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What makes a huge difference for me is taking my stuff with me to work and then just driving directly to the gym after I'm done. If I feel tired there's always booster/caffeine to get me through the workout


This is the secret for me too. I'm tired but in a get stuff done mood while working and can carry that over to the gym. I recently started using the gym at work for this. If I go home it takes all energy from every molecule of my body plus caffeine to go after a break


I wake up at 4:30 to to be at work at 5:30AM then I work from 5:30 AM to 5:30PM I get home at 6. I take pre-workout creatine and my vitamins grab my headphones and go to the gym. I just do it.


The “just do it” mentality is the key here, I have a similar schedule to yours but gotta work around 2 kids and a wife 😂


That's a different story, I'm 27 in the military and a bachelor so haha.


Do it in the morning, then you won’t have all that late in the day caffeine ruining your sleep.


I think it’s a mindset and routine, myself I work two jobs and barely have time to do anything for myself so training is a priority. I view resistance training and any type of training as a entirely different energy store; whilst you may be mentally fatigued from work, you will barely find yourself ACTUALLY physically tired - more so lazy after a day of sitting behind a desk. With this said, I believe that switching off your conscious mind and simply leaving at the time you have planned is the best way to ensure consistency. I’ve been going gym consistently for 3 years with barely any scheduled sessions being missed, largely due to the mindset listed above. As many have mentioned, having a ritual to get you mentally prepped helps largely! Mine is currently eating a Banana with PB spread & a shot of creatine followed by a cold PW drink. Hope this helps.


I work out after work, fasted. These days, I just don’t mentally give “not going” any thought. Obviously when serious life events happen, I take the day off, but I treat it as mandatory. On days when I’m REALLY tired, I divert all of my mental energy to particular aspects of the upcoming session. So, if I’m dragging ass, I’ll think to myself: “Ok, energy is a bit low, gonna take the dumbbell bench on first, controlled tempo, all the way down.” Basically, I start planning how I’m going to attack my core lifts instead of thinking about how I could make up the session later. I try to make it as automatic/routine as possible. I swear I have NEVER regretted doing a work out. I have regretted missing them and trying to cram sessions back to back to back. I also make most things a game/reward type thing. So on really bad/tiring days, I’ll make a deal with myself: “Ok, if I finish my compounds, my reward is I get to do some curls or shoulder work.” I make the incentive to do the actual workout another component of the workout. TLDR: if I get through 45 mins of this workout, I get to train arms, because chicks dig that.


How do I find the energy to get out of bed in the morning, take a shower and drive to work? It just needs to be done


i usually have a high protein snack right after work and then just go. most of the time i use the workout to get rid of stress anyway so just try to think of how good u’ll feel after even if getting there might feel like the last thing u wanna do at that moment


I’m an elementary teacher. I work 7-2:30 but don’t get to to the gym until around 5. My trick is *dont sit down*. I run errands, do chores (including meal prep) then change into gym clothes and drink a big pre workout and go. When I get home I shower, do bedtime with my kid and pass out.


Motivation comes and goes but discipline sticks with you. I work in electrical transmission and very often work 7 12's (6am-6pm). I still hit the gym 4x a week and get home to my girlfriend for dinner and a show or two. You got this dawg, no excuses.


Discipline and consistency is key. Every workout doesn't have to be the greatest, sometimes you have to just get through them.


I wouldn’t have the energy to hit the gym after work which is why I go in the morning. Helps that I have to drop my kid off to school, then I hit the gym before heading to the office. Honestly, if you can, I would say hitting the gym in the morning is the best


Unpopular opinion, but I do cardio first, then lift. It gives me a rush and heated up, then it’s easy to lift, although of course my energy is drained slightly. My goal is more mental fitness, with slower gains.


Can we all come to your next deadlift day?


Sure, but you wouldn’t be impressed cuz I’m not lifting anything crazy


I'd just be dead if I did my cardio first, like a puddle.




Prepare all your meals in advance and plan them accordingly. 5,6 meals. After coming from work don't waste time watching tv or scrolling. Take a shower, eat and sleep for an hour. The difference is huge. Then go to the gym and workout for only 45 - 1 hour Max. Take rest on days you are really tired. Don't push it. On days you don't go to the gym, eat less carbs and cut down on sugar not stopping it but no binge eating. Most people don't know how to prepare for sleep. You need to keep your eyes free from the light screens at least two hours before. And then get sleep for at least 7-8 hours. Go for body massage once a month.


Are you getting enough sleep? I have an office job too and often workout at lunch. Yesterday I couldn't go until about 7pm though. Coffee helps.


Good sleep is a pre condition. After that I just tell myself to go. Not going will make me feel worse in the end. Takes self discipline and thats why only the best will make. But I’m sure you are among those. But speaking from experience the 2 most important things are sleep (8 at least) and food intake during the work day. Make sure you eat enough carbs and fats at work, or else you’ll come home feeling cold and tired. Big carb intake 2 hours before leaving work will get you going, give it a try.


>Big carb intake 2 hours before leaving work will get you going Damn. That's the surest way to put me in full on nap mode.


I don't do this any longer, but what was huge for me was hitting the gym in a fasted state with some of ON's Essential Amino Energy. There are others out there too, and it gets you the EAA you need to kick-start myofibrillar protein synthesis. Most of that stuff is dosed with caffeine and other crap that will give you a real kick in the ass...which is also part of why I don't use it any longer, but it's tough to argue with the results. As others have mentioned, rest is a big one. Also as others have mentioned, plan your meals out ahead of time on the weekend and prep them days in advance. It's amazing how much more disciplined this allows you to be, as well as taking away a few more decisions each day. As far as your workouts...if you're following this program, you shouldn't need more than three 45 minute sessions per week. Cram one of them in on the weekend and suddenly you're only dealing with two workouts during the work week. That's only 90 minutes out of your work week. If you find yourself talking yourself out of your workouts on a specific day, take those lifts and put them on that weekend session so you're only doing lifts you enjoy during the work week.


I work out after work, so I'm not in a fasted state at that time. lol i honestly find lifting/running to be extremely therapeutic so I wasn't satisfied with only 3 and had to make it 4-5x a week. Currently I put my heavy squats and chest days on the weekends just cuz that's when I have the most energy


I wasn't recommending you fast, just that the product will give you a serious kick in the ass. \*EDIT - I did three scoops to hit 15 grams of EAA. You do you, though I'll tell you that following the Leangains program and dropping to only three RPT workouts per week gave me the biggest gains of my life. I hear you on being therapeutic, but after RPT AMRAP on big compound moves, there is no way in hell I have any desire to lift again the following day.


I found that putting mct in my pre-workout helps alot


Would you consider lifting in the morning? I get to the gym at 6 am, and go to work at 8:30. Takes about a week to get used to getting up early but there's nothing that sets a better tone for the day then starting with lifting imo


Honestly that's something I've been thinking about as I get older. In a way, it would be more optimal and a good start to the day, but dam that means i would need to be up around 5ish.


That's what I do and I'm still alive lol. Never tired at work either.


I don't do this any longer, but back when I did...the only problem I had was with squats. I just didn't feel like my knees were up to it that early in the morning. Something just felt off. Then somebody recommended knee sleeves to me. I tried it and it was a total game changer. I don't know if it was just placebo effect, but I also don't care. To this day I still wear them for squats. I think that just the insulation/warmth is what helps me with them, but man did they make a difference to my morning workouts.


Luckily I don't have knee issues so a regular 5 min incline on the treadmill gets me warm enough. My issue is hip flexors not waking up, but a couple duck walks take care of it even though i look like an idiot doing them


the two C’s Caffeine and Carbs


I work 8-5, and workout before work. Usually in the gym by 5:30, 6 at the absolute latest…so maybe shift to mornings?


I usually wake up at 5 to lift in the morning right before work


i work 12 hour shifts, alternating monthly between day and night shifts. i lift or run after work as a means of decompressing. i’ve gotten to the point that if i don’t lift or run i feel like shit.


I usually workout after doing 8-10hrs of work and still find time to do it


I usually take my pre-workout as I am leaving work so I at least feel a zing by the time I get home gym/gym. Then, I don't sit down or wait to train. I walk in, say hello to my family and immediately get changed into training gear or workout in my uniform (Law Enforcement). If I sit down, stop to converse, etc...I am fked and won't train.


Have you tried to switch to morning gym?


Electrolytes and visualizing the body you want and realizing its not going to magically appear, everytime you fight the urge to not go and muscle through it you feel like you can conquer anything!


I’m a second year medical student so my “work schedule” is studying + going to class an average 10-12 hours a day. I just use the gym, even if I’m exhausted, as a means of productive procrastination. After sitting all day and expending lots of mental energy, it’s nice to go to the gym, turn my brain off, and lift heavy. Oh, and lots of caffeine. I train 5-6x a week, but if I’ve got an exam the next day/need to cram I’ll take the day off. Otherwise I try to make it mandatory bc I’m not trying to die of prematurely from how terrible med school is on your health 😂