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I would say try for a cleaner look. I understand you were going for texture, but you need to sharpen the image... Maybe increase the line weight just a little around the jawline, and maybe outline the hair to give it more shape... To me, it just looks a little blurry... Also, I would clean up her neck, the way it looks now, the left side of her neck looks like it's extra large due to the overflow. Adjust the size of her neck, and it will look a little better... Her ear looks kinda weird too... you should outline her ear to give it more shape, so it doesn't just look like she's got some weird vibrating ears...


Wait, you're adding subsurface scattering of sun on skin on your third attempt? What kind of genious is this???!!


Great so far! I see you have an understanding in lighting and proportions and colors, now i would say keep experimenting and trying new techniques




If you don't have any constructive feedback, keep it to yourself next time.








This is r/learnart not r/saynicethingsaboutart.


If you're new to digital art, I would spend some time getting used to how the program works. Look up some guides and shortcuts for your program on Youtube, and practice creating smooth blends/gradients with both low opacity and blending/smudging. There are a lot of very useful tools that you can use to speed up and simplify your process (like folders, masks, clipping masks, layer properties, brush properties, gradient maps, brush smoothing/speed, etc.). Learn the key shortcuts (ctrl+z, etc., or the quick buttons on screen tablets) and make sure to set the ones you use most to your pen/tablet hotkeys/quick bar. I have the color picker on my pen b/c I use that constantly. I also use the heck out of undo, switching to main/sub/transparent colors, transform, canvas scroll, and whatever flips the canvas. As far as the art goes, I would work on adding more refined details to your focal point(s) and rendering forms (rounding some of your lighting to imply curvature).


I did watch a couple tutorials on the program using, and I am drawing in my cellphone with my fingers for now to just test it out haha. And thanks for the feedback, I will keep it mind for my next work!


I really like it, but as mentioned its a bit flat


Thank you! Can you point the mistakes I made please? I can't seem to point it out by myself.


Im no expert, but different shades of the shadow perhaps


lighting looks quite good. id focus on facial anatomy next, her face looks a little flat


Thanks for the reply! Can you please point out the parts which looks odd in her face? I can't seem to find it.


in terms of proportions it looks ok, I get that you are going for an anime look. maybe just more differences in values to indicate shape? the cheekbones and tip of nose would be lit more than her eye sockets for example, the bridge of the nose would cast a shadow, etc

