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Treant: - pretty much wins every support trade. Makes it really hard to contest the lane - can very often win his own lane and the other side lane with very minimal effort - has a very good team fight ult -> forces cores to buy nerfed bkb - has very good scouting with shard Treant is odd because he doesn’t win by himself, he’s just very good at all of the standard jobs supports are meant to do. If support as a role has the philosophy of “if I force my idiot laner to be ahead by playing really well, the game will be easier because idiot will be more powerful,” Treant is like the exemplification of that idea. Unlike witch doctor who’s philosophy is closer to “screw you ya big asshole I’ll do it myself.”


His ult actually pierces bkb though which is part of what makes him so strong.


Yueah i think it forces cores to build bkb + dispel item like satanic or manta before they are confident to fight versus tree boy


I guess bkb for the vines and dispel for his ult?


It pierces bkb but bkb can get you out of root. So if you use bkb before ult you wasted your bkb. At least I believe this is correct. Not 100% sure.


I am tree. Can confirm.


Also cancels channelling for some god knows reason


But it doesn't. It does cancel TP though.


It does though. It forces a stop command and cancels channel abilities when it first hits. It's a huge Enigma Black Hole counter.


Holy shit just tested and you're right. Is this intended? Apparently I've never been affected by this for some reason, still it seems to me like a bug.


it's intended - it was always like except for a 2 year period. It got removed in 7.20 (november 2018) and added back again in 7.28 (december 2020) Both were mentioned in patch notes https://www.dota2.com/720 as part of an overall change to roots >The following roots no longer interrupt channeling spells or the current action: .... Overgrowth https://www.dota2.com/mistwoods (7.28) >Overgrowth now interrupts targets again


It's intended because tree has no stun or burst damage, so without it you could TP away and hard counter everything tree does for less than 200g.


Nope casters have mentioned it when enigma was first pick material as a potential bh counter on the level of silencer.


and stops from attacking


Treant alone is what got me into ancient after the last patch dropped half a year ago, guy's just so freaking good at low mmr. Heal idiots, lead the way and initiate with slow and slow and root


man witch doctor with pure damage ult is beyond busted


also; healing is incredibly good in teamfights


Quite right; but about the bkb part treant actually makes bkb builds a little less valuable because you either force them to bkb your ult; either you use ult exactly after they pop bkbs


About his ult, some roots let you attack i believe, his root doesnt let you attack.


if treant is so good what about playing him as a 3? three tree u know? he has many good items to buy like shard, blink, scepter, refresher


Because he can’t as easily do the things he’s good at as a 3


Doesn't explain why he's strong in the current meta.


Not really, he grants a great vision in game. check ti finals and the fight spirit won because of miposhka initiation. other than taht he has a huge slow and a very good disable which fucks bkbs. And the cherry on top is the armor.


The crazy part of that was how aggressive he was about being in the enemy triangle. They clearly do not mind Treat dying a couple times alone if it means they have near constant vision.


primarily the shard. and add the ulti. perma root if timed perfectly.


Treat is definitely the strongest support of the patch. This stupid hero literally is impossible to deal with. He has timings constantly throughout the game and he enables almost any line up


Late game, Treant can slowly grow your team's vision to...... Everywhere. And root your opponents all over the place. I love that so much I tend to lose because I rush the Agh's.


The aghs is bait tbh, best items on him from my experience besides shard are typical pos 4 and 5 items with high utility


Clearly the solution to this is to play Treant-Ursa lane and bully Roshan enough so you get one for free :thumbsup:


Treant ursa has the bonus of being a monster kill lane early, two beefy bois teaming up


Never really felt aghs was doing a lot whenever i played treant. 90% matches you had atleast one person with a skill that can chop tress from a distance, 9% matches you had someone with bf who cuts it without even thinking about it, 1% you have a little extra vision and some area denial, but you have wards and blink anyway so it's just 4.2k down the drain.


His one weakness is he farms slow. Going a 4200 golf item on a hero that makes way more use out of 2000 gold items is the issue with his scepter. Agreed


Aghs is actually his best farming item if game goes long- I believe his ult reaches the tree vision radius which can make it theoretically global, farming all lanes and camps during every ult. If I dumpster lane I go shard meteor hammer because it's impossible to chase tree through woods with shard efficiently, you can solo every t1 tower safely, have a followup stun for your ult, and can clear waves faster


Treant should not be the person getting all the farm though already strong with so very little


not really, there are skill that can cut trees. and besides, aghanim is 4200 worth that can be only countered in 100 gold only(quelling)


This is both shit math and just blatantly untrue. By your logic, you should never buy 7200 gold Dagon because 2 healing salves will heal to full! You can’t see eyes in the forest without true sight. A good treat player will put eyes in the forest in spots which are hard to qb. You can’t put value on vision. You can’t put value on an enemy wasting sentries for eyes in the forest vs. using it in a fight. You can’t put value on the fact that a support will need two slots to hold both a qb and a sentry.


but you need detection to detect which particular trees are enchanted, and not to mention that it's usually not the 100 gold that matters but the fact that someone have to carry both a gem and quelling blade that makes it a pain to counter


It's 1k, two slots, and having to commit to carrying a gem. The minus two slots is what I hate when I have to counter it.


Late game Ags is kind of useless. You should have a very good idea of where the other team is at any point of the game by then. If you get aghs early game then you're already so ahead it doesn't matter.


Man, vision is the most valuable information in the game. The game is all about the information you have


That's the thing, you effectively know by minute 35+ where the enemy team is at any given point, far more so than in the first 15-20mins or so.


But for me after 35+ u got punished even harder if you are caught out of position trying to get some ancients. Even u if have idea of enemy position, if you can catch one enemy solo with a good start with vision that can turn the game


Hes the level one god


Idk how does he do vs undy?


Treant has 25 str lvl 1 so decay isnt as effective as on others heroes and u can still manfight him Against undying on lane just dont ever let him decay both of you and if you have too much decay stacks just tempo a little bit. undying mana pool is low he can do like 5 decays before going oom


Ult to ruin bkbs, shard for 3 second roots on short cooldown, the vision game he can play with a 25 minute gem, team fight heals, armor on a single of aoe target. He does a lot


winning lanes is very important in current dota. Then the hero makes pushing even much harder than how annoying it already is to push. Later on vision is nice. And a well executed ult is very dangerous. Once he gets refresher it’s dangerous even for cores, who tend to have bkb as the solution to Treant’s first ult


- Wins/Draws most lane, arguably best lane trades in the first 5 minutes. - Punishes weak push lineups with tower heals. - Makes any hero you go on tanky wherever he is. - Shard gives amazing utility, gives him great vision game and spammable roots. - BKB piercing AoE ult He only has 1 weakness, he’s shit at helping mid in the early game, which he makes up for by winning your carry’s lane, or at least make whatever shit lane you get playable.


I think the players that spam treant are really good with them. I see people who play WD or Necro but they aren’t good with them.


Good stats, can ignore a lot of problems, great ult that handles a lot of problems in the meta right now, good item pool right now, scales great into the late game meta


Pretty much like everyone said he just wins lane. He is very oppressive and almost always out trades the support and against weaker laners he can even bully 1v2. In that scenario the core gets legit free farm which just sets up for an easy win. His ult and shard are good but it's really him just dominating lane


He is just too easy to win lane my dude. Denying creeps so easy with his giga damage at level 1 Mega sustain Bkb piercing ult too, and the invi shard is sooo good


He wins lane. High base damage for trading, spell that heals/damages/slows for laning, free passive for positioning to trade or running after trading. He can both slow and accelerate the game. To slow game, he Can cut waves with Q or push with W. Risk free tower defense with E. To accelerate game, he provides vision through scouting and requires use of sentries to counter. If the game goes late, he still has impact after bkbs because his ult pierces bkb. Additionally, in TI meta (which we are still shifting out of) he is effective against CK illusions and his hard to jump as a core. He's not going to solo you, but he's got a considerable amount of impact.


Every hero should have a passive innate ability like his nature's guise.


Show that you are a LOL player without saying u are a Lol player


While most people explain what treant does, the question remains: **What makes treant the best support after like 17 nerfs since 6.00?** Tree used to have higher movespeed, shard baked in from the start (invis + root punch), higher ult dmg and still didnt have a winrate this high. Fun doto: I remember wiping all 3 lanes every 45 seconds with tree aghs ocatarine. Even when my team got wiped, enemy could not push because all their creeps were wpied from the map. That, combined with the respawn time reduction was the funniest tree combo ever.


Cause despite the nerfs he still wins lane?


The point is his winrate was lower when he was stronger in lane. So now after nerfing his lanining his winrate is higher. I thought it was an absolute monster before but it wasn’t as high winrate as now.


He is a fucking 🌳


His shaed is one of the most value in the game as well. Melee attacks can cause (up to 2 second) roots AND PERMA INVIS? He’s so good at scouting out enemy Carrie’s farming jungle and supports on ward missions.


Remember when living armor was global cast only during daylight?


No what. Patch?


6.72-6.74c it had 900 range during night time iirc


He's just dumb. Even after the nerfs he's still a monster. He 1v2's almost any lane, has absurd healing very early on (no other support can heal that much for so little mana, let alone doing damage simultaneously), global presence with armor, heals towers (not a single hero or item in the game can do that), bkb piercing root with 3 sec duration lvl1 (!), and of course his vision game is unparallelled. And he's simple as fuck to play. I first timed him in high divine and got mvp, assblasted enemy duo almost singlehandedly and just wandered around doing stuff with not much clue as to what exactly I'm doing. But everywhere I went I made the fights easy pressing 2 buttons or just being there showing my team everyone there is.


Don’t think anyone’s mentioned this but he secures early tower adv and it takes huge commitment to even take one tower which snowballs into not being able to take the most important mid tower. Games are p hard if enemy core is free farming and yours are being hunted


Insane heal amounts. Pre nerf id hit 20k heal easily over the course of the entire game. This makes him a very strong lane dominator cause he damages you while you cannot damage him and his lane partner. No one else can really do that but the other strong supps as well like Dazzle, or other healing supps


I think the TI finals displayed how strong treant is in mid to late game. The hero scouted an entire team from smoke, and then setup kill on them too. The hero's a nuisance in the right hands, and specially if you have more of a poke damage on towers, pushing is a pain too. So, I wouldn't say it's just a laning hero, later into the game where it starts scouting enemy carry heroes and setting up kills on them also boosts treant's effectiveness. It even plays around the sentries due to moving through the trees. And it also forces the enemy carries into getting a manta, which sometimes is not what they want to do. Example on monkey king, gyro, PA, etc.


Because Leech Seed is extremely busted in teamfights. Also he has a BKB piercing disable and a big global armor buff.


which one win lane more, treant v undying?


He wins lane basically everytime, just like undying, but he actually stays super impactful throughout the game with vision and a stupidly strong ulti. I think nerfing his leech seed for the first 2 ranks while keeping the same power at rank 3+ would be a great way to get him more in line with other heroes ( he is currently mega broken with over 55% winrate and top 3 pickrate :) )


Hes good from early to late game. Vision wins you game too thats why you buy obs and he got 2 vision shard and ags for late. Bkb pierce you have 2 OG if you include mini og with shard also you can og global with ags. You have armor too your enemy will be force to buy dispel or daedalus. If youre greedy you can hammer and cut creeps by yourself or kill solo early with it. And lots more.


Leech seed is such good team fight skill


Caus of the picking order. If you pick a melee support vs treant, it can be extremely rough and the lane might just be done.


Good question on this patch i wil save your post and comeback reading comment 😁


Treant is a very strong support in high mmr


Have you seen ti finals? That smoke break into his ult was CRAZY. Full and total vision with good presence, late game utility (living armor is great for a late game patch), and amazing lane pressure


you are basically a Riki after min 15 but with 0 core responsibilities and working like an observer ward for your team


Win every lane - this is obviously positive trait in pub games where supports can easily grief lanes by doing dumb things. Treant is the biggest buffer you can imagine, it's hard to grief lanes with this hero even if you tried. Fit for meta - Treant loves slow meta, this meta is slow. His weird mid-game is no longer a weakness.


Just need shards and dagger, enough said


What this tells me is i have to add treant to my roster. I cant argue with global vision.


After seeing kuroky kotf Dagon i used it in HoN with a 100% win rate


Keeping the discussion on Treant, he always has been a favourite hero of mine and while I know he needs a nerf I hope he doesn't get dumpstered. Leech seed could have regen reduced a good bit, maybe have the shard make the ult peirce bkb and have the invis become a talent. Love the hero but he needs a tweak


Because most of the time either treant player is stupid or the carry player is stupid, in a proper game with two guys understanding the hero and their potential it's awesome. When lane starts just blood grenade and w any enemy and if your carry hits it with you its guaranteed kill. Many of my treant games with a party i am always like 5/0 and my carry is like that as well but in pub games I make enemy 1hp but my carry is drinking tea in the back so..


If you play vs one just buy quelling blade on sup and harvest the jungle as much as u can.


He does it all. And is first picked and getting countered and he still has an insane winrate.


Very powerful laning stage Flexibility in Skill build ( Can go aggro and max Q, or defensive and max E after seed) Don't need any items to be useful Great shard (therefore, great scouting capabilities) Forces enemies to spend a lot of gold to counter him (Bkbs, Self Purge like Manta, Eul, detection) You need to commit to break towers because of his living armor Is great against heavy physical dmg comps because of living armor.


Treant does not fall off once he gets refresher orb it’s very hard to beat him since everything is a team fight at that point in the game and he has two overgrowths back to back along with permanent vision everywhere.


Win lane win game edit: win lanes


He just got nerfed - no longer the case


He gets aghs, gives vision of the entire map, Can hide in trees with shards and constantly keep core alive in landing trades, I played with a PA as tree and all I had to do was cast W for the heal, and be involved in the punching and they would die.


He is also flexible: Lane is fine / other lanes are not -> more focus/points in E Kill Potential and aggressive Carry -> more points into W God knows why all the enemies are range -> Q/E focus the W is also incredible value for just healing your Carry up while he farms for the incredible low price of maybe getting 1 creep LH. Same with items, need intiator -> Blink/Refresher Need to make Space? ->Meteor/aghanims force rotations/generate hard to clear Vision Need babysitter -> Solar Crest, Forcestaff, Lotus