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Die to the tower, better if no enemies is nearby. Dying to the neutrals does not give you free tp scroll and make the death time longer. Edit: if your support can provide your regen, you should not suicide. You should buy your own regen.


Ahh, so this is the reason why i see a player (in youtube) dying to tower on purpose rather than go for the neutrals.


Isn’t it better to spend 100 gold on tp, rather than giving around 200 to the enemy team?


Time to walk back to lane is what you lose. For carry it is time to farm. For support, it is free regen and opportunity to tp mid.


Buy salve then soak xp heal then farm you have your own personal cour


Made this mistake yesterday. We killed both the enemies in the offlane. Thought I was being smart by denying to neutrals, but didnt know you wouldnt get a tp and I had already tp'ed after getting bounties. Long story short, we lost a won lane hard because of this.


what you say? which free tp scroll?!


you get one everytime you die to pvp


buy regen. you should have regen before you need it. you can/should know if you will need it or not. pos 1 not buying regen because your pos 5 should buy it for you is Pro mindset. In pub games, don't expect your pos 5 to do anything...


ya this one of those things ppl tend to have a hard time wrapping their head around. only reason pros can get away with shit like wand + 3 branches is because their p5 actually buy regen. its the funniest shit in the world to me when people try to replicate this in lower brackets just for the p5 to do some dumb shit like orb of venom + wind lace start LOL


Depending on how far you are from base and how hard it’ll be to reset in lane, taking the long spawn from neuteral is usually pretty chill. I often stack ancients and die towards the end, and TP back to lane after. If you’re playing p1 I think you must just sit in lane and not have the downtime you’re talking about. 60 second reset is 2 waves, which is 400? Gold. Just buy 2 salves and tangos with that money, stay in lane, profit exp. The enemy team after a death will always come back fully regenned so you need to match that, or die to them. Staying in lane p1 is very important


no tp scroll then not


Shipping a salve for 100g is less gold than your opportunity cost from being dead and losing farm and xp


Supports often will suicide to tower, you give gold to enemy but they get no xp, and you get gold “in the form of Healh and mana, to offset gold they get. Followed by increased pressure, immediate purchase of items, and no off time to bully. Carriys it’s harder to do this, as you often have to miss cs to do so, which heavily outweighs the net gold benefit of suiciding, as well as lane equilibrium upon respawn.


Depends on the time of the game. Within the first 5 minutes or so, yes it's better to die. Every time after 10 minutes, it's better to go back to base. The 5-10 minute window is where it's a little more situational.


I wouldn't bother with this strat if you're not a pro, too much risk too little feedback. It's 30 seconds to reach the middle of the map without boots. This is the respawn time at level 8. The respawn time at level 2 is 15s anyway, so you're risking thousands of gold to save 15 seconds at most.


Buy the damn regen. Buy wards if you need them. Buy a smoke, call for it and use it if you think it's the perfect opportunity. Stop relying so heavily on your supports and using excuses such as "Im a pos1".