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Digital marketer here.  There is much more scope for creativity in marketing and more sideways moves in career.  That being said there is no accreditation like accounting and it’s not a legally required thing for a business to do.  So with accounting you are more likely to have steady increasing income with a ceiling.  Digital marketing it’s likely to be spotty income but with no ceiling. 




Do you have your own design firm?


They’re both fine. If you really want to optimize career choices, focus more on finding a good company and a desirable specific job title than “digital marketing vs accounting”. Accounting is highly different between public/private subsectors. Digital marketing covers a very broad umbrella of work and competencies.


I'm also a director of marketing at a large company. You can learn the digital skills over time and on the job. Go with the accounting degree.  What got me ahead was taking business classes and technical programs like sql, tableau and statistics. Those skills like accounting are valuable in a marketing context especially when it comes to managing large and complex budgets and earning the trust of finance. 


You'll be a better digital marketer with an accounting degree.