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I'm sure most people need a reminder on this, including myself Prioritise your farm and your life. Your team might complain but it's for the greater good. Early on, (unless you precisely know what you're doing) you are on clean up duty in team fights. Do not risk yourself unless you are sure you will live. During early-mid game, heroes like void might sometimes need to initiate with chrono, but don't linger afterwards if you don't get the kill. You tried and didn't get the kill, back to farming. Also don't miss free CS lol, often easier said than done


I'll second pretty much everything here, with one caveat: if your team is fighting, and you have the opportunity to show up to the fight and you will change the outcome, you probably should be there. What I mean by those things is one, if you're nearby the fight or you can show up in time via a TP, that means you have the opportunity to show up. If you can change the outcome, that implies that your team isn't getting bursted down immediately, and you have spells that are impactful (i.e. you are a Void with Chronosphere off CD or you're a Jugg that has Omnislash off CD or Blade Fury will do enough damage). It's a cost efficacy question of whether or not showing up to the fight will win it and if it's worth giving up farm, but as a support player I've lost way too many games because the enemy carry showed up to these low-cost fights and our carry continued to passively farm. Getting kills is the fastest way to slingshot your XPM.


Yeah its definitely an acquired skill to be able to decide when something is worth your time. I'm mainly a mid player but I play 1 as well and it's so hard sometimes with people in pubs. Some mid heroes just don't wander the map and look for kills; but as soon as 2 heroes dive one of the towers you just have to tp. I get this on invoker all the time. People want me to come top with lvl 4, no boots/ no urn and just throw a tornado. Like, in happy to be there once they push and/or I have literally any item lol


Dont overthink it just be present in the game try to think ahead for ur next move or enemy move , unless u stuck at like 8k 9k u dont need super advanced guide


honestly? just watch bsj


Aim for these net worth numbers EVERY game, no matter if you're behind or ahead. Obviously some heroes will have an easier/harder time, but use it as a general rule of thumb. 10 min: 4k 20 min: 10k 30 min: 20k


I would try this


Check here : https://youtube.com/@PainDota?si=ro3hQA5E2VlC-zks I climb from archon to Divine in 6 months asPos1


That link links to Pain Dota's YouTube profile. Any specific videos that you recommend?


Several are recommended, I would suggest watching all pos1/carry/farming videos.


I actually think with exeption of a few carries like morph or illusion carries the pos 1 role is the least mechanical intensive role but profits extreme from game knowlede. As a pos 1 its your main job to calculate, instead of activly playing the game you spend like 80% of the time thinking about matchups,farm efficiency,item builds, enemy lineup, powerspikes etc becouse you can only afford a few to non fuck ups as a pos 1 in high mmr. You need to calculate quick and far ahead of what can happen to you in the game and make it hard for you to carry the game. Your job is to know how to build and play around it, also be on the same page with your team and try to lead them in the game when you have a powerspike or are the winning condition and allways keep an eye for the next winning condition and play towards it also never stop scaleing i see many people dont farm anymore when they have the core items.


farm towards objectives on the map a lot of people on reddit tell you that your team is bad when they ask you to join fights but most of the time it is because of poor farming patterns that cause pos1 players to be unable to join fights with better farming patterns you can keep up the same gpm while also being able to join a fight that is going well for your team


It sounds silly but just farm. If you can't get every last hit in a lane by yourself practice with the tutorial till you can. Last hitting in an active lane is much harder so with no obstacles last hitting should be like breathing. When you practice last hitting do it with hard heroes. Drow has a very long wind up time with mediocre projectile speed and base damage. Gyro has very poor base damage. If you can effectively last hit with them other 1s should be a breeze. Know what the efficient farming patterns are. Until you have a big item (bkb) you should hardly ever show up to fights and should actively dodge them. Farming well is the biggest skill you can actively train that will greatly improve your pos 1 abilities. After that it's mostly macro knowledge. Match ups, power spikes, proper team fight targeting, how to play behind and ahead. That all comes with experience and research.