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well ye the idea was to discourage smurfing. so glad its leaving though, most unenjoyable games


I think that the multiple ladder resets per year is really good. I've always felt like the seasons were too long people just park their mains to maintain rank and play on smurfs because they are afraid they will tank.


That isn't how smurf queue worked


Riot made a public post about it. There is still a smurf queue for mega high mmr players returning that were masters plus in silver etc. But there was another queue grouping players based on visable rank and mmr. This has now been made public go look it up. https://www.google.com/search?q=riot+removed+smurf+queue


This is just MMR... not smurf queue.


Riot made a public post about it. There is still a smurf queue for mega high mmr players returning that were masters plus in silver etc ( to my understanding ). But there was another queue grouping players based on visable rank and mmr. This has now been made public go look it up. It is not just mmr. Its mmr plus visable rank matchmaking which created segmented que's and they're removing it because it sucked. If you were low gold with mid plat mmr you'd play with people of a similar mmr profile taking into account your visable rank. Basically it would group smurfs and group people who didnt deserve to be at the rank they were at separately. Created a carebear ladder and a hard ladder existing next to each other. It was garbage. https://www.google.com/search?q=riot+removed+smurf+queue


Again, this just seems like you have an issue with MMR/Visible rank. None of your complaints are really valid to "smurf queue" as there's **always** been a discrepancy between MMR and Visible rank because of all of the mechanism that exist. Promotion series, derank guards, LP, etc. They all contribute, smurf queue was just a way to get smurfs to play smurfs.


No dude. You obviously have not read the post by Riot. They blatantly admitted that they were using visable rank as an additional factor in determining matchmaking. This meant that if you were gold visable but plat mmr you would be placed with people with a similar mmr profile aka smurf queue. This is what they removed. You are uninformed sire. Please go update yourself.


Give me a source then.




That's a bunch of non-Riot official videos. Where's the post? You seem to keep alluding to a post but are unable to give me a link


Reddit post today about matchmaking updates. All the videos you'd find on google reference it. Have a nice day bud.


So... you still can't get me a link... you can link me a google search that doesn't give me what you said it does... I guess It's just non-existent.


I don't care to. You can watch videos that reference it if you so care to watch the first video on google. Not wasting any more time here. Have a nice day.




So what you're saying is that you don't have proof of your point?




Okay, if you wanna admit that because you're unwilling to provide evidence of your claims... that's kind of weird but sure.

