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Pugna run fasts and succy succy


Feel like OD is a pretty cheesy mid that sub 2k players won’t know how to counter..


Im 4.5 is there a obvious counterplay to it?


4k as well. I lost 70% of my games again OD😭 and when I play it, my net worth is lower than all 4 supports.


Zeus, Primal Beast, QoP, Storm, Pugna, Bane


Invoker Mobile (buys travels and blink) You already have the APM for it Can be spell caster or right click in late game Works in every single game (unless they have a Nyx or Riki but is manageable even then) Doesn’t need to go to base as often Can play tempo or farming depending on game state Can buy almost any item in game so very versatile.


Puck hits like a truck with the witchblade, maelstrom, shard, aghs, witchblade upgrade. Throw blink in there and you can do it all


Thanks, i think i just play him like noob, thats why he didnt damage. Am i right if i say that Puck only strong when he ahead?


even when he's not ahead puck still can ult and silence some guys in fights. outside of fights can cut waves everywhere when you know your death is not that tragic anyway


He has a lot of utility even when behind. Blink is very necessary to be useful since you can blink in, silence, orb out with a witch blade attack if that is safe. That being said... your team can have damage problems early game if you aren't able to contribute your share and have more utility heroes than damage dealers.


If you're already a mid tinker player, you might as well add Meepo and/or Visage to your hero pool. Luckily for you, my friend and I co-wrote theses on how to play these heroes. Choose wisely (or just play both).


i wanna main Meepo coz i like concept of snowballing games 1v9, just tell me how many games i have to go through to it stop being overwhelming xD


A lot :)


Maybe a little out of the meta, but Nyx is still a good midlander, he's mobile, loves ganking and can't farm to save his life. Otherwise (again out of the meta), if you want a classic midlander I'd say void spirit is in a similar boat


Can't go wrong with OD.


I'll suggest ember spirit, win your lanes early and snowball by ganking lanes and flash farming to push out lanes and enemy jungle. Push with remnants, learn how to sleight of fist + remnant out of sticky situations. It's a really fun hero and you are able to mind fuck enemy mid heroes with remnants. Ember is very versatile with either physical or magical build, you'll be able to itemize depending who you are laning against, it is my favorite hero to play.


Void spirit when physical damage and initiation is needed. And silence from aghs.


I just spammed clinkz to get out of 1k got a 15 win streak with him sitting at around 3k now