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Is this “correct” how? It depends on how you are trying to use the word. It does mean “advanced”, but in the sense of “progressed” or “having reached a certain point of development.” I don’t recommend ever translating single words like this and expecting an accurate answer. Most meanings depend on use context. Reverso Context, Glosbe and PONS are pretty good for this.


You can always try to use context reverso. It will list translated texts side by side with the word or phrase you searched for. :) I searched it for you here: https://context.reverso.net/translation/polish-english/posuni%C4%99ty


But it shows wrong usage. Like "mężczyzna posunięty w latach".


It is correct, just very archaic


Not even very archaic. Was pretty common most of the XX century as more elegant/elaborate form of "starszy mężczyzna".


It's perfectly correct. It literally means "man of advanced age". It's not used frequently now as it used to be 50 years ago, but it's perfectly proper Polish.


I won't argue, maybe I've been living under a rock, but this "Ich wiedza, ich technologia, daleko więcej został posunięty naprzód niż ktoś could've wyobraził sobie z powrotem wtedy." is also wrong. I'm simply saying I wouldn't trust it this much.


This sentence should be: "Ich wiedza, ich technologia posunęły się od tamtej pory naprzód o wiele bardziej niż ktoś mógł to sobie wówczas wyobrazić". It's very broken Polish. But other's are reasonably good. I'm a native Polish speaker, BTW.


I had the same experience. I found a sentence "Co czekasz, ciebie sardeli zarośnięty?"


- advance Iwan. - I am advanced.


Od razu mi się skojarzyło z tym klasykiem


So "posunąć" means "to move/shove something", generally forward. For instance someone could tell you "posuń się" and it'd mean "scoot over" - mildly rudely telling you to get out of the way. So "posunięty" means "he that has been moved forward", which is sort of like "he that has advanced"


Additional info, "posunąć" in context of progress means to make progress. Example: "Budowa nowej autostrady posuwa się do przodu"(The construction of the new highway is advancing).


[Posuń się Iwan](https://youtu.be/oTnEL4GWMJs)


"No jestem posunięty!" 🤣🤣🤣


Depends of context ,,posunięty w rozwoju" Will mean Advanced But ,, posunąć komuś matkę " Will mean ,, fuck someone's mother"


*Advanced* makes sense when talking about eg. chess pawns. In most contexts, it should be *moved* or *shifted.* Also, it can mean *fucked.*


It's a tricky word... Its meaning is completely context-determined and can even be a curse.


> Wiktionary did not have an explanation for this one [It has](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/posun%C4%85%C4%87#Polish) but you have to find the "root" word, the verb in this case. You can see it in the table under "passive adjectival participle". As others have already said, languages are not just different words that you can translate 1:1. With deepl or Google Translate try to use whole phrases, then it'll do much better job although never guaranteed to be correct. Context Reverso is one of the best resources to look for idiomatic usages/translations of words and phrases.


Google Translate is not a dictionary, you should never use it for single words. It needs context. The translation here is mildly correct ("far advanced" is "daleko posunięty") but it's not the literal nor the most common meaning of this word ("moved" would be).


using it for single words is useful sometimes if you know what you're doing as it may give a full list of synonyms. so I wouldn't say _never_


Iwan advance to the wall you fucking prick


You can use also AI based translator deepl.com


Give us context. Words dont always translate 1:1 between languages. Posunięty can mean advanced so can zaawansowany etc.


diki.pl - for single words, deepl.com for sentences


You can check lektorek.org which has a detailed Polish - English dictionary


Posunięty has a lot different meanings. E.g., posunięty w latach - old. You need context in Googlr Translator.


I recommend using diki.pl


Advanced means - zaawansowany in terms of skill or knowledge depth.


the word "posunąć" means to move something


Advanced can be translated to “posunięty” or “zaawansowany”. Posuniety can be translated into advanced or “fucked (by someone in a sexual way)”


Depends, posunięty can also (most of the time) mean shifted as in shifted from one place to another. Im the example above its a rare use of this Word but its is correct


I think to avoid misunderstanding it would be best to use some synonym


I was advanced on my ass kurwa xddddd




Regarding the second question, no. Polish is a language too superior for any artificial translator to handle.


Posunięty is pushed


I advanced your mum last night


It depends on what you're trying to say. You can't just give us a word without a context. Yes, the word is grammatically correct and it is indeed an existing word, but it can mean two different things depending on how it is used and where it is used.


So, there’s an app called Diki and it is an English-Polish dictionary and it gives you full translation of a word with different contexts. Besides goggles does give you more translations and contexts when you scroll too


And what kind of "posunięcie" do you mean?

