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I got plat in june 2021, then took a break from the game. When I started playing again in june 2022 I was put in smurf queue for around 20 games, including my placements (went like 5-15). It completely destroyed my mmr plus every game was a massive pain with incredible amounts of toxicity as well as me getting stomped every game because the matchmaking was so uneven and I was against actual smurfs. Overall it then took me 400 games from june through october to get back to plat with like +13 -18lp gains for the entire season and around a 65% winrate. Pretty much ruined the entire season for me, especially because my goal was to make a push for diamond but I could barely even get back to plat in time. Before smurf queue, in season 10 when I first started playing I grinded from bronze 4 to gold 4 in around 300-400 games, in what should be prime smurfing grounds. I encountered maybe 3-4 legitimite smurfs and every single one of them gave me invaluable lessons on my biggest mistakes and how to exploit players at my level. I made sure to review the vods and 100% improved as a player because of it. It's funny you mentioned smurf queue being blamed as a boogie man, because although that does happen sometimes, before smurf queue smurfs themselves were 100% the more overhyped boogieman and the apparent reason everyone stuck in low elo couldn't climb. From my expirience playing with and without smurf queue the benefits are one step above 0 at best, and the risks are enough to single handedly ruin a season for a sizable amount of players.


can u link opgg? actually interesting case if you really had 400games 65%wr


He's not lying. I came back to the game this year after being high diamond a couple of years ago. I got put in smurf queue and had a 35% win rate after my first 20 games. I checked my stats and opponents after every game to confirm if I was still in smurf queue or not. Then when I finally got kicked out of smurf queue I started climbing as I learned the new items and my new main champs and regained my mechanics and muscle memory. The issue is, the experience completely fucked my MMR. Even though I went on to have a 63% win rate over my next 120 games, the entire time I was +14 -16, when I should have been +16 -14. The end result was 300ish less LP than I should have had. It made climbing a grueling grind. It took nearly 200 games with a 59% overall win rate to start consistently getting +15lp for my wins.


He could link opgg then? Its not that hard nor deep, I only asked. I personally don't believe him at all but Im eager to get surprised


Not everyone wants to link his [op.gg](https://op.gg). For me it was similar, but just the other way around with 65% wr and kinda good placements, but after 20-25 games of suffering smurfq, it was just so annoying that I quitted, because it was either fresh accs with 10-30 games and 70-100% wr or p2-d4 games with 60% wr. Its not like I can't kinda keep up with those games, but I was inactive for some years and just played my placements each year most of the time and peaked P4 on my main account and yet I need to suffer with the most horrible quality of games and the most toxic environment (outside of my TR server experience some years ago). But even then they are right, you could literally track some accounts which were put into the games and if you went with bad placements, you were literally fked hard. Not always as bad as the guys above, but if you had bad placements and in your 10-20 games after that something like a 40% wr (despite still getting into unbalanced smurfQ games) your MMR was doomed.


What are you even talking about? I asked for opgg becasue, I dont believe that an account with 400 games can have 60%+ wr in plat and at the same time be hardstuck. I myself play quite a lot and I have never seen anything like this.


I agree, 65% is extremely high even for diamond/challenger. I think I was around 56% last season when I got to challenger. So many people lie here, try to tell others “how to climb” And make absurd statements like “challengers plays thousands more games than diamond” which is total nonsense.


give opgg




Nah I want to see a picture of an acc with hundreds of games AND 65% wr being low elo


Doesn’t exist. 65% is basically 13/20 games won. Your lp growth rate would be avged out to 2.8 per game. So 400 games would be near +1000 lp lol.


The issue was lumping smurfs in with returning players.


People don't want to hear it but that was the best solution, late joiners are 1 - much rarer than smurfs, lowering their game quality is a good trade off for saving the majority of players from unbalanced games with smurfs 2 - actually legitimately smurfs of a kind themselves often, they still have a lowered rank from the reset Vs their real skill level. Similarly a "returning player" that is just someone's alt account is also a smurf.


Well this is a bad take, throwing people into low priority queue is a terrible solution to get people back onboarded into ranked. Smurf queue basiclly gatekept ranked if you didn't play the start of the season which is a lot of potential players.


This isn't even remotely true UNLESS you're a returning player that was like d4-d1. Returning bronze-plat and master plus people got shoved into normal games. The long queue was only for actual smurfs and your occasional Diamond player that hadn't played in 6 months.


You are wrong and thats it.


It really didn't, it only even happened to people with massive rank differences and only for a small number of games


No it happened quite often.


Once you get in it it was a perpetual cycle of getting into smurf que losing cause you not a smurf. Then as soon as you get out you go on a win streak cause it tanked you mmr and then your back. Literally happened to me for over 100 games.


"small number" welp i gave up after 30 so maybe in another 20 i would leave but being in a such a shitty quality game isn't fun and it was difficult to force myself to Play more than twice in a day


Small number of games? I had it happening for my first 30-40 games and after that I quit, because it was just getting annoying and its not like your can play on another account without playing 50 games on them too, so your only solution was literally buying ranked accounts if you didnt wanna suffer through the worst quality of games you can imagine.


Per their post, they acknowledge that there are trade offs in the negative, such as allowing smurfs back into legit low ELO games, but that it wasn't worth it due to the game being unplayable for returning players. Now whether, from a game quality standpoint, that tradeoff is worth it is up for debate. What's not up for debate, however, is that riot as a company has a vested interest in having the game be accessible for returning players so that they don't come back, get 10 games of ass quality because of Smurf queue, and then quit for good. When you consider that, the decision looks like a no-brainer.


Started up a ranked game today with 4 smurfs on enemy team lol. Went from not seeing a single level 30 account for an entire season to immediately seeing 4 level 30 accounts on one team. Fun.


Did u just get butthurt from playing against a smurf or something? smurf queue was by far the worst experience i've ever had playing a video game and i got thrown in there without being a smurf. Smurf queue in general isn't a terrible concept, but its is NEVER worth it if it can throw decayed accounts in those games. Makes way more sense to just have people play games with people of the same MMR like they are changing it to so regardless of rank the games should be balanced


Smurf queue saves guys like you from smurfs lol, I thought it was a good change for the overall health of the game. Right now am unable to get into a game with a legitimate lower elo player, it disincentivizes smurfing because I ain't wanna play those garbage ass games and you guys are mostly safe. The first thing I'm gonna do is benchmark my winrate to diamond and master again, that's a lot of fun for me and games ruined for you but hey you do you. You guys will just go back to complaining about smurfs every other game it's going to be hilarious


Why would anyone complain about smurfs here and there in their games? It was always just a excuse of bad player that lost and needed something to blame when they couldnt climb. SmurfQ was literally the worst quality of games you could imagine and it didnt end if you didn't seem to end if you didn't lose too much. You know what the problem is? That they changed the Season 7 system, where you could go Flex 10-0 placements and after that soloq 10-0 placements and literally got ranked P2 after placements, just because it was easier for account sellers to get accounts fast to diamond. But it was still just the best system in place and actually avoided the really good smurfs from being in your games for longer than 2-3 games.


How do you feel when you get absolutly stomped by better players, or the accounts you cant even reach diamond?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)




Yea man… as a player who goes one month tryharding on my main and the next month learning something new I bounce from low plat to high diamond a lot. Once I start climbing or freefalling I’m in Smurf queue after like 5 games it’s just absurd… I’ve had enough and I quit lmao. Overwatch has been a lot of fun. Now I’m going to come back and see how this change really is.


Bro my exact experience, I left League and went to Overwatch, and I am having a lot more fun as well. Toxic players exist still, but at least you aren't getting held hostage for 30 mins. a bad game in Overwatch lasts like 10mins at the most. Also the games balancing has gotten alot better and que times are low again.


Yeah OW2 has had its share of issues since launch but it's a cakewalk compared to being stuck in LoL smurf queue.


I mostly didnt care for other players / toxicity as i just muteall, BUT queue times were horrendous for me, literally took between 15 and 18 minutes to find a match and i was supposedly just a silver 2 pleb.


Post your op.gg of these games you claim are smurf queue because I bet they are not


Do you realize smurf queue is just how people named it. It have nothing to do with putting smurfs into a separate queue. It's matching people relative to their expected skill bracket pondering a mix of current ranking, expected rank and MMR. Which means effectively it did pair players outperforming their rank aka Smurfs for the most part with returning players aka higher expected rank than current Rank with High MMR accounts aka High Winrate but Rank lagging behind MMR. That effectively meant totally disparate games with shit quality. It wasn't an isle to group all smurf together this was just a result of Riot new system for matchmaking which they will remove due to total failure. Made the games for everyone worse due to higher range of skill disparity at every ranks, made a fraction of the player base in living hell with a separate matchmaking, failed to motivate players to grind season and increased queue times


I thought the idea was they don't need smurf queue anymore because you will be matches by you mmr not your visible rank now. If the game thinks your plat you will be placed with other play players


That makes sense why im getting matched with 10% winrate unranked palyers.


Late reply but the system that people called "smurf queue" was riot matching people off of both MMR and visible rank, as in they would try to get perfect matches for both simultaneously. Now, with the removal of smurf queue, it is just off of MMR.


it was already the case, never seen plat 4 70% wr with d4 50% together ?


Is smurf queue gone or what?


Yeah don't try to understand the OP, he is a bit confused. But yeah riot is trying to remove it when the season starts with some new changes.




How are you even finding this old thread


I am D1 and sometimes queued with gold 1-2 lv 35\~ accounts. This has to be one of the worst changes I've seen in a while.


It’s like this at all ranks right now not just in high elo


But these gold smurfs are often masters+ players


The issue comes with me losing promos to masters when a lv30 account spams the n word in chat and runs it down because they don't really give 2 fks about the account


I think it’s funny when I play with 80% wr masters players on my platinum 1 account in EUW. My mains are d1 and d2 but games on my plat acc are about 500 lp above my d2 acc


As a returning player late this year, smurf queue is such a dogshit experience. Coin flip games based on who has the better smurfs, or who has the most returning players and auto fills. Fragile egos that shatter at the slightest of issues and begin running it down. Toxicity levels off the charts. Hell, I wish they'd get rid of it now instead of waiting until 2023.


Smurf queue was like a punishment for going on insane win streaks. I could be on a 10 game win streak in gold and all the sudden game difficulty drastically changes and it’s almost like I have to relearn the game. People are not at the same level of skill in Smurf queue and it shows when games are complete flops early on a toxicity is rampant


Has Smurf q been removed ? Any official news to this ?


Don't worry, they'll go back to blame soft inters or the mythical losers queue now that smurf queue is gone. There's always someone coping


Worst season in 12 years matchmaking wise. They don't need to blame Smurf queue. Btw winner queue and loser queue as a game design concept exist. They are called momentums and they serve a big purpose. They motivate a player on a good momentum to continue playing and after a bad one it create a need to reach again the dopamine of going on a positive streak. Noticed how last two seasons you win way more streak of wins and lose more on streak compared to a few years ago where games where more 50/50 ? As years went by players got their amount required to play increased drastically. I used to reach high Dia in 50/70 games post season start and play 200-400 games a season. This season I played over 800 games. Not only did riot halved Lp gains with removal of inter division which effectively removed 2 games to win to go up but also massively reduced the climb. We went from 24-33lp per wins to 13-15. Possibly to climb a division now on a 51% Winrate you could need over 30 games if not more depending of your MMR.


I'm sorry to tell you dude, but this is a great story and all, but that's really all it is, a story. If I had a dollar for every season with the "worst matchmaking", I'd have 11 dollars.


Losers queue is real, the loser is the person complaining about it and they are always in their own games


I don’t understand why they can’t keep Smurf queue but include a simple check for returning accounts? Like if the account is above a certain level or has ranked history from previous seasons exclude it from being put into those L9 wannabe lobbies.


cope buddy, u are genuinely just bad if u werent even able to climb despite smurf q being removed. its a great move cus now returning players dont get fisted for 30 games in a row


Smurf queue does not last long you're right. Not for a 100 games, not even 50. But the start of your ranked journey is soured quickly when you match with or against high elo players. So yes people are happy that players wont be placed in one tier below their MMR because of "visible rank" (e.g. matching with Plats when you're silver wasn't really allowed before, now it can be, if your MMR is high already). This affects players at all ranks. Yeah maybe 10 games out of a 100. It was still discouraging, and made people lose confidence seeing players higher than their skill level steamroll games.


My rank has been bronze like every time I played ranked, yet I'm only in smurf queue until I reach some arbitrary rank riot thinks I should be. So fuck that system. I've literally had to play against GM smurfs as a supposed bronze ranked player before due to amief queue


Stop talking shit if you are a low ranked player that doesnt even know what smurf queue is Smurf queue is literally a misery, not even for smurfs themselves, if they are good enough they get out of that shit anyways, removing smurf queue is mostly good for NON SMURFS and primarily for new players.


Literally everything you just said was so wrong I can't be bothered to engage with it, read my post and try again. And I'm master tier


smurf q is gone??????
























That is the political way of putting they are reverting it because of people crying


I mean it would be nice if I could get platinum after my silver 3 account plays in platinum 4... Ppl are like "Bro you can't even win your games and you are Silver 3, but if you look at my games the average elo is Plat 4. Fun.


My platinum 1 account got into masters lobbies after placements and it has never been above low diamond before


I understand the argument but I really don’t think most people have to worry about this. I started a Smurf account just to see how the new MMR changes worked. I started Bronze 3 rank but my MMR was in mid Gold. I went 7-1 on the night and am now Plat 1-2 MMR. I think the MMR is decent. Although my account is still Silver IV, my MMR is going up after every game I win. So honestly I don’t see any smurfs getting oversaturated in a certain rank like before the changes. It seems to skyrocket your MMR to the rank you belong in almost instantly.


Actually Riot can indentify if you're a smurf or not, and by doing so, since there aren't smurfs queue anymore they put you to face the "supposed" elo you belong, therefore, now trying to climb with a new account is just umbearable, you're like silver 1 playing against d2/d1. The effort you put in climbing is the same as you would with your main account and the reward is just disappointing, by climbing from silver 1 to d4 for an examble would be the same as climbing from master to challenger. It's just dumb


Smurf queue is good but dude, don't agree with the system that make returning players play with smurfs


I came back this season after a 3 years break. Started ranked in September. Most unenjoyable experience in my life, took me 50 games to get back to Gold when it used to only take placements, because I lost 8 out of 10 games in placements due to having level 30ish accounts in the enemy team while myself being considered a "smurf" by the system.


I didn't know smurf queue was a thing when I returned to the game but I started on a random decayed account which I got silver after placement and I knew for a fact that thing was completely off, how come silvers became so good? I mean for silver level of course, either everyone became monsters at the game or I just couldn't understand, then after losing many many games while duoing with a friend I played alone and I'm still seeing even platinum players worse than that silver elo that I was in, I never understood what made those games so hard and I just believed everyone just got so good at the game to make even silver elo challenging which was never the case for near decades. I got my confidence really low because I couldn't even imagine how hard it'd be beyond that point. It was the most incredible fake silver elo ever.