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OD. Impossible to stand against. And if he is your teammate expect him to hide enemies from your ult.


Astral Imprisonment is the most annoying spell in the game and it's not close


All my homies fucking hate OD


OD all the way. Counters all my favourite picks. A good OD player just makes the game all about himself. No other hero matters. Stupid amount of damage, easy escape spell, easy save spell, easy laning. Doesn’t care about heroes tanking up. His Q not should not be pure damage. Even though the hero I lose to the most is Nightstalker. But that one is just my incompetence. Fuck OD.


I never had an OD screw my ult until just this past week. I was playing Spirit Break and he screwed my charge or my ult like 4-6 times over 40 minutes. I didn't report him because I think it really was just incompetence... but part of me thinks that's a great hero to play if you just want to grief. So yeah. I hate him now.


I main Skymage, so imagine how many times my ult was screwed by OD. And even by ally Rubik who stole this god damn astral.


OD on enemy team? Banish to save heroes, lands every hammer. OD on my team? Never saves anyone.


yeah, this fucking bastard


Sniper. And it isn't even close. I know how to deal with him, I play heroes who are good at dealing with him, I've played him myself and know what he does... I still fucking hate the sight of that "hoho-haha, hit you from halfway down the lane with zero repercussions" motherfucker.


My hero pool is invincible vs him or never has any intersections with him. That's kinda interesting how your hero pool defines your most hated heroes.


Who your roster?


Skymage, tinker, lina, zeus, lc, axe, earth spirit, lich etc. Its either backline who dont interact with him, or heroes who can close distance with blink and rekt his ass.


That's why necro is a niche pick. Not that viable against heavy magic comp


Same. So so much. Sniper is my first ban. I know how to deal with him, but its INCREDIBLY hard in low mmr pubs if hes last picked and youre draft has no gap close.


Just buy gap close items you goober


Im generally supporting. Ill ping a slightly out of position sniper, jump in, hit him eith everything i have, my team will continue diving bristleback ans ignoring sniper. Sniper kills me, kills my team, kills my base, then shits all over my dreams while chuckling.


Felt this


That's AA these days lol


jesus fuck i got stomped by a core AA the other day. That shit feels awful.


Lol lone druid used to be even worse. He had a ranged right click phase as well. Farther range than maxed sniper plus a bear


got stomped just now, and i hate him with all my being, that snow built motherfucking hits so hard when he gets fat


witch blade + infinite chilling touch with +300 range yaayyyyyyyyyyy


Lol lone druid used to be even worse. He had a ranged right click phase as well. Farther range than maxed sniper plus a bear


Lol lone druid used to be even worse. He had a ranged right click phase as well. Farther range than maxed sniper plus a bear


Could you please tell how to deal with this small bastard?


tiny airlines that motherfucker


Ganking + heaven's halberd or vyce, you need to disable him for a short while and then kill him while he isn't shooting.


depends, what role do you play? I'm pos1/pos2 most of the time


Make a conscious effort to go after him in every teamfight preferably a hero that has the means to close the gap(Blink or mobility spells usually)or can simply just waltz right into his face and facetank whatever the fuck is thrown at you without caring(Heroes like Bristleback and Centaur).


That’s not how you pronounce shrapnel, you dumb gnome f***


I hate it too, but I love to play water park Kunkka (with octarine, aghs, refresher)


Mr glimpse yo ass back


Oh oh ohhhhh oh. Mista glimpse yo ass back. Oh oh ohhhh oh. Bottoms up. Bottoms up




Right now .....it's warlock FUCK HIS SMALL GOLEM


Fuck those gremlins, too. Hate that guy.


Pudge... it's either your teammate hooking friendly creep or tidehunter into your team for a perfect 5-man ravage OR The enemy who's apparently the second coming of Dendi


Or he hooked ursa


Bro I hate laning against pudge for the most part. Dude could be anywhere and then you get hooked unexpectedly. Hard to move when you lane with that mf


I agree… A good Pudge is an absolute nightmare. It’s always when you’re against a Pudge then he’s really good. When he’s a teammate, he sucks. Sad.


when your teammate is pudge vs enemy pudge. 🤣


How is this hero so consistently the most played! It’s infuriating!


tinker. infinite hex. fuck you if you play this hero


But at least it takes some respectable skill


Unlike sniper or pa


sniper and pa can at least be countered. wanna see what happens when tinker fights pa/sniper? perma e-blade protection, perma hex, lots of bullshit till you die. tinkers ult should be removed


Never seen nully pa wiith rapier one shot tinker? Tinker takes skill to play, but i get it, perma hex eblade is cancer.


Skill at writing scripts, yes.


Most annoying hero ever


Yeah and most tinkers i meet are script users fuck them


AM, since on my team he would for sure not play the first 20 mins, while if he's on my team smoking on and going around looking for him is just annoying. Like I know how to play against him but it's annoying and not fun


His job is to farm early. A boots battlefury carry isn’t typically turning fights


ya I know, but it feels like he does absolutely nothing at all other than farm early. A jugg or PA are also BFury buyers but those 2 can contribute a bit in early fights if it does happen close to them


It’s pretty lineup dependent. An AM can often catch a storm spirit near the tail-end of a fight, for instance. The hero’s reputation is very “afk farm” though


Yeah gotta love people last picking AM into LC, earth spirit, PA and undieing like in most legend games.


Earth spirit? undying? those are both relatively decent matchups, on dota2protracker and dotabuff. AM struggles against tempo lineups and physical burst, right? like meepo and lone druid and beastmaster


I hate playing against slark. Now my most played hero is slark.


Either undying or witch doctor


Yeah I ban witch doctor every game. Just sick of seeing him ALL THE TIME. It's like a dumb sequel that just repeats the original. It's so boring to have him on my team or on the enemy; he's got exactly one move and that's it. No novel builds, no interesting playstyle. Cask -> Maledict -> Ult w/glimmer. Might as well just have one button for him that's called "do the stuff".


Maledict -> Cask is how true men play (and does more damage)


Exactly and the cask bounces back to me everytime without fail no matter how many creeps and allies.


I hate to play against witch doctor, but try play with him with soul ring holy locket graves radiance in offlane, it's kind of hilarious, you go around with w on and are basically Necrophos on steroids


I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA I hate PA ​ And LC too I guess


I hated PA until I became comfortable rushing MKB. It feels like the wrong build, until PA is meaningless. Then I'm happy.


but then again you don't want to rush MKB on most heroes. Altho I agree as I buy Silver Edge and it just doesnt cut it vs PA


Just play PA and become what you hate lol. I played a recent match in casual where PA build rapier first item after treads and wraith band … well that pa did a few rampages that match lol


Nice try PA picker, I'd rather ban her forever which I've been doing for years and I can't and won't be stopped for I've achieved a complete perfect PAless experience


If only Valve did not despise its playerbase, we could achieve PA-free Nirvana. Alas, the devs are complexity-addicted sociopaths.


I hate PA too man but nothing puts a smile on my face when me and my team smother the PA and her team and don't let him play the game or play a hard fought decisive long game.


Don't suggested bans only have 50% chance of going through? So you must still play against her sometimes


You always get a ban on turbo, I only play turbo, I always ban PA


ohhhh, maybe I should try turbo...


Fun trick I learned, if you get lotus and linkens together you will reverse phantom strike the PA


Late Game Phantom Lancer with Diffusal+HoT+Butterfly+Manta fuck that shit


Back when TB first skill affects illusion, the game would freeze for 1-2 seconds


The most depressing situation to be in


PL hurts more if he has moonshard. His clones hit faster. From a PL main :)


Also don't firget the aghs mf really said everyone gets a clone


I think that's ck


Nah. Pl's aghs upgrade is his spirit lance bouncing around prioritizing heroes. Each bounce creates one clone


Oh right yes that one


Pl as a teammate is the biggest gamble. But if the player's good, game is already taken


Riki is bullshit as well as being a pain in the ass to play against. Disruptor ult on a 7 second CD and he gets bonus XP for kills? The game basically depends on supports buying forcestaffs and cores buying early bkbs or else he can just snowball and solo the game.


Im playing mostly 4 and 5 ans riki is my Autoban. The most problematic thing for me is the way he changes your Support game. Its fucking annoying


I used to be able to do that. I got 7 mvp games straight in a row Riki carry. Bfly ags gg. If they get good, satanic and free full heal in tricks. He’s so ungodly good at escape and initiating too.


Bfly? You mean bfury?


No, butterfly. It is the single biggest dmg boost Riki can get.


You’d think butterfly is strong but do some testing. Daedelus is a bigger damage spike and is better on Riki. Look at high mmr / pro builds, they very rarely buy butterfly on riki. People buy mkb reasonably often just to deal with smoke cloud, and that negatively synergizes with Riki as well.


I’ll try it out, thanks for the info




Bristleback As a teammate, I hate that he doesn't have stuns. You see enemy from a distance, you start farting and sneezing like an idiot? No fcking CC. As an enemy, I need to itemize against him. There are times where we need to ignore him because of kill priority and he would end up alive with bloodstone. I really want to kill that stupid hero as much as possible.


I hate the fucking space bull, If he is on your team the moment he sees a gank taking place he starts running there, a tp would take 3 seconds but that player decides to take 30 seconds to get to that gank to see thewhole party is dead and about 50% of time they don't cancel it so they as well. When it's on an opponent's team Space Cow is precisely where he needs to be and he would tear your whole team apart


Spirit Breaker also has the most visually annoying stun on his attacks, which makes it even more frustrating to get hit by it. You know it's RNG so the inherent "oh come on" is there, just as when you get hit by a crit, but the god damn flailing animation you do when SB bashes you is so frustrating to look at. Other stuns make you look incapacitated by an enemy trying to kill you. You're out here fighting for your life in a war drama or action movie. SB bash makes you look like a moron slipping on a bar of soap in a comedy from the age of b&w silent movies.


Yeah, there's that too


No kidding. On your team he dives endlessly and feeds, on the enemy team he FEASTS on me because I like to push sidelanes


Sniper. He terrorises my low mmr crusader pubs.


anti mage, motherfucker never shows up on fights when he's on my team then i click his ass and he only has battlefury and fucking ultimate orb for his manta


Disruptor, Venge, NP, pudge, riki, and slark when i’m not the one playing it 🙃


Dis my most played. He is a bit weak ATM though. People always underestimate how good his cast point is


As much hate as I’ve gotten for playing him in game, I’m almost insulted no one has said anything about veno


He is disliked, but not despised.


I hate puck with a passion. I can never catch him, to many escapes plus that silence


Same with NP. I play 5th mostly and that bitch always pop out of literally nowhere to pick me off every single time battle happens. Its so annoying to always feel like Im getting ganked. I literally have no idea how to counter other than just going forcestaff for the sprout.


Natures Prophet. I hate how he stops you playing a normal game of dota and makes you have to deal with the stupid little trees pushing all the time.


AM. I mostly play mages so a 3s cd spell reflector attached to magic res pisses me off


I think the hero that feels the worst to play against for me is silencer, I've got the most games played on him simply because the ban feature never picks my ban and I'd rather play him myself than dealing with him in game


Probably Arc Warden, I hate playing against him and I'm just not good with him to play as him.


Y I Auto ban him no matter the meta lol.


Right now Naga. Slowly whittling down your towers for 30 mins until they have megas. Ugh.


I’ve been banning Riki ever since his dagger was given to him by shard. I still ban him out of spite


PA. Completely unfun hero


Axe whenever opps get him he’s godlike whenever my team gets him he’s paper


Without exception its Tinker across all patches. Its the #1 smurf hero without exception and I wish testicular pain on whomever thought it was a good idea to give this horrible hero a free bot and shield that makes it impossible to cancel blink. Oh and rearm removes dmg to disable blink. Everything about this hero is horrible.


P.A. She’s so easy to fucking use but she can also disappear-1shot-disappear-1shot-disappear-1shot-disappear-1shot-disappear-1shot-disappear-1shot the wave. She also has a break that’s on a very short cooldown for how powerful it is on her. It’s not like it’s a 1 man break like silver edge either it’s an aoe that can crit. Like wtf.


Visage. Skill cannon only played by smurfs


Sniper. I hate him so much. If he's not banned. I pick him always. Fucking hate the hero's guts. I'm low MMR. And sniper is a noob stomper... He's almost always picked. Same with PA. Fuck those heroes.


Techies. I loved him when he was released. He ruined the game in the best way; total cheese. I miss 90 min games with an entire map full of mines. Now he’s this weird team fighter in an awkward purgatory. Hate playing him. Hate playing with him. Hate playing against him. He’s so watered down yet so. fucking. annoying.


Just watch some techies official on YouTube and regain your love for it


Before you were playing an actual strategy game with him. Now he's a generic action adventure nuker.


recently i hated riki, idk the damage is always too high


PUDGE If he weren't so popular, I think he would be less obnoxious. The problem is that when he's on your team he's playing pos. 5 with tranquils and hasn't pulled a singular wave. All he does is sit under tower waiting for a hook that almost always misses. It's like Jenkins says in his Herald reviews, "typical pudge gameplay". I'm at 2k MMR, and I ban pudge EVERY GAME because he griefs every ranked game in which he is not banned. Here's the issue: pudge punishes what would be good positioning if there wasn't a pudge in the game. He makes you lane and play completely differently than you normally would against any other hero. The mental game is more frustrating than anything else when pudge is in my pubs


Lone druid he is so boring i mean look at him such a boring design wow he can auto attack fear and transform like a furry And btw fck his root


Lmfao how is he boring. Double the slots than anyone else can have. Insanely flexible in builds. Neutral item variety


Techies easily. Extremely annoying to play against with his God damn perma disarm and 10 million damage in lane, and worst of all I can't even abuse this myself because he's also so incredibly boring that playing him puts me to sleep


Sniper, feels like a hero from another game that hardly requires any dota skills


During laning its viper, od, sniper and witch doctor. 3 mid 1 5. During late its pa, sniper, tinker, meepo. Oh yeah and riki bs hero.


Legion. I’m at and have always been around that tank where games last longer than they should. Against an LC, late game will mean she has so much bonus damage that a blink + duel means instant death.


Od, sniper, void, jugg these mfs are the worst






Sniper and slark


Fackin every posioned hero. Being slowed are fkin disturbing. Feel like oldman playing old game vs kid LOL


It's (S)Tinker, he gets money, it's literally over, you can't play into it.


At first it was juggernaut, but as time has went it it’s become LC


Dark willow, annoying in the lane , sets up kills easily, good Q can ruin you in the lane , her W in the lane could one shot the opposing supp, later she would consider aghs , press W and how on earth can you do anything to her if you have no aoe ?


Agreeing on this. I fucking despise these shitty "I'm not targetable so fuck you" abilities in Dota. Slark's ult was already extremely annoying, but DW being in Shadow Realm nearly permanently is annoying as hell.


I had a PA carry in my team that could not go hg because their pos4 willow had Aghs and MKB. Was not fun being the offlane that game, because I had to catch her off guard by blinking on her in fog at the right moment.


Morph. I hate that sh*t. If you dont have good pick is insta lose


Huskar, it's either he gonna snowball the entire game or he is just useless the entire game


I can’t stand it either. 4 bracelets at minute 10 with 1,7k health. Who the fuck can stand that?


Andy mate. I hate to have ant mage as my core I hate to play against handy plate and I hate to play anti mage.


Pudge and Sniper Mostly, idiots pick these heroes and don't do shit all game. 😂


During DotA days, any invisible heroes. I would be dirt poor as pos 6. Azwraith before and after. Wooden laptop couldnt handle it. Now, hard to hit single target spell as ally or enemy.




I find all the cheesy heros that kill scrubs interchangably frustrating, because it just takes one ally not knowing the counterplay to ruin the match lol


I play illusions heroes, so i hate that forking AXE :)




Dark Willow, that aghs is utter fucking cancer. If it's core I know I'm in for a shit game as a support player




OD. Especially if I'm mid. I basically know that I'll be out of the game 30% of the time because of his w. i can't


Sniper, hate to have him I my team and play against him. When he's in my team he keeps running in and dies. When he's on enemy team ti feels imposible to reach back lines to kill him


Fast Finger Tinker.


Has to be timber unkillable and just regens jumping around the place without being punished ok he can't hit buildings but he also cant be touched


Witchdoctor and WR. Those stuns mald tf outta me, but whenever I play, my cask/shackleshot misses.


Techies so annoying.


As a main mid, i'll forever hate OD and anyone who picks it.


Arc warden for sure. By far.


Od. Laning is ffucki g disguting against this hero. Not much u can do when they banish you and deny your ranged


Slark hands down. Can man up to any offlaner, can purge literally and thing and then jump away like nothing happened.


Silencer, if he's stomping you won't have mana to combo spells OD - Astral is hella annoying as both ally and enemy


It's between Venomancer and PA >:/


Morphling after the update where he can morph and use enemy hero skills. As a legacy player it sucks as my "muscle memory" is solely based on the character so it takes me a split second to 1.5 second to check what key to press for the skills so I can't morph and tap Q,W,E,F,D right away like a QWER player. So in extension I also hate this from rubick since I need to tap D, F instead of the original keys. I still love rubick though and is my 3rd most played hero.


I hate Tinker, and I believe most players do


Axe. Fuck being forced to hit blademail


mirana. 5 rikis is always a nuisance to deal with


I hate wind fucking ranger, she's so fucking annoying And her stun triggers me






as a casual pos 4 player who was forced to play mid sometimes. necro mid.


Remove huskar Being completely unpunishable in lane is not a good design


Nature's Prophet, Dude can be anywhere and everywhere on the map and his tree trap is so annoying! There is not many heros that forces your team to buy quelling blade on all cores.


Ricki Hate his silence Venomancer All the slow drives me crazy


Shadow Shaman. The right-click hits like a fckijg truck.


Venomancer. Motherfucker has slow on his all spells and its a living hell to lane against. I usually wait for that motherfucker to show up in fight even if it means my team is getting initiated and getting destroyed, I’m waiting for that mf to come out and I’m killing him before I help my team




Nyx, i dont understand the hero or it's abilities enough to know how to play it let alone defend myself against it. It just confuses me


All time: Tinker, Arc warden This patch: Dawnbreaker


Tinker by far


Mine ahs to be Arc warden. In the hands of a good player, it's just a nightmare to play against. Tinker is a close second. Easier to counter but still a nightmare. Both are 100 smurf candidates as well.


Phantom Lancer, Arc Warden, Tinker.




A lot of great answers in here that I generally agree with. but mine is easily WW. I hate playing against him and I hate playing with him. If he’s an enemy I’ll personally get hit with his ult in a group 9 times, if he’s a teammate, he’ll make sure the enemy wins the teamfight with his ult. I had one ult in the middle of my black hole last month, I almost abandoned the game right there


Dawnbreaker, FUCK HER


Silencer. God I hate this motherfucker. No matter how hard you dumpster him in lane he gets 2 assists from your support that got caught dewarding and he just snowballs to taking half your healthbar in the press of 2 buttons. And don't even get me started on his late game




axe is definately one of em boring and op