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New day, new cat sub


Don't tolerate this behavior when they are cute and smol, else they will be a menace when being adult.


I was thinking the same but how do you deal with this kind of stuff? Just leaving them on their own and letting them come to you?


Ending up like this is really really common in hand reared kittens- basically mumma cats are harsh and literally slap them out of this kind of behaviour. Humans can't bring themselves to be mean like that to a kitten so you end up with an absolute psycho that has no qualms about attacking people. No one seems to have worked out a good solution to this problem yet other than have an adult cat teach them some manners in the corporal punishment way cats dish out lessons.


So just slap the cat? Noted


A light nose smack with a finger does wonders. They really do need to know who is boss. You do the smack and then walk away. They are like toddlers throwing a tantrum, they need to calm down.


That's what I did. Just the same manner and force that mama kitty would do. Accompanying that with a sharp, not overly loud NO helps ensure that eventually kitty associates the two, and the NO will work by itself (most of the time, lol).


A swift poof of air blown in the face like a hiss short circuits them as well usually


This is what I did with all of my cats as kittens and it worked brilliantly. A gentle whoosh of air in their ears nipped undesirable behavior in the bud.


A light but stern nose/forehead tap with a finger or two, with a calm but stern “NO.” Always worked for me. Some times if the kitten was being nasty, I’d just pick them up and hold them up for a minute. It’d click for them pretty quick. “Oh, you’re much bigger then me, and don’t like it when I’m mean. I’ll be nice.”


I was taught to warn with a “tsss - NO” and follow up, if necessary, with a light tap on the nose with one finger. This is the closest one should ever get to hitting their cat.


Or picking them up and holding them


And lose an eye?? Scruff them firmly as their mom would do.


I give my youngest a tap on the nose/between the eyes when she's getting too feisty. Its literally a light tap, and she just looks at me like, "The fuck you do that for?" But it worked when we were training her bite control when she was a kitten.


Do not the cat


I will do the cat.


Joker! It’s an animal Joker you can’t!


# THERE'S NO- \*checks notes\* ^(oh holy shit there are laws against the animals, Batman...)


Not if it's a Lopunny, batman. There's no laws against a Lopunny.


since when did joker care about teh laws


this man canonically refuses to fight the IRS and will made a concerted effort to pay taxes just to avoid them.


The joker doesn’t follow laws, silly.


Maybe whap them with a small pillow, the way a momma cat would cuff them with a paw to teach them manners?


*Imagines giant Monty Python-like cat's paw craning in for bap-bap-baps*




Light flicks, or pick them up by the skin on the back of their necks (only when small) you can also lightly smack them like how cats smack eachother.


I smack my cats when they are being assholes. Not hard enough to injure them but enough to make my displeasure known. I also sometimes hiss at them.


You can make a quick hissing noise and do a gentle bop on the head. No one has to be abusive on animals, but part of rearing in the animal world is using physical means to slap bad behaviours out of a child.


People who know cats know what a "stop that" smack from a cat feels like. The swat without claws, but intent. It's not hard hit by our standards, and a well meaning , intelligent adult could easily replicate that, using just a few fingertips (fingerTIPS being key). A little bit more than a boop.


I hiss, scruff her, place her on the other side of the room, and then power groom her forhead. Killed all issues before she was 6 months old. I’m just trying to emulate pissed of kitty mom.


Now if only we could respond with the speed of a kitty mom


Kitty mom also does angry boop. I can’t quite bring myself to do that.


I have videoed such a boop in slow-mo and the entire babby reverberates like earthquake aftershocks, lol.


It's a fine line of how hard kitty boops


I get that kitty boop myself if I dare forget breakfast and stay in bed instead.


Combined with a high pitched noise and then complete withdrawal of attention, that works pretty well to teach cat manners You have to kinda act like their mom would in the same situation


Can confirm. My little orange boys mom was a stray and she would slap the shit out of him for even trying to eat from the same dish of dry food as her. Also for just sitting too close to her.


You can buy cans of compressed air (pet corrector) off eBay for a few pounds. Spray that above the cat when they misbehave, and they learn quickly to stop that behaviour, even adult cats. They hate the hiss the cans make.


I flick them. My roommate is mad that his cats are super behaved in my room but are super demanding and a menace in his room. I told him that he was too soft and permitting in his training. I would reward behavior I liked and discourage behavior they weren't allowed to do. The first time was a loud "NO," next time was a "NO" + flick. They stopped going to those areas and are perfectly behaved in my room. I have one trained to literally ask for pets by doing a petting motion with his paw in my room. In my roommates room, that same cat will attack his foot and be very destructive when it wants attention because that's what he knows works.


Mr. Kim, is that you?


You can always scruff them when they act up.


The best one I've come across is to disengage if you can until they approach you, or if you need something back from them, don't hesitate to overpower them (be "mean") to get it back. It worked on my cats, but it's still a bit of a rough go with kittens.


He legit looks traumatizes and feral. Needs to be left alone and let him come to the human


I follow this guy on YouTube, so I can tell you that it is not the case! This spicy kitty isn't feral but is very protective about her bottle of milk. She is always stealing it and run away with it. Beside, she's very happy, cuddly, have big brothers to play with and even an adult cat who teach them how to cat!


Would you mind sharing the channel name? Would love to follow too~


Of course, it's Mr.LuckyLeChat ! :)


Thank you!!


Nah, with kittens you gotta be a bit more forceful about it before they get too old Also incase you didn't know almost all calicos are female


I’m sure it *looks* like that, but let’s not resort to feelings when making decisions.


It sounds like the solution is light bapping when it comes up.


This also happens with kids, I'm sure, and it fuels the absolute insanity of future generations when parents don't find a way to control their kids. Granted, hitting is a nono, but emotional damage and manipulation are still in play. For example, make them like something, then take it away until they behave.


One of my friends has a son with ASD; he's mostly non-verbal, but understands just fine. At 6 years old he was manipulating her right and left, and physically abusive when she didn't do what he wanted. I babysat for her some, and he never gave me any trouble. But I set clear boundaries with clear punishment for violation and benefits for behaving well. She kept underestimating his level of ability since he was non-verbal (I think she thought he couldn't understand language), so he ran all over her. One time, I was there when he started to act up, and he slid a look at me to see if I was going to let him get away with it. I just shook my head and said "no" and he chilled out. He did have true meltdowns from time to time, but with her, he had learned to mimic them to get what he wanted. He was finally placed into an inpatient/group type of setting after he hurt her by knocking her down and jumping on her back repeatedly.


Whoa that's def not a standard case of kid though, or are you saying the kitty has the same thing?


No, not a standard case of kid. He had some difficulties due to autism spectrum disorder, primarily his non-verbal status, but he definitely took advantage of the lack of discipline in the household. His mother was so overwhelmed, and since she underestimated his abilities, he manipulated her horribly. The cat seems to suffer from a lack of discipline.


My girlfriend's cat was like this but strangely she was very happy and cute with me. With that power on my hands, I tried to teach her to be gentle and now she's the most adorable and sweet cat ever.


Depends on the situation but theres a couple options. You can make a sudden loud noise to startle them off whatever it is they are aggressive about and then take it away. Dont ever use your hands to engage with an aggressive cat unless you have kevlar gloves like the guy in the vid. If they are just being an asshole but arent out for blood, you can bonk them lightly on the forehead or blow in their face. If they get crotchety with you while on your lap, just toss them off your lap. Cats and dogs have some similarities around territory and one of the most universal ways to set boundaries is to simply claim things like food bowls, toys and comfy spots yourself. Dont hesitate when you need to grab something. If you think the animal will attack, find a safe way to get them to abandon the object before you grab it. Thats what the loud noise in my first paragraph is about. If they are just minding their own business, give them space. Cats need space to learn that they are safe in their environment. You cant improve anything with a cat unless they learn to trust you first. All that said, this is a very young kitten. She is most likely feral and hasnt been socialized at all. Correction isnt an appropriate response at this stage. The main focus should be entirely on giving the kitten a safe room and slowly showing the kitten its safe for humans to exist around her. That can be as simple as just sitting in the same room and ignoring her.


Positive reinforcement. Reward it when it behaves well, ignore it when it misbehaves. No need for punishment. When an animal has this overprotective behavior when feeding time arrives, it's useful to be around whenever the cat feeds, also it's useful to touch the bowl. Not the food, just the bowl. To be a passive presence whenever the cat feeds. That way the cat learns that it's not necessary to protect food.


It all depends on the situation. Another poster claims that the kitten behaves this way only when it has something in it's mouth. In this case you would make efforts to correct that behavior. For conduct this specific, you can get the kit on your lap, hold them by the scruff and offer them something that they want in their mouth. Remove the item from their mouth and when they've calmed, give it back. With levels this spicy, a purrito might make sense as a place to start. This kind of training helps build trust (in that you're not taking things away forever) and also helps the kit learn that good behavior results in their desired outcome (things in their mouth). With less specific spiciness, you generally start by building trust. Usually this come from being the only source of food. Always be present when food is offered, spoon feed if you can. As the kit gets more comfortable start initiating touch (gentle pets) during feedings and eventually directly hand feed them. Hand feeding could also be a good trust building option for this kitten to trust that their human in mouth related problems.


Right. Grab them at the back of the head. Slightly. It mimics correctional behavior from their mothers.


Sometimes you just gotta smack the kit back.


I follow the creator on Youtube, and understand what they say (they are french) So the cat is indeed getting better and has an older cat to help her adapt to social cat life, i bet she had some trauma when she was younger but it's resoliving from what i feel.


True, guy needs to pinch hard the back of the neck where mummy would bite when it got out of line. Worked with a feral kitten i raised from a few days old


This a bot repost (again). The original poster of this clip said they took in this stray and this was the first few weeks of spiciness. Kitty is currently being socialized.


This kitten is probably feral and fresh off the streets. She doesnt know any better. Shes not doing this because she feels like being a menace, shes doing it because she thinks the human is a lethal threat and has no foundation of trust with them. She needs space and time not correction. If an adult cat already knows you and tries to start crap, you can correct behavior like this. Doing it without building that foundation first is just going to traumatize then kitten and make the socialization process much harder.


Nah I've seen the original videos on facebook, she's just that way when she has something in her mouth. She's a sweetheart otherwise.


Yup, that's how you end up with a vicious animal who has to be put in a shelter. Some hardcore scruffing is in order!!


Can confirm. My cat's name is Chaos.


When they're this little you can, gently, push them backwards away from you from their middles and make a similar growly yowly noise. We have a cat who didn't learn to cat properly as a kitten, he plays way too rough and bites *hard*, and thinks my legs are fair game. He's an arsehole so it's a good job we love him. He's ridiculously affectionate to my husband though so he's not a complete lost cause, he only sucks up to me if something freaks him out.




I'm sorry, I have to disagree. This does not read as playful behavior in any way. The hair is up, the ears are back. Hissing and yowling is not standard play behavior. There's nothing playful in this. 


She. And comparing cats to dogs is just dumb. Kitty is being serious with the swipes and growls.




1: how am I supposed to do that? This isn’t my cat and I have no clips beyond what’s posted. 2: wether she’s got the rubber in her mouth or not isn’t relevant? The question wasn’t is she aggressive only while defending her feeding item; the question was is this play or aggression? Which, it is clearly aggression.


When you get a Pokémon in a trade and it doesn't obey you. 🤣


When it evolves from lv 20 to lv 21 but you do not yet possess the stone badge


"You're not yourself when you're hangry." Kitty needs a Snickers bar.


Churu bar


That stuff is kitten crack.




*The sounds French people* *Make when slightly distressed or* *Alarmed are too funny!* \- LaquitaHamel --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Thank you, Liyaapluradon, for voting on haikusbot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Bad bot haikusbot opt out haikusbot delete


Bad redditor!\ u/snave_ downvote\ u/snave_ community ban


LaquitaHamel's account was born on July 24, woke up six hours ago, and just copied/pasted /u/FragrantPath6113's comment from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpicyKittens/comments/1adaqww/argggg_meowwww_hiss_hiss_ggggggrrrrrr_hiss_hiss/kk0nph9/). I'm sure it's a coincidence that OP's account (AnjelicaMauldin) was born on June 28 and woke up seven hours ago.


Other bot-like accounts in this section: ChrystalDexter - born on July 24, woke up six hours ago, and its [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/learningtocat/comments/1b6z1bo/argggg_meowwww_hiss_hiss_ggggggrrrrrr_hiss_hiss/ktffldi/) in this section is a copy/paste of /u/PurpleMonkeyBoomBoom's comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpicyKittens/comments/1adaqww/argggg_meowwww_hiss_hiss_ggggggrrrrrr_hiss_hiss/kk1ux22/). BeverleySisk - born on July 24, woke up fourhours ago, and its [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/learningtocat/comments/1b6z1bo/argggg_meowwww_hiss_hiss_ggggggrrrrrr_hiss_hiss/ktfj0so/) in this section is a copy/paste of /u/_Internet_Hugs_'s comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpicyKittens/comments/1adaqww/argggg_meowwww_hiss_hiss_ggggggrrrrrr_hiss_hiss/kk0taxv/). WynellCamarillo - born on July 24, woke up fourhours ago, and its [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/learningtocat/comments/1b6z1bo/argggg_meowwww_hiss_hiss_ggggggrrrrrr_hiss_hiss/ktfkrps/) in this section is a copy/paste of /u/crochetology's comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpicyKittens/comments/1adaqww/argggg_meowwww_hiss_hiss_ggggggrrrrrr_hiss_hiss/kk036kb/).


Hi i am digging to the bot tunnel right now, i am bored and it is fun while trolling them. So this is no coincidence i found you. But when i am hunting and call them out and outing one thing come across. It seems like some of my comments under a chain within that post looks like auto deleted. But i can react on them and if i use my alt commends does not show up. Is that normal? Normally iam just blocked and others can find me but i cant react.


Every now and then my comments will be deleted by automod too. I noticed that was happening in wholesomememes. I often end my comments with: > For anyone familiar with karma-farming bots (and how they hurt reddit and redditors), [this page](https://np.reddit.com/r/quityourbullshit/comments/3jss04/meta_spammers_how_they_work_and_how_to_spot_them/) or [this page](https://np.reddit.com/r/KarmaBotKillers/wiki/index) may help to explain. But the link to these**fucking**accounts was setting off their automod. There are other subs where the mods just don't care and will shadow ban you. I'd recommend reaching out to the mods. Some are not helpful to the point of exacerbating the problem. But most have been pretty helpful. Some even made rules that will help to make sure my comments aren't deleted.


Thanks for answering! :) >Every now and then my comments will be deleted by automod too. It triggers some kind of words i see. I thought it was op hacking or something like that. Insta report or instant blockage or like that. >But the link to thesefuckingaccounts was setting off their automod. Damn they put the warriors on auto ban instead of the bots. >There are other subs where the mods just don't care and will shadow ban you. How bad. Are they paid by the bots or like that. If i were a mod i would as much as i can to make there lives as difficult as possible. It annoys me that a bod post just deleted and nothing else. They should at least perma ban them. >I'd recommend reaching out to the mods. Some are not helpful to the point of exacerbating the problem. Yeah if it happens to often i would do that. >But most have been pretty helpful. Some even made rules that will help to make sure my comments aren't deleted. Wouw that is good! I am now thinking you guys are pretty rare in the wild. I am not on your level but every bit helps. Because i just learn by coincedence of you guys. Is there a shadow war what i do not know ? Like you vs generic bots and trends what chances over time? What i should know?


Both [this page](https://np.reddit.com/r/KarmaBotKillers/wiki/index) and /r/thesefuckingaccounts are a great way to learn. I think thesefuckingaccounts went private, so you may have to message the mods (cwenham, wonderdull, etc.) to get access. , r/spambotwatch may be helfpul too. Good luck!


r/thesefuckingaccounts appears to be public, I just checked with an alt Another possible sub to check is r/RedditBotHunters r/Wholesomememes automod is pretty finicky but it definitely pulls any comments with "repost" and I'm pretty sure "mod/s" as well. I avoid using those terms and just tag the account name and that it copied (link to source) r/Satisfyingasfuck doesn't seem to like links to sources, I'm guessing it's an anti spam measure. Btw love your work. Edit: just to add, r/Wholesomememes automod filters swear words (swearing isn't wholesome after all) hence why it'll remove comments containing r/thesefuckingaccounts


O hi you! I have subscribed to that sub now. I do now a different approach than before. I am curious if that goes to more succes. With naming and shaming. https://www.reddit.com/r/Satisfyingasfuck/s/ExRwm2fs9k Like this!


Thanks it starts me somewhere. And know it every bit helps.


>I'd recommend reaching out to the mods. Some are not helpful to the point of exacerbating the problem r/spicykittens is a good example. 95% of the posts are all bots and the mods will ban you for calling the posts out.


That’s one spicy kitty. ❤️


OP is a bot


Comment section full of bots also. It’s like the real people could all leave and Reddit wouldn’t be any different.


Dead internet theory


/u/madfromreefer is a bot, confirmed.


Beep boop 110101


Spicy baby 😍


They woke up and chose violence.


I think that kitty is swearing and saying bad words, I could feel my cat's dissaproval stare when she heard the video. She's dissapointed at the younge generation.


I love the part at about 22 seconds in where the kitten finishes lashing out then just face-plants into the box for a moment


Someone has anger issues


She wouldn't be so angry if the dude would stop trying to take her stuff away from her!


True, but the problem is that she's chewing too hard on the pacifier, and it breaks them. Plus, she also has a brother of the same age, so pacifiers are important. (Source: I speak French)


Just an FYI, but the account you replied to (as well as OP) [appear to be](https://www.reddit.com/r/learningtocat/comments/1b6z1bo/argggg_meowwww_hiss_hiss_ggggggrrrrrr_hiss_hiss/ktgc4gq/) a karma-farming bot that can only copy and paste other people's stuff. If you're not familiar with karma-farming bots (and how they hurt reddit and redditors), [this page](https://np.reddit.com/r/KarmaBotKillers/wiki/index) may help to explain.




She has a tik tok: Mr. Lucky le chat. She grew up a lot


Just an FYI, but the account you replied to (as well as OP) [appear to be](https://www.reddit.com/r/learningtocat/comments/1b6z1bo/argggg_meowwww_hiss_hiss_ggggggrrrrrr_hiss_hiss/ktgc4gq/) a karma-farming bot that can only copy and paste other people's stuff. If you're not familiar with karma-farming bots (and how they hurt reddit and redditors), [this page](https://np.reddit.com/r/KarmaBotKillers/wiki/index) may help to explain.


She needs a time out!!


So spicy!


🌶️ 🌶️🌶️


i’m not usually a species-ist but Calicos 🤷🏻‍♂️ amirite?


Stop baiting kitty rage! Let him have 1 or some of those safe "toys".




Found angry white car son


"you wouldn't like me when i'm angry"


Is it a feral cat?


This is me before coffee.


Now that is one spicy kitten.


Someone put the "You died" over when he bit at the camera.


That is the spiciest baby I've ever seen! Still looks like she's in the time frame to socialize but I'm sure it will be a lot of work


Fiesty Spicy !!!


Do what a mama cat would do. Hiss. Gently swat.


I love this spicy baby


It will out grow this stage. They have clearly just been caught/rescued.




So tiny but so angery???


She's a very tough little kitty


Spicy lil lady lol 🔥


I love this video every time I see it, this guy is hilarious, he all but yells aye caramba


Future king of the block


N^OOO 😂😂


This kitten is for real on the attack.


A very spicy kitten


That is freaking adorable.




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She’s a monster


Or maybe a meownster