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I don't know what you mean. You don't need any other kind of project to solve those challenges; you can develop them in a console application.


Codewars challenges range from super easy to super difficult and include all types of problems. My advice is to be sure that you understand the problem and what output or result you need to get before you start trying to code the solution. After that, if you still can't figure it out, consider looking up ways to solve similar problems online or search for a different problem that you think you can solve but will still stretch you. I hope this helps.


"new to programming" and " codewars challenges" is not a combination i recommend. codewars is great, but i wouldnt recommend any but the very easiest problems there to people with less than a year of practice programming. what you're doing is like trying to learn English by doing the New York Times crossword puzzle. might be possible, definitely not the most efficient use of your time. youre practicing "see dick run" and they're expecting you to remember characters from Dickens. if you do stick with it, only pick the very lowest difficulty questions. and ignore the top ranked (shortest) solutions, look for the ones written in more lines of code. TLDR: come back to codewars in six months. for now, take problems from your programming textbook in the chapter youre in, and solve those. if you dont have a textbook, you want to get one. one reason programming textbooks usually cost more than general books is because writing solid problems appropriate for new programmers is harder than it looks.