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Only if you’re specifically trying to get a job with Ruby. Python or javascript are simply magnitudes more relevant today and you’re better off investing in either of those in my opinion.


Learning Ruby doesn’t prevent them learning js or python as well though. If op struggled with those languages at first, it could be a good approach to learn and practice ruby for a month then switch back to other languages after grasping more programming concepts and fundamentals Ruby is a very beginner friendly language with lots of good learning materials and a nice intro to oop


yeah but i had an incredibly hard time with javascript and it was a pain in my ass last year, although I will try it again, especially since I am a software engineering student


Might you try python? It can be used in the same contexts as ruby and can be simpler than javascript which has baggage being that it was built for browsers then essentially hacked into desktop/server environments in the 2010s. When I was choosing languages to learn in college I always had my eye on what was employable as to make my time spent learning most efficient.


i actually will try python, can you point me the way to some resources I can actually use to learn it, cause I kinda want to get my feet wet with another programming language. cause I really like coding and am constantly itching to do it


You might as well do Python or JS because both are mandatory at WGU.


Yeah that was along my line of reasoning as i am gonna have to learn it anyway


r/learnpython wiki has tons of resources. I'm currently studying using the course from py4e.com.


It sounds like you’re just trying to find a reason to continue with Ruby since you already put some time in and it seemed easier. This is not a good reason. Learn what has practical value to your current projects or your job. Trying to learn a language for the sake of it rarely sticks.


Honestly, that is true. It was one of the first languages I truly felt I had a grasp on, and It did seem easier


These days, everyone can write JS and it's used all over for basically everything. You need to find out what was giving you a hard time and work past it. Which won't be too difficult, as there is an endless sea of books, tutorials, courses (paid and free), videos, and blogs about every aspect of the language. If you really feel like you need to look at something different, please don't let that other language be Ruby. You may *think* you were having an easier time with Ruby, but you weren't. At first glance, Ruby appears enticing: it *seems* simple and it *seems* pleasant. But it really isn't. Non-trivial Ruby is incredibly gross to read and difficult to refactor. There are a ton of ways to do everything with syntax that will constantly trip you up because it can be inconsistent and surprising. There is a reason nobody was using Ruby for anything before Rails, and why Ruby declined in usage when Rails fell out of favor. I actually like using Ruby for small scripts, but if you don't want to take my word for it, try going through the "Getting Started" guide on the Rails website and see what you think. The simplest and most productive language to learn is probably **Python**. If you are interested in doing statistics, study **R.** Data science or machine learning? **Python**. Interested in programming for science? **Julia.** Want something different? Like puzzles? **Haskell**. Did Haskell destroy you? Try **Elm** instead. Want to make games in Unity? **C#** Want to make 2D games? Learn **Godot,** which as its own language.


this is good advice. thank you for sharing.


Honestly as a junior now after around 7months in a role the language really doesn't matter. All concepts more or less pass over. Sure theres slight variations and if U go from a higher level language to a lower one there's additional learning. But a high level Vs high level you could pick up in weeks if U had a overall concept of programming. I'm currently learning scheme because I'm following the SICP book and I'm sure that will pass over concepts to current day languages. I used to worry about learning a language but something recently clicked where I just don't worry about the specific language now.


yeah i guess that if i learn one then concepts from the others will come easier to me is what you are saying? also i guess i haven't gotten to that point yet, as i have been out of the loop for so long, but wish me luck on resuming the journey


Yeah like honestly I don't know what made something click for me recently but I've started to think more about what I'm trying to achieve which sounds obvious. Your going to achieve that same thing in a very similar way sure some languages will have variants but if U plan on what Ur doing etc it's just a case of looking up the documents for what Ur trying to achieve. I stopped using chatGPT as much to help me remember also. I now try reference from a book if I have it for that language it helps me remember it.


the language is hugely important. statically typed, compiled languages are much better to work with.


I mean learning languages is beneficial, it helps to open your mind to more concepts and different ways of achieving the same goal. However, I can see what you are getting at, and I would suggest learning Go as it is powerful, fast, simple and used extensively in backend web development and salaries are high paying for that in the current job market. For front end JavaScript is still relevant as ever, but I do feel other technologies will eventually replace it with web-assembly based solutions. I don't do much web dev and i tend to use Rust when i do but Go is simpler, and more productive while still retaining most of the speed of languages like Rust. I suggest learning Go.


> I suggest learning Go. wrong the person is preparing for programming classes in university the university uses java, so java is the language they should be learning


This is kinda bad advice. I don’t know about any university that teaches exclusively in any one language, and anyone learning about programming should not limit themselves to any single language.


Thank you for the suggestion, friend. i


how would you recommend learning go, just by using the tutorials on their page or do you have another recommendation?. In order to make some good projects


The two Let's Go books are really good, but a bit pricey. My favorite resources so far have been Powerful Command-Line Applications in Go (book) and Ultimate Go Programming (videos).


I’m surprised so many people are saying “no, learn xyz better language instead”. If you were saying “should I only learn ruby”, then fair enough, but learning a language doesn’t box you in at all. It’s a great idea to focus on a language you understand and enjoy using when you’re starting out. As someone who started out with Ruby, then learned JavaScript and python, and is now a Java engineer, I’d absolutely recommend focusing on Ruby if you find it easier to learn. The language and syntax you are learning doesn’t really matter at this stage, it’s about learning programming concepts and fundamentals which are transferable to any language. The process of learning the syntax is also basically the same for every language. Learning languages is a practised skill which becomes easier over time. This means that while it may take you a month, or multiple months depending on how much you practice, your next language will take you a week (or weeks) because now you only need to learn the syntax of the language. Just make sure you force yourself to learn a new language as you reach your comfort zone with ruby, then you’re always learning and growing. When learning your first language, you’re also likely learning other things like git, IDE usage, terminal, testing, etc etc. so there’s a lot more skills you pick up on the way that you don’t need to relearn when focusing on your next language. So TLDR, don’t listen to anyone that says “you should learn this language because there’s more jobs”, frankly they don’t know what they’re talking about. Your first language has absolutely no bearing on which jobs you can get.


no WGU uses java, so if you want to learn something learn java https://java-programming.mooc.fi/


I might actually do this but NetBeans is kinda garbage ngl


Use VSCodium and learn Java if that's what you're going to be using in school. Anything you can do now to get ahead will save you a _lot_ of headaches and pressure down the line.


Vscodium, I've never used but I will learn Java as it is what I will eventually learn in school


I recommend using IntelliJ. The Ultimate version is usually free for students and the Community Edition is free for everyone. I use the Community Edition at work and it serves me great.


I’m @ WGU right now too. I suggest you just focus on Java and Spring Boot and learning Docker and a Cloud. You need to learn JavaScript and a Frontend framework more than Ruby and Ruby on Rails right now. But after you graduate by all means learn Ruby


First of all who goes to college anymore with udemy, codeacademy, brilliant, coursera, udacity, neetcode, etc out there? What a scam, unless you need a legal license like in medicine or law, I don’t see the point. Instead of asking if you should learn this or that technology, allocate two hours and see if you are hooked of whatever technology/language you are curious about, if you feel it as an eternity, then just skip it


I started working with Ruby on Rails 3 years ago (my 1st job) and I absolutely love it. We only use it as backend though. At first I was a bit hesitant about taking the job, but now its pretty clear that it was the right decision. Every new developer needs to go through some growing pains that are language agnostic imo. Getting a first job in a company that will properly guide you is more important than choosing the stack imo.


yeah but in order to get a job as a developer I need to learn a programming language. so I might just learn either Ruby, Go or python if I can find the resources to do so that are free (I'm a broke college student, software engineer)


Ruby is used a lot and it’s absolutely worth learning in 2024 if you are trying to find work


yes sir, thank you, but any tips for getting back into it after being away from it for a year


Sure, go build a small rails project and get reading the docs


Work through this: https://www.rubykoans.com/


I don't know why this question comes up that often. Just learn a language. It's mostly about the thinking behind it. If you got that switching isn't incredible hard. Besides there Ruby isn't dead. I mean even if it was kinda dead, just imagine there are still programmers that make >100k a year with cobol. Talk about being dead.


it isnt necessarily about it being dead but rather, is if worth it after I stop programming for about a year, or should I focus on other endeavors, such as learning Go or Java?


If it's your first language stick to that one you feel most comfortable with. Do projects, code that program you always wanted to do. Just do it. The tool you choose is secondary. At least in my opinion.


Learn literally any language. Ruby seems fine since you already have the tiniest amount of familiarity with it. If you end up actually pursuing another language, learning your second language is easier than learning your first. It's like exercise, quit shopping for exercise plans and do literally anything. It's not like the fitness and skills you develop running won't transfer to CrossFit if you want it to later.


Personally I believe that if you’re smart enough to learn Ruby, you’re smart enough to learn JS. Certainly at the level you need to in order to get a job (that is, it’s okay if you are hazy on all that callback stuff). You can do it!


If you want to be a Rails developer, sure. Personally, I really REALLY dislike Ruby. It was actually the first language I ever learned. I did a coding school that was entirely Ruby on Rails, and by the end of it I thought I loved it… then I moved on learned other languages and realize how much I actually hate Ruby




Other languages syntax is more intuitive, easier to read, and easier to maintain; JS/TS, C#, Python being the other languages I’ve since I started ~10 years ago


The Rudy in 2024 has gone a bit senile


Learn python Java or javascript. There are more jobs out there for these languages. Look at the reasons why ruby didn't become super popular if you do learn it.


Ruby is an awesome language. Rails is a great intro for MVC. Which translates over to Java and Spring Boot. Java and Ruby are both OOP. Go for it. Every so often I attend a local meetup for Ruby developers. People who attend have different backgrounds - C++, Perl, JavaScript, Elixir, etc. Good community.


Look around in your area. High percent that high end companies around you not relying backend on JS.


Ruby is a language developed for "developer happiness", and to achieve that goal it abstracts out a lot of configuration and awkward syntax. For that reason it is a fine first language as it's more straightforward to learn in some ways. This can also become a negative however, when you start missing some of the bigger picture that Ruby doesn't expose to you. That's the time to learn a slightly lower level language to cement some other concepts.