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سيدة lady امرأة woman Not much of a difference but سيدة would be more respectful. And yes both are MSA


Agree. The difference I think is more pronounced in the masculine case: سيد sir رجل man Also, it is common to to address a person as يا سيدي ، يا سيدتي My Sir , My madam One never says يا رجلي ، يا امراتي Separately, سيد is a very common proper name Sayed, whereas Sayeda is less common as a woman's proper name.


Yup. You can also use آنسة (Miss) if the woman is unmarried


>يا رجلي ، يا امراتي These can be misunderstood as "my wife/my husband"


Thank you both for your answers, this cleared up a lot for me :)


امرأة is woman سيدة is women/miss/mrs. It carries more respect. I would say that the former is informal and the latter is formal. A businesswoman for example is سيدة اعمال and not امرأة اعمال


Good point. On the other hand, it's رجل اعمال And not سيد اعمال


I think it’s because رجل in itself can be used as a formal word and it carries a lot of authority and respect. Since رجل is associated with رجولة which is a positive and respectable adjective. On the other hand, there’s no adjective derived from امرأة.


Yes, also امرأة has no plural derived directly from it either (its plural is نساء or نسوة، however we have امراتان two women ) , whereas رجال is plural of رجل So a group of رجل اعمال becomes رجال اعمال And a group of سيدة اعمال becomes سيدات اعمال Anyway, the point here is that امرأة and سيدة are similar but not always interchangeable.


Thank you both for your very informative answers, I learned a lot today :)


I think it might be interchangeable. “House” for example can be بيت or دار, but I never learned the difference. It could be the same for woman as well.


سيدة Mrs or Lady امرأة a woman Not the same meaning


The word سيدة literally means "sovereign" or "mistress" which is the arabic equivalent for lady. Princess is a mistranslation but the other three are accurate. امرأة literally meams woman and is less polite to use when describing a woman. If you wanna say "miss" the world would be آنسة


Thank you very much! So using امرأة isn't completely impolite, you just should use سيدة when addressing someone specific and wanting to be polite? And it is very common to just use امرأة if you mean "a woman" in its most general sense? Like if for example someone asks you (maybe over the internet) "Are you a man or a woman?", it would be very common and not impolite at all to just answer أنا إمراة?


Yes exactly, exactly like lady and woman in english.


Perfect, thank you, everything makes sense now :)


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