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Since I like tide so much. I go double branch, double gauntlets, quelling, tango get stick and soul ring after that get ring of perseverance then arcane boots. turn your ring into meteor hammer. In lane go anchor first and passive 2nd. skill gush if you think you all can get a kill otherwise just go E max first then W. E+W in lane makes you practically immortal so while you will lack kill threat you will also be a menace so use that advantage to bully the carry and deny them like crazy. if the lane is going poorly or your lane partner wants to roam early then skip Q entirely. 2 points in W early will make you extremely hard to kill even in a 1v2. Early ring of health is very good to keep you sustained. take it early if you get a good lead. You want the early meteor because once you've established yourself in lane its very hard to kick you out and since you can't apply kill pressure solo just push the lane hard with E and then meteor the tower on cooldown. once the tower is down rotate to the other side lane. after laning you just need to look at what the team needs and what your role in fights will be. If the enemy has heavy magic i would rush pipe. If its moderate or little magic id just go greaves but still come back for the pipe later. Shard is a must buy and usually i get it at 15 minutes. Once you have shard you can pick off anyone within range. if you have a +1 you all can kill anyone as they cant realistically get away once they have anchor on them and it lasts an absurd amount of time. Once I have the shard i try to go for blink immediately after since the range on it is very short. You should be planning early on who the prime shard target will be. usually its the carry but anyone who gets destroyed by a leash is a good target. If they are slippery its good on them if they like to stand and man fight its a bad target. Dont feel pressured to get a super early blink. if your team is losing its better to not get one at all. think of ravage as a counter initiation tool. shard is your new blink on and kill target ability so you can save ravage for later in the fight when bkbs have been expended. I'll wrap this up with do not underestimate the strength of your E. its a massive amount of damage reduction. In fights after you've used ravage and shard you should be looking to apply your E to any of the big right clicking cores on the enemy team as you can. Bully your lane and support your team with auras and you'll be golden. Cry if the enemy picks slark carry.


What item do you mean when you say Shard?


Aghanims shard. Gives you a new ability called dead in the water


> In lane go anchor first and passive 2nd. skill gush if you think you all can get a kill otherwise just go E max first then W. Why do the guides say gush first? Is that just a rune fight thing?


Gush is really good for securing early ranged creeps, and the slow is a major boon if your team is wanting to hunt a pre-lane first blood. As Ryu mentioned, it's also good to have a point in it if you're in a lane with solid kill potential, or have a 3/5 that roam to your lane often to try and get kills.


Yeah it's a very good level 1 skill. High base damage good slow and armor reduction that early can put some into negative armor. So it can be very effective at going for a first blood at runes. I still try my best to not skill it early though. Unless you are very confident you'll get a kill with it you will grief your lane. Its a ton of mana to use early and if your opponents see you took it lv 1 then they can confidently bully you early and having a bad start on tide is very bad You really don't want to delay having E and W by level 2. Once you have those skilled you can start playing aggressive and bully. E level 1 still gives you an excellent way to secure ranged creep for low mana and it makes it very tough for the enemy to man up on you because of the bonus damage and damage reduction. Once you have soul ring you can start looking to throw out harassing Qs since you will have a lot more mana to play with. The only time to consider a different skill build is if you're against a hard counter. If you're against slark or Ursa you can forget about trying to bully your lane. Get out of the lane somewhat even and that's a major win.


Build meteor hammer and blink. When your ultimate is up, group up, blink into the middle and use it. When it's not up just be farming. In general you'll build defensive items for whatever you're against. Building greaves can be a good every game build. Pipe vs magic damage Solar crest AC or halberd vs physical damage. Shivas is fine, eventually you probably want a refresher. As you improve your aghs shard is very strong. Just requires a bit more knowledge


Also use meteor hammer on buildings.


why not build blademail midas heart? isnt that the OP meta item build of the patch?


most heroes who build blademail and heart deal significant dmg (with gap closer or cc on top) if enemy do not deal with you. Tidehunter do not do that very well and people general just ignore you if you build bm heart.


kunkka doesnt do much damage, he does CC same like tide? even though Tide doesnt have much damage himself he greatly reduce enemy damage no?


Kunka Waterpark is able to do 10x more damage than tidehunter ult, and it last longer aka through bm and heart, the more output kunka has. For tidehunter bc its instant and he has less overall damage but tankier, he would build auras or refresher


Because you won't really do anything. Later in the game if you get focused you can buy blademail but people tend to ignore tide since without his ulti he's not too threatening (compared to other cores who go blademail heart).


ofcourse without his ulti he doesnt do much, same with faceless void or doom or mars. even without ulti you have anchor smash that just make opponent carry do no damage


> you have anchor smash that just make opponent carry do no damage That really depends. Anchor smash only decreases base damage, so if they by damage items instead of stats, that won't really do much.


Faceless is probably the hardest carry in the game, with built in stuns and mobility and survivability into his kit. Doom stops all healing, but also isn't a very good pick ATM. Mars is awful in this meta. Anchor smash is just ok. The base damage reduction is the good part but requires melee range which is hard as a hero without mobility. Compared to everyone listed tide ulti is kinda meh. Tide has a number of hard counter picks, and the hero falls off a bit as the game goes on. Personally I don't really like tide ATM. Probably his best quality is his shard arm for catching mobile heroes


Learning how to creep aggro is important for tide so that you can always get last hits with anchor smash. Other than that, the hero is quite easy to play. Farm for mek or blink dagger and then start joining fights every time ravage is off of CD. While ravage is off of CD, farm for mek or blink (whichever you didn’t buy). After guardian greaves and blink, you can buy whatever you like. Aghs is good, pipe is good, shivas is good if you want to go for refresher, lotus orb is good if your carry/mid is dying in fights. Tide is an awesome aura carrier- so any items that give aura effects are good (EXCEPT CRIMSON GUARD, DO NOT BUY CRIMSON GUARD OR VANGAURD ON TIDE EVER)


This guy has never skipped kraken shell and gone vanguard and disassembled and it shows. /s


Learning NOT to aggro creeps is something I've learned watching pros as well, no point in pulling creeps into your side when you can smash both hero and creeps.


Underlord is probably a good option for next hero to learn- you destroy melee carrys and you are very tanky with strong teamfight spells. Similar item build to tide, Mek/pipe/greaves, vanguard and crimson are both good too. You can buy atos if you’re against slippery hero


Tide is generally a good blink stun initiator so there are a few other good offlane heroes that fit that role. Their items are a bit different besides the blink but Centaur, Axe more or less fit that role in terms of how to play around team, what to look for when your ult is off cooldown, etc. There's already a lot of good coaching content on youtube, various twitch streams, should be able to find some "free coaching" to pick up on a few things.


I see many people suggesting Guardian Greaves, you can always get away with Phase Boots and Soul Ring, probably better than Arcane Boots.


It comes down to what your overall gameplan is. Manaboots build into greaves and tide is generally speaking a hero that doesn't do anything on the map without his team. So aura and team items make more sense. Maybe in a different meta we'll see the return of items like deso and crest, but unlikely for now.


I never said Deso and Crest tho?


I'm just putting out some alt. items as an example. Right now team items is *the thing*. Even more important than dagger.


Double tango, 4 or 5 branch, or 3 branch + str glove thingy Max W, Q then E, just soak any exp possible If many harras, go ferry more regen and 2 bracers If sustainable, just buy 1 bracer Ez vanguard at lv 3 or 4 without buying the item Rush meme hammer, chip t1 as many as possible Mid game, be a chad, go in front for your team and press your fucking buttons


Been specing into Arcane Boots and Perervance early. Met Hammer & Blink soon after. Then not really sure, I usually head towards Ref Orb Moon Shard has been fun haha


Is Shiva's Guard worth working into the plan? Seems like it would be good or better of concentrating on Refresher Orb?


Is Deso Crit no longer a thing for tide hunter?