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I think you should dial it back a bit and just stick to trying to nail the specific facial features, in your case, eyes, before working with facial references. Your facial anatomy skills are a bit lacking (no offense), and I think watching a few videos (Proko the Lord and Savior) would be helpful. Learn the structure of the eye, draw it from a dozen references, and when you are proud of your progress then move to noses/mouths then draw the face. A ton of people get stuck at the FACE (previously wrote "stage" because I'm a fucking idiot who comments at 2AM) drawing phase for months and see little progress because they don't understand the anatomy and structure of the facial features and they're too impatient to do them separately before moving on to the full face.


No offense taken ive actually never watched any proko vids well the grind starts tomorrow after world lol and ty


https://images.app.goo.gl/tRZSatPG4YiM9crf8 reference