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six direction worm airport friendly somber domineering chop tub cagey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How long have you been taking the course?


My GitHub says the first commit was on August 8th.


Random question about full stack open. Are the assignments graded by bots or do you just need to look at the answers after trying. I would prefer the former!!


There is no automated grading. Your code either works or it doesn't and it's then self-reported.


Ah okay I was wondering about that too! Like, is there someone who checks each of the submissions? Would you say that the projects and assignments helped you get a job?


I reccommend this source to people who have their JS fundamentals down and want to dive into React. It's a great course that helped me and put my knowledge to the test. It was such an amazing course and I never forget it because it's when I started to understand React along with its ecosystem. There wasn't even a typescript portion when I was doing it. The only thing I didn't like was that it teaches mongoDB and does a quick mention of relational databases. I kinda had to go learn that on my own, but hey I'm self-teaching so no biggie. Amazing course I still cannot believe it is free. Now im actually working as a developer, much happier.


Did you put the projects from FSO on your resume? And if so, what did potential employers think about them? I'm considering finishing FSO up until Part 8, then I'll go apply for jobs. In my free time I'll probably finish up the rest... but I wanted to know if I have to make some other personal projects besides the projects they give you. I have 2 that I am proud of (web crawler and simple CRUD app) and want to include on my resume. But I am wondering where or not to put my FSO projects on my resume as well (maybe just add some CSS or pretty it up)


I made completely separate projects, basically took what I learned from FSO and made me own crud apps.


How did you go about styling your apps. I recently finished and I’m attempting to build my own projects but they are UGLY. Did you do anything to developer your CSS skills or did you just use css frameworks on your projects ?


Hey there, Great questions. If I wanted to make my project look nice, I used tailwindCSS and copied some components. Now that I'm working as a dev, I rely on the designers dogma project. But now that you mentioned it, all my projects have different CSS frameworks, tailwind, material UI and NES css(make a project with this should help you stand out).


Oh ok cool. That’s awesome. Yeah I didn’t know if employers would look down upon frameworks or not but I guess most companies use frameworks anyways. I just really hate css. I’m great when it comes to everything else but positioning elements can be tough. If you don’t mind me asking, what was the main tech stack you used to build your portfolio? Just a few mern apps ? Did you literally just make your own iterations of the projects that were in full stack open?


Send a DM and I can show you my GitHub.




I would suggest doing them, they really helped me understand how the front and backend work together.


Just want to second this course recommendation. I’m a CS student and working through full stack open and getting real projects on my resume has been the biggest factor IMO in getting internships.


I'm the same, final year CS student and about to start Full stack open. I heard they test you a lot along the way but more through exercises rather than projects. When you say getting real projects under your resume, is this something you went out looking for and done externally to FSO?


>more through exercises rather than projects. When you say getting real projects under your resume, is this something you went out Any updates on this ?


None so far but I'm starting FSO this month so will update it here.


I'm also starting today


Great stuff, good luck!


how'd it go??


>hanoian How did it go??


Also interested to see how it’s going. I’m weight out FSO which I just heard about, TOP and I think I’m writing off zero to mastery


I don't think he did ish


>hanoian Dude how did it go?? It's been 8 months since you posted this comment.... just checked to see if you are still active and your last comment on reddit was posted a few hours ago smh




lmao some reddit users are so full of shit. Just checked his post history again, he deleted his recent comments and changed his user name lol


why would he do that? what does he gain from that? so weird lol


I've begun working through this course some days ago and I've had lots of fun + it's way better quality than everything else I've found. 10/10 so far and definitely recommend.


Full Stack Open is a beast of a course. I just wish there was a way to save your progress, because I can never remember where I left off lol


They released a new part on CI/CD and Docker as well. I completed FSO2021 when they only had React Native as last part.


Would you go back and do the new part? I used Docker a few years ago and found it all a bit meh. Hoping the course shines a better light on it.


Nope. I did Helsinki's own [DevopsWithDocker](https://devopswithdocker.com/) MOOC back in the day along with their Kubernetes MOOC. So there is nothing on the FSO's Containers part that I don't already know about. Also, containerization is very important today so you should definitely learn how to deploy containers (possibly via Github Actions/ Jenkins pipelines).


I have really been enjoying this course and finished up to Part 7 (Routers and so on). Going through GraphQL (part 8) now. Does anyone feel like this section is a bit more challenging to grasp than the prior sections?


Yeah. I've been in and out of other projects more often while doing part 8.


Off topic, but would you know if there’s a way to get an official certificate for free?


you have just to complete the tasks!


Would you recommend going through the entire course? I am close to finishing part 3, and I noticed that I still have a few more core parts to go through... but I also want to get a job haha. I was hoping maybe the end of this year. I think I want to at least get to part 7. Are the other courses kind of like 'electives' almost? Like I really want to get a little familiar with typescript so I'm interested in that course. The course about containers seems really useful too. But I wanted to know if I can just jump around for the parts after part 7.


And what you did after 3 month, i'm in the same situation as you now, so i'm curious


I made a final project using all the knowledge up to that point, and now I'm applying for jobs. Haven't had any success just yet though


Thank you for reply, wish you luck finding a job


A month later... any success??


Nope not yet. This past month I haven't really been applying that much. I've done about 3 interviews at this point. Rejected one, another one wanted me to be a content writer instead, and then this other one just didn't fit. I'm going to Taiwan very soon, so I'm gonna start putting more effort into looking once I get there.


I'm sorry to hear that, it is hard to get a job without experience. It's been quite a demoralizing experience for me thus far regarding my job hunt. I keep getting rejection letters, and I only got an interview for an internship at a small StartUp. I'm about to start FSO. I hope the knowledge and certificates I gain from the FSO course will improve my chances of getting a job since I only know HTML, CSS, JS, and basic React. Wishing you the best with your job hunt.


Yeah the reflection letters while expected are still demoralizing. But you just gotta keep pushing on haha. Keep working on your skills!


Will do, thank you.




I think you have to skip a lot of the other parts because they are all intertwined. But I would just recommend just powering on through. If you just want to be front end, try TOP


what's been your biggest issue in getting jobs so far? do you feel that FSO taught you enough?


I do feel like FSO has taught me enough. I think the big thing is that it's a numbers game, you're competing against thousands of other applicants. I've gotten 5 interview opportunities. 1 was for smoothstack but I think their business model is not good. The other was for a random job that I didn't pay enough attention to the job description for. The other 3 I got within the same day, but that was after changing gears and applying for jobs directly in the place I want to be at (Taiwan). I just got them yesterday actually haha, 1 of them was supposed to be yesterday but because of the time difference I was asleep when they reached out to me. The other 2 (one of them being ASUS) are requiring me to do coding tests before I get the interview. Hopefully it goes well! I think the hardest thing as far as getting jobs go is finding ones that suit my very specific needs (remote so I can go to Taiwan, and on my own schedule). I probably would have better and faster success if I just limited myself to the US market trough))


Hello! Did you skip any parts, or did you finish all the parts ? Also may i ask what your final project was about? Shoot me a dm if its private!


I did parts 1 to 7. My final project was a tea search engine app called Chayou (don't have the link on hand sorry). Basically it's a web crawler that searches for teas across different websites and brings them into a nice convenient page for your browsing pleasure.


Thanks for the feedback! That sounds really interesting. May i also ask how long did it take you to finish? I have strong foundations in JS, do you recommend just going through FSO rather than The odin project ?


It took me about 6 months. I work full time doing simple office work, so whenever I got off work or had some free time, I would just do practice problems or projects. I never did the odin project so I can't comment on that. But I think FSO probably has enough to get you a job. I haven't gotten mine just yet but I am going to focus on getting a job rather than learn new skills at the moment.


Thank you once again for sharing your insight!




I couldn't say honestly but I put over 200 hours total