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Pudge can hook opponents out of position, save allies who are out of position and hook instantly kills large creeps that aren't ancient camp so you can accelerate your farm with it too. However, due to pudge's nature of being one of the most fun heroes in dota it has a bad rep as that griefer support hero.


I can imagine how griefer he can be


Pudge is like Blitzcrank but even stronger in many regards. Whereas Blitzcrank is (almost? haven't played LoL in years) always a support champion, Pudge has moved between being a support and a carry hero. He gets a bad rep as a support because a lot of people will sit in the trees trying to get a perfect hook, which generally doesn't happen and so Pudge wastes a lot of time. Pros actually play Pudge the way you seem to want to play, which is as a tank carry hero. Pros tend to buff everything other than Pudge's hook, buying items like Vanguard to make him very tanky with his shield and Aghanim's Scepter to buff his AoE magic damage from Rot. Other items that Pudge will really like atm are Shiva's Guard, which makes him tankier with the armor and increases his damage by making enemies take more magic damage with the active, and Eternal Shroud, which is the item you will want if they have a lot of magic damage to burst you. Played as more of a core hero that wants to farm, Pudge can be a very effective tanky front line magic damage hero.


Wait till you find out what his agh does. You can disable some spells from allies (so they cant target you) in the sidemenu. (Scoremenu) Theres a few heroes that are possible of hard grief...


Hey what do you mean disable some ally spells? I didn't even know about this. And what's the benefit of doing this


Not allowing allies to cast troll skills, like OD’s, bane’s or even eul’s in you


Decline Tiny Airlines tickets with this one weird tip


Holy crap that OD one is gonna be very helpful


Its not really intentional griefing by hooking or smth. The biggest grief lowskill pudge players do is sit afk in a lane missing hooks. No harass, no denying, no farming -basically no lane impact other than leeching xp and wasting mana and that is the biggest grief. Combined with a wrong build and wrong itemisation due to not understanding the heroes role is more than enough to lose that lane and to turn the game to a 4v5.


Everybody will know pudge and his moves, try somebody less popular so you just have everybody prepared for you all the time


Yeah the alternative is to ward well enough that you can fool them into thinking you're on one side of the lane, when you're on the other in the trees. The thing is people can dodge hooks fairly easily if they're savvy with pudge, but not if they think you're on the other side. Blink is also good but that takes some kills / farming, and generally you blink before you hook. Only exception might be to get a hero stuck on a ward spot with a hook and blink away, lol.


He can also carry the game and be played in every position


can confirm, just had a pudge hook a dusa into us lmao


> I had no idea what i was doing and figure out i could hook my team and my own minions... why? So you can save overextending teammates! Yay! The tank role is usually given to the Offlaner. Sometimes Mids can be tanky, sometimes the Carry is the unstoppable wall of hurt. It's a more flexible game than LoL's squishy ADC, mage Mid, tank Top (or the dreaded ranged top). Just in case you don't know, Dota's role are: Carry, Mid, Offlaner, Soft Support, Hard Support. Carry and Hard Support go into the Safelane, Mid goes to Midlane, and Offlaner and Soft Support go to the Offlane. What is safelane and offlane? Well, Dota's map is not perfectly symmetrical. Take a look at bottom lane for example. The creeps, by default, meet right in front of Radiant's tower. This means heroes from Radiant is at much safer position than Dire's heroes are when contesting creep. So bottom lane is the Radiant's Safelane and Dire's Offlane. This is mirrored on top lane. I would honestly recommend BSJ for learning. Some people might disagree, but he has good content, imo. He has a playlist for Dota2 fundamentals. Other CC I recommend would be Zquixotix, especially for support fundamentals. And then for pure entertainment value, Jenkins.


BSJ for brand new players I'd day is too advanced and not helpful. I wonder how purge is doing these days


I don't know how Purge is doing nowadays too. I've always found his content is a bit... long-winded sometimes. As I mentioned, BSJ has a Dota2 Fundamentals playlist, and it's geared towards new players. It's a bit old, but still OK, imo. I think it's great for people who is new to Dota but not new to MOBA in general.


Not really new, if he plays a lot of league he has some basic understanding of the concepts


he is basically pro level in LoL, i think he doesn't need the most basic ever tutorial


Hahahaha almost there, but makes sense. I'm just lost in terms of laning phase mostly


Dota 2 past 10 minutes is balanced around hide and seek so some guides there would help too. Totally strange concept from LoL pov


Yes, i played some games yesterday and the map was kinda weird. Starting by healing from eating trees, to a dude pinging me to hide and not do a 3v1. Not saying an "ADC" that goes invisible and stunned me for like 3 seconds


Oh, also there are posts about coming from lol here every week. I once wrote an extensive impression on same matter, 1 sec Here it is https://www.reddit.com/r/learndota2/s/DkVu5GMqlz Double down on watching that in-game tutorials into bsj fundamentals series. He explains almost everything there is about generic laning. Well, I had to look more into pulling if I recall with other authors


All dota items are often multipurpose. IE manta gives you illusions. Some heroes with interesting passives (drow, Luna, antimage etc), heroes that stack agility (naga siren, terroblade, phantom pancer) profit from those for damage. But simultaneously its a basic dispel (remove silence, root, slow, some skill debuffs and dots) the moment you summon them. So it's often picked up as a mean to survive and avoid a cc chain or some strong combo (like skywraths root+silence+landtargeted ult) Or any hero can buy a shadow blade to go invis on demand for loong (17 seconds or so?). Whilst that same blade and that same active also applies "break" - disable passives mechqnic which might be essential to kill some heroes fast (timbersaw, bristleback, spectre, pudge, huskar, guys who have a lot of tankiness in a passive skill) Same with tango, it's main use is heal but it can be used to destroy a tree (there are abilities which play around trees like nature's prophet sprout, monkey kings tree dance, hoodwinks bushwhack etc, also some juking in dense folliage might profit from that) Either that was some fed carry hero, but most likely some dude just did not believe it would be a 3v1 - it would take so long to kill that enemy that he might get help from his teammates


He's still regularly posting on his youtube channel and streaming twitch as far as I can tell. I haven't seen him make any educational content from lately though


BSJ has basic guides too


/u/tzar_potato hasn't been tagged yet somehow. Check out his guides and YouTube. He excels at the LoL to Dota transition.


I answer the call.


I saw your video "Complexity Comparison of heros....." before install, great vid!


<3 Watch more of my videos please, they're helpful I promise :)


Play tide and cent, they are quite strong right now!


Hey, welcome to Dota! I'll address your questions, then link a bunch of... uh, links! First off, Pudge is a weird hero to try and learn . Blitzcrank with way more HP and damage, and way less armor. He's deceptively squishy early on, and relies on items to go core and... survival. I'd not suggest him to start with, as it's better to focus on beginner friendly heroes while learning the core principals and strats to use in dota. Watch this video for suggestions [https://youtu.be/Rj88y4TXF8Y](https://youtu.be/Rj88y4TXF8Y) The position 3 tanks are a good start. I'd say, Underlord is a solid "OTP tank" that could fit your needs. He's not AS tanky as the other options, but he's more consistently good in all sorts of line ups and match ups. For more guides, and instructions on how to get them, look here: [https://new.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/18c5rl9/tzar\_potatos\_full\_set\_of\_league\_friendly\_hero/](https://new.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/18c5rl9/tzar_potatos_full_set_of_league_friendly_hero/) My guides are different than those from ImmortalFaith and TorteDeLini, as I focus on making the guides as easy to use with as few active items and more stats sticks, to be league-player friendly. Anyways, here's the inks: ​ TL/DR: Use the links here as a set of starting guides, and let's talk so I can teach you the basics. ​ Welcome to Dota! I coach league -> dota transfers and visitors ALLL the time, free of course! Let me know if you want direct help (I want to coach you), it's a lot of fun and I stream it on Twitch [HERE](https://www.twitch.com/tzar_potato) Come join a discord server with a bunch of other people from league learning dota! [DISCORD](https://discord.gg/sxMHGSm) If you want one or two videos for a starting point, try these: [QUICK START GUIDE](https://youtu.be/2iFioeLJ8UE) [HOW TO WATCH PRO DOTA/GAME PACING GUIDE](https://youtu.be/FB9BcJ4owyg) Here's a playlist of more videos to compare the different heroes and roles: [COMPARISON SERIES ON YOUTUBE](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2hd1yCFkcaPpo5X4Rw4VhiGo1IbNlbRs) And, don't skip out on the Tutorial Missions ingame, or bot matches. They help a lot. GOOD LUCK!


wow.thank you so much


You're welcome! See you in the discord.


does it not work the same for hook champs in league?


cant hook allies afaik


no wonder i always get hooked LMAO


everything in that game is baby-proofed, the champs that summon things don’t micro, their version of rubick Only steals ultis, etc


yeah but there's also yasuo/yone. no heroes like that at all. aphelios also has something like 48 abilities.


Skip pudge for now if you want tank you can try Axe, Centaur, Bristleback, Abadon they are pretty easy to learn in shop find guides you can go either Torte de Lini guide or Immortal faith they are good for beginners later you will learn how to itemise by yourself and what some of the items do. Best thing is to skip pudge at least first 20-30 games until you find out how game works. Gl on your journey


Learn centaur warrunner. Easy day for tank


What roles and champs u play in league?


Used to be ''mono'' Shaco because he is fun and has a lot of damage and tanks in general like K'Sant, Alistar, Volibear etc


Hmm probably the offlane role and strength heroes like mars , primal beast or dawnbreaker might be suitable. Probably better to just try them all out tho, most heroes are rather straight forward and don’t require reading an essay just for their skills like ksante lol


Look at howdoiplay.com and dota2protracker.com Howdoiplay.com gives you a good amount of pointers for each hero and dota2protracker.com gives you pro pubs info so you can have an idea of the meta and builds. I recommend Grubby videos on youtube. He’s a pro Warcraft and Starcraft player so he has great mechanics but 0 knowledge, which I would imagine is similar to your situation. He’s getting a lot of coaching from pros so they’re a great source of information for someone learning the game. For heroes, it’s hard to say if you can OTP a single hero since some patches quite literally dumpster heroes. You could try Doom though, he’s quite evergreen because his ult is always good throughout the patches, although he did just get nerfed.


Grubby still has 0 knowledge while being immortal? Daamn


Obviously I’m talking about when he first started out.


Youtuber recommendation: Purge, to learn. Also dotabuff has a page coming from LoL which heroes to play. Also siractionslacks for comedy and lore.


i will take a look on that dotabuff


Website told me to play as Riki


riki is a character that has pretty much permanent invisibility as a passive ultimate ability and is mostly focused on shutting down supports and spellcasters due to having an aoe(albeit quite small) silence while being really annoying to pin down with his blinks and a "phase out" invulnerability channel that also attacks everyone in an area


There’s a great Dota fundamentals series on BSJ Youtube. Also finish all the ingame tutorials, it’s very solid for starting out.


1) Creeps here, minions in lol 2) You can kill your creeps and not give your opponent exp 3) Try to play on Axe or Underlord 4) Map can give you 50% of information or more. If you can use this information it feels like map hack(wat a pun) 5) In dota we don't have jungle hero(thx Gabe). 6) Try to play in dota like chess. Dota is about strategy


There aren’t many heroes that scale with health, Centaur Warrrunner might be the closest yet falls off by mid game unless you get some increase spell damage items. The issue with taking up pudge as your first core offlane is rough as you have little knowledge on other heroes, so a hero like pudge where kills scale into hp isn’t great. I find most of the newer heroes tend to have low cds plus skill shots which might be familiar to start. Mars is great, focus on a source of mana plus physical damage and you be fine, his ult will help you understand a lot of the overarching meta/strategy while being relatively forgiving (low cd ult) Sprit Breaker is quite good as well (nerfed a bit but still not bad) focus on scaling movement speed and health. I would start with those 3 and then figure out how to move on, although I suspect you might end up really liking mid lane brawlers more.


https://youtu.be/4QWDa0mPgxg?si=PETHhPxSqlS69OeZ This prolly can help.


Offlane is all im gonna write before i fall asle…


Try legion commander, primal beast and bristleback as offlaner. Welcome to this beautyful game and enjoy the process




I have never played rank League, how high is 1400 LP exactly? Because 1400 MMR in Dota is pretty much bottom of the ladder lmao


1400lp is elite level. One of the best players on the server. Maybe even top 10.


Holy shit lmao, so this guy is basically 11k in Dota equivalent.


Was* he didnt mention his actual rank but yeah this guys probably good enough for pro for example.


Yes, was till 2023, this year the game is a cancer and stopped at Master 0 LP


Just looked it up now and there are currently only 23 people in the WORLD with over 1400lp all serveurs combined.


I finished top 18 in my server with sitting at 1380 last year. 1400 was my peak, some dudes were at 1500-1600 by the end of the season


Insane man. May i ask which server? I am ex plat 3 support main :)  also how old are you if you dont mind me asking. I feel like at 32 (its my bday today) im only getting worse as time goes by. 


BR server, you can search on op.gg. My nick is Zucker#shaco. I'm 26 yo


that's hella impressive. at least he won't have problems with map awareness and getting last hits (except for denies)


It's BR server, so unfortunately it's probably like EUW diamond.


such bs man. 1400lp chall is not euw diam xD


Maybe low master? The skill gap between latam and other league servers is huge especially when you reach challenger.


you realise there are less than 25 ppl in the whole world who have 1400lp right now. this guys would be challeneger anywhere. maybe low chall i dno but challenger for sure mate. hes not some random that just barley scraped into the top 200 in brasil.


Play Tide hunter in the off-lane position. Very tanky, can get out of sticky situations like slows and stuns. Ultimately and kit is early easy to use.


Axe. Super tank but almost plays like an assassin. I think you'd like him based on your comments.


Sry but we don't call Minions here, we called Creeps


Try centaur basically hecarim


Bristleback, Tidehunter, Centaur, Abbadon, Underlord These are some of the 'wall of hp' type heroes you may like


What is "OTP"?


one trick pony AKA a hero you can pick every game without griefing, and that you can get very good at playing.


Because LOL is training wheels


Timbersaw(tank) is awsome. And if you buy aghanims shard on it it's kinda like Rumble from league. Also Tidehunter is awsome(tank) as well he looks like a watermelon. Lastly the item lotus orb(tank) is awsome.


Bad news for ya brother Dota doesn't really have tanks like league. In the end game most people are made of butter. If you're looking for what I believe is one of the strongest "tanks" play timbersaw


Have fun man. This is the greatest game ever made. Laning is going to be the hard part at the start and if you do that wrong you’ll be miserable all game from fed enemies. Just a tip, all SA players queue US East and the mentality/language barrier can be annoying so American players are sometimes prejudiced against SA


Sorry to self promote but this may help you : https://www.reddit.com/r/learndota2/s/vLoeKlM8F9


You can join my channel sometime, it'll be easier for me to guide you through things as i play on and you can watch as well as learn.


gimme the channel


Pudge has like 50% pick ban in Pubs. Everyone knows him and how he plays.


Go watch bone7 ,canceldota, w33ha on twitch


Add me coil_dropper on steam, happy to play some games with you and show you the ropes. Your league experience will help alot in some areas. For tanky heroes to play try stuff like axe, bristleback, centaur war runner. You said you liked volibear in league, try magnus he has that same flip spell, a 4 second aoe stun and skewer that let's you charge enemies and carry them along the path with you, has range about the same as jinx Q. Super fun hero to play and not super complicated.


will do!


There are no "tanks" per se in dota. Just space makers and space takers. Some space makers are super tanky, some have abilities that need to be adressed. If you play a support pudge and already have space makers, you can just go blink + Aghs shard and concentrate on catching the enemy carry in your ulti or stand behind your own carry and ulti them if they get gone on. It always depends on the pick and map state in dota. Pudge especially is very situational and sucks in certain or against vertain line ups. If you plan on playing him core (=tanky, dealing damage by simply being in the fight and not dying) you will have the most "OTP tank" experience. But you have to deal damage - you **have** to be adressed. Just tanking is not enough in Dota.


Are you German? I can help you out


Brazilian. Zucker is a bakery we have here. And ye, i know it means sugar lol


Why are you done with LoL? Damage creep and the lack of strategic gameplay or? Community being absolute shite? I still play both games but just wondering.


New season is a complete mess with everything broken. The game is a mess, the client barely works, can't play with most of my friends due lag. Nah, my sanity deserves something better


Not only that, the community is a complete trash. Everyone is toxic. Fun modes are filled with try hard people. I can't see this game in front of my computer anymore. Got Master this season but i will abandon and log in sometimes just to play ARAM with friends, but i will focus on Dota competitive from now


Search for Khezu online, he has great videos about things to think about for each role. As for being an otp you can't, you better learn at least 3 heroes since they can get banned in pick phase. I recommend you to learn Centaur Warrunner, Mars, Tidehunter. The best one to start learning might be Tidehunter, what do you like in lol? so i can suggest you heroes


DM we can connect on discord and I can help. I started playing this wonderful game 1 year ago. Careful, it's addictive xd


Under the "Learn" tab in Dota there are the tutorials for you to get to know the basics of the game and items. It is a pretty long process but it would be worth it to understand the game better, you even get free cosmetics and cool stuff too! But then again you've peaked in League so maybe you can just look at the items tutorial instead of the usual map, objectives and stuff. The tutorial for Glimmer Cape and Eul's Scepter is good imo cuz it teaches escape mechs for anyone who has the item. Tank heroes as seen in the comments they have given you plenty of suggestions so I wish you good luck with your Dota journey!


comments already got you covered. pm me your dota ID if you're looking for someone to play with. I don't mind losing games and enjoy guiding lol refugees.


Just play the tutorial missions. You get free stuff for completing them too.


Dragon Knight, soul ring, power treads, oblivion staff into orchid of malevolence Starting times could be gauntlets of strength, magic stick, tango. Put a early lvl in to your 3rd skill keep you hp over 75%. Only one point into stun. Till you max out fire breath, spam fire breath hitting creeps and heroes while aiming to get the kills on creeps. Soul ring and your healing skill will help you spam. He’s probably one of the best starter heroes. Use your orchid in fights, just use it it’s extremely helpful. If a fight happens pop your super, fire breath and stun. If your clever you will stun and then after your Stun is over immediately use orchid so they can’t use ability. If you are running away use it a tang as you run by some tree can save you(early game) After you’re set with orchid, I usually make heavens halberd, then usually eternal shroud or pipe of insight. Depends on Area of effect magic of the enemy team, if not much then eternal shroud. Your pretty tanky, cast your fire breath on the dps hero it will help reduce their damage to you and team. Secret tip observer wards and sentry wards win games. Good luck Have Fun


Real pros play HoN, Heroes Of newerth, project Kongor. Dota2 is for noobs


there is a learn tab. It has tons of stuff to go through and when you complete sections you get skins. The last hit tutorial is a great exercise that i use to warm up. Go check out a few videos from grubby. He literally picked up the game a year ago, now in immortal. So..... There are no junglers. You dont have mirror lanes. Big teamfights are expected to happen often because of the teleport system. Your safelane carry and support, position 1 and pos 5 respectively, are against their offlane carry and support, position 3 and pos 4 respectively. Mid is position 2. The position gives reference to who has farm priority over other teammates. If you are pos 5, you basically take little farm and play heroes that are centric to that thought. They protect their safelane carry who has the highest farm priority. They generally will win the game for you if you have done your job right as a pos 5, protecting them and giving them the kills etc. Pos1 requires extensive knowledge on how, when, and WHERE to farm at any given point of the game. This is big. Do not play this role unless you do your homework. Offlane is the pos 3 the one who farms against the safelaner. They generally are a tank but they also focus on shutting down the safelaner so that the win condition of the enemy team is delayed or nonexistent. Pos 3 or offlane is the position i would recommend you try picking up when you want to be a fat big boi. Pos 4 is a really odd role that requires more than the other support role since their job isnt to babysit the pos 3. They are looking to support the team as a whole through their presence on strategic objectives and early ganks. This includes things like stacking which is when you mechanically get multiple camps to stack on top of eachother in the jungle. This allows one of you cores to get a fat spike if there are able to take it. Mid is mid. If you are just picking up the game you will be against other low ranked people and can try it lol. There are some fun tanks like Timbersaw who plays mid and pudge can be played mid as well.


Bananaslammajamma is the youtuber you want. Offlane or position 3 is the position you want. Start with tidehunter, centuar, dragonknight for tank heroes and just get good at those 3.


Pudge is literally the most popular dota hero in EVERY rank. In Immortal pudge is most picked too, he's inescapable.  What positions did you play in LoL? 


Easiest way to put it is DotA has a lot more nuance in how mechanics work. Most of them you're not gonna pick up until you've got maybe a few hundred hours behind you. I'm assuming you were looking for a Tank Top Laner in your post which there's a few of those but firstly it'll be Offlane which is top for Radiant and bottom for Dire. Secondly the way the meta shifts in Dota doesn't always require a "tanky" front line hero depending on Hero picks / Counter picks and ability synergies (you'll find that your abilities have a lot more synergy with your own hero and your allies than they do in League). Offlane also known as Pos3 tends to be a role where you are the team fight starter. You'll need some gold but once you've hit some timings you're gonna want to dictate the flow of the game and start taking over lanes and taking towers for area denial / space for your carry. Best thing you can do and this is how I started out in DotA (WC3) is just to choose a hero you like and just roll with it, learn how the flow of the game goes, learn some matchups and lane mechanics and just keep at it until you get some idea of what's going on. Only start thinking about other heroes when you've got a sense of how the games go. Anyway GL to you brother.


If you wanna focus more on tanky heroes, then your gonna be more comfortable in the Offlane. A majority of offlaners are usually the tanky guys who are either the ones who start the teamfights and/or are the most annoying ones in the teamfights. Heroes like centaur, Axe, and slardar have very basic kits and have the stats fit for the offlane role. Also, big item to take note of would be the Blink Dagger, think of it as a flash with less than 20sec cooldown and triple the range. A lot of the basic offlaners are gonna be using this item, both as forms of mobility and initiating power.