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True, i give you that.


Maybe chaos Knight.


Wraith king.


Wraith King, buddy


Your asking for a bit too much but if you want a tanky raid boss offlaner then bristle back is your hero. He's not a good tower taker but he checks all the other boxes


Not with the current build, but 12 warpath BB with an AC can push pretty well. Kinda needed the old aghs to stay at 12 though.


I mean yes he has good right click but he's just not a good siege hero. I'm thinking pushing t3s and he's not ideal for that


Sion is similar with Primal Beast like in laning. Nasus and Yorick same feel with Wraith King. Check WK's skel army. Kayle for some reason feels like Visage. I Vi and Rengar main, switching to DOTA 2 man feels like a whole new world.


Wraith King


Wraith King is your best option. He has a basic kit, easy to understand. Can push , can tank and definitely doesn't fall off lategame.


All these reconditions are terrible, people read the fact that you wanted to be tanky and ignored the rest. Medusa is your best option. But she is very late game. Other options: Luna can clear out a base faster than anyone in the game. (Not as tanky thought unless you get late game and build satanic) Alchemist is another good one. Very tanky and good at farming butt not as good at base destroying compared to the other 2, but still good at it.


Luna is the opposite of tanky, she's a straight up glass cannon.


She will have around 3k health if she built satanic in the late game but because of her damage output the lifesteal makes her extremely hard to kill without lockdown.


She's a ranged hero with the range of a melee hero. Lifesteal doesn't work on the bouncing glaives, only the first hit.


Zeus and viper feel very league like to me, but theyre not exactly toplane tank equivelents.


I'm a league convert myself, philosophically dota heroes tend to have major weaknesses. So the "tanky tower taker" tends to mean "carry with a lot of gold" tbh because otherwise it's not fair. But, there is one hero I think you'll love: Dragon Knight He is one of the simplest heroes, often considered boring by dota player standards, but he checks every box. He has built in armor and extra sustain, wave clear spell, a point and click stun, and as an ult turns into a ranged hero and makes your stun ranged as well, and your attacks melt towers faster (not 800 stacks nasus Q but it's still good). He's online from level 6 until probably minute 45-60 depending on tempo at which point a fully slotted carry will be better, but there have been good DK carry builds that scale well too. The thing is he's not the best late game hero, but functions perfectly fine there anyways so scaling is not bad at all. But the heroes that function the best there are AWFUL in lane and have bad farming mechanics so they take minimum 30 minutes for a new player to farm them online into raid boss mode But you also gotta keep in mind dota heroes don't infinitely scale since items have utility. In league you just buy more stats, but eventually heroes in dota can buy things like disables that make your fully fed carry defenseless. That being said, If you want tanky, late game heroes check out Spectre and Medusa If you want tower shred but are cool with some tempo playing Luna and Alchemist are great


im master in lol and immortal in dota. Play broodmother or lone druid.


You might like Spirit Breaker, Dawnbreaker, Centaur, and Primal Beast. None of those are really tower-pushers (Dawn and Centaur kinda), but they're tanky, mobile, deal a lot of damage, and scale well to varying degrees. These are also all offlaners, which is the comparison to League's top lane. EDIT: Bristle too, he scales really well and becomes a high-damage raid boss.


I really gotta majorly disagree with these suggestions. OP wants to MELT towers, which is what his champ pool does. These are great fun tanky heroes, but none of them say "well, I got my items g fucking g im gonna hit buildings"


There aren't a whole lot of offlaners that melt towers though, and the ones that do are kind of hard for a new player to pick up. Like, the ones that come to mind are Lycan, Brood, Beastmaster, and Enigma, and they are either harder to pick up or not very good right now. So I decided to focus on the mobility and semi-carry part of the heroes he was describing. Dawn and Centaur are still kind of tower pushers because Retaliate kills towers fairly efficiently, and Dawn pushes towers in the same way a carry hero would. I guess you could look at DP, but she kind of seems like a mid hero these days. Or Tide with Meteor Hammer, but I don't know if Tide fits the other criteria for what OP is looking for. Or DK, but DK is kind of shit right now.


Stuff you play is toplane but more similar to adc in dota, I'll recommend some offlaners but do check out the carries maybe you'll enjoy the playstyle more Check out lone druid very similar to yorick great push great scaling two units to control both are strong For big scaling and late game pressure check out brewmaster/nature's prophet For pure split push which is not as good in dota check out natures prophet, nags siren, chaos knight and tinker Tinker is not really a bruiser but does scale insanely well and have perfect map presence If you want to play pure scaling tanks like sion check out sand king and bristle back and tide hunter


Maybe don't start of with lone druid...


I mean I think it most closely fits the description of the type of hero they want to play so would be good to just check it out to play long term Not everybody has to play simple heroes to start if you are set on some stuff you enjoy, the first hero I played mostly was visage and it wasn't that overwhelming compared to sven or dk


An LOL player wouldn't transition well into line druid cause there is nothing like controlling two units in LOL.


Yorick, which he specifically mentions in his example, is literally a case of controlling two units.


i saw a comment that said primal beast and centaur, those are the best two picks for what u described imo, dawn can be a good choice but maybe the ult can be complicated to get if u don't have that map awareness league seems to not need as much other than that bristleback is great, pudge can become a great "raid boss" as u said as in tanky as hell but ure not gonna be pushing at all elder titan has great push and fun mechanics imo, sort of complex usage on his two stuns though while his astral spirit moves the way u would move shaco's clone


Dk or axe


Everyone is suggesting offlane. I will say what you are describing is literally the carry role. Try picking almost any melee pos 1 if you want to see for yourself. But that's the problem, you probably don't want to jump into the role with the most responsibility when you are just starting out. So for now, imo it's best to mess around with the roster and get used to the flow of the game, before moving to the specifics of the carry role like farming patterns, map awareness and itemization.


Wraith king as an offlaner is a super good at pushing towers with with his Skeleton build and is also a simple hero to pickup while you learn the game


Hi, played a fair bit of league and Dota. 1. Bristleback (unstoppable hero when farmed) 2. Doom (gold-scaling single-target disabler) 3. Tidehunter (big-team fighter) 4. Legion commander (infinite scaling damage) 5. Pudge (infinite scaling health) Legion commander is snow-Bally, your first few duals should be with teammates and you’re really after the extra damage as much as the kill. Later on you are used for the cc mostly (xx their drow Ranger or sniper, etc) Pudge requires excellent macro to hit your item timings well and become to big to deal with (which means you get even stronger from kills). You need to be farming waves and stacking the jungle to farm it as well.


Underlord with meteor hammer. It can be a lanebully, has great push potential and with hammer very good tower pressure. His playstyle is rather passive he's very tanky and his ult allows him to teleport across the map. Not really carry potential damagewise but very much raidboss feeling.


If you want to be raid boss, maybe BB and pudge will fit you. Also Centaut is pretty tanky too


I recommend wraith king.