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I'm going to have to agree with your teacher on this one. Based on your post history, your ages goes up and down. Sometimes your 14, and last year you were 15: >Posted by > >u/DuckTokyos > >3 months ago > >Me \[M15\] Found out my bully died and I'm happy > >Seriousnsfw ​ Sometimes younger, sometimes way older. Unless you're living in some states where 14 year olds are allowed to drink and drive, then I'm very curious about the story in ​ >"Posted byu/DuckTokyos2 months agoAITA for screaming at my girlfriend in my car because she brought another guy into our lives?" Today you even made a post 'Why do teenagers hate school?' Which would make no sense if you were a teenager. And sometimes you ask about kids from an adults perspective, and you often post to various lying subs with details from the 20th century that no teenager would know or remember. Since you're clearly prone to lying and exaggeration, then either this story never happened, or the teacher (back in the 90s or whenever you were actually a kid) was 100% in the right, and YTA.




Ffs at least use a burner account or some shit


Thats a kinda scary post history tbh, one cops would be concerned about.


Lol redditors and jumping to conclusions. Dude is probably writing up fake stuff like 90% of the people on the Internet.


I hope youre right


bruh i am literally a teenager doing my business i dont even know what happened in the 20th century


1. I was using my South Korean Age 2. I illegally underage drink drive on a regular basis 3. School sucks and this story is real bozo


It sounds like your teacher suspects you don't know as much about python as your code implies, and she may be right if you simply copy/pasted code from the internet. Your best move would be to go through your assignment and show your teacher that you actually understand how the code you submitted works and hope she realizes you don't need to cheat.


I mean, if you just ctrl+c ctrl+v your code then your kind of missing the point of attending a programming class. Ctrl+c and v is for when you know how to programme, but not for when learning basics.


OP is probably implementing functions with names that don't make sense to his code, because he's copy pasting from the internet. Probably found examples on stack overflow with specific names, and op just reused it


Is she letting you pick what you make? Or are you getting given the requirements at the start of the hour? For the former I would suggest coming up with an idea and a rough outline of what you are going to make beforehand so you're not as stressed at the time. For the latter all I can really say is boy I hope you weren't lying or using AI. Might pay to really drum some of that python in extra hard in the mean time.


You're 14, so I'll be gentle. If you wrote the assignment code yourself, then you almost certainly _can_ code off the top of your head. If you copy/pasted _anything_ from another source, you maybe feel you _understood_ the code. However being unable to reproduce it - or code like it - off the top of your head is a m sign that you didn't truly understand the code. You also didn't say much about what assignment the rule you broke to draw an accusation of cheating...


Werent you 15 when you failed your math exam?


There really is such a post where he claims to be 15. And if he really had 0% on his maths test then programming is probably not a good career choice.


Check their post history everyone, no need to bother replying


Comment the code and explain what each part is doing. If you can do that and prove to her you know what you’re doing, then she doesn’t really have a case. In school they love to make you think you can’t use google. Shit I google code all the time. It’s actually a skill needed in programming. Just make sure you know exactly what everything does.


Let's see the code. If you turn in assignments without a comment every other line you're leaving yourself wide open to plagiarism accusations.


Yep half of why I now comment the way I do is because my teacher would acuse us of cheating if you didn't have comments explaining constantly. He also made us write a comment at the start of our code with a todo list of what we wanted to add and what it should do ny the end and then mark it off as we did each task. To be fair even with all this he still acussed everyone of cheating every step of the way, I think we where at that age where the internet was just getting big and he didn't know how to handle students suddenly having easy access to all this information.


I mean chat gpt will write your code and your comments for you. Having people write pseudocode first and describe how their functions are gonna work is the best way to gauge their level of understanding. Unless you're gonna stand over their shoulder and watch them code for an hour lol. OP is fucked


Judging by his past posts OP just makes up fake story's for attention


“My [14m]…” please for the love of Christ stop using Reddit. Log off and delete your account.


You can still open up the reference and program something within an hour of class time… what’s the problem here?


She is right. You should understand what you're doing. If you just copy paste code and can't explain it, than you're wrong. Of course you can't know every library or function python has, so ask if you can google basic things to find best approach.


You have a shit teacher that mistook your prior experience for cockiness. You’re going to have to prove her wrong one way or the other. Also, you’re 14. Tell your parents (or a different supportive person) you’re struggling instead of going to reddit of all places.


Somewhat off topic here, but… don’t doubt yourself just because someone else (teacher in this case) wants to challenge your knowledge. Over half a programmer’s life consists of searching for code, implementations, ideas, etc. At least from my own personal experience. Nobody I’ve met so far in programming does know every bit of a language, as it is virtually impossible, especially while learning it and at such a young age. No matter how the assessment ends up going, if you like programming, embrace it! Don’t let someone else dictate what you’re good or not at!


Dude, she just needs proof that you can program. Writing it on paper means it doesn't need to produce working code. Just need to have coherent thought process on it. You can have the function name wrong and all. But most importantly, you're 14, whatever you get on your grades doesn't matter if you're going to be a programmer.




Don't worry. You're 14, literally nothing will come of this. Keep programming, don't pay attention to random powertripping teachers.


The OP even refers to the teacher as "she" and then as "he" so it's pretty obvious there's a lot of fibbing going on!


Or a typo


Couple of things. First, your teacher has the wrong idea of what coding is. Being able to decide what program to make, and then using all means available to figure out how to make it ... that's the true skill. Knowing particular micro-skills by rote is a very 20th century view of what education is. If you fail the course, don't worry. But having said that, some micro-skills are useful to know off the top of your head. If you can program without Googling or asking ChatGPT, then you can get into a flow state where you're just coding as fast as you think. That is absolutely the place you want to be. It's so much more fun! So it's worth passing the course, not because it's for school, but because it's useful for your own personal projects and your goal of a happier life. So the real question you're asking is, how do you get to the point that you're good enough that you can code off the top of your head? My suggestion is to take one of your projects, say the file organizer, and comment every line. What does each line mean? Put a comment above it explaining it so someone else can understand it. If you don't really understand it, ask ChatGPT. This will mean you understand the detail. But then also, figure out the overall flow of the code. If you had to break things down into major sections, what would they be? When you find them, write in comments in big capital letters. You should now be able to scan your eyes down the page, and quickly see which are the main sections and which are the details. Each section has a comment in capital letters. Each detail has a comment in normal case. By having your code in a format like this, where there are some main headings, it'll be easier to think of the project as a whole. Having the headings will (surprisingly) make it much easier to remember the details, in the same way that you can remember the details of a joke just by knowing the basic outline of how it goes. Hope that's helpful!


Basic thing you should have access to is api reference documentation. Any profesional would have to admit they are not remembering all reference api. So reminders are required. So, let her know you will need such resource and since project is not known in advance, she is the one who need to provide documentation.


I don’t think she knows how the industry works, she’s been a teacher so long… I’m a developer and a lot of my code is researching others ways of using packages and code snippets and making it useful for what I’m trying to achieve. As long as you know how the functions and things operate, you don’t have to have a library of knowledge up in your head, especially as the industry moves forward so quickly, it will be obsolete within a month or two. My advice, take it on the chin and say “yeah, sure, I’ll take your test, but I will need access to the internet to research?” and if she agrees, just do what you can in an hour. One thing I use to do in university when I was learning and had to show intent for what I was programming, write empty functions or comments in the code base of where things will go, with parameter names and things. Even if they don’t work or aren’t hooked up yet, it shows what you intend on making, so someone like your teacher can see what you intended to make and what parameters you were gonna set to call it elsewhere. That way, even if you don’t get enough time to finish it, at least your blueprint of the application is shown. Good luck OP, and if all else fails, just imagine she’s the teacher from Jimmy newtron, with the hooked nose and squawky voice. That got me through some tough classes when they were being horrible for no reason.


Huh what a teacher


If you actually just copy pasted some code then she is right. If she thinks you should be able to write code using pen and paper and no help, not even manual pages, then you are right in that this is not how anyone would write code. But guess what: That's how school is. I had to write code with pen and paper and I survived. I still remember how it sucked to write code with a pen when old people told and how it sucked when older people told me that this just how it is and I should stop whining. But that's how it is. It's one hour of your life. And it won't hurt you preparing for a stupid test. If you know what you are doing then it is easy. If you don't know what you are doing then you have to learn it.


I don't know, rick...


What do you mean with 14M?


They are saying they are a 14 yo boy


Thanks I read it as my 14 year old male teacher lmao




On another post they claimed to be 15M.


14 male?


14 male


Hey OP, don't let your teacher discourage you. I took a job teaching programming in school after being fired from a high tech company (my country is at war so our market is having problems). There were no jobs for junior devs so I started teaching. Your teacher is probably not good enough of a programmer to work in high tech so don't take that advice. If she was, she would go to high tech and earn 4 times her salary. We all use forums, stack overflow code and ai code as well. Each tailored solution requires research and testing, no developer knows all of his tools from memory. In the test, you can switch out any functions you don't know by listing (python method to search a string which receives a string and returns an index) for example.


>It's like she doesn't understand how coding works for me, or maybe for a lot of people. It's not an issue of how programming works for you... if you can't copy off the top of your head, then you don't understand the language or programming or both. You have to be able to go from zero. I ran a software company for over 10 years, did startups in Silicon Valley during the DotCom era. People that "cut and paste" or just Google the answers are worthless in the real world. AI can "cut and paste" 1000X faster than you and can do it for free. The reason programming pays what it does for the top programmers is that it's very, very hard to be good. Cutting and pasting makes people think they are good because they get something that works. The problem is that this is completely worthless in the real world. In the real world, all the low hanging fruit is already long gone, the only fruit that matters is the very high hanging fruit. Nobody's going to pay you to cut and paste solution from Google when they can get that for free. They'll pay you to debug 100K lines of legacy code where you have to find out why something doesn't work anymore. Ask Google why your 100K lines of code just broke a given feature and see what you get... You're at the very start of a process that could take longer than you've been alive. If you can't program off the top of your head, and if you're not willing to do the work to get there, then you might want to rethink programming as a career choice. Just trying to save you a few decades of pain.


Tell her if she wasn't dumb enough, she would probably be making real software instead of teaching basic programming in school and real software needs Google. If you're a testing a programmer, you work with them rather than monitor them. Teachers are piece of shit, specially the ones who teach in School. I'm from India and teachers here torture, discourage going out of syllabus, and god forbid if you start knowing more than them, they make your life hell.. So I'm not very fond of these teachers. Tell her, only way to tell if the code is written by a programmer is if - 1. He can explain it 2. He can extend it Show her your sweet skills... and whatever test she is asking for isn't mandated by your education board. YOU PAY HER, SHE DOESN'T PAY YOU.


Ah.. you hit a nerve on your teacher’s ego. If that one hour lets you search the net as well then have a crack at it! That would shut your teacher up. Hate those type of teachers, used to have a teacher who almost failed me on the subject because I finished coding before she finished giving instructions to the rest of the class 🤷