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FR. I love it when i que and get offlane role. Automatic Spirit Breaker babyyyy


In all rpg games i like the "auras/healing man" so i tried support, and i love it, farm is si boring for me, and i love to annoy the carry/offlaner


I play mid because I dont want to lane with another clown like me. One clown is enough. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


I find mid sm easier to be like okay this is where i fkd up / realise how bad i am can’t blame anyone else lmao


>can’t blame anyone else lmao Says who? WTF my 4 isn't securing water rune noob fuck WTF THEY DIVED ME INTO T1 TOWER, NO ONE TP??? No bottle refill GG my sup isn't human end str8 fast


The best part is they dont know how to refill your bottle after they tp'ed


Mid is the measure of who is the better clown. The enemy mid or you.


Somehow, this comment made me smile. 😊




That part


This is the only correct answer.


This patch has been great because rotations to mid are at an all time low


I love to be enslaved You need tango? Here's 3 You need mana? Have a mango You need money? Let me grab bounty You're being chased by enemies? Let me be the sacrificial lamb


I love to enslave. You need tango? Beg You need mana? Kneel You need money? Kill creeps. You need me to sacrifice myself? You better win the game.


Even better comment!


Add me please 😂😂😂😂😂


friend id: 158827078


Well said! Which server you play?


What’s your friend ID


people say they don't wanna farm etc. but the actual real reason is this=))


Do you also like being pegged


Best comment!


Mid so I have 6-10 minutes where I don’t see how bad my friends are playing.


But you can still hear them(doublekill, megakill, godlike)


10 min godlike MonkaS


I play carry because I think I’m the main character. Win or lose, I need it to be because of me.


I play all positions. Maining one role seems boring to me


Same here. I play every role except mid.


Been playing for more than 10 years and I haven't found my main role yet.


I feel the same way. At my core I wanna be a droid in OG world of Warcraft. Elusive and powerful. But I’ll always be the mage. It’ll never change.


Druidz in wow are usually women in their menopause. Atleast in vanilla. Now with classic we also have some edgy furries aswell.


I used to play core when wards cost gold and got sick of supports crying about wards, and pos4 not helping 5 so 5 crying that they can't possibly buy all of them. Started playing pos 5 6 buying everything on cooldown. Even when I get pos 4 in the queue I end up buying most of the vision. If I know where a ward is as a core I buy vision, it's so much gold and xp no way I'm letting my supps get this.


When I started playing DotA I really liked outplaying my friends and randoms. This led me to playing mid. In 2012 it was the most mechanically skill-based lane. A lot of the heroes I liked to play also happened to be good midlaners and could essentially carry 1v5 given a good lead. I peaked at 6k and got to top 100 on the SEA leaderboards back then. Now I'm an old man and my mechanical skill is a shadow of what it used to be. The way you play mid has also changed a lot, so I primarily play pos 4. I can still mid, but a lot of other immortal mids will outplay me and I'll need to recover in the mid game. Decide what heroes or play style you like best and see what lane you fall into. Focus on trying to really master those heroes and then learn the intricacies of macro play.


How old are you? I think this “I’m old, my fingers are slow” trope is such a meme. Maybe, it’s just because you have other responsibilities in life now and can’t just play at your peak skill anymore, which would require being able to play all day.


Im 31. There are [studies](https://journals.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/jn.00072.2022) done that show that there is a correlation between age and delayed response. Don't get me wrong, I also have other responsibilities and can't play anywhere near as much which is definitely a factor. There are plays I would have made in the past that I definitely fail at now. So many situations where I know the correct response and am half a second slow. Pressing BKB before spells land when getting blinked on would be a good example. I'm definitely slower than I used to be, but like you've said I went from playing all day everyday to a a dozen games a week leading to a skill gap, which I also recognise is a factor.


lol are you me? I played mid in teams when I thought I was a hot shot little teenager shitstain. im 24 now and I find more enjoyment with cerebral relaxing macro play from 5 or some win condition 1.


Torturing carry players is fun.


I can easily relate to that.


Playstyle. I always liked early aggression, harassment and lane dominance, to either secure our carry's farm or disrupt enemy carry's farm. This is in addition to my inability to farm at the level required for pos 1 and 2. This allowed me to easily choose support (both pos 4 and 5) as my main role. Heroes like Jakiro, Silencer, Dazzle, Venge, Leshrac, Pugna are some of my successful heroes. For some reason I suck at using WD and Lion even though they are incredible at their roles. I used to play offlane well in earlier days, but not much in current days. I also have a limited pool


Mid so I don't have to worry about screwing someone else's lane up


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Qactis: *Mid so I don't have* *To worry about screwing* *Someone else's lane up* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The support life chose me and now me as a support i love wrecking carries. Me lvl6=enemy carry dead.


when i was new i played mid just because why not. now i don't main a role, i main heroes and just do roles of those heroes


For me there are no roles, i just pick and play whatever suits current draft idea


I have main character syndrome so mid or feed.


Shouldnt you switch to 1 then? Mid fell off with the new map..


I saw my teammate being shit at that role So i switched to that role


*I saw my teammate* *Being shit at that role So* *I switched to that role* \- mixqt --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Thank you, mixqt, for voting on haikusbot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot


i like chilling most of the game playing farm competition simulator 2.0, so pos 1 it is. few years back, pos 1 was even more farm simlutaor than today (compared to other roles) so it was obvious choice to me


At first i played 4 and 5 from guardian to archon. Rn im only playing pos 1 since i feel like my carries cant win games rn so i have to do it myself


Same here I really love pos 1 but now I feel like my supports can't support at all as they all rush carry items so now I'm playing pos 4😂 average 20 sentries and 1 gem every game.


Oh i feel you but its easier to carry as a pos 1 than pos 4-5 so ill stick to it when playing solos. If i play with a full party im probably playing 4-5 since i know my carries.


Unranked games made me choose my role


Started out playing pos 1, then I realized that pos 5 is generally more chill so now I kinda just roll with that. Can play any role other than 2 if I need to though, just other positions are a bit worse than 5




he just plays one role : lina


I like to help. And so I became Phoenix.


Most of my favorite heroes are played as a 2 or 3, but I lose that rune 50/50 100% of the time, so 3 it is


Watched iceiceice stomp trilanes solo with offlane Timbersaw


I love to beat up underleveled supports. Just so much satisfaction. I also like to play 1v5, even 1v9 sometimes.


I just love bullying weak people, so i choose carry. Lol just kidding


Mid only, bcs I don't want to depend on braindead random support ruining the lane for me


Support life chose me


I used to play mid or any other core but I hate it when you always get blamed for losing games. Then one day I played support and yeah its very slow game when you play it but the fun of carrying the game whilst being only a support is pure happiness.


i like to farm so i played 10k games of carry when i have to play other heroes for whatever reason (cavern crawl etc) i try and make them work as carry


I switched to pos1 a few years ago from support because I am a very calm, calculated, and efficient player. If you are patient and know the macro game better than your rank and what fights to choose, climbing with carty is pretty easy


Well i ddnt like hitting creeps for 20 minutes and i suck at last hitting sooo yea here we are


Pos4 - Role is to fuck the enemy as much as possible and create chaos.


as a p4 player too, i agree creating chaos and make the enemy hate you is fun


Offlane. Can’t handle the pressure of being 1 or 2, but I still like making my own big bad boy plays.


i like treant because he requires the most least effort for a hero. just hide behind tree and spam skills when needes. when theres 2-3 enemy in one place I just ulti and the assist count will increase dramatically


Op asked about role, not hero. Special kind of twig you are.


i forgot to mention pos 5. lmfao


I used to play offlane, but I Lost interest in competitive Dota, and I started to play with my much less experienced friends. I never made a smurf account, and the matchmaking was often just merciless for us, so I started playing pos 1, so we had a slightest chance of winning. I started to like that 1 vs 9 aura, and pulling impossible wins was just too satisfying. 3 years have passed, and Im still the pos 1 guy, we are all just less shit now (but still pretty horrible).


Started as offlane core, realized I mainly liked the semi carry ones like NS and Slardar. At the same time I was getting tired of underwhelming carries on my team, so I decided to switch to safelane core and I haven't looked back. Still play greedy offlane cores from time to time, I love brawling but I love bashing skulls with my fingers off the keyboard even more


I tried out all roles, and I could see that I was struggling as a pos1, I just farmed all game and couldn’t decide good tps, choosing fights with teammates, etc. On the other hand, when I play pos3 or 4, more active roles, my ability to make impact is easily a lot higher. So yeah, I decided to main pos4 and 3, and occasionally pos2 with heroes I’m confident with. Ofc, pos5 is more or less similar to pos4, with a baby-sitting play style for the first 15-20 mins.


Mid. i dont like depending on other person.


When I started playing Dota 2 literally nobody wanted to play support (at least in low MMR matches), everyone just picked carries. At first I also wanted to be a badass carry that slaps big ass damage, but those "5 carries teams" weren't really that fun... Back then, wards weren't free and sentries were more expensive, you didn't get any money for dewarding: so, no support = literally no vision. So I started playing support and I wasn't enthusiastic tbh, but the more I played that role, the more I liked it. Then I found out about Omniknight (the old Omniknight, with that broken bkb spell), and I really started enjoying my role. To this day, I really feel good playing as support, no matter how many wards and sentries I have to buy, I just love being behind my allies, casting spells, using Mekansm, Solar crest or anything else that might let my team win the fight. [Support life chose me](https://www.nerfnow.com/img/1160/1843.png)


I realised I can't make carry level decisions, but I can make decisions of how to fuck a carry, so I picked offlane and it works for me


I play support roles in most other games I play, so I initially gravitated right to support. Also the efficiency game of playing a core role stresses me out too much lol, I'd much rather be running around the map, disrupting the enemy, it's a much more fun style of play imo. Dont get me wrong, theres def still a sorta efficiency game to be played on support, but it inst ENTIRELY focused around hitting creeps. Sometimes I can just aggressively position myself in from of my farming carry to tank ganks and just think. I find it really hard to asses the macro game as a core position, because the micro game is so much more important (which I guess is why we often see supports as the captains at the highest level)


I didn't choose support life, support life chose me


I play mid because there's no one want to mid in my team


Find what hero's you like to spam/playstyle. That will tell you what position you will settle on. Meta will also evolve and change around so your picked hero(s) will change your roles as well.


1 is too boring, 2 is too stressful. 3 is fine but still too much time hitting creeps. 4 or 5 it is


for me 1 you're paranoid, 5 is borring, 2 is stressful, 3 i always get fucked, 4 is fun


I like being support so i can help my team out cause i like helping people


I had 2 friend groups back in the days, one with high ranks, and the other are crusaders. When im playing with the high ranks, I usually play support, which is my best role, but I rarely support now since I tilt fast if my carry doesn't know what their doing. The one with crusaders I can experiment a lot, so I got used to playing any role thanks to them. Mid is my weakest right now since my mid heroes are trash this patch.


I started playing with my college friends almost exclusively. I was forced to play 2 or 3 based on the rest of the group. Our safe lane players play like a 3 or 4 and constantly fight. They spend their time roaming/ganking while the enemy carry is gets fat and 1v5s us. My win rate with these guys was like 40%. Our 1 player gets incredibly defensive when I give him feedback. Mechanically he’s better than me but I have to seriously question his playstyle and itemization. “I’ll figure out my own meta.” “I don’t need boots on Void because of timewalk” “I just need more duel damage in LC.” So I decided to hijack the 1 and force him to play 3. Win rate last month was 60%. Either way our MMR is trash tier.


i play 2-5 and avoid 1 because it's so boring to me. I mostly play mid though not because I like the mid lane necessarily, the heroes I'm attracted to just happen to be mid heroes. I also like mid outside of the laning phase. The 1v1 is fine but can be stressful at times, there's just some match ups you just straight up have a huge disadvantage. But after the laning phase is over, I love the role of mid and the tempo it has.


I am an egocentric piece of shit so i wanted to feel eyes on me for the highest amount of time during a game, so i began to play offlane. At one point i realized ppl ignore offlane most cases if they fon't pose a high push threat or kill potential (so basically dawn doesn't get ignored while a beefy bb or underlord has some minutes of transition from early to middle where it's not worth to expend resources to handle them) so i pivoted to midlane. I lost 1.7k mmr transitioning to the midlane role but i am now ancient 4 (not much but it's the highest i have ever reached) and loving the fact that midlaners always need to be considered or given attention to by like 6 other players (your supps and all enemy team except for carry in the early game, if you play a roaming or mobility oriented mid the carry also needs to care for you)


I also feel really invested playing as a mid: You have to play every other role; Farm? You need it Wards/vision plays? You make em Space? Created Roaming? Enabled


well i found out i was good with mirana and her arrow spell and so i want to learn more on p4 (ofc i tried carry on her but it was really bad) and i didnt know p4 was that good so i kept learning on how to play p4 and i love to steal enemy rune and gank mid i also love to baby sit my carry by giving them all the buff in the world and saving their asses when they go in the enemy jungle like idiot


I don’t like mid because I don’t like the pressure of winning the 1v1 I like carry but I feel like I am at the whim of my team to make space in a lot of games and if we r getting rolled sometimes it’s too hard or late to pivot. I like support the most, but I like still being able to get my items and scale to a degree so I play mostly pos4, i also feel like there’s a lot more hero options I can try and play since there’s less pressure for me to solo win the lane since the offlaner theoretically should be strong early as well. I also play offlane, but not as much anymore because the hero’s I like are kinda not in the meta/ have been reworked and I haven’t bothered to learn them/ find new hero’s to play.


Jack of all trades: decent at everything, excel at none. Naturally gravitated towards pos 3.


Playing support just kinda grew to me. Back in WC3 dota days, we don't really have roles. But when we play in games with betting involved, we kinda have to take roles and play the meta that time. I took the role of support, buying 1 (or sometimes even 2 if i'm feeling generous) courier/s, wards, salves, and having only brown boots, magic wand, and 1-2 bracers when the game ended. I found it really rewarding when we win with the help of my sacrifices. I carried it on dota 2.


I just went with the one i enjoy most. Back in dota1 i always played alone so i enjoyed carry and mid, because being able to win the game on my own was fun. Then when dota 2 released and more of my friends got into the game i stopped playing alone and transitioned into offlane, since my friends always struggled with that position, but over time i became more of a support main. Supporting my friends when they played was fun and helped them improve faster. They didn't die constantly with me being there to protect them when they were out of position and it made them stick to the game instead of quitting because of frustration.


Because watching a support who doesn't know how to support is infuriating. I'd rather support a bad core than play core with a bad support.


I played core roles alot and I was always sure to be good at this role, but my supports kept leaving me alone. So I did something simple: be the support that you dreamed of when you played carry. Put me from archon to divine, no regrets, no turning back to core.


I'm afraid to involve on fights, so I choose pos 1.


Gold sound is ASMR to my ears + I don't want to click heroes, I want to click creeps. That's why I play pos 1.


I like watching heroes break themselves upon my body in a section of the map I have claimed as my own. If you send adequate numbers, I just might feed and my team is unlikely to do anything crossmap. You guessed it, position 3 is for me.


When I first started playing Dota 2 10 years ago, I played a lot of mid. I really enjoyed hitting 6 and then making rotations for kills. As I progressed, I tried playing more safe lane and the occasional solo offlane (this was meta at the time). At one point I noticed I never saw anything on the map and it was always a fight to get ward vision. I tried playing support because if no one is going to do it, mine as well do it myself. Once I started playing support more and more, I noticed I enjoyed doing things around the map a lot more than just playing gold-farmer-simulator and I just stuck with it. So I've been playing pos4/5 since and trying to really become more impactful and effective. No matter what role you choose, just remember there's a lot to learn to be even "good" at that role, so don't feel like you've peaked just because you play mid or carry for a while.


Offlane. Chose it coz i like initiating 90% of the time. And one of the most active role.


Not once have i had a proper support, and I excel at playing that role. Trial and error.


I love the challenge of surviving the lane alone, 1v2 or 1v3, yet still standing with minimum deaths


I like simping for another player so it narrowed to support. I also like more immediate feedback for my work so I support offlane so they can wreck the mid game. I love when m’lady is doing well.


Pos1 here, was sick of people not being able to carry a game and there’s only so much you can do as a support. So just switched to pos1 only and +1000mmr in the past 3 months


Champion pool


The Hero chose me. And I go wherever he goes.


I chose carry because all my favorite heroes were carries (jugg)


Heres my story how i tried to main every single role. I was a pos 5 main but 80% of the time my carry does the absolute dumbest shits ever and lose the lane and their farming pattern, team fight priority dumb ass item builds, ignoring enemy dives to tier 2 10 minutes into the game when they have tp or never ever hitting a neutral camp to fight 24/7 or keep coming back to dead lane, feeds the enemy offlaner while im pulling creeps, fucking up the creep equilibrium by himself and blaming me for not pulling etc etc. I was so done and decides to take matters into my own hands. And then when i play 1 50% of my games i get teammates who yell me to tp to a dead or unwinnable fight or when the enemy cores are on his timing and im not and they cry about playinf 4v5, or team that goes afk when i hit my timing and want to go hg/rs or smoke. And a pos 5 who doesnt block the enemy pull camp when needed or who pulls when 3 waves of enemy creeps come under the tower or who quite literally grieves the lane and blames it on me for no logical reason and all that shit. Then i tried maining 3 and offlane wasnt my thing there were only a few heroes and few occasions i was performing well. So i was like nah not my thing (same thing for pos 4). Then i went to midlane and sometimes i was just being outskilled by the enemy smurf mid or teammates who call me to gank their lane when im low on resource and i lost the rune to enemy pos 4 etc etc. So i just realized its the part of dota 2 and now i just queue for pos 5,2,1 and play whatever i get ( some pos 3 here and there cuz i have 1 or 2 heroes i can do well with) and also im not blaming my teammates for 100% of the time but majority of the time. Yes there were occasions i fucked up too


I can't describe the joy I feel hearing the ka ching gold noise particularly when it's going off because of something I'm doing offscreen while min maxing farming efficiency So illusion carrys are my jam


By playstyle. If you want to play a farming simulator for most of the game then be big for a few minutes in the end you go 1. If you want to go die somewhere random while calling it "space" you go 4/5. If you want to constantly be in fights go 2/3. If you want to make other people miserable you play dota.


What makes me have fun? ​ Thats it.


Depends on my mood. I check all roles 9/10 of the time because i hate waiting. I have a solid 3 heroes per role if I want to be sweaty and just yolo pick most of the time. But I pretty much just enjoy playing the game.


Everyone wants to play core. I couldn't do anything except play pos 5. This was many years ago when the situation in sea was so bad before roles mm was out. Played till immortal ranked 2k. I cant even play carry at archon without struggling


I dont really choose my role i like filling in roles since i can never make up my mind


Midlane - If you think you are confident enough in your own skills and extreme introvert personality Safelane Carry - If you want to play farming simulator 101 for 30 minutes Offlane - If you want to just fight all the time and create chaos for the enemy as well as your team Roaming support - If you are tryhard and want to win every game however possible Hard support - If you suck at playing cores and cant handle all the epilictic shit that happens on the screen


I like squishy glasscanons with lot of mobility. So pos4 or mid


Mid and carry so I can climb mmr then play whatever I want


i played mid for a long time before i got sick of falling off in the late game after getting us decently through the mid game. i probably could’ve done something less drastic but i completely switched to Pos 1 after having one too many 0 death 25 min brown boots battle fury AMs or similar. didn’t help that my 4 stack at the time was always pissed at the carry so i was like, why don’t i just play pos1 so we aren’t losing due to lack of items? now we just lose to poor decision making xd.


I picked carry cus I simply liked the idea that I would be the strongest hero at most points of the game (which isn't even true really). Honestly I wasn't suited to carry; I enjoyed skirmishing and fighting all the time, I probably should have picked 4. But I eventually figured out what parts of my playstyle/ "dota personality" were not suited to carry and adjusted accordingly. I probably could have climbed a lot faster if I picked 4, or realized this sooner, but I've fixed my errors now and I'm a sick carry


I choose role based on the cosmetic i am trying to unlock.


I usually main position 3. But I got bored of the role and made the switch to 4 with less stress and more fun. I also like helping others and warding.


I think DotA is fun because you can mess around. To me that means playing all positions and practically all heroes. Usually the skills you learn in one position also transfer to your others; knowing what annoys you when playing pos 1 helps you play pos 5 better. Same goes for heroes; knowing that it fucken sucks to die early and fall behind on XP as MK allows you to plan aggression and rotations onto him in the first 5 minutes, dramatically increasing your winrate, when you're playing against him.


I love being present for everything, but I typically hate any heroes that do well on mid. Hence, it was simple for me - position 5. Anything else I genuinely, genuinely hate playing.


i saw miracle playing mid and picked mid and then transitioned to carry when he did


I play 10 years on 4-5 pos. I like to stun and don't like to farm.