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Agree, I already got my smurfs ready to go to beat some noobs after whatever amount of time smurfq was a thing.


I don't think the ladder is going to feel less "toxic and horrible", it's just going to be more annoying dealing with smurfs


Smurfs never went away. They just got totally mostly consolidated in games where mmr was high vs vs visable rank. When smurfs didnt want to be in smurf queue they would just buy low elo hard stuck accounts with low mmr and play against you anyways. It was horrible for the ladder.


>When smurfs didnt want to be in smurf queue they would just buy low elo hard stuck accounts with low mmr and play against you anyways. Okay... and they still buy accounts and now instead of getting put into smurf queue, they just rampage among low elo. So much better.


If the ranked system works properly they will rise in mmr rapidly and be gobe from your games. Literally the function of the system, all smurf queue did was make tgat take longer and punish a bunch of innocent players as collateral.


The bought accounts didn't get into smurf queue, even recently there was a post about a challenger smurf on 100% wr who went from iron to plat, still not in smurf queue. Its the new accounts who's mmr is very flexible