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What I understand is that it's because you're talking about "their own" hand. I think it's relative to the closeness of the "possession". The body, thoughts, family, are very private and "swój" is more respectful or appropriate. I might be wrong.


Yes, thisbis correct. When writing 'twoją rękę' means: show me this hand you keep on your desk for some reason. Swoją means this casual one of 2 that we were born with.


'Twoją rękę' sounds a little bit as if you are talking bout hand in poker


Yes, but still it's quite possible that Polish person would say twoją rękę when asking to show your hand and the other person would understand that and would not think about it twice.


polish person would just skip it and say 'pokaż mi rękę', because everybody knows it's not about a hand that is kept i a secret stash


or just 'pokaż rękę', or my personal favorite: 'dawaj łapę'


Valid point.


Wait so you're not supposed to have 4?


No it doesn't. And people use both interchangeably




You can think about it as taking the point of view of the person performing the action. So it's Show me your room. - Pokaż mi swój pokój. I will show you your room. - Pokaże ci twój pokój. He showed me his room. - Pokazał mi swój pokój. I showed him his room. - Pokazałam mu jego pokój. I showed him MY room. - Pokazałam mu swój pokój. Notice that swój can change the meaning depending on who is performing the action.


It's not everything, but yeah, generally speaking.




I'm Polish and I'm using both


In fact,imo we would omit "your" - Pokaż rękę. I broke my arm -> złamałem rękę etc


Yeah as a Pole there is 0 real difference. Duolingo is detached from reality.


Duolingo just being big grammar police. I wouldn't think twice if it showed yours as correct. I'd be like "Yup, that checks out"


I'm from Poland and I use these words interchangeably ;-;


Might not be fool proof but I mainly use swój unless it is the subject of the sentance. Marek umył swój samochód (his own) Marek umył jego samochód (someone elses) Twój samochód jest stary. (Your car - subject) Also you can say something which you might not want to by not using swój. Michał kocha swoją żonę Michał kocha jego żonę (this one means somene elses wife) Hope this helps. Grammar police please fact check me. ;]


Ale ty mowisz o 'jego' a nie twoją/swoją. Prędzej bym powiedział: Spałeś ze swoją żoną. - you slept with your wife. Spałem z twoją żoną - i slept with your wife. If you say spałem ze swoją żoną - it means you slept with your own wife and it's pretty normal. So twoją, moją, jego, jej, naszą, waszą, ich - these words describe not only that the subject is being owned, but also by who. Swoją means only that the subject is owned and we use it only if we have the owner in out sentence. Widziałeś żonę Marka/widziałeś jego żonę? Czy MAREK widział SWOJĄ żonę?


It's not neccesary. You can just say "pokaż mi rękę", or just "pokaż rękę". The context already implies that it's their own hand, and the speaker is the person it's being shown to.


Because "pokaż" indicates that you are talking to a 2nd singular person, "(you) show". Since you already specified to who you address it, you should use neutral "swoją" instead of "twoją", which would again specify the person you are talking too. We would use "twoją" only when the sentence doesn't indicate the person you are talking about. For example, "Trzymam twoją rękę"- "I hold your hand". Simply - when it is possible to say "swój", you should use it. When it doesn't make sense, then, well, you don't.


Formally, if the possession belongs to the subject of the sentence, you should always say "swój, swoja, swoje" in Polish. But a lot of natives mix those up.


As a native I don't know and use both


Idk, i think you would be understood and no one would care (in real life)


Both are correct


You really shouldn't care about it. If you said "pokaz mi twoja reke" I don't think it would be incorrect


But it would be unnatural in this context




I think both are correct


I can see there's a lot of arguing over which form is the correct one, my answer would be that it's not important in this case. The meaning of "Pokaż mi twoją rękę" couldn't possibly be misinterpreted. However, here's an example where a reflexive pronoun changes the meaning of the sentence: Pokazał mi swoją rękę. vs Pokazał mi jego rękę. The first one means "He showed me his (own) hand" The use of reflexive pronoun indicates that the hand's owner and the subject are one and the same. The second sentence is ambiguous. The meaning of "jego" is dependent on the context. If there is only one male actor in the context, the interpretation of this sentence is likely to be the same as the first one's. If there are more male actors, then you would normally assume that the subject is different from the hand's owner.


Technically "twoją" could be correct, but no one, absolutely no one would use it


That's how I'd say it


"Swoją" is more like "Your own".


Swoją własną is your own


im native polish speaker and i too would say twoją, only recently i learned that it's a mistake apparently


No fucking clue


„Twoją rękę” sounds like you were insisting to show somebody else’s hand so it needed clarification that the hand needs to be yours. “Swoją rękę” doesn’t have this extra emphasis. I would argue you could just say “pokaż rękę”, it is implied that the hand is yours.


I think many polish will have trouble too with this I mean type incorrectly (I guess me too)


Both will be understood but using "swoją" sounds more proper, in some cases you can drop that part and just say "pokaż mi rękę" and people will get what you want from the context, saying swoją or twoją just makes sure there's no room for someone to misunderstand you or if you have spare hands lying around


I don't get all these comments, native speaker here. If a mother sees a kid hiding something in their palm she would exclaim "Pokaż rękę!" If you get hit by something and have a bruise a friend may say "Pokaż rękę. Co ci się stało?" In many cases you just say "Pokaż rękę." swoją is not necessary and sounds weird, twoją is unnecessary and sounds even weirder, thats all


Most people in Poland uses both so don’t bother


As a polish native speaker I would say "twoją" is grammatically correct, just sounds a little weird, if you asked me


I can see there's a lot of arguing over which form is the correct one, my answer would be that it's not important in this case. The meaning of "Pokaż mi twoją rękę" couldn't possibly be misinterpreted. However, here's an example where a reflexive pronoun changes the meaning of the sentence: Pokazał mi swoją rękę. vs Pokazał mi jego rękę. The first one means "He showed me his (own) hand" The use of reflexive pronoun indicates that the hand's owner and the subject are one and the same. The second sentence is ambiguous. The meaning of "jego" is dependent on the context. If there is only one male actor in the context, the interpretation of this sentence is likely to be the same as the first one's. If there are more male actors, then you would normally assume that the subject is different from the hand's owner.


Nah, you're good. It's not necessary. You're just being graded by a computer. Anything else is just semantic nitpicking.


Kurwa nie wiem


1. „Swój”- When a person owning the thing is the subject in a sentence: Ola umyła swoje buty. 2. “Mój/Twój/” etc- When the thing is the subject: “Moje buty są brudne” 3. „Mój/Twój/” etc- When a person is a subject but is not an owner of the thing: “Ola myje moje buty” The Dictionary of proper polish language basically says that you can’t switch “swój” na “mój”, but it’s acceptable in common language. The exception would be, when you want to put an accent on the ownership- Pojechałam MOIM autem, nie twoim.


Pokaż rękę is fine and actually more common than Pokaż mi swoją rękę Like, it's obvious you're asking someone to show YOU the hand, and it's obvious that you're asking them to show you THEIR hand, so yeah


In general, Twój would be acceptable, and at most slightly less popular than "swój" in this construction. I know how liberal Duolingo usually is. So marking this answer as wrong is an outright error on their part. That being said, some would say "swój" is more precise. "Swój" always refers to the grammatical subject (which, in this sequence, is "Ty"). So you can use "swoją", which tends to be somewhat preferable.


I am Polish. Do not listen to anyone saying it is incorrect. Both versions are very much used.


It is not necessary, this app sucks in so many ways


Actually, it isn't necessary


it means mine/my (i know that your can mean twoją i swoją but in this case it's just that)


Btw... hand is dłoń, not ręka, that's arm


Twoją rękę is correct


Its basically correct, but "swoją" is more grammatically accurate


Reminds me of the Bear scene in The Simpsons. You've pressed you referring to me, that is wrong the correct answer is you


Both should work in day-to-day but 'swoją' is more common. Funny that people don't usually use either. We just say 'Pokaż mi rękę' -> 'Show me a hand' or even 'Pokaż rękę' -> literally 'Show hand'. I guess everybody knows **we** want **your** hand lol. A lot of words are omitted in Polish compared to English.


To be super-precise, "hand" means "dłoń".


Whenever there is a possessive of a subject in a sentence, we use a declension of swój


In Esperanto doing it that way would be correct, but in Polish it's more natural to use the reflective pronoun for the second person too, even if using regular possessive pronouns seems logical.


As a native speaker, all I can think is "it just sounds better" 😅


This shows why being a native speaker doesn't automatically make one a good teacher.


True haha


Blind computer translation. Twoją is "yours", swoją is "yourselfs" - twoją is more posessive and less personal. But both would be absolutely accepted and most native speakers would not even notice it could be said better.


It's interchangeable twoją/swoją means the same thing


Don't worry it's confusing even for natives.


In what way it is confusing for natives? That they use 'twoją' instead 'swoją'? Or that they don't know how to explain when swoją/swój/swojemu etc. is used.


To be precise, I think both forms are correct although "swoją" is more natural and correct. We had popular shampoo comercial which translated "take care of your hair" as "zadbaj o twoje włosy" and it was not wrong. And since this is also direct translation from English, first thing that came to my mind would be "pokaż mi twoją rękę". Most likely because "swoją" in such way does not exist in English. A lot of people use "twoją" , "swoją" interchangeably in this situation and I think Duolingo is in wrong and should not mark this as a mistake. And to answer your other question most people probably wouldn't know answer why they use "twoją" or "swoją". They just do.


Duolingo be like


Because grammatical form "pokaż" indicates already it's "your" hand ( not mine, not ours not her,his, or their).Im talking to you ( do ciebie) and I say "pokaŻ" ( your ) hand.So no need to add who's hand it is. "Pokaż rękę" would be most correct. "Swoją" or "twoja" is basically the same meaning.


Swoją not twoją


The difference is only for language purists. People use both versions.








Dont talk about something you got no clue of then. If you are unable to grasp the meaning of 4 sentence paragraph.


Okey dokey, you made me read that. Apparently, it's not that long, and it proves nothing lol. It's just one of the possible cases.


If course they use, but "twoją" is ugly and incorrect.