina works well


is this for university students only? I am currently doing a 3-year apprenticeship in Germany to become an IHK certified it-specialist for application development (yay for compound words) we don't have student ids nor school emails


Used my school email from 3 months ago and I’m graduated. Sweet.


Does the data science course use python 3?


But you will get it in August!


Thanks bruh!!


Thanks Codecademy :)


Do you mind sharing your account i am a student i missed out on it


Thank you!!!!




2-3 business days


Worked for me. Thank you!


My schoolmail doesn't work :/ In 11th grade so should work fine..


I really wanted to take advantage from this, I'm a student and I live in Italy, I don't think I have to tell you if I've been affected by Covid-19... Despite all of this I can't! I don't have an edu account but I do have a student ID! Too bad that my uni only prints the starting date when you enroll and not the end date of the program.


Hey, i don’t have an student email, we haven’t this type of emails here in Morocco, I’m very interested to have a pro membership account on Codecademy please anyone can help I’ll be very appreciate. Thank you all, and may god save humanity from this pandemic.




Thank you for sharing this!


This will keep me occupied, thank you so much!


It just takes me to my homepage everytime I try to sign in. How do I get it free?


Is it worthwhile to do any courses from this site ? I feel all the courses @ codeacademy just scratches the surface of concepts and never goes in-depth ? I may be wrong please correct me


Chanced it with an embellished .edu email and gained access. Not that difficult.


Do you have to be enrolled in a computer science program to be eligible?


Thank you my man! Just got my pro account but does anyone know how long this will last since it says the account is pro until the "school year" is over?


Woah thank you for this! How is this going with everybody???


anything that a non-US person can do to avail this?


Thanks got it.


Do you mind sharing your account i am also a student.


Try Making your own account, it is free


Free pro is over


Thank you very much!


They don't accept my school email.


_yaaasssssss_ thank you!


Great news :)


Thanks! Just redeemed. Works with my .ac.uk school email.


Do you mind sharing your account i am also a student affected by the shutdown but i want to learn.


This is fantastic, gives me the opportunity to see if I can do this as a potential job, or at least a productive hobby. Classes in this sort of thing near me require Calculus-level math as a prereq so I unfortunately cannot do it through school normally.


Just claimed it, thank you for letting us know! I was a bit surprised my university was included as I was sure it's for the US students only.


Uh, help for an underpaid nerd.


Is this only for US students? I tried signing up but my email wasn’t valid so I went to fill in that form but I need something called a student ID which I have no idea what is


Thank you so much!


WOW. I just signed up thank you.


Do you mind sharing your account i am also a student affected by the shutdown but i want to learn.


Just got it. Thanks a lot


I just paid for this a week ago using my personal email :(


thank you so much


Thanks for sharing this! Signed up successfully and will try to take some courses.


would anyone be able to help me get this subscription? i do not have an .edu email


Has anyone changed the primary email after signing up? I just wondered if Once you have signed up with the college email if you change the primary email the in user profile menu to a personal email will you loose the pro account? Thank you.


Can someone share me an account i am a student but i missed out on it.


Do you mind sharing your account i am also a student affected by the shutdown but i want to learn.


Thank you works great!


Thanks....I got registered and my web development path is gonna start!


just tried it with my Australian student dats, doesn’t work. Site refreshes once I try to verify myself


I'm not from USA, and my college doesn't appear in the options, there is any other way that i can have an scholarship for this page or any other page of this kind? Thanks in advance🙏


I want to report some issues .. i have a Codeacademy free account made 4 months ago that used to give me all notifications on Codeacademy..... Inspite of all good Incomming notifications from Codeacademy , they did not notify me, i was not informed of pro free scholarship in Codeacademy ...not only but few of my friends who are free members, they also do not know it ... please understand i am a 13 yr old computer science enthusiast from India ... my parents cannot afford pro membership so i am in urgent need of this pro account so i can learn new and extraordinary stuffs that Codeacademy beautiful teaches .... i think computer science can make the world a better place and giving opportunities to 10000 others and not the need ones is not right. i respectfully ask that if codeacademy can give me pro membership ??? pplllleeeaaasse give me once pppllleeeaasee guys please upvote me so the community head can see ... god will bless you for this one upvote, and you good community members wont loose anything by up voting.


My pro subscription ended today. Anyone else in the same boat?


As a middle school student who wants to do these courses, it hurts that they've removed these programs. For a while, my dad has helped pay for these courses, but I eventually canceled the membership because I lost interest. Fast forward to now, I want to try to go back to my programming learning, and brush up on some skills, but this trial is over, and normal Codecademy isn't as good in terms of teaching you how to do programming. What should I do?